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Please don't go to saudi šŸ¤ž


It depends, if his transfer makes us buy Buongiorno maybe itā€™s better if he goes


Isn't good morning to napoli done?


Yup We might sign Danso/Bijol as a CCB if Stefan leaves


Itā€™s probable but not sure yet. Di marzio said that Inter inquired about him


He doesn't want to. He gave an interview where he said money isn't everything and he like to return to his roots (Feijenoord?) one day. But if he keeps playing like this he has some years at the top left in him, he is almost back to his old level.


Depending on his price/salary I wouldnt rule out us or Feyenoord signing him


That would be so sick, especially since we play 3atb now.


We need someone to leave though to be able to get a younger CB in. We need that badly tbh,


Deserved, honourable mention is my NAC academy legend Bart Verbruggen.


what is it with NAC and having great goalkeepers, hahaha


Brabant, everyone drinking way too much milk, getting tall as fuck, becoming good goalkeepers. I believe that's the pipeline.


Donā€™t forget the drugsafval in our groundwater


I guess Ten Rouwelaar is a very good goalkeeper trainer, though I have to say Olij is not from our academy but AZ.


I know Olij is not from your academy but I'm still eternally grateful for you guys for selling him to us, didn't think replacing Okoye would be possible and he somehow ended up being even better


We miss Olij a lot but everyone knew he deserved the step up, and he has been a monster


They get a lot of training


Who are other examples?


Olij, the keeper of the team I support (and 4th choice for the Dutch NT)


Ah yes my favourite football club, ā€žNooit opgeven altijd doorzetten, Aangenaam door vermaak en nuttig door ontspanning, Combinatie Bredaā€œ


i don't know what this means but i feel like it's funny af


If you go to name and etymology: [dutch club abbreviations used to go wild](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAC_Breda?wprov=sfla1)


Verbruggen is so bad, lmao.


Ben je tafeltennisser ofzo? Better change that flair.


You guys just know nothing about GK and it's pretty obvious. Guy was absolutely awful against Austria, he doesn't know how to position or when to leave his goal. Guy makes easy saves that every single GK saves and he gets praise, insane stuff. Be happy that van de Ven saved us because of another GK mistake. And be happy we've had an absolutely ridiculously easy draw. Now we face England which aren't the greatest either. If we somehow make the final which is for sure possible, we better hope we don't face Spain or we're going to lose 5-1.


What a guy. He was there already at the 2014 World Cup. Happy for this dude


Your comment didn't seem like a big deal to me at first glance, then I realized 2014 was 10 years ago...


look at his joy! aww


He overcame a lot. Had horrible COVID, struggled to get physically fit and back into form and has only recently fought his way back into the NT. Koeman trusted his build up and composure in the back and de Vrij really repaid him. Outclassed van Dijk and is really on another level with Ake.


Any idea why De Ligt doesn't get game time at all?


Because De Vrij has been solid and has given 0 reasons to drop him.


He has never been great for the national team. De Vrij is better at build up, and i would rather have Ake or vdV at centre back if a change is needed.


Because he isnā€™t as good as reddit thinks


Not fit enough. Recovering from an injury I guess?


Like why wasnā€™t he brought in at the end instead of Zirkzee? Because heā€™s too good in the air and we wanted to make it more interesting? Who knows. :)


Stefan de Joy


Such a fraud, doesn't deserve one bit of it.


Absolutely deserved. He was phenomenal today as he has been the entire tournament


Didn't expect him to start these Euros but he's been one of the most undisputed players in the team for sure, he's having such a great tournament!


100% and this made me remember his goal against spain in 2014


He is a Koeman type of player. Technically great at defending, good at reading the game. Doesn't do stupid stuff even if he has to correct a mistake. Plays very clean (he makes very few fouls) , but when needed can also go hard into a duel. Koeman really deserves credit for making him the big man in the back next to van Dijk.


I think he's been way better than VVD this euros


Spot on, VVD has not been the leader we were hoping he would be for us this tournament unfortunately


VVD Will get replaced by VDV soon


This is absolutely not true. VVD hasnā€™t been his best and SDV has been over performing today but he is still LEVELS below virg. He is incredibly slow, gets caught out at least a few times per game, and often doesnā€™t get exposed because of how much ground Virgil covers.


Vvd has been playing decently, but not on his liverpool level. De vrij has been almost flawless all tournament and has been much more reliable


Iā€™m convinced people saying this didnā€™t watch any games but today. He was awful in the first half too and has certainly not been flawless. Heā€™s been good. VVD hasnā€™t been at his best but Iā€™d still take his current performance, along with literally any of our other CBs (except Blind) over De Vrij.


I was genuinely surprised that he started over De Ligt but it's been well deserved this whole tournament.


