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After maybe a year of not playing it, I started another campaign of **Under Falling Skies**. I've already completed a campaign in the past, but I think theres enough content in there to have two campaign without overlapping content. I forgot how great this game is... wow!


Escape the Dark Sector and Witchcraft


I finally picked up **Bohnanza** a few weeks ago, and my family and game group really enjoy the game. I looked up fan made solo modes and the Mr. Bean Dip one was actually quite a lot of fun. I lost the first game and won the second, and both games were only +- 3 points difference. **Tetrarchia** x20 - I can't get enough of this quick game. After a few games, the medium difficulty was a bit to easy to be challenging. I found the hard (insane) mode to be at the correct difficulty for the game. With sessions only taking 20 min it's quick to get a few games in. I really like how fast it is to run, and how combat and positioning work. Easily my favorite new game of last year. **Sentinels of the Multiverse** **DE**\- Tried a new location and Matriarch boss. **Skytear Horde** \- Enjoying the game at the moment.


Actually did some solorpg this week. I played the Broken Cast, which I got for Christmas. I recently got Final Girl and can’t wait to play that soon.


Mint Knight!! ⚔️


Woot, Hope you are enjoying it!


Sure am. Probably my favorite Christmas present of the year. Great little game. Very satisfying.


Played Everdell Farshore this morning for the first time. Never played the original Everdell, so can't compare. Game is absolutely gorgeous, wasn't too difficult to learn, and I really enjoyed it. Got clobbered by the bot, so I'm itching to redeem myself after work.


I spent the last week learning **Halls of Hegra**. I don’t think it’s a huge secret that it’s a really great little game. The decision space and tension created by the impending attack you’re preparing for is excellent. As a purely solo game too it’s the first time in a while I haven’t had to make any concessions whilst playing due to the design or a solo mode. Highly recommended


Played **Deliverance** a few times, and just got **Trailblazers** today (finally... it's taken 2 months to arrive from AllPlay, but that's a rant for another time).


[Deliverance -> Deliverance (2022)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/273814/deliverance) [Trailblazers -> Trailblazers (2023)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/352454/trailblazers) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


So far: Golem, Explorers of the North Sea (with a fan Automa I'm working on), Ark Nova, Voidfall & Merchants of the Dark Road


Final Girl - Camp Happy Trails while Friday the 13th The Final Chapter played in the background. Drew the Dark Waters event as Jason leapt out of the water.


Played Mage Knight for the first time and loved it as much as I knew I would. Also played Final Girl, Sheila vs Dr. Fright. I got wrecked on scenario 11 of JOTL in a turn of luck that can only be described as meme-worthy. Got through a couple of dungeons in Dungeon Pages.


Late to it, but just got LOTR LCG, and played my first games this past week. Have a starter deck on the way, so that plus a new Marvel Champions expansion will be on my table this month!


I've found a well maintained second hand copy of Renegade, and I'm all in for it. I've played it at least a dozen times past week. It's a small box, easy to get to the table and especially at higher levels the brain crunch is real. Very much the Mage Knight itch is was expecting to scratch, in easily under a quarter of the playing time. Besides I played a bit of arkham horror the card game, but as coop with my wife. A nice way of experiencing a story together.


I've got Dune Imperium with both expansions. Now I learn the base game, expansions are still shrink-wrapped. But, oh boy, this game is very well designed.


20 strong, Scarface 1920, spirit island, and This War of Mine.


Final Girl: Krampus, and Expeditions


I've been playing Trickerion and Turing Machine. I plan on learning and playing Voidfall in the next week or two...


how do you Trickerion solo? I own a copy and just did a 2plyer game the other day


FYI. Before I got the expansion, I tried it out on Tabletopia. A little awkward for sure, but I used the physical game and the digital one in combination -- using the solo bot's cards and the location dice from Tabletopia, and the physical game components for everything. You could try this or just use Tabletopia for everything and get an idea if you like it or not.


Unfortunately, the solo mode isn't included in the base box and you need the Dahlgaarder's Academy expansion. You can include the Academy in your solo play (or not) too, and it adds some interesting mechanics to the game.


Sentinels of the Multiverse - Definitive Edition. Omnitron is horrible. 10/10 would play again.


I didn't find him as horrible as the Matriarch? (bird lady). But maybe it was our group of heroes. (Setback, Ardent Adept, and Expatriette ). AA was able to constantly remove ongoing effects, while expatriette was blasting devices left and right. Was a long fight though.


It was definitely a ‘me’ problem, as I’ve only had a handful of plays against Baron Blade / Akash Bhuta. So walked in blind into that one 😅 Been loving the discovery process though (e.g how each villain/hero plays, what the locations do), so I’m looking forward to working my way to trying out Argent Adept and the higher complexity decks! Thank you for the heads up, their abilities will be vital to know for the more devious villains!


I was not trying to imply you had a problem. I just remember the "WTF" face our group made after seeing how Matriarch's deck plays for the first time. I think we luckily also picked a good hero to fight her by luck. I also played Omnitron without AA and it was much more difficult as the ongoing effects kept piling up and having some devastating turns.


Oh no no, i wasn’t implying you were implying either - I was just making light of the mess I found myself in. All good! I’m right there with you re: the “WTF” villain moments. I had to use a die to keep track of which one of Omnitron’s devices was taking effect during the villain turn. Matriarch sounds like a lot - I’m looking forward to that in future plays!


I've played Galdor's Grip a couple of times (still need to beat it, but I'm enjoying it). Also Paleo multiplayer with my daughters, we all liked the game a lot. Eager to try the solo mode.


Started to learn Wing Leader. Holy hell its complicated! I love it!