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I have preordered the Nusfjord Big Box. This is after I have just managed to pick up a used copy of Oranienburger Kanal at a great price.


I preordered the Nusfjord big box over a year ago. Hoping it comes in a few months, where did you order yours from?


I originally preordered it in the UK but found a better deal at Spieletaxi in Germany. I am hoping it will deliver in June or July.


Kanal sounds sweet! I hope you like it a lot!


I have only played it once so far and have been on vacation. I really liked that one play. With those four different decks of cards there appears to be a lot of variety as well.


Ordered or thinking about games Not Yet Released: - Chip Theory Games’ Elder Scrolls game (I backed it on Gamefound) - I will probably order Buttons and Bugs, second printing, which says it will start shipping in August. - The Mage Knight expansion but I do not know when that is expected to be released - Automa expansion for Terraforming Mars; maybe - Nusfjord Big Box…again maybe…I still have games from last year I have not even played yet plus a lot of content for Marvel Champions I purchased but have not opened. On top of the above, there are games that are available now that I might also get but…realistically, I may not play them this year. - Obsession - Tales from the Red Dragon Inn - Too Many Bones: Unbreakable + 3 more gearlocs — I am definitely buying these. I do not have as many games as many of the fine folks in this subreddit—I think my active collection is about 30ish—but I feel “full” if you will. I reached a point last year where I felt, I enjoy the games I have and want to get them all to the table more but I do not have the time.


I too preordered the yet to be released elder scrolls game. I went all in. I'm looking forward to the game. I also preordered the mage knight expansion after just recently picking up the ultimate edition of the game.


Where did you pre-order the mage knight expansion? I can't seem to find a store for it, but that might be because I'm in Canada?


I preordered directly from the publisher, WizKids. I could be wrong, but I believe they ship world wide.


Cool! I'll try to find it, thanks!


I really want Too many Bones and Red Dragon Inn but hard to get in UK. Sounds like you’ve got an awesome collection


Many months ago I ordered Dungeon Degenerates, it’s finally on the way! Also thinking about going for Tiny Epic Game of Thrones as I’ve been looking for something war-like. Also pondering getting Root or a COIN game like Gandhi.


Star Wars: Outer Rim + expansion. Played two handed to get a feel for it. Loved it, have it set up against an AI right now, look forward to playing again!


It sadly looked kind of boring to me. Solo games are what I want to do most of all, but it didn’t seem worth it. I am dying to try Rebellion solo


I love star wars, so the theme carries a lot of it. I've played rebellion a few times and it's a phenomenal 2 player game, didn't know it had a solo variant.


It has two solo variants. One for each faction.


Just got Sleeping Gods. Oathsworn 2nd edition is on its way I signed up for Rove kickstarter All this month 😂 Plus Aeon Tresspass odyssey was ordered some months ago to come in September? No more games purchases for rest of the year 😱


OG Sleeping Gods? I’ve been waffling on that for a while, but it’d cost me about 200 bucks worth in my local currency to get it either domestically or imported. Hard to justify that to myself (despite having a couple pending 200-300 crowdfunding games pending), though it looks like the kind of solo narrative I’d get a lot of playtime.


Yeah I had been thinking about it for several months and happened to see it in a bookshop so I crumbled and bought it. Started playing it last night. At first it seemed fairly easy and then it suddenly got brutally difficult. I can see myself heading for a game failure soon if I don't turn things around ....


We failed as we ventured too far from the start. Way too far at that. Hoping to prevent this for you


I just bought Sleeping Gods Distant Skies as well as Sleeping Gods Primevil Peril. I never played SG before and had the OG on my wish list, but decided to pull the trigger on the games with the "newer mechanics" that I’ve been reading about.


Ah let me know how it goes . I bought the original game, started playing yesterday; was feeling unwell so cancelled my board game day with friends and played this solo most of the day. Was quite easy to start and got increasingly difficult, not sure I’m going to get any kind of victory here 😭


After the first game, failure or not, it gets easier to know if you should fight or not, use characters for challenges vs just drawing to hope to make the success number or just take the bad stuff and go from there. Make sure you get captain Odessa’s upgrades, especially the one that allows her to have 3 exhaust tokens. The market place is your friend for cards that give lots of recipes. Also, something that my group does, which might be an ease of life home rule is that if there is a card in the recipe area that has cunning,sight, or strength etc. we use command on those for challenges AND damage (damage is the game breaker part that you are not meant to do but even then we have tpko’ed from fights). Anyway, I have the ruins expansion and base game and love it. I want to solo it, but playing with two others. They make interesting choices lol.