De ligt has somehow always been disappointing for the NT. De Vrij is a player that just fits Koeman well. His lack of pace isn't an issue because he can read the game and he relies on his technique instead of his physique.


One of the few things Koeman has done well is starting him ahead of De Ligt. De Vrij is much more reliable, De Ligt always has a mistake in him


I was literally thinking today that maybe de Ligt should start over him cause he's more threatening at set pieces cause of his headers. Of course de Vrij scores one today.


One of the few things? Is t it time to get Koeman some credits? Ake not Blind or VdV at LB, van Dijk and de Vrij, Dumfries at RB while giving the other options a chance. Making the midfield work despite all the injuries, especially considering there are no real DM options. Moving Xavi from RW into the axis of the team (while people wanted him benched), using Bergwijn (to everyone's shock). Depay is absolutely garbage, but Koeman at least has arguments for sticking with him, given the lack of established alternatives. Koeman seems to use halftime to turn his team around as well and has been very effective in his use of subs as well. Haring in Koeman is a guarantee for upvotes in this sub, but so far he has done everything basically perfect this tournament, especially given the limited material.


everyone hating on depay but I find he's honestly one of the standout playmakers in the offense creating opportunities.


He was the highest rated player on the pitch today. But itā€™s very fashionable to hate him I guess.


Him and Koeman are the most hated guys on Reddit. Ā We could win the euros and people will still shit on themĀ 


He is dogshit mate, disssapears every tough game. Only scores vs much weaker sides and loses the ball 99% of the time


how can you seriously use Bergwijn as an argument. literally one of the reasons to criticize Koeman


He played well against Romania


If anyone were to be replaced by De Ligt this tournament, it should honestly be Van Dijk, not him


Has Van Dijk fallen off for the Oranjes?


Nah but people expect a lot. Heā€™s never been as good for Oranje as heā€™s been for Liverpool.


Watch him get subbed for Wijnaldum


Time flies. Still remember his goal in that legendary 5:1 match.


Has been having a great tournament! Love my former Feyenoord boy


Stefan, my man! So underrated in The Netherlands


He really is. Had three seasons with Lazio when he was a top three CB in Italy, moved to Inter where he just fit in without issue. Covid absolutely floored him, but when his career looked over he has recently refound form.


I remember his goal against Spain in 2014. Cool to see he scored another one today.


Deserved, rock solid.


He's our backup and he wants to be a starter We are open to sell him Someone take him, someone like him doesn't belong to Saudi League


I could not explain how much i want him at Feyenoord. But we can't match the Saudi's of course.


The starters are Bastoni and?


Bastoni - Acerbi - Pavard. De Vrij replaces Acerbi. Acerbi is the better man-marker, pocketed Haaland like it was nothing, but is also 3 or 4 years older than De Vrij.


Mien jongeuh!


Very deserved. I feel this man has been underrated in the Netherlands throughout his whole whole career.


Stefan de Vrij is the Netherlands' best player, he was all over Turkey today.


He is so good please come back!


I might say Verbruggen, but I admit I cried some tears of relief when he scored, I was so tense. He had a wonderful match overall.




funny how certain dutch people where talking shit about him in the match thread before he scored the equalizer. Must be because they didnt have Geertruida to blame.


Memories from 2014 when he hit his knee on the post scoring a goal vs Spain


Van De Ven got darn close to earning this too


Another 3 points for me thank you very much


Not the fastest but he's great at positioning and reading the game


Wout robbed


He truly Stefan de-Fried today.


Gakpo played a hell of a game too. He was a menace to the Turks.


He was bad in the first half, though who wasn't


He was constantly covered by 2-3 guys in the first half, once weghort came on it gave him a bit more room to play.Ā 


He wasn't getting much service honestly but he's one of the few players that's always threatening when he gets the ball for us


Guler had this one in the pocket if Turkey didn't forget to defend after the 70th minute mark.


Guler was decent, but motm for the Turks imo was definitely the striker Baris Yilmaz. He was fk amazing


dude gave Ake and Van Dijk so much trouble.


Exactly, for a big part of the game between 1-0 and 1-1, he was responsible for every time Turkey could keep possession for a little while. He was soooo energetic.


Should've been Depay. That guy was everywhere.


Smoking crack again? Stay strong bruh šŸ˜”šŸ™šŸ»


Assisted first goal and was creating the most chances for his team, but yeah im smoking crack


well when the ref is on your side you can do whatever you want, he shouldve seen a red card at the first half when he pull down the yilmaz but the ref didn't even give a foul


bruh the ref literally gave a foul everytime Yilmaz lost his balance, even when there was no contact. hiw are you gonna say the ref was on the Dutch side lmao


Well, to be fair; Simons should have been sent off for that crazy foul. We're increbibly lucky he wasn't, but I do feel like we've lost all chance to bitch at the ref after that