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Thanks Rudkin, Whelan and Top for forcing him out of the club to bail us out of the financial mess you put us in šŸ‘ Wish Kiki all the best personally, should never have had to come to this.


Can't even keep the players that have loved the club since they were a boy, what hope do we have left with this clown fiesta!


forgive my potential ignorance but hasn't the gamble paid off if you've gotten promotion and will now get parachute payments if you go down, pl money if you stay up?


Plus a 10 point deduction at the start of the season. In summary itā€™s not looking good brev.


Points deduction won't be 10 points. We only breached PSR for 1 season so it should be 6 or 8 if they want to nail us for acting in bad faith.


PSR needs to be done away with


In it's current form, yes. Entirely no. I think the solution should be preventative rather than punishing clubs after the fact which encourages unhealthy behaviour like this.


Looking better than not getting promoted


we are cooked


big man ting yh, you still get the parachute payments, and is the 10 points deduction finalised or still being appealed?


Just for those who donā€™t understand the Leicester side of this. We are run by idiots who overspent either to please Brendan Rodgers or conversely lied to him about ffp (weā€™ll never know the full story). This transfer means we wonā€™t breach ffp for 23/24 however this is a player who wanted to stay at the club, who should really be our club captain, and made the board look like muppets. The ā€˜Leicester are a well run clubā€ thing died back in 2018 sadly.


We gambled on making the Champions League and we were very close twice. The gamble didn't pay off.Ā  The players we bought declined and it meant that we weren't able to sell any players on because no one was willing to take on the high wages that we were paying for some of the players. It meant that we were stuck with players stagnating in the side that we just couldn't get rid of. I still think the gamble was worth making. I think the alternative is that we would have sat in mid-table and we wouldn't have won the FA cup.Ā 


>The ā€˜Leicester are a well run clubā€ thing died back in 2018 sadly. šŸ‘€ An absolute car crash of club stewardship.


careful there ned


damn, itā€™s been 6 years already?ā€¦.


Maybe not a *car* crash...




It's only right that Chelsea fans should get the pass on this, what with the Matthew Harding of it all


Top is just sadly not the owner that Vichai was, and giving even more control to Rudkin has been disastrous


How much control did Vichai have over transfers?


Wow, I'm surprised. I thought Leicester were good with transfers during Brendan's tenure with you guys.


We were good with transfers during the Claude Puel era (Ricardo, Tielemans, Soyuncu etc). Puel just wasnā€™t a great coach. Rodgers is a better coach but at every club his transfer policy has been appalling.


Bye bye Conor.Ā 


Tbf, at this point it's far more possible that Conor stays than leaves. At least for this season.


Dunno, basically just gone and signed left footed Gallagher here. No way the club took on a manager who isn't going to use Caicedo and Enzo.Ā 


We're most likely going to play 3 midfielders so Caicedo, Enzo, KDH, Gallagher, Lavia can all rotate.


Don't you have a bunch of other players waiting in the wings too though?


At this point the only other midfielder I'd add is Santos. All others should be out on loan.


Yeah, we have Santos coming back and from what I've seen of him, he's more disciplined and definitely more technically talented than most or maybe all of those players. We're signing players before the players we've already signed are given the chance to prove themselves. Santos looked amazing in Brazil and was touted as a wonderkid, we fucked up a loan and then we sent him to Strasbourg where he has again been amazing. But, he doesn't get a look in for the squad because more=better apparently


I think Conor could just say no to a move and run down his contract to get a better offer as a free agent


Why root for a single player over the greater good of the club?


KDH is nothing like Gallagher at all


Based on what?


Based on the fact Spurs was only concrete link and since they got Gray now, the interest has cooled down. It's also past June 30th now so we are in no urgent need to sell. This may of course still change within the next 2 months and clubs could come with offers, but as of now there's none.


This club is a complete and utter mess.. will miss ya KDH šŸ«”


I really am not sure why did we need to sign him for, but nevertheless wishing him good luck and hope to be proven wrong, and that he will be a useful signing.


I dont think u needed him but he is a baller and for that price its a steal so dont worry, its a good signing


Cause we can spread the cost of him over years whilst he replaces pure profit Gallagher.Ā 


you needed to replace Danny Drinkwater


Terms of your new manager joining may have been to bail out Leicester.




If there is one thing we don't need more of, it's depth


There is no one of his profile that we can rely on for depth. Carney is still an unknown.


you have lots of players but not a lot of them are that good


If you believe that to be the case, then adding depth seems even more nonsensical.


not really, there's having lots of players and there's having ones that are actually decent. gallagher is not an ideal starter as he can't pass, and other than lavia which decent midfielder do chelsea have on the bench?


