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The whole thread talking about the US team. Barely any comments about the game itself or the Uruguayan team (which passes the group with a complete score) You Northamericans as always need to pull the head out of your asses. There is a world out there.


If the US wants to properly develop the sport get rid of pay to play in youth development. Get urban inner city kids into the sport by making it accessible to join teams. The whole system is fucked by this nonsense.


Being coerced into paying thousands just for kids to learn soccer fundamentals and thousands more to then be noticed is some baseball shit.


Wait till you hear about basketball lmao. Truly any sport tbh


I don't like this! Now as a revenge, they can use the excuse of "spreading freedom..." X_x


Haha stick with handegg


>20k comments and only 341 likes haha wow


10k comments are about the camera


And the other 10k are about the officiating


I guess we’re all just a bunch of Concachumps😞


I mean reality USA should have beaten Panama. They didn't because they weren't good enough and then you are faced against Bielsa's Uruguay and having to better whatever Panama does against Bolivia. The US were out the moment they lost against Panama.


Yup. And that's on Weah ... And on Berhalter for deciding to park the bus and never provide a counter attack threat and allow the US to get bombarded.


But see even with 10 men they took the lead. A draw would have been favourable. They couldn't even do that. That is 100% on the coach and the players unable to manage the situation and adapt.




The US is not part of CONMEBOL but CONCACAF instead.


Lol a few months ago some fans on Instagram were saying they (USA) could beat Argentina haha fucking idiots


the bullshit FIFA rankings had them fooled


That and getting used to bully little islands. The Americans and the Mexicans really think they are some sort of power house (which they are, but only locally).


I promise you, we Americans do NOT think we are a "powerhouse". That is laughable


Hey, people were going to burn Klinsmann at the stake for saying that they didn’t stand a chance to win the WC! Maybe you are one of the rational ones, but there are lots of crazies…


I’m with what Clint and Carli said. Hire a foreign manager and develop players better. Make people care about the sport instead of watching it die.


Ralf Rangnick


The U.S. soccer media lost its fucking mind last time we hired a foreigner.


You’re right. At this point though, we have to stop caring about what US media says. US Soccer can’t even develop its players properly let alone have a shot at developing a home-grown, international level coach. They didn’t say anything when the women’s team have hired several talented foreign managers (mostly because they don’t care about the women’s game, but whatever), but shocker — USWNT are consistently the best or among the best in the women’s game. I wish we’d just hire someone who knows what they’re fucking doing so I can enjoy supporting our men’s team, too. Who cares where they’re from.


Was it because he was German or because he was klinnsman? Lmao


No, it was because he said they didn’t have any chance to win the World Cup LMAO


I forgot about that lmao.


Well he wasn’t wrong


I am not a USA fan, and there was questionable refereeing, but USMNT bunch of sore losers. Starts with the Captain. You got knocked out of a tournament you are hosting, but don’t have the balls to group up your players and at least say goodbye to your fans who paid good money to watch you play in hopes of advancing? Truly lost in the head for that. I would be very upset if I was a fan watching that live. Hell, I was mad for them!


I agree with you, but honestly they get some leniency from me. That Reffing wasn't questionable - it was horrendous, and definitely shook them up as it would've done to almost any elite players. - The decision to allow Uruguay to play on quickly before being able to even award a card. - The yellow for Adams after getting his ankle crumpled. - Pulisic getting fouled and actually staying up and starting a counter and THEN getting called back, with no card awarded against Uruguay. - That AWFUL offsides miss on the goal. - Multiple missed yellow card offenses like the scissor tackle on Scally by Nunez. I'm usually not the conspiracy type, but it's difficult not to assume this was some fixed bullshit. Still - we have a weak mentality it seems...


The ref wouldn’t even shake Pulisics hand lol


North American country hosts South American football competition twice in ten years; asks if it’s rigged against them.


I agree with you, and yes the offsides and the play on was horrendous. And it would be unfair for me to expect them to not let it affect how they play, but this is about how the U.S. are seen on a global scale. The edited clip of pulisic not getting his handshake with refs already got some US fans upset, but you can clearly see in the full video, him waving the refs over to celebrate with Uruguay. I just think these small details really make US look like bunch of sore losers esp when this is coming from the captain. I am sure there are people that think I am nitpicking, but as you said, it’s mentality and it’s really showing as an outsider looking in.