Thanks. I did eventually buy the Captain upgrade yesterday, wish I had it earlier . I’ve just hit this rough spot where there are just endless problems everywhere I go and in the events and I don’t manage to get breathing space to fix the crew . I did get to a port and managed to heal everyone up but it didn’t last long 😭 Maybe I did just go too far , should have spent time Building the crew up first. Oh well, if I die then I can try again 😂 I only have one totem! And I have about 10 quests piling up


Well, the going to far bit kinda woks out, in an interesting turn, my group had a keyword used on the starting map that we got far in the reaches and we thought, “oh it brought us back to the normal starting map…..this will be easy!” Think again idiots it was a combat level 18. Even with our totems and lots of items and upgrades…it was HARD. Lol. So depending on what keywords you have….it might not be so smooth sailing. Also, something I do for later plays, if there’s a spot that has a really bad outcome without a keyword, I take notes and write keyword on the map. I mean I take notes in general…probably due to habit of D&D games, but it helps.


Good to know! I’ve been a little concerned about the difficulty of these games. From what I’ve been reading, I’ll plan to start with Primevil Peril to serve as my "training" for Distant Skies.


Rove looks like a blast, but I'm relatively new to the hobby, especially bigger games like that. Do you know if there's any expected weight or complexity ratings for it by chance? I know I'm not ready for anything to complex as I'm still learning a lot of board game mechanics and such. On BGG their other game has 3.8 or so weight, but I know that's not necessarily a good indicator for future games.


There are several playthrough videos on YouTube, watch one so you can get a gauge for it. I would say it’s fairly complicated, there are quite a few rules . The designer is a major Gloomhaven fan and has made a very similar game but has basically streamlined it to remove a lot of complexity and make it far quicker. For example in Gloomhaven, the rules governing how monsters react are quite complex and sometimes overwhelming whereas here it’s very simple; your characters have far fewer powers to choose from so you will have a lot less analysis paralysis . I went with the basic box so no miniatures and no expansion set of extra missions and extra characters. I’m going to play it solo, so I can easily play it twice without spending more money on an expansion I may not even like (still feeling the burn after going all in on ISS Vanguard and regretting it).


Slay the Spire should be delivered sometime this week.


That game is getting such great reviews. Would love to have that one on its way.


Enjoy. It’s fantastic


Same here. Can't wait


Looking forward to Chronicles of Drunagor next week. Wasn't on my list but I couldnt resist for 70€ & now excited to see how it is gonna play.


Don’t know this one- will check it out.


Harakiri: Blades of Honor. Ordered April of '22, left manufacturer this month. Getting closer! DreamEscape. ETA December this year. Arkham Horror LCG: Dream Eaters campaign rerelease: Available 7/5.


Woah!!! harakiri has a 9.2 rating on BGG. Looks amazing. Bit too pricey for me. That’s an exciting one to wait for.


We'll see how long it keeps a 9.2, but here's hoping. Totally get the price. I usually only back 2-3 games per year and it really needs to fit my style. 2022 was an exceptional year, and my accountant (see wife) was super into spending extra money on hobbies that year, definitely lucked out on that one. If a game has a great solo mode, lots of story with impactful decisions, and replayability, it's pretty much a must for me. Bonus for minis.


I'm still waiting for the dream eaters investigators. No indication at all of a release date in the UK. I've still got Innsmouth then Hemlock Vale campaigns to play through so not in as much of a rush for the campaign itself


looking forward to Gaia Project : the lost fleet


Just ordered Mint Italy from Gamecrafter! And waiting (semi-)patiently for 7th Citadel to be back on Kickstarter


Mint Italy is very very nice


Are they doing a reprint for 7th Citadel, or an expansion? I’m in the process of selling just about all of my games and that might explain why I haven’t gotten any bites on that one.


I believe it's a 2nd print https://the7thcitadel.seriouspoulp.com/ Edit: did extra googling and seems like there'll be new content as well


Just got the core set for Arkham LCG and a few extra investigators. All on sale, $20 for the whole shebang. Now just gotta find time to actually play it lol


I think it’s time I took the plunge into Arkham as it comes up a lot and looks great.


