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Conservatives are fine with elites, but as long it's their elites.


The people on the far right are marginalized working class too. However, people on the (traditional/non-American) left genuinely strive for a better and more equal society. Those on the right dream of being billionaires, and a part of the elite. It’s a pipe dream but they strive for power and wealth, therefor cannot criticize the system that keeps them poor, as they want to be a part of that system. It really is as simple as that.


As a former right winger..this is correct.


Having the diamond hands just makes this comment so much funnier.


Diamonds for everyone mate. We have more than enough of them.


You got a sincere 4 second chuckle from me. You made my day.


:) yay joy has been spread.


As a former right winger I just thought we were gonna destroy the elite and make everything equal Turns out I was only calling myself a right winger and didn’t realize I wasn’t


They don’t hate the hierarchy, just where they’re in in it and who’s above them in it.


Non sense for the sole reason that: A) Being a Wealthy person who mind his own business & enjoy life is one thing B) But Being a Billionaire who controls the World & whatever people do is another. What Right wingers hate is the 2nd type!


When they say "global elites" they really mean "the Jews". They truly believe antisemitism equals class consciousness. Capitalism couldn't possible be the problem. Only a particular ethnicity is ruining capitalism for the rest of us.


Well....global elites equals jews to the far right.


And recently also LGBTQ people at least in the USA.


Propaganda is one hell of a drug. Might need to be classified as Schedule 1.


Well the largest fee from dominion against Fox News and tucker cost almost 1 billion. Still not enough until they’re all shut down Facebook, Twitter, Major Media. Humanity is at the edge of extinction and people are acting like nothing is wrong and it’s because the media overdoses people with news so they’re numb to everything because there’s another story the next day and they got no time anyways working all the time let alone family. It’s like a bullet train going off the rails lmao.


When you trick the masses so hard that even mentioning who you are is murky and hard to actually understand in depth lmaooo Seriously conservatives be so close and yet so far like how do you support the elite by hating on them supposedly at the same time💀


It's funny to me that people have to come up with elaborate conspiracy theories to try and make sense of the world when its really so simple. The people with all the money want to keep making all the money. Under capitalism, they control evrything in order to make that happen. The thin veneer of political democracy barely masks the corporate oligopoly controling everything. It's not some secrete group of people running the world, it's LITERALLY the very open and public group of people dooing it.


The 1% using the Internet and news media to get us split by race, sexuality, religion etc to keep us from solidarity needed to set things right. Tired of millionaires telling us we are greedy for wanting at least $60k a year, a stable retirement and proper vacations. Cost of everything goes up except our labor. So called Red pill folks really on sleeping pills.


When the right wing says “global elites” they just mean “Jews”. Just a slightly refreshed paint job on classic Antisemitism.


When the far-right conservative talks about "elites" or "billionaires", they mean the Jews. If you ask long enough from them who the elite actually are, they'll say it's people like Soros and Rothschild bankers. A conservative has absolutely no problem to lick the boot of a white, Christian billionaire. Those are for far-right conservative the "good" billionaires. They love them. Only when the billionaire is Jewish, they think it's wrong. Far right conservatives believe in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.


One of the characteristics of fascism is the pretend element of populism. Even Hitler would gesture at the hypothetical common man who would reach their true potential if not for the degenerative influence of "the jew" they like billionaires and millionares like Trump ir Elon. The priority is to crush to perceived outgroup attacking "the elites" is just a mask justifying a broader goal.


The problem these people have is that their problems are clearly caused by wealthy elites but also that they want to be wealthy elites, so they can't actually meaningfully contend with the problems they bring up. They have to come up with all kinds of ways of tamping down that cognitive dissonance.


I see a lot of similar posts saying I don’t get how conservatives or liberals are close but confused and it’s ALWAYS on purpose, it’s intentional propaganda. In this case, “elitists” shifts the blame, it’s vague and can be used to guide someone to anti semitism. Henry Ford once published a book called The International Jew. The “globalists”


January 6th was right for all the wrong reasons. Said this the same day.


Fascism is a malleable and irrational ideology that encapsulates disparate methods to maintaining class distinctions. Trying to make sense of their contradictions just rationalizes their tendency towards self-destruction and self-flagellation. Capitalism is a zero sum game and the only way to sustain it is to convince the masses that their futile endeavors under capitalism actually yield successful outcomes for everyone.


Eastern European Aryan moment. You gotta love their attempt at mental gymnastics to convince themselves that they are somehow the "master race". That or the NazBol crowd who try to convince themselves that they are fighting against capitalism.


When we talk about conservatives, especially in the US, we’re talking about a particular party with a particular platform. But, if you broaden it out to talk about conservatism as an ideology, this is what they are trying to “conserve.” They want the power structures. They want someone above them to rule them. They want to have people bellow them to look down on. This is why things like racism, sexism, and classism are inherently baked into conservatism. They spend a lot of time talking about freedom, but ultimately they’re afraid of it because they’re afraid of being equal with others.


Listen to Matt Christman's assessment of the far right. He says that basically PizzaGate is real but they got the details wrong. The QAnon idea about society is actually (sadly) in many ways more accurate than the worldview of liberals. QAnon basically believes that an elite group of people are harvesting the life-force of vulnerable people (children mostly) in our society and the they secretly run everything and are set on enslaving us. This is true. The details about Tom Hanks being a hologram, adrenochrome, and the Jewish Question parts of this are all wrong of course. But yeah, it's frustrating that literal fascists have a better grasp on the general feeling of our society than my nice lesbian boss does.


There is no global elite, as socialists, we cannot descend to the conspiratorial thinking of rightists. Capitalism is not the result of a conspiracy by a "global elite", in fact capitalism controls the actions of the bourgeoisie and not the other way around.


The irony is that there is a growing subclass of wilting conservatives that agree with you. Working class issues affect everyone regardless of politics


Capitalism and its support structures are the “matrix”


The actual elites have engaged in a very targeted and effective propaganda campaign to steer popular rage that should be directed towards the super-rich, towards other groups. The ‘global elite’, ‘globalist bankers’, ‘international financiers’ etc meaning Jews are obviously still operating as trope and theory. But the concept of ‘elite’ has been stretched to include academics or other policy experts, and also any government employees, and in particular teachers. Politicians and the media can easily be cast in this light too, unless they are useful to the cause of promoting this line of thought. It is a neat trick to cast experts as being a uniformly self-interested and dishonest, as proponents of an evil agenda and also overpaid and too comfortable. This directs blame away from the actual mechanics and players of power, while weakening any opposition, and discrediting any reporting on or studying of the relevant facts. It is probably existential for the super-rich to perpetuate and promote this system. Therefore they recognise the necessity of sinking large proportions of their wealth into it, and that’s what they do.


Hypocricy is the lifeblood of conservatism. It starts with the idea that you, the person with all the best things and least risk of losing them, are somehow a marginalized individual that socialists want to destroy, and it ends with violence and scapegoating.


Because they don’t want to attack their future selves incase they strike it big on the lotto.


A better way to understand conservatives is an ancapitalist with religion to enforce laws and morality so we don’t turn into ravenous beasts\s


I feel like the talking heads of conservatives are all mere performers, hired to distract.


And their anti-scientific mindset is amusing to watch. As they keep bragging about western scientific progress, they are also extremely paranoid about its application, from vaccines to hormone therapy or AI. Like it's the inevitable outcome what do they expect?


That's because not all Billionaires are bad people who are looking to control us!