I can see where you’re coming from in the scope of this one game, or even this tournament— but it’s definitely clear you don’t know much about these players or this team. They’re definitely not sore losers, particularly Pulisic.


The fact the ref didn't get screamed at for 30 minutes by pulisic and Berhalter and others at the end of the game proves this. It would've been perfectly acceptable for ANY major European team to do this and more to a ref that just had that kind of game against them. If anything this just goes to show that the US faces more unbalanced expectations from the rest of the world, and has soft reactions to things because of how much blowback they'd get if they did have harsher reactions.


What a joke of a team. 350 milion people. One of the best sporting infrastructure in the world, a wide pool of young people from every single genetic heritage and despite all of that, failed to pass a group stage where your opponents have less people than your major cities. I could care less if it’s the 4th ranked sport. It’s not an excuse.


The kids in the country I’m from are required to play football/soccer at school. We leave school and go play it in the park after, on weekends we play for our local club. It’s football in and out in our culture and these aren’t even the pros. It just isn’t as ingrained into daily life in the US


In the US, A high school’s top 5-6 athletes all play baseball, football, basketball, even lacrosse ;before their 6th best athlete picks up soccer .


And many of those top athletes will "train offseason" by joining the track team.  Soccer just isn't a factor


Feels like Soccer is just never going to be a staple of American sports culture. We just don’t have the juice We were excited when Pulisic was coming up. The top Countries pump out 3 or 4 guys every year that are just as good as Pulisic. Spain’s got a 16 year old in their starting lineup that’s better than everybody we have. We expect greatness because we see america go dominate the summer Olympics every 4 years and figure that we just have the best athletes in every sport, but soccer is just a very different game that’s not engrained In our culture like it is for the rest of the world. Most Kids go throw the football or baseball with their friends, far fewer go to the park to play soccer with their friends


I don’t know about you, but the community I am from always have these parks locked up so public can’t play so you have to find high schools with good fields to even think about playing. As long as that’s also not locked up. And to even get there, you need a car and most kids don’t have one until high school and that’s only if you are somewhat well off. People shit on soccer infrastructure and culture, but there are other underlying issues that really put a glass barrier for people to get a sniff of soccer or any sport in general.


And let's not talk about how expensive it is to play in an organized youth league


You just need a ball and a wall


Why soccer though?  A sport like track you don't need anything but space.  There's more going on than easy access


Foreal, the South American kids don’t have perfectly lined fields with nets on each side to go play on. They kick whatever they can find at imaginary goals in the dirt


Absolutely hit the nail on the head. It’s reasons like that I have a tough time supporting them. We had a home game where we needed to win against a team even Vegas was stupid enough to think we were better than - and you don’t hear any atmosphere from the crowd. Any other country, their fans would be singing for 90 minutes straight. I’m surprised I didn’t hear “D-FENCE” chants when Uruguay had possession, since thats all we can come up with. For fuck sake American fans were CHEERING after news of the Panama goal.




Brother it’s not about how big or wealthy the country is… its about culture and soccer infrastructure… kids in france, brazil, argentina, they grow up playing soccer in the streets their entire childhoods… the US simply doesnt have that culture


The worst part about Gregg not knowing how to fix this team. Is the people that hired him don’t know what to do either. USMNT is fucked.


They hired him because his brother is the chief commercial officer. March is a fat better coach as is becoming extremely clear with him in charge of Canada. They won't fire Berhalter now either. They'll wait for him to fuck up 2026


Messi was right, CONMEBOL is corrupt.


Get what you deserve for recruiting euro trash instead of actual US athletes


Weren’t your US athletes even worse?


They have an actual trash US coach.. you should be happy


Hire Michael Phelps for the 9 role


How is that ref a head official at any level, some of the worst shit I’ve ever seen


Blessing in disguise, having Greg take the US to World Cup would’ve lead to a major embarrassment


It’s wild that people still think Gregg is getting fired.


