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Brighton looking at Leeds the way Chelsea looks at Brighton


Love Georgi but he blows hot and cold even in the Championship. His off days can be really off. I'm not sure he's ready to start for a PL team with Brighton's ambitions. Also don't think 30m is a bad offer but we'd be taking a loss which just wouldn't make sense for us with the P&S rules.


Another 5/10m on that and I’ll worry he’ll go. You’d hope the board are ambitious enough to keep as many players as they can after the Gray deal.


I don't think he's irreplaceable (as a player, you'd miss the man for sure) but after already failing to get a 10 last summer, if we lost him as well as Gray (and likely Summerville) we'd be absolutely fucked. I've no faith in our scouts to replace that amount of talent.


I think his creativity would be fairly irreplaceable. Saying that if Aaronson starts at 10 it will be interesting to see if he takes a position on the wing or up top instead


Yeah exactly, if we lose Summerville, Gnonto as well as Rutter we’re looking at a full attack replacement, and I don’t trust we’d do a good enough job


don't think I could take losing Archie and Georgi in one transfer window..


But... why?


What formation / starting 11 (as it stands) are you expecting the new manager to use or do you not know yet?


He likes a 3-4-3 but remains to be seen if that's what he'll do here


Cheers. Don't know the ins and outs of brighton but to me it looks like you need midfielders and a right back rather than wingers, is that wrong?


That's what we've mainly been linked with. We're actively interested in Wieffer, the CM from Feyenoord and the Romanian right back who started for them today - his name escapes me. Also been linked to a few others, including Diego Gomez from Inter Miami, but those two have been reported as concrete by our Tier 1 reporter


Probably because he’s barely turned 22 and is ridiculously skilled


God help us the first time Crysencio shows any emotion...


Hopefully we've left it at that completely pointless signing


Just like the Summerville move it’s a position we actually have a lot of players in. It’s not like he’s lit the world on fire either even in the Championship. I guess (with the 48hr comment) it’s was us trying to get a cheaper deal with PSR at the deadline but £30m isn’t even cheap. As you say best we leave it alone.


Rutter did light the championship on fire was unreal for dribbling and assists and made the team of the season. If he could shoot and hadn't declined post injury he'd have been player of the season


Are Brighton finally opening the warchest?


Yes we are but hopefully not on either of those 2 deals.


I know they got relegated in between now but can't imagine leeds would sell for less than they paid for Rutter. And they paid a lot, so it's hard to see him going anywhere


Madness and badness. When Riley is quoted at the same price at Celtic. The financial gulf between Championship clubs and european regulars are getting scary. It’s a combination. PL gives the financial strength whilst dripping down to the lower tiers as well.


I somewhat doubt many teams want to spend such amounts on Riley £20m'ish on a player from the SPFL is a massive risk, be in the top 5 of most expensive transfers out of Scotland and is coming off as of yet, the one truly great season


Are Brighton drunk? 30m for Rutter is baffling to say the least. And Leeds too? Why would they reject that?


> And Leeds too? Why would they reject that? It's less than we paid for him and he can be the difference between us getting promoted and not.




We would be nowhere near the play offs in the first place if we didnt have him last season




He's a creative ten or a winger, not a striker. Dunno if it was still true by the end of the season, because he dropped off a lot after he had hernia surgery, but the day he went for that he had the most assists in the league and was miles clear in chances created metrics too.


Rutter is different gravy was on par with Summerville most of the season but fell off after hernia injury. Unreal dribbler with great physicality and vision just terrible at shooting. We've rejected because we paid 35m for him so it would barely turn a profit by sustainability rules, he's got 4 years left, we need him and outside of Gray who's just gone he's our most popular player. If both went in the same week there'd be riots


He's younger than people realise for his quality. He will be a top top player if he can iron out his flaws.


He’s worth more than that to Leeds, but it’s a strange move from Brighton IMO. Their attack is arguably their strongest area and based on Rutter’s Premier League performances, I wouldn’t expect him to start for them if everyone is available.