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Wow i suddenly love every euros ref


In your professional German opinion do you think this is malicious or just incompetence?


Oh this is pure incompetence. If it was malicious he would have just let it play on and attract less attention


Im of the opinion it was both and the guy is just fundamentally incompetent, so he couldn’t even fulfill the match fixing properly.


This is the answer. Just because he's an incompetent fool doesn't mean he can't fix a match.


In my "watch 20 games every 2 years" opinion it depends entirely on the nationality of the ref. If he isnt italian i'd just assume bad luck.


There is only one referee found guilty of corruption in Euros and he is German lol.


yeah its honestly disgusting that he is able to work on this level.


Felix Brych, Anthony Taylor, Daniele Orsato, that Spanish ref. The four horsemen


Yeah the only decent ref we had this group stage was a UEFA ref... Concacaf/Conmebol refs are a joke


Now you see why we scratch our heads when y’all complain about euro refs


Welcome to CONMEBOL/CONCACAF. What the fuck is good and consistent reffing?


Worst part is he didn't even call it back. He gave a throw in. Had Uruguay scored, he would have given it.


That was the worst part. The whole time I was like “surely he’s gonna spot it back for the free kick.” But he never even realized he had messed up not stopping play.


That wasn’t the worst part…the worst part is the realization that if it resulted in a goal (which it very nearly did) there’s zero protocol for VAR to even look at the play.


No, but it would give the AR and 4th official the opportunity to speak to him. So, hopefully one of them would have done their job had that eventuated.


I mean, they absolutely wouldn't have though. The Uruguayan goal was clearly offside on replay and they allowed it to stand.


Well I didn't exactly want Uruguay to get another chance at a free kick so I'm kinda glad it "started over" from a throw but yeah you're completely right


He knew. Guy isn't dumb, just corrupt.


Porque no los dos?


Between this and slew of questionable shit against Panama, it's hard not to feel like the US got completely jobbed. They wouldn't have necessarily *deserved* to move on since we still couldn't score to save our lives, but so much happened that forced us into a situation where we had to play strained. Except Weah's red, he's a fucking idiot even if he was doing it for his GK.


If he didn't stop play it's handball by Uruguay lol.


The best thing that could've happen would be Uruguay scoring, it's one of the few situations where a protest could work


i almost wish he scored cus then the entire world would see how bad reffs in america are.


Wait till the Europeans wake up to this shit.


Was watching it live at nightshift. All game long the ref was keeping me awake, absolutely scandalous.


The early Tyler Adams yellow for getting his ankle stepped on really set the tone for the entire game.


Kinda similar to how against Panama, Matt Turner was allowed to get injured on a play the attacker had no play on the ball, and there was no foul. And that set the tone there. Makes you wonder


Easy there. Let’s not talk bad about our favorite World Cup, el Salvadoran ref that has lost control of every single game he has reffed for the USA. We are at 4 games now with 7 reds.


People were saying yellow, but in my opinion hitting the keeper in the air while not making a play for the ball should always be a straight red. I’m a little biased there as a former keeper, but if that happened to me and there was no foul I’m just taking that as a sign that anything in the box is free game the next time a cross comes in like that and will take my protection into my own hands. The keeper shouldn’t be placed in a position where his options are to either clothesline the attacker or get injured himself.


Tune in for more Conmebol/Concacaf shenanigans!


Amarilla 2013 Corinthians x Boca was the peak for me still. Not even the other teams had the gut to say shit about that elimination to me the other was. Yeah man, that was fucked up.


bruh. I just woke up to this shit.


UK checking in, what the fuck are you guys doing over there?


You think this is how Association Football was being played in like 1897 when some blokes named John were playing in random ass fields? This is real football heritage


You merely adopted the Significant Human Error, we were born in it, raised by it.


what yall know about scott foster


Answer: yes.


Just woke up, saw this, going back to bed


The comment I most agree with


Wtf, I love Michael Oliver now


He would genuinely be the best ref by a mile in concacaf/conmebol.


The worst part is you’re not even being sarcastic


On behalf of my fellow Europeans: We are shocked, just as you. Horrific ref performance


its actually laughable how atrocious refs in the americas are. been like this forever...