So long as his brother holds the keys to the sponsor relationships, he isn't going anywhere


But according to Greg we are moving forward. What a joke. This nepotism hire has wiped out a generation of progress.


just as long as he's not.


Kevin Ortega and his teams are just downright bad or being held at gunpoint by someone else. 1. Robbed two corners 2. Mutiple fouls ignore 3. the Var goals ( of course ) 4. Didn't handshake with U.S captain.


Also, the one foul shouldve been a penalty where Uruguayan defender wrapped up a US player, arms all the way around him, and tackled him to the ground, in the box.


5. pulling out a yellow and then playing advantage leading to uruguays best chance of the night




The ref literally called the US defender over with a card out getting ready to raise it. You CAN NOT as a referee divert a players attention with the intention of cautioning them or carding them, then let the other team take off like nothing happened, you blow the whistle. But that’s not even the worst part.. this clown raised his arms up WITH A FUCKING YELLOW CARD in his hands as if he was giving an advantage when the play had already died seconds before.. you know after he blew his whistle.. Thankfully for the clown ref, Ream saved it and Uruguay didn’t score because that would’ve been the cringiest VAR review of all time, till the end of time. I never blame refs but this guy had ZERO business on the field for this game. It’s laughable, it’s a fucking embarrassment in contrast to the Euros.


He literally raised his arms as if to give advantage *after Uruguay restarted play from the quick free kick.* You cannot play advantage if you already gave a free kick.


This was fucking comical 😭. Watching this in person I was like no fucking way he carded and played advantage 🤣 dude was an absolute clown for that


It's time for the USMNT to do what everyone else already does, hire a coach from Argentina.


Canada just hired a US coach and made the next roung.


Canada scored one single goal in a group with Chile and Peru.


And that coach should have been hired by the IS but instead we held on to our nepotism hire. Weeee


Didn’t work well for Mexico


yeah, but that's FMF, nothing works for them anyways


Bless this comment


lágrimas yanquis


I’ve never seen such poor shooting in my entire life. They had beautiful passing then no idea how to actually put a shot on goal


That’s been our problem for a while. We don’t have a true finisher. Though Balogan looked good this tournament. Shame he got injured early. He and Pulisic will hopefully be a good combo going forward.


Honestly, the whole tournament and the EURO has had bad shooting. What was the one post? France has like 66 shots and 0 non-penalty goals? I’ve seen more own goals (mostly deflections) than good, normal, natural goals. It’s driving me crazy.


The euro? This tournament has been full of beautiful outside the box goals. Almost Every game we had another “goal of the tournament”


Can you give a few examples?


Here's just highlights from the group stages, most of these goals are incredible long range shots. world class finishes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph9Bj1AeFuE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph9Bj1AeFuE)


Those were good! Thanks for the link. But there’s still multiple storylines about lack of scoring or goals scored via own goal. https://www.hindustantimes.com/sports/football/owngoals-lead-the-way-in-the-scoring-chart-after-bizarre-start-to-uefa-euro-2024-101718945313835.html France’s scoring issues: https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/c80xpze0yg1o Portugal’s scoring issues: https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/live-blogs/portugal-slovenia-live-updates-euro-2024-cristiano-ronaldo-score-result/q7ss2qSt893f/ England scoring woes: https://www.skysports.com/football/news/19692/13161701/england-problems-for-gareth-southgate-to-fix-ahead-of-switzerland-euro-2024-quarter-final-after-snatching-2-1-extra-time-win-over-slovakia-in-last-16 In fact, this was the lowest scoring group stage in Euro history: https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1doh12z/lowestscoring_groups_in_euros_history/ So I do stand by my point, dramatic as it may be. Scoring has been an issue, despite there having been some fantastic goals.


USMNT forgot about the 2nd amendment


Best comment!


Mexico and United States being out of the competition wasn’t on my 2024 Copa America bingo card.


It was for me


Do you guys seriously believe Klopp will accept managing the US?


No? I think most of us just want Klinsmann back.


This has to be a troll comment LMFAO. Part time pundit, part time head coach, and part time scammer. Biggest dine and dash I have ever witnessed in South Korea.


