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Son who is in accident > son who is having a birthday. The timing sucks but your parents made the right call. Let them recover from their stress/anxiety/tiredness, make sure your brother is on the road to recovery **and then** bring up how you’d like to celebrate your 18th with them, albeit slightly delayed. Being an adult means being an adult, this is one of those things *at 18* where you just have to suck it up and be an adult. Shit happens. Hope your brother pulls through and happy birthday!


Thank you for your feedback. After reading your comment, I realized that I need to become more mature and be an adult. Thank you🥰. Your advice mean so much to me.


Yeah this is good answer


Happy Birthday for yesterday!!!!! 18's a big one ~ congratulations!


Thank you so much. I appreciate it.


Happy Birthday To You!!!🎂🎈🎁


Thank you🤭


I would've rocked the moment with Grandma. Make some memories with her -- you won't have her forever!


I will. Thank u for the advice.🥰


You should speak to your parents (and tour siblings, I guess) about making a celebration when all you have the time, since the accident came in a bad timing for your birthday. BTW, I forgot about my 18 birthday (like any other birthday before that) and the first person to tell me "happy brithday!" was a friend in the highschool. There was no accident or whatever, it's just that my whole family was a bit detached of that kind of celebrations. But I got my cake, my presents and my party that weekend, without me having to say anything, they didn't forget, just they are not really detail-oriented regarding this stuff and don't put too much importance in being the first to congratulate you.


I see. Thank you for your advice. It is a bad timing but I'll try to understand my parents. Hope you have a wonderful birthday party.🥰


Happy delayed birthday to you too!


I think your birthday is what you make it, there’s probably quite a few options at 18 you could have pursued to make your day fun in its own special way. I think you should still celebrate with them, it’s one day that didn’t go according to plan but it sounds like there was a legitimate emergency they had to attend to, I’m sure they would have preferred not freaking out about your brother. Happy Birthday OP, the day might not be what you wanted but there’s plenty of other days in the year to make your own.


You're right. Thank you for the advice. I realized I shouldn't make a big fuss about it. My brother need my parents more than me for now n he need all the help he can get. Thank you so much.


Do you have some good friends that you could go out with for a belated birthday dinner? And can't you purchase a cake or a cake mix and frosting with your 18 candles? I wish you can celebrate 🥳 whether it's with family or friends. 🌷🌹🍰


I hope they give you the love and celebration you deserve on their return and I hope whatever you do to celebrate is as fulfilling/better than what you were expecting!


Happy belated birthday!


Thank you.🥰


I know that feeling, it a bitter taste in your mouth and you feel hurt but don’t want to sound entitled. I feel you with this. That does suck. It could also be a very hyped up expectation left unmet. With that said, you need acceptance. Later on, less and less people see you for your birthdays, but that doesn’t mean you should remain feeling down, try something that cheers you up. Personally i would just go to sleep, past the time, and see it in a better state of mind. Happy birthday.


Thank you for understanding me n you're right. I getting older. I need to be independent and more mature and make myself happy. Thank you for your advice. I'll keep that in mind.🥰


Relax, you can celebrate it a few days later


Yeah, you right.


It seems your question has been answered, but my birthday was also yesterday so happy birthday to you birthday twin!


Happy birthday to you too!!🎂🎂🥳🥳


Those are extenuating circumstances. Have a little empathy for your brother. They didn’t plan a visit to go spend time with him on your Birthday, that would be something I could understand.


I see your point. I do feel bad for what happend to him and I need to be more understanding. Thank you for your feedback.


Happy IRL cake day! Don’t worry about it. It sucks but now you can go grab some booze by yourself.


Thank you so much.🤭


Then there is me, who hates birthdays and wish no one ever celebrated mine lol. I'm an introvert. Hope your brother gets well soon. By the way, Happy Birthday!


Thank you. I appreciate it.


Um missing your bday isn’t what is sad here…


I realized it now I was being immature and I should think more about my brother than myself and pray for him. Sorry if i made u upset...I'll try to be better next time. Thank u.


Sweet of you to realize that. I don’t know what your family dynamics are and what your role in your family is. You didn’t upset me…and you don’t have to be better for me or anyone else but yourself. Go celebrate w your friends, go show your second brother (have no idea what that means…is that like “an heir and a spare”?) how much he means to you (if it’s a healthy family dynamic. You just turned 18, you’re supposed to be immature. And this is how you grow. AND don’t swing the other way into passive agresssin or codependency. Waiting for or wanting or expecting people to change in order for you to be happy will waste the best years of your life. Figure out what makes you happy regardless of what others do or think and do that.




Happy Birthday!! I hope your brother has a quick recovery but like other said you can still celebrate with your parents when they get back


Aww thank you so much.🤗


I bet they’ll be up for celebrating your birthday with you when your brother is a bit better, and you can have a birthday day that is fun even if it’s not on the actual day! I’m sorry the actual birthday wasn’t great


Thank you for your advice. Im okay now. I finally understand why. They need to be there for their son. I shouldn't make a big deal out of this. Thank you.


You can make a big deal out of it, because your birthday does matter. You’re allowed to feel bad. And you should still celebrate your birthday when you have a chance! I hope your brother’s doing okay and that you are too


You can celebrate your born day every single yr till you good healthwise .. On other hand Your brother is the one who needs everyone's support to get up again n have those born yrs of his celebrated like you !


