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You can say what you want about Le Tissier... No, really, I'm here for it.


I just have to think about his sons gf and his beef with her everytime i see his name


Oh, I don't know anything about that. Are you arsed to write a TLDR?


TLDR; his son and daughter in law run an only fans on twitter, Matt doesn’t seem to get on with his daughter in law because of it.


He absolutely despises her 🤣




He's more switched on than most of you 🦀 that post here..


Of course he'd say that, he's in the pocket of Big Centre Back. He's also talking fake news. I watched the ENTIRE premier league has season and I didn't see Southampton once. Open your eyes sheeple!!


"Also the government needs to stop controlling the weather, and the players should stop taking vaccines or else they'll turn into lizard people"


"If you don't believe it then you haven't done your research"


That and "Look it up for yourself" are both very helpful responses that let you know exactly how much shit the person in question is full of.


Provided the woke liberal lefty referees don’t screw them over.


Will probably also need to get Downes back or a player like him. Probably need a RB if Walker Peters is off or if they use him in a deal for West Ham. If they want a keeper Ipswich seemed it be after Rushworth and I think that would be a good pickup for Southampton as well.


we’ve re-signed Alex McCarthy to a deal, heavy implications being he turned down backup roles at top clubs to stay with us so he’s probably our number one Would bet my house on Downes coming in, probably a swap deal with KWP. Think I saw yous also linked to the RB that we’ve been linked pretty heavily to, Japanese lad from AZ. Seems like our strategy is to round out the squad with cheap depth signings, then near the end of the window we’ll look to make a few big, expensive deals to bring in that missing quality


Yeah Sugawara. Seems like it’s between him, Walker Peters and the Romanian RB with Blue hair (Ratiu?)


The Premier League are turning the frogs gay


Stick to chemtrails Matt


4 players, pretty close to the Gang Of Four, eh Matt?


Not squad players though. He doesn't believe in 15 minute substitutes




I’d argue that a CM might be a higher priority than a left back. And, incidentally, a backup CDM (if we do get Downes) might actually be really important. We were shocking whenever Downes was out last season (literally relegation form, while our ppg with Downes would have put us above Leicester iirc) and he’s quite injury prone (missed 10 games) so I definitely want a plan b.


Interlocutor: "all reasonable enough, Matt.." (Le Tissiers interjects): now let me tell you what shape the earth is!


…also don’t take the covid vaccine - bill gates is using it to mind control you in preparation for the great reset


I work on a youtube channel and occasionally make comments about the vaccine morons. Sometimes I get people commenting on old videos saying "your vaccine jokes aren't so funny now, eh?" and I'm like, why? What's happened. Nothing. Absolutely nothing has happened.


Or do they?


Hmm...makes you think, doesn't it.


I’m out of the loop probably but the comments here seem to be very detached from what he’s actually saying. He’s absolutely right about Southampton needing some more first team players.


Matt Le Tissier is an insane person is the context you're missing "This year's weather so far has been horrific. Wasn't it lucky for the Government that four years ago when they locked us down we had wall to wall sunshine for weeks on end. It's almost like they planned it that way."


Relegation is woke now


I absolutely love we just need to drastically improve 33% of our starting squad and we can stay up. Why stop there? Say you need 11 more.


LB: Renildo Mandava or Alex Telles CB: Sead Kolasinac or Michael Keane GK: Wojciech Szczesny or Timon Wellenreuther CF: Danny Ings or Raul Jimenez


What if they are vaccinated?


Can I interest you in Zinchenko (lb), Kiwior (cb), Ramsdale (gk) and Nketiah (cf). Buy all 4 from the same club and save on shipping


That's who big climate change would want them to buy. Le tittier sees through your hocus-pocus.


If Le Tissier said it..... its most likely false. Southampton should avoid buying players it seems