Yeah, it's a joke. It was a mistake to fire him, though.


Ever talk to any Korean fans?


lol, this guy thinks we know more than one language


Do you guys not just turn on subtitles when they talk?


He is a madman


If we ask nicely and pay in gold bars


Nah, just give him free dental insurance


And lifetime hair plugs.


I'm pretty sure this job comes dental.


The USA soccer program is so so soft Lmfao. Need more dudes like Clint Dempsey, less dudes like Matt Turner. I understand trying to avoid throwing your coach under the bus but to state that you’re fine with the direction the team is headed right after a tournament like this???


Players can can’t throw the coach under the bus it’s stupidity if you value your intl career in the short term


I mean the question could have easily been answered in a manner that acknowledged this was an unacceptable result without making it all about Gregg


Clint Dempsey dropped a mixtape, Matt turner drops the ball. They are not the same


Or kicks it out of bounds


Zack Steffen was way better. Idk why Turner plays. He is hot garbage


It's tough all around. Reporter has to ask the question, but the player can't answer anything other than what Turner said. I don't doubt Greggg is very easy on players in the locker room, except those players whose parents he doesn't like.


I mean I’m not gonna berate Turner. These guys are media trained and it’s Probly best to just keep most anger inside of the club house. But simply saying “we weren’t good enough tonight and things have to get better” would have felt like an appropriate acknowledgement that this was a massive disappointment for the US. I feel like his answer of “oh we did really well and fought hard today but just missed some chances and it just didn’t quite go our way” feels a little bit delusional to me. The US was a team with everything to play for tonight and Uruguay was a team with basically nothing to play for tonight and we didn’t look anymore energized than them. That doesn’t feel like a direction I’d be happy to be heading in if I was a member of the team


I need to extend my congratulations to the US NT. You guys actually had good chances, played well, and made us work our buts off for the win. It was not an easy game.


I concur with this. The US actually looked cohesive in this game for most of it. And the US defense was solid. I would say Uruguay became frustrated middle of the first half on because they expected a walk in the park. I'm fairly critical of the USMNT but this was the first game I've seen where I thought their attacks looked well coordinated. They just have to work on details of finishing. They're right there though. People getting all bent and saying "we were awful, etc etc" don't really know futbol. USMNT earned a draw with y'all.


The finishing and the tactics are what have been so frustrating the past 2+ years. I don’t think that changes without a coaching change, which we seem reluctant to do. This is the most talented US team I’ve watched, but also the most frustrating and underperforming.


Gracias por los cumplidos. Vamos al octavo en Las Vegas. Por desgracia, mi equipo no está. Dado que espero que sea un buen partido. ¡Suerte en los playoffs!




If you end up being the reason we fire Gregg Berhalter, I'll send Bielsa a gift basket of candy, whiskey, panini stickers and pornhub memberships


I feel this deep in my soul


Uruguay was in complete control the entire time. Got a 1-0 win while they had it in cruise control


I don't agree honestly. Didn't seem like we had much control other than the second half, at most.


Did Nunez get a shot on target or naw? 


Holden saying US should hire Klopp or Pep 🤣


Pep would not be a good fit. His style is for clubs, expensive clubs with top paid players


Imagine our guys trying to play Pep’s version of Total Football… it would be a shit show.


I mean we *should* if we could.... but we can't. Not unless Elon Musk becomes a big time soccer fan quickly.


Have you considered Tweeting him and asking nicely?


>"Dear @ElonMusk, Joe Biden and the liberals don't want us to hire Klopp! You should sure show them!"


Don't knock it until you tried it


Elon can't compete with Emirati royalty lol


I know my fellow Americans won't get this, but is there any one who can photoshop Gregg's head with a turnip?


Please never invite us to your rigged tournament again


Bro we didn’t deserve to stay in this shit.


I just don’t want someone to kill pulisic in all this garbage


A legitimate concern after the hacking he took against Panama


Balogun was getting smacked on every possession for the last 3 games. Shit was insane in this tournament. Feels like that scene from anchorman where everyone just shows up to fight


Needs to get ready for the world cup


we're not colombia bro


He means one of the opposing players


Dude if we beat Panama like we should always fucking do this game would have been irrelevant. We’re never going to get better if our most challenging game is against a Mexican side that has been in continual decline for a decade.