Yea I might try some of those Final Girl S3 boxes too. Recently for me it's been just a bunch of Marvel Champions stuff really... But I'm still loving the game so it's great. Coming soon, Lord of the Rings LCG's new cycle and that new Star Wars Mandalorian game by that guy who used to make all the amazing Star Wars games at FFG. Same designer who made Death Angel if I remember right... His games brought me so many dozens, if not hundreds of solo gaming hours over the years. I just need to try it. I wonder if we'll get expansions for it 🤔


What’s the mandalorian game?


https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/420077/the-mandalorian-adventures It's going to follow the show's storyline and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of missions, so replay value is my biggest concern with it, but it might end up being just fine. It looks very fun and well thought out, and they reveal some details about the game on the forums every now and then.


I have recently received the core box of LOTR LCG and I am not planning on buying anything for a good while. Most of my recent games are unplayed or barely played and I feel if I don't get to play what I have i'm probably not going to play anything new I might get anyway


Waiting on my crowdfound arydia, freedom five, robomon, legends academy, elden ring and deep madness.


I have Gentle Rain and HEXplore IT: Fall of the Ancients campaign book delivering soon. Earlier this year I have backed Conan, Galactic Cruise, and Rome: Fate of an Empire.


I'm waiting for A Gentle Rain too. I want to see the Target exclusive bloom edition before I decide if it's worth the bigger box or if I just want the smaller one.


Waiting for Gloomhaven Buttons & Bugs to be delivered. Backed Dante recently!


Mine is scheduled to arrive by dhl this Wednesday


Red Dust Rebellion and Earthborne Rangers expansions


Waiting on Arcs which should be shipped pretty soon and the Earthborne Rangers expansion which is a long way from being done!


I ordered railroad ink recently, and it came the day before yesterday! I'd never played it before but I'm having a good time so far. The expansions are now on my wishlist. 🤩 Bonus, to the second question, I saw a game just today over on r/tabletopgamedesign that I might want to kickstart!


Preordered and awaiting: Metal Gear Solid: The Board Game; Rogue Angels; D-Day Dice; Earthborne Rangers


There is an MGS board game? Holyyyycrap, my want list jist got larger based on the IP alone 0_0


Yeah same here, I am a massive MGS fan - especially the first game which is what the board game is based on. Preorders closed in November and it delivers in July. I’m sure it’ll go to retail after that. Here’s the web site with the details. It looks very nice: https://preorder.cmon.com/metal-gear-solid


😆 MGS seems to be a great dungeon crawler and I like the stealth element in it. Might have to add that one to my list too.


Which shop did you get Mini Rogue from?


https://www.dungeonland.co.uk £4 for mini rogue but there’s a £5 minimum order so bought £1 mini-rogue bag to go with it.


Thanks. Looks like it’s the original 9 card version of Mini Rogue, the bigger version is in the £30 bundle. But I’ve heard the 9 card version is good 👍


Yes been wanting to try it for ages but it has mixed reviews, so hopefully this gives me a cheap entry point to test it.


Recently found the Pandemic Cthulu game for about 25 dollars and really enjoyed it. Patiently waiting for Dice Throne Missions to drop


Dawn of the Zeds Arkham horror LCG Dunwich set Obsession Enemy Action Ardennes


Tin Realm is sweet!


1. Leviathan wilds 2. Doggerland 3. Robison crusoe c.e 4. Purple haze 5. Gentle rain 6. Call of the ancients 7. Spirit Fire 8. Baseball highlights 2045 9. Hunted: Kobayashi tower 10. Misty waters 11.Pax maleficium 12. Rome Fate of an Empire 13. Fields of fire 14. Black sonata expansion 15. The Mandalorian adventures 16. Hornet leader 17. Ecosystem: Savanah Fml, what have I done....


😆 it’s an addiction. A very expensive one.


I live in Thailand, so I ran out of patience waiting for cyberion to be in any of the normal thai board game stores, so recently ordered this. Nothing else solo, been looking at TGC games, but they are so expensive to get to Thailand for what ever reason


Recently ordered Burning Banners and Millennium Blades. Both are absolutely fantastic. Located in SE Michigan if anyone wants to play!


I ordered dragon eclipse. I know it's a bit out but I'm rather new to the hobby and it looked quite interesting and fun. I've never played an awakened realms or any game of that size so it should be quite the endeavor.