If you're saying >you have lots of players but not a lot of them are that good Then adding even more players for Depth instead of guaranteed starters is nonsensical. I don't see how your 2 comments are complimentary.


we already have guaranteed starters in enzo and caicedo... i don't know how you're struggling to understand that he's better than what we have as depth.


I understand that, but I'd love if you could explain how the 2 statements made by the poster I'm replying to aren't contradictory. He's saying that we don't have a lot of good players, but have enough depth. That should mean signing another player, who'll just be depth, is a stupid decision. I obviously don't believe that, I think Caicedo is as good as anyone, and Enzo/Gallagher/Lavia can compliment him well enough for us to have a great midfield, but this sentence obviously contradicts the original guy's point.


Not if your depth players are really bad, says something when you have to play gallagher as a 10


Gallagher is better depth than most clubs have for 3rd option for #10 (after Nkunku and Carney, potentially even Palmer).


Once you put palmer or nkunku in the 10 you were short outwide or upfront, and nkunku was never fit for long enough for us to see how he'd be used, but you make a decent point


We have 6 midfielders right now in the team, 7th with Gallagher (not counting KDH). Midfield is one of the positions we have plenty of depth in.


Lavia, Enzo, Caicedo, and Ugo are all very different from him. Gallagher are Carney are the only similar players and IMO he fits Maresca better than Gallagher and Carney is still unproven.


yh but who are those midfielders? I don't think kdh competes with lavia, nor do I think he replaces enzo or caicedo, but he could potentially start in a midfield 3, which is apparently maresca's preffered formation, or be enzo's cover or something like that


kill me


poor leicester. have a feeling he could be a big signing for chelsea.


This guy was levels above in the championship. But does not add anything different to the other midfielders Chelsea have.


He adds pure profit via replacing Gallagher


But assuming a Enzo-Caicedo-Nkunku(?) Midfield they still have: Lavia, Chukwuemenka, Casedi, Ugochukwu, and Santos. I donā€™t think they needed a replacement for Gallagherā€¦


surely he takes away from the profit they'd get from gallagher?


The Ā£30m fee would be amortised over 5 years so Ā£6m/year, but if they sell Gallagher for something like Ā£50m it's counted all at once so for this season, and in this example, it'll be +Ā£44m **if** KDH is replacing Gallagher - still just speculation. Edit: 5 years max for amortisation


Well, a technicality, but it will be spread over 5 years, as the rules no longer allow for longer amortisation period.


Oh yea, thanks, completely overlooked that.


ok thanks


If they get any money from him that is ofc


if Gallagher leaves on a free ill buy you a hat


Surely you mean ā€œeat a hatā€?


why would I want to eat a hat


Heā€™s not a Liverpool fan


He knows the system the new manager plays intimately and will hit the ground running as a result. Poch really struggled early last season, this signing might prevent a repeat of that.


Thats a fair point, the extra depth is nice as well. Fans act like schedules aren't grueling, and injury crises aren't frequently derailing promising seasons. We are in 4 comps + club world cup next summer. Doesn't hurt to bring in a quality player familiar with the system and can cover someone we are potentially trying to move out, at a reasonable price to boot.


Maresca specifically requested him apparently. For the price it's better to keep the new manager happy.


The reports were saying exactly the opposite. That Maresca approved the signing, but he was not requesting it specifically, it was the board initiative.


I reckon he's a better goalscorer than anyone Chelsea have in midfield. Other than that he's basically just Gallagher.


Videos make him look like Foden the way he glides through the pitch. Is he that way when he plays regularly and is he that technical? Also, what do say are his strengths/weaknesses?


He's a quick, technical mid with an eye for goal. Very good in tight spaces and has an insane workrate. Decent finisher and has a knack for arriving late in the box. The only weakness he has is his passing range really. He's great at quick, short passes in and around the box but won't create much from deep.


Gallagher isn't a quick technical mid btw. He's a box to box workhorse. He doesn't have those fancy little flicks and stuff in his game for the most part.


Yep, that might be the biggest difference then. Gallagher can finish well, but can't play well under pressure or combine well in tight spaces.


Beyond gutting. This guy should have been Mr. Leicester City, never leaving and staying with us. Instead, we had to sell due to financial mismanagement. Hope he smashes it, heā€™s a quality player.


The plan is to be two deep at every position, same as any team. We have three ball progressing midfielders right now, one of which was injured all last season, so getting a 4th was absolutely essential.


I believe in this signing. I still remember how /r/chelseafc 's online scouts rated Anthony Gordon and Mohammed Kudus one or two years ago lol


Oh fuck July is going to be hectic


With Maresca now at Chels, feel like this could be an underrated transfer


Solid mid table signing


What do you think happens first Arsenal winning the league or Chelsea?


I think the worst part of this new chelsea is that they have zero identity because they keep chopping and changing their playing squad. How are fans supposed to get attached to players if theyā€™re constantly coming and going


I mean, the core of the team will hardly change compared to last season. KDH and Tosin are so far the only 2 players who have a chance at regularly featuring in the team. The rest stays very much the same.