Tbf I fully believe we win that game if Weah doesn’t decide to be a childish dipshit 18’ in…hard to win playing down a man for 70+ minutes, even if it is Panama.


Correct. It’s on the manager to prepare the players for concacaf shenanigans. It’s nothing new that players will try to rile us up and be physical. They need to be ready for it and not take the bait. Weah took the bait.


Agree, and I gotta believe Berhalter would’ve drummed that into their heads leading up to the tournament and the game. Maybe not, but I can’t blame Berhalter for Weah being an idiot. Like you said, it’s nothing new from a CONCACAF team yet somehow it only took 18 minutes to work on him. Pathetic mental weakness.


Berhalter's club sides have also had issues with maintaining concentration.


Cari Lloyd is just RIPPING this team and I'm here for it. Fuck it hire her. She can't be any worse


OK this ref is real shady now lmao


It will be years until the US develops a real golden generation. Apart from the pay-to-play setup, there’s some cultural shift that needs to happen. I see kids go to soccer academies, they get their skill drills and the some game time. But they go home and don’t get 10 friends together to play a game at the park.


This is the same comment posted in 1980


Nah, a coach who can do more with less should be expected to qualify in this group. Hell, the task was something THESE PLAYERS have done multiple times, just subdue CONCACAF quality opponents and we're resting our starters tonight.


That’s true, but the expectation for the future should be more and more quality players are developed but seems the US is stuck since forever. With all the resources this country has you’d think it should be doable, but it’s just greed and shit planning


True, but we're also literally never been in a better place development wise that right now and moving forward. Heck, this is still the first generation to develop during the MLS Academy era. We still have veterans on our teams who played NCAA Soccer into their 20s.


Real problem right there with the americans, we can be 3 million but most of them play football in their breaks so our players are different. The same with your basketball players, to be good at it you need to enjoy playing it in your daily life.


The average American kid probably lives 3+ miles from a park lol


You think all European or South American kids play at parks? Lol. They play wherever, whenever. The majority of successful players started on concrete playgrounds in urban areas. With this game all you need is two feet and sometimes you don't even need a ball because an empty soda can will suffice. That's why it's the most popular sport in the world, because everyone can afford to play it. Stop making excuses.


Have you ever been to the US? Playgrounds are either attached to schools or in parks. The average American parent is a paranoid helicopter parent who won’t let their kid 5 feet out of their sight. They’d rather have the kid sit inside with an iPad all day instead of meeting kids their age and playing sports.


Yeah, I've been over there. But it's not a geographical or logistical problem. It's like you're also pointing out, an attitude and cultural issue. I just hope you (as a country) will one day see that you don't need a college scholarship to get noticed for your talents. I really want the US to really join the rest of the world in a way you become a force to be reckoned with because as a sports loving country you deserve it.


I hope so too. Unfortunately that probably requires a competent football federation and/or domestic league. We have neither. The value prop for MLS teams to invest in robust academy systems is nil when their best players will get poached immediately. Our FA are absolute buffoons and have done an awful job fostering access to the sport so it stops being a rich kids sport. The more I think about the state of football here, the more I get distraught lol


When I compare it to the 90s, I do see progress but a lot still has to change. Hopefully our countries will meet in 2026.


I mean it can be a park or it can be whatever surface. Just need to get some friends and play a match for fun. There’s too much structure and honestly basketball is so much more accessible right now


America is too spread out, you need cars to get anywhere. Hard to coordinate that when you can't drive until 16 years old


Not many kids want to play a match for fun in the street for 5 minutes before getting splattered by a hick in his raised F250. The soccer culture here is too bourgeois and we don’t exactly emphasize community in our neighborhoods. 🤷🏻‍♂️


its really just that the soccer programs recruit bourgois people specifically. im latino and i played soda can street soccer growing up with other latino kids in the us.