Corruption gets you pretty far over here


How does this referee get raided by police for corruption and still able to referee this game


The police pulled out a yellow card during the raid but allowed him to play on.


It’s the New World, damn right


I'm still in complete disbelief that this happened


Everybody is talking about the offside but this was much worse


The whole game was a shitshow. Adams' yellow for getting stepped on, twice taking away Pulisic in space for fouls instead of playing advantage..... Ref was on one today


The handball he called when Pulisic was in space, I swear he delayed long enough to see we had advantage and then called the handball, if we didn't have advantage I don't think he calls it.


He waited like 10 seconds. As soon as pulisic gained an advantage, then he stopped play. Lol wtf


In totally over his head. Wasn’t even close to ready for the physicality of the match.


I'm not convinced is was unintentional. Some of the plays were too weird, like the handball... staring for a good 3 seconds, seeing Pulisic break away, then calling it back to the spot. That is beyond incompetent, that is intentional


it's a south American match. Of course it's a corrupt referee. He was literally investigated for a game in Bolivia where he had a bunch of merch in his referee booth to call the game for the team who gave him gear. I seriously wish the USA would not play in CONMEBOL/Copa again. It's a horrible tournament.


That was wild, here's a yellow for putting your ankle under another man's studs.


yeah, i watched a bit of the game and the lack of playing advantage was my main takeaway. the refs i had in high school were better than that.


This was just showing what was yet to come. I guess this is what happens when you allow a ref with a history of scandals and cheating to officiate a game.


I thought it was a joke, how the fuck is that allowed but then again its conmebol and being the best player in the continent doesn't help the refs protect your health (neymar)


Not disagreeing with the main point of the comment, but feels a bit weird to say Neymar was the best player on the continent when prime Messi was on that same continent...


Yeaaa we all make mistakes lolol how do i forget about fkn messi tho thats bad


Talk about foreshadowing


The offside wasn’t even on the center ref at all though either. He didn’t go to the screen, it was all the VAR and line refs.


Yep. Offside call wasn’t really even his call was it ?


Even in the first five minutes, Reyna was clearly fouled by the box and he was in a great position to make the call.


This and the waiting to call a hand ball to see if there’s advantage and then blowing the play dead when there was a clear advantage. Don’t get me wrong the us did not deserve to advance, but you can deserve to lose and the ref can be shit at the same time.


The image of him trying to signal advantage mid conversation while he has the yellow card still in his hand is not one I'm going to forget


https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fznd0fpi9i0ad1.jpeg Hey man, what’s wrong with a little advantage, yellow card call? It’s all the rage in South American football.


Even better, he is showing advantage, but it wasn't an advantage situation, it was a quick restart.


-> stops play to issue a yellow card -> while he’s in the process of showing the card Uruguay tries to take a fast free kick -> ref signals advantage mid conversation (with the card in his hand still) despite both the US and Uruguay understanding that play had been stopped -> US blocks shot. Everyone expects him to pull it back since play needed to be officially restarted due to the card but he gives the throw, showing he doesn’t understand how he fucked up. I’ve never been so dumbfounded by a series of events.


Don't forget that if he was playing an advantage continuation as was signaled, Uruguay committed a handball.


Robinson’s face here is all of us


Yeah I'm gonna need a sports photographer's HD capture of this moment if it exists somewhere. Great meme potential


Bro you serious?


He needs to be sanctioned for that. It is not a hard call to make. Once the card comes out, that means that the official has started the sanction procedure and play cannot be restarted until the procedure is complete.


The other thing is advantage means play continues with no stoppage. The uruguay player STOPS THE BALL WITH HIS HAND then passes it. Shouldn't that be a red card?


As it was happening I wasn't even concerned about the attempt because I assumed surely he must have blown the whistle to delay the free kick, and only several seconds after the save did I realize it would have counted. Wild stuff.


If Ream didn’t become Thiago Silva for that moment, that goal would have stood too


This is actually disgraceful. The commentators on my stream said he isnt experienced as a referee. I dont understand this, amateur referees know the rules. This is just wrong. What does his experience level have to do with it?


