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The streets won’t forget that 6 months of form where everything he did turned to gold.


Weekly Almiron banger


Only scores bangers


It was one month, I wish it was six


My FPL hero.


Grealish Spite Form


The autumn of 2022 will always be remembered.


He does need to move on and we need a bit of quality on the right wing. We are blessed on the left and our right is weak. 


Any target for right wing position ?


Sayin nowt todds waiting to gazump


They wanted Olise. So they’re at least comfortable in that 55-70M threshold for the position can probably be comfortable with 120K-130K per week.  My guess is Bryan Mbeumo or Takefusa Kubo. Each fit age and wage profile to a tee. Pedro Neto is probably going to have a bit more competition and they may get priced out on wages


We are after Raphinha, Bowen , Mbeumo and Pedro Neto.


I have seen people try and link him but I have yet to see him appear in anyone's reports other than fans wish lists. He also signed a massive new contract like 2-3 months ago. Very unrealistic.


I would love Nico Williams. But if not, everything I've seen from Kubo is electric so I'm excited either way!


Have Saudi scaled back their spending or haven't I been paying attention? Feels like it's been a while since there's been any concrete Saudi transfer news


The saudi window opened today.


Well it is hot over there!


Almiron is 30? Fuck im old


PIF talking to PIF about buying Almiron. Very nice


Iirc last Jan when a Saudi club was interested in Miggy, it was a club not owned by PIF.


Do people really believe that just because a club is not owned by PIF, it cannot have direct influence from the govt when required? It’s like Sheilh Jassim saying he’s an independent entity and not state of Qatar when bidding for Man Utd.


As long as it's not one of the directly PIF-owned clubs (Als Ahli, Nassr, Ittihad, and Hilal) then it's not quite PIF to PIF. Granted, it would be more PIF talking to a friend of PIF in that situation. I believe the last time Miggy was getting offered to Saudi the team in question was Al Shabab, for reference. The answer remains to be seen unfortunately.


They had a deal in January and Almiron turned it down.


I mean, he wasn't 'offered' to a Saudi team. They bid, we said no.


You're naive af if you don't think the PIF rules the entire league weather they directly "own" the club in question or not, everyone reports to the same boss and everyone gets stipends from the same place.


They're not denying that are they? It's probably an important distinction from a legal perspective, as ridiculous as it would still be


It’s kind of the opposite from what I’ve heard from Saudi mates, people are pissed because the PIF clubs are the only ones getting any attention


Thus far it's the ownership of the clubs that has defined whether it's a related party/fair market value thing. Of course the PIF "rule" and fund the league, but it's on the Premier League to decide if Newcastle have free reign over the asking price when selling to non-PIF clubs or if it falls under the fair market value stuff. (Of course this may prove irrelevant as its slowly starting to be reported that the club is Al Ittihad, and they are very much under the banner of direct PIF ownerhip.)


The problem is that they can essentially order the transfer to happen. Maybe Almiron is truly "worth" 15 Mil but no club in the world would pay that, including the Saudi Clubs. But PIF can order a club to buy him and give him 15 Mil a year which Almiron won't reasonably turn down.


PIF would be paying his wages, and any growth in the SPL directly benefits PIF


>Granted, it would be more PIF talking to a friend of PIF in that situation. "Friend" is even too loose of a term. The non-PIF clubs are still funded by the Ministry of Sport, so it's basically just two different government departments from the same state negotiating with each other. The same royal family runs both.


People still spout this after like 18 months? PIF at Newcastle do nothing but sign things off from the UK owners. They have little to no interaction with the Saudi League which is run by a whole other part of the Saudi Royal family.


To be fair there are other non-PIF clubs there too, the rumour from January was it was to one of the other clubs in the league not Al-Ittihad, Al-Ahli, Al-Nassr or Al-Hilal.


The non-PIF clubs are still funded by the Saudi Ministry of Sport. The money all comes from the same place, just through slightly different departments.


Modern football at its best...


They really are taking the PIF


Wish they could have done this instead of minteh


Saudi leagues transfer window doesn't open in time I believe.