Just replied in another comment that I did the same, I’m Hispanic and grew up in a Hispanic neighborhood and if I went to the parks near my house or even a cul de sac I could probably find a few kids to play soccer with. That’s not typical in the US sadly.


I grew up in New Jersey and Wisconsin and we did baseball soccer and football with the kids in my street. It's pretty common. Bigger issue is organizer play and instruction cost a ton of money without robust club infrastructure here.


I’m Argentinian and you reminded me when we were kids we always had these soccer rivalries with the kids from the other blocks in my small town. Fun times


Literally everywhere else in the world is like this. I grew up in a majority Hispanic neighborhood and I could always grab my ball and go with my brother to the parks near our house and there would be tons of pickup games going on. I wish every kid could do that.


19k comments? LMAO, keep whining /r/soccer CR7 went through and US eliminated today football won, today the good ones won! FUCK OFF!


Ronaldo is a good one? The rapist Cristiano Ronaldo?


Yikes, CR7 as goodies is a helluva take.




Don't lower yourself


That seems irrelevant


He's an idiot but no need for racism




No la hagas


El Salvador isn’t a race.


I mean it’s a country too 😅😅😅😅


Hey Gregg, Clintgreasewoood from reddit, What font are you going to use on your new resume?


Who needs a resume when your brother can get you (another) job you’re totally unqualified for? When Bumhalter gets fired he’ll go work for the MLS as some executive.


Id say comic sans but we know it will be handwritten crayon


Comic Sans. -Greg (probably)


So if soccer was the top sport in the U.S., what athletes (past and present) from other sports (football,bball, etc.) do you think would/would've been good soccer players? Do you think they'd have what it takes to win a world cup? Do you think the MLS would be as big as the European leagues?


I like this question. My friends and I usually joke around about this time to time. Best we’ve come up with: Lebron James as keeper. Marshawn lynch as a winger (basically adama Traore but we still love watching it) Tyreek hill any attacking position. Travis kelce CB Harden outside winger Sherman outside back We prolly could’ve gotten a draw against Panama with this. /shrug


This is always a fun game. Like, the hypothetical I I erase where Lebron James is a goalkeeper or Bo Jackson is a 9 is super interesting to think about. Hard to say how competitive we’d be because a lot of our issues are based on the fact that we have a pay to play system if you want to play for a quality club. So it really depends on what you mean by “top sport”. Are we subsidizing youth leagues? Are all of the busy basketball courts replaced by soccer pitches? If so then I think yes, we are very competitive globally if for no reason other than the fact that our population is both massive and ethnically diverse.


It's not really that per se. Partially to me is that most of the country is priced out of playing the sport at a high level. While the sport is an equalizer in other nations where rich and poor kids play together. There's a massive talent pool that we don't tap into because we refuse to rethink the entire process of talent development in the US. We have to separate it from the school system.


But isn't the talent development process the same with women in the U.S. as it is with men?


The very best women athletes tend to play soccer or maybe basketball if they are tall enough (maybe tennis or golf if they have money). Every other country has a similar aggregation of top athletes into soccer first.


Female athletic talent is much more concentrated into soccer. More so than many other sports. In many cases it's the first sport young girls learn. Not to mention there's simply less sports (No WMLB/WNFL/WNHL) so if you want to be a pro athlete as a woman it's Soccer, Track or Basketball. Most women will lack the height for basketball so it's Track or Soccer.


Is this a copy pasta? Or are you being for real?


It's something I always wonder when the U.S. gets easily eliminated from tournaments lol But yeah I'm being for real


We'd have the richest and more prestigious league in the world and it wouldn't even be close. To put in perspective how much richer sports are in the US than anywhere else, the EPL is the wealthiest soccer league in the world. It would be the 4th ranked sport in the US in terms of revenue (between the NBA and NHL). The NFL (#1) brings in three times the annual revenue of the EPL. Even with 50% more teams, the average NFL team brings in nearly double the average EPL team.


I'm not one to call out referees or insinuate things like match fixing or biased decisions, it's a tough job and you'll never get everything right. That being said if I was a US player I'd be waiting for Ortega in the parking lot, just wanna talk is all.


But but. What about all the Concacaf confederation cups 😄