Ya this is like overwhelmed high school kid reffing a U-12 game level mistake.


If my referee director saw me do this as a 15 year old I would have gotten chewed out


Hey everyone, we found a ref in this thread. Let's boo him.


A quick search says this guy has officiated plenty of games


He was also caught in a bribery scandal that influenced the outcome of a copa libertadores match just a couple years ago. No joke, it's on his Wikipedia page.


Us bvb fans are pretty unlucky with refs aren’t we looking at Felix Zw****. Current ref for Romania and Dutch.


I think they said it was his sixth senior international game, which is probably what the other commentor was referencing. But it looks like he's done a lot of club games, and the Olympics.


He’s had 8 total international games and that was his first Copa America


This ref can't officiate a knockout match.


This ref can't officiate a ~~knockout~~ match. FTFY


> This ref cant officiate FTFY


Watch him get the final


Angel Hernandez energy


If the play didn't get called off didn't the Uruguay player just have a handball?


I think he let them take a quick restart, although that is objectively a mistake, because you can't take a quick restart if the ref is giving a card. Also, he is signaling for advantage. But he did stop play for the foul, so I don't think that a handball call would be warranted. On this play, there wasn't any bad judgement calls, more of a total breakdown in the ref-ing mechanics, which is probably worse.


Yeah, he tried to do 3 different things at once, all of which are not compatible with each other.


Oh i cant wait for him to officiate Argentina game


I'd call it amateur hour but that'd be disrespectful to amateur referees. Genuinely one of the most shocking refereeing fuck ups I've ever seen.


I’ve watched several games refereed by Tony Brothers, (an NBA ref notorious for getting into it with players and booking people over the smallest slights simply to soothe his ego for non-NBA fans) he’s up there with the worst refs I’ve ever watched. He has *nothing* on this ref. At least Brothers knows the rules of the game


The tony brothers are known for being dipshits not for having a quick trigger on technicals and the shitty nba refs have NOTHING on the refs in concacaf and conembol who are legitimatley just fucking terrible


Maybe I’m getting my Brothers and Scott Fosters confused but like you said the point remains. Shitty refs in every other league are shitty because of a quick whistle, an attitude, overall blindness, etc. CONEMBOL refs just don’t know the rules of the game and/or can’t physically keep up with them. It’s incredible to watch in a horrible way


Tony Brothers is one man lol. There is no "the Tony brothers"


It’s a joke in the nba sub but most people in this sub wouldn’t know that obviously


The Tony Brothers used to really have it in for the Marcus Cousins


Makes sense. I haven't visited that subreddit in a while.


[You don't know about Mike, Dan, and Tony?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR0JSt4PCjAp457_hDJNbrLkjaIOCSV3eDX2A&s)


The volunteers from the varsity team at my kid’s U8 matches know the rules better than this guy did


I can’t say I have ever watched a match where anything similar to this has happened.


I’ve been playing soccer for 30+ years and have watched thousands of games and have never seen that before.


As an American that’s been a fan of the sport for about 2 months now, I was wondering if this was egregiously bad or just run of the mill “wtf” bad. Glad to see most people agreeing that it was just terrible officiating.


If an NFL or NBA ref was this bad they’d never ref another game


I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before and I’ve been watching this sport since I could walk lol


Y el otro día en el partido de Argentina uno de los líneas levantó la bandera en un saque lateral...no se puede creer


you just gotta love CONEMBOL referees lmao. the one in our Panama game was horrible in his own way, too


That was a CONCACAF ref in the USA - Panama match actually. It's like CONEMBOL wasn't going to be outshone in any way so they gave us their shittiest, most corrupt ref for the next one.


The USA-Panama ref was Ivan Barton from El Salvador, Concacaf loves this guy for some reason. You may remember him as the ref who sent off McKennie when Mexico ripped his shirt.