You think they have done signing players? Will not be surprised if they signed 5 more.


No but the main squad will stay mostly the same nevertheless. We'd look for another striker, a winger and maybe LB. The comment above suggest like we'd be going to swap whole starting XI over again.


We swapped our squad in 2020 season then 2022 and then in 2024. With those youngsters signing we are again looking at fresh squad by 2026 so every 2 years we are changing and chopping.


> and then in 2024 We are not swapping our squad currently. Like I said above, the core of the team will be very much the same.


2024 season is done. We are now looking at 2025 season. Including this and next summer we may very well be looking at 5-6 first team member change which is a lot.


If you put it that way, then you're wrong saying we swapped squad in 2022 season, as our only signing then was Lukaku


Let me correct the year but the point stands. In 2023 we signed 14 players. In 2024 season we again signed over 10 players.


Ok, how many of them are actualy part of the regular squad? You really need to look beyond raw numbers. Players like Enzo, Caicedo, Gusto, James, Palmer, Jackson and few more will likely stay the part of the main squad for at least few years more. The number of players that will be signed for the loan army won't change that. Good amount of these will hardly see minutes played at Chelsea.


do you expect them to make zero signings this summer or something?


These transfers have no plan besides "turn them for a profit 2 years from now" as well. It seems like all our signings are just viewed by our fanbase as additions to our profit margins, when in reality we should be buying so much more quality players with all this money. There's no point in having so many forwards and zero advances in defense (besides Tosin who's a bench option).


I suppose the ideal situation is to buy these prospects in the hope we snag a future world class player but on mid table wages. Players like Jackson and Palmer are on less than Ā£100k with 7 years left on their deals. So no real pressure to pay huge amounts. Those not making it to WC level can be sold, like Hutchinson


That's not how the real world works. Someone like Palmer is not staying on less than 100k wages. We'll soon be paying him market rate or he'll be playing somewhere else.


Palmer only leaves if he makes a massive deal out of it. We have all the bargaining power when deciding a fee too. Iā€™d anticipate Palmer gets a well earned wage. But we will never have to sell on the cheap


I hate Chelsea and FFP...


big ass family


I think heā€™s a great player but Iā€™m not sure heā€™s the level Chelsea want to get to but weā€™ll see.


What need have Chelsea for him? Theyā€™re absolutely shopaholics


Coner replacement, and making the coach happy


Ngl it would be funny if Conor stays (and currently it looks like so) and benches his replacement.


A midfielder that progresses the ball, can score and is creative is very much what Chelsea need


Will be interesting to see whether he can bring his Championship form to the Prem. He was very good last season, but the two seasons before that he didn't really show anything like those traits in this league. Hopefully he can as I wish him well, but I wish Chelsea bad.


Definitely, if he plays like he did in the Premier League that wouldn't be good enough It looks like he improved but who knows the Championship is worse


Fuck Rudkin, fuck Chelsea and fuck PSR.


Can somebody explain to me how Chelsea are still able to sign players left, right and center? Meanwhile Leicester and Forest are having to sell their best players?


Chelsea have sold players too, they've already brought in Ā£100 million from player sales this window


Sold Matsen for 37.5(minus 19 for Kellyman), Sold Hall for 28, sold ZIyech( probably free or maybe for a pack of peanuts), now as part of KDH sold Golding(5 mill ) and Omari for 22.75 we have been busy and amazingly we have spent lesser than we sold. Expected outgoings, Conor(i hope not), Broja, Lukaku( I hope he does, but surely at least a loan and a hefty loan fee) and some more young players. Expected incomings: Aaron Anselmino, One striker and one more left sided attacker( We will be wrapping Nkunku in cotton wool after every other match). at the end we will be spending just below the allowed PSR levels for 2025 June as next summer is busier as the deals for Estevao and Kendry will be on the books, hopefully by next summer we will be moving on Sterling and Chilwell( I like him but he is expected to be sold as he is pre Clearlake he will be pure profit).


You keep up with the buys but not the sales. Maybe you're noticing in and out but only keeping stock of the ins. Maybe jealousy? Not sure, but you asked.


When does a family become a dynasty?


How many fucking players do Chelsea need, I swear I see a post everyday of some new Chelsea signingĀ 


How about the 5 players that's been sold this season so far? You saw those too?


Yeah saw those, I also saw the 20 players bought mid season in january




Feel like Chelsea are just trying to buy their way out of trouble really. Very much the "drink yourself out of alcoholism" approach to transfers.


They have to be funded by Saudi at this point. Boehly makes the other respectable US owners in the Prem, look like paupers.


Fun story but we already have 100mil in player sales this summer


Decent player, but I never wanted him. RIP Conor.


Another loan?

