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The show is called Scavengers Reign. This is probably the single most amazing show I have seen so far. It is not exactly solarpunk, but its themes include ecology, biology, futuristic technology and more. HBO max have cancelled the show and sold it to Netflix, who are right now testing if the show is capturing enough attention to make a second season. I promise if you like scifi, biology, technology, ecology... You are going to love this. Oh and did I mention the whole show is only less than 4 hours long?


loved it


I have seen it and it is beautiful, I dare to say it’s poetry in animation form.




This show was phenomenal, I watched it a couple of weeks ago but it still has me thinking. I haven't been that captivated with anything related to television all my life.


Saw it, it was really good. I would have liked to have seen more about how they knew how to do all that stuff I the first episode, but still cool. If you are a fan of biopunk, this show is up your alley.


Easily one of the best shows I've ever seen, it was captivating


Outstanding show. An instant classic, I’d say. Desperately needs to be picked up for a second season.


Sounds neat, I'll check it out - thanks for the rec!


Agreed! Do your part and watch this show. Some of the best animated sci-fi I have ever seen. Beautifully animated, well written, and awesome world building.


If you liked Scavenger's Reign you might also go for some of the shorts in Love Death & Robots. It's not going for a solar punk aesthetic but the 2nd 3 robots short that does a post mortem on the billionaire bunkers is absolutely hilarious, I think that one's in s02 or s03. There's a 4th season coming soon.


> Scavengers Reign Thought this was Akira at first based on the style of bike in the pic.


There’s similarities to Akira, not just the bike


can I ask about violence and sad content? is it gonna hurt me, even a bit? lol


There is lots of gross medium strength body-horror gory things. Weird biology of alien beings. More creepy than violent overall. Others may remember differently, I could have blocked some out :) 


ooooh I might have seen that in the trailer, that jogged my memory. maybe be an afternoon only watch away from meals for me, but the concept is v interesting


Yes, there are sad moments, violence, gore and death :( might have to look away in some scenes, depending on your triggers


There is violence and a fair amount of gore in show. I am pretty quick to cry and I think I only cried twice during this.


It hurt me a lot, I can't wait to watch it again


It’s sad but beautiful


It can be very very sad if you don't like seeing animals get hurt. It's almost like a nature documentary. I had a moment of pure ego death watching it. It was intense. It's very psychedelic so there are intense moments.


It's not like cozy, at all. Definitely got some horror elements


Oh yeah


Yeah I found some ways to watch it but still have it I hate HBO Max in general when it comes to animated shows, its impossible to watch it outside of US and rest of the world never matters if a show survives or not.


It's on Netflix now. HBO Max canceled it. Netflix bought the rights.


Same issue sadly. Not in my country :( 


Not on Netflix Germany either, nor on any other streaming service here


Insanity. I was hoping it was airing overseas after they bought the rights.


It's amazing. Was very impacted for a long time after watching it


The little/huge white and black creature is creepy af


100% I hated that thing, its really like noface in spirited away but somehow even more annoying and controlling


This has totally piqued my interest, I’ll need to check it out!


This and ‘midnight gospel’ for me


Literally Moebius as a Show. Really liked it!


oh it was amazing


is it like rick and morty?


thanks for posting about this! Loved this show and totally wrote about it as well telling everyone to watch it. (:


Would be nice to tell us the name of the show you want us to watch XD


scavengers reign




Heads up, it's a TOUGH watch. Absolutely 10/10 recommendation, it is severely under appreciated, and one of the most incredible shows I've seen in recent memory, but not for the faint of heart. I still haven't brought myself to finish it. It has some of the most beautiful animation I've ever seen, easily the best depiction of a truly "alien" ecosystem, and what it means to adapt and find a niche, but all of that is contrasted with some horrifying violence, and absolutely gut wrenching emotional rollercoasters. If you like solar punk for the "feel good" optimism, I might not actually recommend this. But if you're at all curious, watch the first episode. You should get a feel for where the series is going tonally.


This show is amazing


i looove this show!!! watching it for the second time now.


Reason to have Netflix for sure.


one of the best shows i’ve watched in years


Really is so good, I think about it regularly. Been a few months since I watched it.


It's my favorite animated series of all time. I've never had an experience like it. Almost like a crazy acid trip. Really intense moments. Someone mentioned Alien. But I think this is closer to if David Attenborough did a sci-fi show about an alien planet. There's a cool harmony with nature aspect. They seem to have a tech that relies on nature. More biotech influence. The show creators were able to create ecosystems with flora and fauna. Predator and prey species. It is dystopian fiction. The entire reason they were left stranded on the planet is because their freight company said it wasn't profitable enough to save the crew. A lot of desperate people trying to survive and hoard resources. It doesn't get solarpunk until the very end imo. But that journey is worth it.


Just watch it pls. And also we need a 2nd season.


Show is good but like specifically corporate dystopian sci-fi just like alien. Don’t see the solarpunk connect.