'It's not football, it's the Americas' take at football'


I wouldn’t expect you to remember every Boca game, but this ref [hits close to home](https://x.com/worldsoccertalk/status/1807953245740192248?s=46&t=ORPL3jIEFmBMvonhhKogeA)


As I mentioned in the other thread, a quick free kick here is explicitly illegal according to the rules of the sport. Once the whistle is blown, if a caution is to be given out play must remain stopped until the referee has blown the whistle again to signal a restart.


It just makes sense too. They literally played the ball into the gap left by the CB who comes up to receive the card. The ref literally created the space for the ball through....


Great off the ball movement by the ref there to draw out the defender


Harry Kane could never


Not only that but the foul was committed 10 feet back from where they tried to restart the play, so it should have been pulled back for being in the wrong spot regardless of the yellow.


This isn’t quite right. They changed the laws so that the referee is allowed to let Uruguay play quickly and then return to caution at the next stoppage. However, I agree with the general point: once he started administering the caution, he should not have let play quickly resume.


> Once the referee has decided to caution or send off a player, play must not be restarted until the sanction has been administered, unless the non-offending team takes a quick free kick, has a clear goal-scoring opportunity **and the referee has not started the disciplinary sanction procedure.** Ah so not quite what it used to be, TIL. But like you said once he started to show the card he can't let them take the quick FK


Yah exactly. They changed it sometime in the last decade; I forget the exact year. But the referee explicitly fucked up due to the part you bolded.




He literally blows the whistle and shows the yellow. then runs signaling advantage. How does he have a license?


The ref is just a big fan of playing the advantage. I'm sure he'd do the same thing if a Uruguay handball led to a counter attack for the US.


He literally stared down Pulisic and as soon as #10 broke free, called it back. Blatant shit.


Does anybody have a clip of this?


That ref was 100% paid by somebody to screw the US. Maybe Panama, lol


Most of the time when someone has been paid to throw a game in sports, it's for gambling reasons. With the tournament being held in the US, and the host country making it out of the group stage in every previous Copa America tournament, someone would stand to make a lot of money betting against the US making it out of the group stage.


Later this game he literally called back an American advantage lol, where a card wasn’t given


I think that was the joke lol


Yeah that’s the point the guy was making, that’s why he specifically said handball lol he was referring to that play


Seconds later*


What the fuck was that!?


As a Spanish person I feel extremely relieved seeing there are worse referees in other places. Holy shit, this is preposterous


This has to be the biggest shitshow of a match at Copa so far when it comes to the officiating.


I've actually never seen this before...


So he clearly fully extends his arm to show the yellow, and the Uruguay player touches the ball with his fucking hand. He motioned to play on. If you allow a quick free kick you are not playing on. So he allowed them to intentionally handle to ball. This dude must’ve blacked out for a couple seconds because I don’t know how else you do this.




I’m sorry but that’s absolutely ridiculous. One of the worst referring sequences I’ve ever seen.


totally out of his depth


Naah. The fix was in.


Seriously though what connections does this doofus have that allowed him to get this match? He’s entirely unfit for several levels below this even. Watching Copa America after tuning into the Euros is night and day; Copa is a joke right now. Closer to AFCON levels of joke.


I also noticed that when Balogun was getting treatement on the pitch by medical staff after colliding with he Uruguay keeper, the ref didnt get him to leave the field and re-enter during the restart of the play. Had never seen that in a top level game


So many shocking decisions by this guy tonight. He should not be assigned another game in this tournament.


I kinda wish they scored on this just to see the shit show after


As a former ref I tend to be defensive about refs so I want to keep it friendly: That donkey shouldnt be allowed to ever touch a whistle again. This is basic shit he is doing wrong.


I wasn't kidding when I said this is the WORST refereeing performance I've ever seen. Even irl in all the years I've played.


Refs are immensely better in mls


Ted Unkel is better than this guy for sure and that’s saying something.


Well that's a first.....


The fact he pulled out a yellow meant play should've been stopped


Maybe it’s not so bad in Europe lol


Baffling. Has anybody else seen this before at the top level?


I haven't seen this at any level


Am a neutral but yep, horrible refereeing all through the game. USA didn't really deserve to win but shouldn't have lost either.


Yeah we deserved a 0-0 draw that still wouldn't have got us through to knockouts...


