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There have been way too refs this year with objectively bad performances. I’m not sure what’s going on but refereeing is in a crisis. You see it in the Bundesliga aswell where the best referee has been a 45yo who’s about to retire (Aytekin)


I think there's just not enough people that wanna become a ref, it's not a nice job tbh


What do you expect? It’s an absolutely awful job. You get abused as you perform. You get criticised constantly. Everyone thinks you’re corrupt. It pays peanuts relative to your industry peers. Why would qualified, intelligent people with options volunteer for such a miserable life? They don’t. So we’re left with less competent candidates who are happy with the pay or attention-seekers.


We need to treat and talk to referees like in rugby: only the two parties involved + captains can go up to the ref. Absolutely NO TOUCHING WHATSOEVER. Hire more women. For starters...


Makkelie made $ 76.000 from Qatar. That's a lot of peanuts for what's basically a hobby.


>basically a hobby I don’t really see how it is a hobby. They do it professionally, they are under immense pressure and criticism and without them the games couldn’t be played. It’s also physically and mentally really taxing to ref a match, especially on those levels.


You don't become a pro ref as a career choice. You don't start reffing cause you want to ref. You start reffing cause you got no ball control and someday someone at your club hands you a whistle and tells you to ref a bunch of toddlers, then you grow into it from there. At least for Dutch refs it's more a weekend gag than their real job.


But he's so arrogant/confident. Certainly presents himself as never having made a mistake ever.


You need an absurd level of confidence to make it to that level tbf.


When he's not pretending to be a referee, he's a cop. Getting a speeding ticket from this guy would be infuriating.


That's just being Dutch


Nah Danny is just a prick.


Nah, most people I know aren’t like that. Except some narcissists. Nothing to do with being Dutch


Not at all lmao


Deserved. He's shite.


Yeah, such a soft pen he gave to Croatia. He did everything he could to let them win


are you trying to provoke a reaction with this comment?


Yes I was. Obviously the pen was deserved, I just don’t think the ref is to blame for how the game ended.


We are talking about the Croatia-Italy match few days ago, when he added ridiculous 8 mins and then ended the game as soon as Italy scored at 7:20. Don't know what match you are talking about.


No replacement for Bjorn Kuipers.... Shame




What a surprise! I wish him so well


Couldn't have happened to a better ref




He should be lucky Hague is not looking for him after criminal performance on Monday


Good for him, he’ll have more time to bang his Italian husband now.


How unfortunate. Almost like that's what you get for being shit.


To little, to late.


Im shocked


Shocked af


He's been terrible. Good riddance.


I'm not surprised to see Croatians happy about this, but realistically, what has he done wrong in the game vs Italy? I only watched the last 10 minutes, so I can't judge.


8 minutes when 4 or 5 max should have been added, completely different criteria for fouls and yellows between two teams where every contact by our players was fouled while italians were allowed to play more physically.


I did the math and the 8 minutes was about right. However, the main issue was the bias he had when it came to fouls, calling non-existant fouls for croatians and allowing italians to do whatever they wanted on the field. Clearly a conflict of interest and personal bias because his husband is Italian.


The issue is he was not consistent with adding time in the 1st half


The 8 minutes was more then justified. Your other statements are true


Different criteria for fouls and yellows, calling a foul when a player is going 1v1 with the keeper (it wasn't a foul and we conceded after the free kick), 8 mins of stoppage time made no sense whatsoever, especially considering he only gave 1 in the first half, ending the game immediately after the goal even though the goal was scored 45 seconds before full time, etc. etc


He doesn't understand the nuances of the game, or ignores them. First half, 0-0, score suited Italy. Italy was taking 1 min to do corner kicks - it was infuriating. 1 min extra time. Second half, 1-0, Italy needs a goal. 8 min. Croatia were not shithousing btw, one player was down for like 30 seconds (Stanisic, cause of cramps). 1 VAR replay and 6 subs - that is not 8 mins. But be that as it may, he says 8 mins. Italy scores at 97.20, goes to celebrate, game continues, ref blows the final whistle. He just doesn't understand the game.


fucking bastard


They done got DJ Antoine


Remove all the refs! All of them shite! National legends will officiate the games!


Crying Croatians got their wish. Can't just accept their team is fucking shite so they have to blame the ref. If you have to play Sosa and Sutalo you are just fucking terrible.


You know both can be true right? As in, our team can be shit and so can the ref


Makkelie is a fine ref. The only mistake he made in your game was not adding on 1 extra minute. Croatian fans here are acting like he personally kicked the ball in the net.


Yea true he made no mistakes at all actually. That's why he wasn't selected for any matches in the knockout round. But yea you're right we're just delusional. Or random croatians complaining online are just so powerful they influence UEFA's decisions for which referees to pick, which would be way funnier tbh


"The only mistake he made in your game was not adding on 1 extra minute" In other words: "I didn't watch the match"


Lol this is just Ajax hate. Sutalo was fine and Sosa made exactly one sub appearance of 6 minutes.


Sutalo was poor against Albania ehich was their must win game and even having to play Sosa is a worrying sign for a good country.


You're aware both have played well for Croatia and their other clubs, right? Just because you had a shit season at a turbulent Ajax, doesn't mean you're a shit player. Hell Mikautadze is scoring for fun and he was shit for us as well.


Do you... actually think UEFA sent him home because dudes were complaining online? Lol


It was the entire Croatian FA.


You think they sent him home because of that or maybe he had a worse showing than other refs in this tournament? Can't be that, right?


UEFA and FIFA have in the past shown that they are willing to throw the referees under the bus to apease the federations.


Yet, I'd put his performance in the lower quarter of ref performances in this tournament.


Bit of both isn’t it? Worry about Romania lol


Our team was shite, and the ref was shite. I want both our team and the ref to go home. Now shut up.


Being shite doesn't mean ref has right to rob you!!


He is usually fine. Not near the levels of Gil Manzano. Croatia acting like it's some grand robbery when all they had to do was go to the corner flag.


>Different criteria for fouls and yellows, calling a foul when a player is going 1v1 with the keeper (it wasn't a foul and we conceded after the free kick), 8 mins of stoppage time made no sense whatsoever, especially considering he only gave 1 in the first half, ending the game immediately after the goal even though the goal was scored 45 seconds before full time, etc. etc


> Croatia acting like it's some grand robbery But that is kind od referee's faul, aint' it? All he had to do was let the game be played for another 100 seconds (1 substitue in the injury time, goal was scored 40 seconds before the end of the last minute, many interruptions, as there were 5 fouls in injury time, most of which were Italian tactical fouls which earned a yellow card). Yet, he whistled the end before Croatia even did the kickoff after the goal. It just left extremely bitter feeling, rightfully so.