Just aesthetics, ecology, humans interacting with nature, hint at possible sustainable future on the planet... Not really a deep connection but I see some parallels and from the response to the post I assume others feel the same


Because of this post I’ve just started watching. It looks SO damn cool


I've seen the original pilot on vimeo and I definitely aligns more with the peaceful theme while the series is more of along the lines of Aliens except it doesn't seem to cross into biopunk. As far as we know it's completely based in theoretical zoology. Still a magnificent work of art and shows that adaptations can still be good. The gore does make my eyes role but only because it almost seems to be a requirement amongst adult shows. Tbf they do a great job building up to it, the establishment of what the world is and that death is a part of the life. The world isn't cruel because they're simply doing what they're good at and as a result continue to thrive. Cruelty stems from self awareness.


I really enjoyed the show, but I agree the gore was excessive. I have wanted to suggest the show to a few people, but remember how they don’t handle goops and blood very well. I certainly would like the artists to create the thing they want to create and not feel limited while trying to make something mass appeal, but if I had my wish it’d be just bit less goopy.


And yet, because it's so alien it doesn't seem to be as gory. For example, when one character is infected by some mushroom like alien, she changes rapidly and it's very gory, but then it all ends and everything is ok and back to normal? I'm very sensitive to gore and killing (couldn't finish the first episode of Fallout) and found this to be freaky but not scary.


That is true and that's the thing that makes it nice is that a conclusion and lesson is made. It's definitely a beautiful genre.


Will watch it !


Just watched the first episode. Pretty cool. The lady was mean to her robot :(


Definitely recommended if you can handle the blood and gore. This show made me question the meaning of life in a new way. Not a solarpunk story but does capture several elements of it. Best show I have ever seen.


On my list!


I was on a long flight recently and saw this offered on the in-flight entertainment. Had never heard of it and considered myself pretty in the know on sci-fi animation, so decided to watch a couple episodes. I was blown away to the point I was embarrassed it had slipped under my radar. Watch it if you haven't already!


I've seen it, and found it to be a very violent and dystopian world. It didn't strike me as solarpunk.


Loved it! Great soundtrack, too. Very relaxing!


go look at r/scavengersreign , the soundtrack is available on a cool vinyl


Started watching it because of this post. Almost done now. I’m glad I saw this post.


Hellye dude, did you finish it?


It reminded me so much of the "Worlds of Aldebaran" comics from Léo, an amazing comic series on life on extra-terrestrial planets. Definitely recommend it if you liked scavenger reign


Best sci fi I've seen in years.


Show was pretty good, that whole side plot with the dude and that alien with telekinesis was pretty crazy. Been a little bit since I watched so memories is a little hazy in characters. That robot that was with azi is probably my favorite character. Nonetheless people should def watch this


Can't find it in Germany :/, guess it's time for a VPN


Yes I had to get it aswell, I really recommend trying brave browser, it has optional vpn you can pay for built in and also you can cancel it and have it just for one month for free to try it out... Brave is an amazing browser that blocks absolutely all adds, its truly amazing


I actually have duck duck go imma give that a try, as it features a VPN aswell, thanks for the recommendation tho






My favorite show ever ngl. If they don’t renew it for another season I’m gonna jump off a cliff.


Such an incredible show - the depictions of the shear abundance of the alien ecosystems they travel through is what makes it solarpunk, to me. It is worth remembering that this planet once was that abundant; what we see around us now is really the degraded remains of that verdant world. I think the true promise of solarpunk is that earth can look that way again, and humans can be alive to experience it.


Just watched the trailer and it's giving me Heavy Metal animation vibes


I have watched the first 5 episodes and I don't find this SolarPunk, not really. Does it get better? So far, it is more "terror" or something to that effect. It does have a good vibe though.


As I've said in the comment the show is not exactly solarpunk but I just thougth people here would like the aestethics of it, and the violence is persistent throughout the whole show


This show is so awesome I keep telling everyone to watch it!


Starting it right now.


Have you finished it? :)


No I couldn’t get through the first episode


The show was great, but as someone who studies ecology and enjoys Spec Evo content it really didn't nail that aspect of things to me. It felt like the ecosystems were all pretty random and felt evolutionarily disconnected from one another. I know the creator's took inspiration from Rube Goldberg machines, and they did a good job in that aspect, but it just doesn't feel very realistic to me. Other than that though the show was amazing.


As soon as Netflix end finally up giving it an international release. The original short was amazingly weird.


Thank you, this looks promising!


Thanks, will check it out


The art style reminds me of the game Sable https://store.steampowered.com/app/757310/Sable/


already did love it \^\^


Anime? *Hard pass.*


Scavenger Reins isn’t really anime, unless you’re using the term to broadly mean animation made for adults in a somewhat realistic style. If you like sci-fi and/or survival horror this is for you.


Excellent, thank you. I just can’t deal with those childish anime tropes. Horny? Blood shoots out of the nose. Sad? Firehoses of tears flooding the room. Happy? Laughing with a mouth the size of the moon.


Haha. Fair warning: there is quite a bit of blood and body horror, but it’s all extremely not childish.


I watched the first season, I was impressed initially, but eventually it began to feel like a dramatic reading of Rick and Morty


I think you might be mistaking it for some other show? I mean there is just one season of it


I bet OP is a show runner and is just promoting the show to get more eyeballs 😂😂