I ike smaller, easier to learn, games. Kickstarter: Nature's Trio (Pencil First Games): Snowfall and Pottey are new, Floriforus mini is new. Added in Herbaceous and Sunset mini for travel. Just received, after 3 months of production, Dragons of Etchinstone (from the group sale) with the expansion. The expansion has WAY more icon and references than originally expected. Worth it for fans who need more, imo not so for casuals. Kickstarter for Mysticana (Button Shy) has lots of possibilities with relaxed art and easy rules. Ordered Pacific Ocean card game, simple micro game for 2p that is expanded to 1-3 with the extras. It is a nice distraction, but I wouldn't buy for just solo. It is a nice addition to a travel set or light games collection.


Does kick starting count. I kick-started endeavor deep see..can't wait for this one. It looks gorgeous and very easy to get into. it delivers later this year I think


Maladum from Battle Systems. Hoping for a shipping update in the next few weeks. Backed it after playing solo Core Space for a few weeks.


Stalagbite! Very excited


As a publisher I just started shipping my first game, Nano Battle, been a week and have a few repeat customers so that feels nice. I can't wait for Valka from Terrible Games Kickstarter to start shipping.


On crowdfunding, I am waiting on Creature Caravan, Planet Unknown, Wondrous Creatures and the Black Sonata first expansion. I will back the Don't starve board game as soon as it drops!


Just backed the Orange Dutch Resistance game. I’m looking at Halls of Hegra, but I’m not sold on it. I’ll also be working on my own WW2 resistance game.


Looking forward to Tales of the Arthurian Knights, Thorgal, Robomon, Mage Knight expansion, Kelp & 2D6 Realm! Just got Hexplore It. Crazy excited. Hope everyone is havin a good spring/ summer 👍


Waiting on: Aeon trespass 2nd print, oathsworn 2e, elder scrolls, Witcher path of destiny, forsaken, endeavor deep sea


Ordered the la granja deluxe master set during the boardlandia sale. Who knows when they will actually ship it but it will arrive...eventually lol.


I am waiting on the Leisure and Decadence expansion for It’s a Wonderful World. I’ve also got Welcome To - Collectors box arriving as well as Imperium Classics. I have a vast taste in games 😎


Nothing preordered (dont really like preordering board games) But im waiting on: - Sentinels Of the Multiverse DE: Disparison expansion - Nuslfjord Big Box - More Marvel Champions (Jubilee hero pack coming in July!) - Considering Dinosaur Island Rawr n Write which appears to be out of stock Apart from that, I'm trying to have self control and enjoy Horizons of Spirit Island some more before I buy the base Spirit Island game :P just to pace myself


Just got Dune Imperium and waiting on Ascendency which should be here by august and then Blood Throne: The Tower of Sacrifice


I have the 2 releases of Kinfire Delve coming this week. Also spent way too much money to get the last small pack of Valeria Card Kingdoms I've been missing.


Dark Tomb a compact dungeon crawler in a tin a bit larger than a deck of cards. Arrived in the mail couple days ago. I appreciate the simplicity this game offers.


Waiting on the Cthulhu Death May Die - Fear the Unknown Kickstarter to deliver. Got the full set of rewards, so I'll be occupied with that for a while. Sounds like maybe it'll arrive in a month or two...?


I've been playing a lot of Lord of the Rings LCG both in person and on the pc. I have a lot of cards from a saga box I bought a couple months back that I need to sleeve still. I think it's like 359 cards in that box so a few hours of sleeving them is how long it would take me.


Halls of Hegra. Waiting on Cruel Necessity.


Waiting for Endeavor:Deep Sea


I'm quite excited for Robomon to be released. I think it looks great.


I pledged €73 for Berserkers Chaos. Check it out on Kickstarter 


I'm waiting for Mr.President:The American Presidency 2001-2020 2nd edition to be released and i don't have the first one so i'm waiting patiently to be released and try it :)


Recently ordered Massive Darkness 2 and absolutely loving it. Might consider getting expansions soon after I play a few more quests.


Just got bag of dungeon 2 today


Recently ordered an old copy of Sentinels of the Multiverse, which is a great yet fast and simple game. I also got Earthborne Rangers, at the moment I am in the 16th day, and I love it. It's not for everyone thought: if you need a challenge, it's not a game where you can actually fail. But it's a nice storytelling, narrative game with good mechanics and a bit of deck building. Relaxing and engaging. I am waiting for 2 crowdfounded projects, which should be delivered at the end of this year: Arydia (fantasy coop narrative rpg and dungeon crawler by the creators of Xia), and Formula GP (formula 1 simulator)


I’m definitely interested in Sentinels. Might have to get that one at some point.