We all know goals change games. Impossible to say what would have happened. what we can say is that the USA should not have lost to Panama. And should have put more than 2 past Bolivia.


I’m going full tinfoil hat and saying the ref was paid or just hates the USA. This is to basic to chop off to “inexperience” Not saying USA deserved to win, we fucked ourselves in the Panama game.


He refused the shake pulicics hand after the match....


It's weird though. Why fuck over the host nation to let minuscule Panama go through instead? I think it's much easier to say the ref was just a fucking imbecile


Why give panama 15 fouls before their second card when the USA had two cards after three fouls? It probably would have been more if Carrasquilla hadn't completely lost his mind and cut down Pulisic in a way that had to be red.


I think in this instance it's just a conmebol ref fucking over the concacaf team, though concacaf refs also hate the US so they're not much better.


There’s always been an anti-American bias in football, especially against South Americans


Anytime I am even slightly annoyed at the refs at the Euros for anything I just remember whats currently happening on the other side of the Atlantic and forget about it in an instant


So did he end up giving the card?




if it was advantage which means play haven't stopped, then shouldn't that be hand ball?


That's just 1 of the many things wrong with this lmfao


God, I was so mad at the first part that I didn't even think about that! Holy hell, this is an all-time fuck up from an official.


So he hindered the defence by booking a player who could have defended when he allowed the quick free kick? Absolute shambles


Can someone educate me on what is the recourse for the flagrant errors that seriously compromise the integrity of the game? Will he be investigated? Will CONMEBOL say something? Will FIFA say something? How do refs "performance reviews" work? It's a job like any other, no? Will he be silently relieved of his duty at this level?


I read that this ref just got off a suspension for taking a bribe to fix a Boca Jrs game, after the game Pulisic has every right to tell the ref to go celebrate with Uruguay, on the flip side US failed to score and Pana scored three goals so even if the score was 0-0 US would have been out regardless.


Yeah, I’m not blaming the ref for us going out. We put ourselves in the awful situation of needing a win against the best team in the group, maybe even the tournament, to advance, and we looked toothless all night when it came to trying to get that win. That’s on our team and our team alone. I **AM** blaming the ref for being so unbelievably shit that his performance will come close to overshadowing the usual memefest that would accompany an early exit for the US.


FA is currently assessing options to bring this ref for PL games.


I love how he goes to give the yellow card and then puts his hands up for advantage while holding the yellow lol


You can see at the end that he raises his arms to play advantage on the foul that he has deemed is worthy of a yellow card *after blowing his whistle to stop play.* Clearly making up his own rules.


This homie needs his finances checked ASAP


Ref is a clown


this is one gones straight to my top 3 of bad refereeing scene. Holy.


For ref mistakes this big, is there a proper response from coaching staff? Should the manager go so berserk that they get a yellow or even red card? Probably not, but I guess then you just raise a mild stink and accept that you are getting shafted?


In baseball, managers tend to get tossed on purpose as a show of togetherness to his team. A sort of "I got this one boys" and gets in the umps face and starts screaming and kicking dirt at them. The difference is it's sort of accepted in baseball and in our sport the coach would probably get a multi game ban for showing up an official like that.


Also refusing to shake our captains hand at the end of the game. Regardless of what was said or is being said, shows he is very immature and holds grudges, making him biased.


Probably one of the worst refereeing performances i've ever seen. I apologise for everything I said, Sir Anthony Taylor


Awful call, should be blowing the whistle again as soon as he sees the player going to take the quick free kick. Shocking




Hats off to Ream for playing on knowing VAR would've have done shit if Uruguay scored.


Just saw a clip where this dude (ref) also refused to shake players hands after the match, even though his team was. Lmao


Just a fun little tidbit here: This ref is being looked at for match fixing a Boca Juniors game.


somehow South East Asian got better ref and we don't even have VAR


The refs have been horrible. The ref during the Mexico Ecuador game was fucking awful


Refs have been shit at this copa America


Dear North american friends, that's normal game for our refs here in South america. Just another day.


Concacaf refs are almost, or maybe just as bad, so we should be used to it by now.