Having sold Minteh, who would be left to play on the right wing?


Our RW is easily our weakest side, I could see us keeping Murphy as backup because he has been performing well when called upon but getting in a top RW would be one of the main targets this window. Almiron specifically is weak in his game intelligence specifically and it has literally cost us points this year, like when we had like 3 players in the box he would make the worst choice possible every time, like 3 players in the box, 4 v 4 with the defense he tries a long range shot instead of doing literally anything else. Murphy was better in that he is right footed and would throw in crosses and had a bit more to his game so Almiron probably is second choice as it stands even though Murphy isn't amazing either.


Most importantly, miggy has no right foot.


he moves into mid shoot with left foot and empty the right lane for tripper


Barnes or Gordon can sort of play RW, though they'd prefer LW. We've had some good games with a front 3 of Gordon, Isak and Barnes.


May I interest you in a Brazilian fidget spinner?


We’re in for a proper RW to start (Elanga, Summerville, Mbeumo) apparently and Murphy will be back up


Summerville and Elanga are primarily RWs? Not sure about that lol


Elanga most definitely is?


Quite sure he plays on the left for forest, barely any right footed players play RW unless they're lacking a true RW


He's done both but majority of games for Forest come on the right.


Seems you're right according to some stats I found online. Left is his preferred position so perhaps he's played on the left out of necessity


HE'S 30???????? Bro looks 15.


Got to make it worth it our while so 100 million at least for Miggy


Longstaff Wilson trippier next and will give us room to get like 6 new signings in.


"Which club and for how much isn't important because we own every team and have a central bank"


Such a shame if he goes. Can still play in Europe 


There's a few different clubs in for him. Fee could go as high as 60-70m if you believe Saudi media.


70m???? Fuck off Newcastle


That surely will be a long and tough negotiation about his price.


I thought he turned down a move to Saudi


Tough paper round


Obviously Saudi own Newcastle so there'll be accusations but what would people consider a reasonable market value for him?


Looking at his record about double what Elliot Anderson went for.


£10-15m tops.


Hes 30 with 2 years left, something like 18M tops.


Is that legal?




I will make it legal. In all seriousness, if it's from a non PIF owned club then there is no material difference between this and any other deal.


Mbs is the senate


shouldn't bother you


It's a fair question.


Yes please. We need a newer solid right winger


Yes please. Just slap on an inflated price too.


They're gonna sell him for 150m


If we sold ASM for 25m, I'd expect Almiron to go for similar.


Really?! Nothing about miggy would have him valued anywhere near to ASM. One good 6 months in his entire career and 30.


ASM never won MLS cup though…


ASM had injury issues which reduced the price a bit really. Almiron while he isn't as good as ASM would be more available. I'd assume it's somewhere close to 25m that is fair market value.


25m fair market value lmao that's crazy


Well inflation is a thing, prices do go up over time and he isn't a bad player and doesn't have injury issues.


Inflation doesn't make 30 year old average PL players worth 25m unfortunately


The PL judge what is fair market or not, let's see what the price is and if they say anything about it I guess. I said my opinion, we haven't heard any price at all yet.


Benrahma went to Lyon for far less. He’s younger and they’re similar players. Both inconsistent, although personally I think Benrahma edges it as I only remember Almiron being good for a short period of time. So £25m seems quite inflated to me. Being a Newcastle fan, you might disagree, though.


Transfermarkt has both players cost at 20m euros but they generally lowball the numbers a bit. 25m pounds would be closer to 30m euro, so above asking but not hugely. Either way 20m pounds sounds plausible.


30 year old, was pretty much absent for an entire year in the terms of ability and relies on pace which will just get worse and worse in the next few years. Has 0 marketability and his club are actively trying to get rid. But he's available for most of the season so he's 25m. That would make DCL a minimum 30-40m based on your logic because he played about 3/4 of a season, scored more goals, is younger and his club are trying to get rid.


DCL is also rated by transfermarkt at 20m. If you are saying DCL is 30m-40m you are kind of proving my point.