Yea, you're right. I need to be more supportive and pray for him to recover. Thank you so much for the advice. I'll try to be more understanding next time.


You just 18 , chill buddy you have lot to go ! Take few mix fruits bags n what he likes to your brother take care of him ! There ain’t anybody who’s trustable apart from ur family in date ! !


Oh gosh, I feel like my kid wrote this. I had one in the hospital during the other one’s birthday. Her birthday was on the 27th. I wish I could be there for both of them, but I’m sorry that I just assumed the other one would understand. Anyway, I’m taking the birthday kid on a surprise beach trip as soon as my son is homefrom the hospital. I know so many of us assume turning 18 means you are automatically an adult, but you’re still your mama’s baby and I suggest you share your disappointment with them when the timing is right. Share it, let them hear it, and move on. I think the worst thing is when we don’t trust our parents enough to share the good and the bad. You don’t have to be whiny about it. You can say something like you’re so glad they were able to be there for your brother and even though you felt a little neglected that day you understand. Begin it and end it on a good note. As a parent, it’s never easy to hear our kid was sad, but I rather know it than to have distance between us. Happy Birthday and I am proud of you for posting this. You are helping me be a better mom!


Aww thank you so much. Your advice really helpful. I'll try to open up to my parents soon. I guess im still a kid even tho im already 18. Thank you so much for your advice n im glad im able to help you in anyway.


Happy birthday! And the timing does suck for you. But as someone once told me, make everyday your birthday. Meaning everyday we have with our loved ones is a blessing. So, while you had a crappy birthday, your brother is healing and your parents are home. And any excuse to have cake and ice cream is good


Thank you so much. You're right. To live everyday with the we loved is a blessing. I understand now. Thank you for your advice. It really help me to become a better person.


I can understand you’re disappointed but sometimes things happen. I suggest you try to celebrate your birthday soon with cake , family etc. . Just pick a date, maybe the weekend. I’m sure everything will work out and I hope your brother is ok.


You're right. The timing was off. But i still could celebrate it on another day. Thank you so much. I appreciate your advice. Its really helpful.


Happy belated birthday! You have a right to feel upset but you also recognise it was just bad timing. Maybe try and plan something special sometime in the future when things calm down. That gives you sth to look forward to.


I will. Thank you so much🥰.


Happy Birthday!! They should have told you they wouldn’t make it home so you could arrange other plans. I’m sorry to hear about your brother, hope all is well. Hopefully your parents will make up the bday for you!


Aww thank you so much. Honestly, I just realized its not their fault and they need to do what they have to and I don't blame them. But thank you anyway🤗.


Dont worry, the wambulance is on its way.


Well honestly, you’re an adult now so it’s just another day. You can celebrate on at a different time.


The timing sucks but that’s part of life. Definitely the right call for your parents to stay with your brother in the hospital. When he’s more recovered then ask about celebrating your birthday together later on. Hope he heals up well and you have a great belated celebration!


Don’t want to sound like a grump but I haven’t celebrated any birthday that I’ve had and I spent my 18, 21 alone. I went to the gym and got an early night and slept well. I didn’t even tell any of my friends it was my birthday and I’ve done it ever since. I’m sure you can manage and understand your brother is more important right now then your own personal needs for attention, you’ll be fine dude. If you want to celebrate your birthday you can hold off a while, people still care about you and you’re still important. It’s just that there’s something more important than a celebration right now.


Happy birthday 🎂🎂🥳🥳


Thank you so much!!🥰


Happy birthday a little late! Don’t be down- your brother lived and your parents had to prioritize. Congratulations


Thank you. I actually realized they need to be there for my brother as a parents. I shouldn't make a big deal out of this. But, thank you anyway.🤗




What do you mean?




Immaturity and self-centrism are also lack of social skills, so to me it makes sense that they also post in here.


I see. I understand your point and after reading my post, maybe i am a little bit immature and selfish. That why i want some advice so I can be a better person. Im sorry if I had troubled u in anyway and thank you.


You were not a bad person for feeling disregarded during your birthday because of your parents being busy in a real emergency. You were unconscious or self-centered, but not evil. Keep in mind that it is normal and human to feel unimportant, but only because you are putting all the focus on your feelings and the here and now. Get into your parents shoes, your brother shoes, and then think from there about your sibling that is left at home taking care of grandma and waiting for a birthday party in the very day.




You’re the only reasonable person in this entire thread. I dont know why everyone else is validating OP’s feelings. He’s an entitled, selfish dumbass. “Wahhh my brother is in the hospital but where’s my birthday celebration???”


What a stupid and embarrassing level of self-centeredness and immaturity. Your brother is in the hospital and all you care about is when you get your birthday celebration LOL. Holy shit, you’re definitely a late bloomer in the mental department. Grow the fuck up.




I do have friends bro😂😂. They just live far away from my home. Plus i need to take care of my grandma. She is senile and its really dangerous for her the live alone so i have to take care of her. If you wondering y didn't just invite my friends to come, its becuz a lot of my friends don't have license or at a part-time job.


I do


Brother no body gives a shit. This might sound rude af, but trust me. NOBODY gives a shit. The sooner you realize it, it's gonna help you so much in life. Also, you're 18. Man up.