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Spurs need to be arrested for robbery


It's so strange that in modern football £25m + a solid cb for an 18 year old is considered robbery


Not when you have Elliot Anderson going for 35....


They're paying somewhere in the region of 35-40m (depending how you value Rodon) for an 18 year old with one season in the Championship. How on earth is that a robbery?


Robbery chap


That feel like a good signing. Hope he turns out great.


That’s a great deal for Spurs


Apparently he had a release clause for failing to get promoted. I don’t think we’ll compete this season but we are building a really exciting young core right now.


We’re a few years out yet, but we’re building a strong young core.


It's gonna take a while, but we're assembling a great young core alright.


Agreed - it may take time, but we have orchestrated a magnificent young core.


The "effectively" seems to be doing some work here. Leeds end seem to be saying it's £40m for Gray and £10m for Rodon, makes an important difference when it comes to PSR.


All swap deals are done like this now, they go down in the accounts as separate deals but are negotiated by the clubs as the same ones.  The villa/juve Douglas luiz one is exactly the same. 


Hopefully that is indeed the case here then!


Absolute bargain


Incredibly excited that we got this deal done. Felt like we may have missed it yesterday morning.


£25m plus a player for a 18yo. God damn, hope the kid is good


If his ceiling is as high as we all think it is, it'll look like a bargain sooner rather than later.


Plus he'll be club home grown for Spurs which is massive for European competitions.


“If” being the key word here


Barring injuries it's hard not to see him developing in to a great midfielder. He's still a bit raw but he already has so many of the things you want in a midfielder that are difficult or impossible to teach. Particularly his ball retention and composure are unbelievable for his age (not unlike your lad Mainoo).


Welcome to City 2026 || Archie Gray ||Skills, goals, assists


Good luck negotiating with Daniel for a (then) club trained player with 4 years left on his contract...


When you have the power of cheating, City can do what they want


He is. It's a great deal.


40m. Rodon for 10m plus add-ons. Not sure why it’s necessary for Ornstein to try and spin it.


Noones spinning it this is just what Ornstein has said. Unless you have better contacts then the most well connected journalist in the country in which case fair play. 


That’s what Orstein actually states the deal is in the article, and it’s being presented differently in his tweet. The fact you think me stating what the deal is alternative information is pretty telling.


Huh?  You said not sure its necessary to try and spin it when I've just copied and pasted his tweet. Are you saying Ornstein is trying to spin it? 


"Not sure why it’s necessary for Ornstein to try and spin it." "Are you saying Ornstein is trying to spin it?" This is an interesting conversation.


Wasn’t aimed at you directly mate.


The article literally says "Leeds say the two deals are separate, with Spurs set to pay £40million ($50.7m) for Gray and Rodon heading the other way for £10m. Spurs say that they are paying £25-30m for Gray with Rodon part of that agreement."


Great.  The tweet ornstein put out is quoted verbatim above. Noones trying to spin anything.


I don't think anyone's spinning anything, I'm just saying that you can't accuse that guy of thinking he's more connected than Ornstein when Ornstein is saying that Leeds are saying the same thing. It seems pretty obvious that Leeds are including add-ons and spurs aren't.


So he's accusing ornstein of trying to spin it? 


He did yeah, I didn't. I was merely showing despite the title that in the article Ornstein shows where each figure comes from.


All I've said is I've copied and pasted ornsteins tweet! I don't understand the spinning thing at all.  Unless he's trying to indirectly tell David himself via this reddit post. 


Both sides local journos are just trying to spin it positively. Leeds side saying its 35/40m + we get to sign Rodon while Spurs side are saying 25m + Rodon. Both are the same deal just made to look good for both sides


Ornstein isn't spurs side


6yrs? I thought the limit was 5 after all the shenanigans that Chelsea pulled.


For Amortization, the contract length can be any years


Ah I get you, I thought amortization was hard tied into the length of the contract.


I believe they usually do 5+1 with the club having an option to extend? 


If it's 5+1 that makes more sense to me since the purchase is amoritised through the length of the initial stint of the contract.