Haven't ordered but very seriously considering it. City of the Great Machine and The White Castle. And I am waiting for the retail release of Sentinels of the Multiverse DE: Disparation. (I don't preorder or kickstart board games.)


Just ordered Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Bakers Street and Sekigahara. Waiting for Inventors of the South Tigris


I just got Bullet ♡ and Bullet ☆, and I’m waiting on the Dead Cells Board Game and Sentinels of the Multiverse: Disparation to ship from Kickstarter. Having fun with Bullet so far, only did the score attack on Tabletop Simulator so it’s fun trying out the boss fights


Pampero! Hopefully finally just a month to go... And Earhborne Rangers.... in Dec (plus let's see the delays)


I didn't know Unmatched was a solo game ;) Anyways, I just received the print 'n' play files for FantasyForm by Button Shy. So I'm anxious to print it, I don't know if that counts.


Unmatched Adventures Tales to Amaze! Great solo and co-op to mix all the sets I’ve bought but have no one who wants to play it. 😅


Ah right, forgot that you could play any character from another box in Tales to Amaze. Woops!


I just received the Heat heavy rain expansion. As for the games i'm waiting: The Mage knight Apocalypse dragon expansion, Gloomhaven buttons & bugs, the rest of the heroes featured in the current wave of Marvel champions and Earthborne rangers.


New to the solo genre. Ordered Arkham Horror and one expansion, also Gloomhaven Buttons & Bugs. In the mean time I play Gloomhaven JOTL two-handed. Contemplating on buying Legacy of Yu and Tin Realm, also very VERY contemplating of backing Eartborne Rangers as a solo player.


Most recent order was Cyber Pet Quest on Kickstarter, because I was after a fun small solo thing. In terms of what I'm waiting for, the big one for me is the third Res Arcana expansion. I'm also waiting on my copy of Kelp to be delivered, and am pondering pledging to the La Fleur Kickstarter. Or alternatively just springing for Botany, though that probably won't be for a few weeks if I do.


Currently pre-ordered Undaunted: Callisto bringing the Undaunted series to space/sci-fi and includes solo mode. Also waiting as each of the Marvel Champions current release cycle which is the last of the X-men that FFG plans to do until further notice. Also the look out for some GMT games due out this year: Red Dust Rebellion Wolfpack Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition Next year, I'm looking out for Away Team: Voyages of the Pandora by solo master John Butterfield as well as... Comancheria, Firefight Tactical, and Mustang Leader.


Undaunted has been on my watch list for a while but don’t know if the solo mode is good enough? Be interesting to see Callisto solo reviews.


Won a raffle at a local board game convention for Expeditions which I’m excited to try. Bought micro macro all-in and got legendary encounters alien at the same convention so I’m really excited to play all 3 solo!


I Just received Anachrony+Fractures of Time and Gaia Project, but I still feel in the mood for something euro. I just sold Sand cause I wasn't too satisfied with how tight it is, even tho the solo game was pretty good. Any recommendations? I'd like something big like Gaia Project in terms of size and pieces and gameplay options. I've been looking at Lacerdas, but I still can't decide cause I'm not fully sold on the solo mode of both On Mars and Kanban Ev.


I saw the recent [post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/soloboardgaming/comments/1d3ixub/dark_tomb/) on [Dark Tomb](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/368340/dark-tomb) and purchased both immediately.


it suddenly seems to be coming up a lot at the moment and I must admit, I’m quite tempted.


I've got too many Kickstarters I'm waiting on and growing that I have no idea what I'm waiting for on that front. But from retail waiting on tainted grail, French quarter, and sand atm.


As long as Frosthaven doesn't sell out by Friday ima be buying that \^\_\^


I went all in on the recent **Keep the Heroes Out** campaign. I’m also waiting on several **Marvel United** expansions, and all of Gabe Barrett’s monthly Solo series. **Robinson Crusoe** just shipped after about three months, it had the Book of Adventures included so I’m guessing those just made it to their warehouse.


I seriously considered Hunted 2nd edition but missed the kickstarter. Hoping it gets a retail distribution at some point.


In reply to several people’s comments asking if they still have a chance to purchase that one: Gabe says that after the backers all receive their copies you can email him to buy any leftover copies. Worth a shot maybe?


Oh that’s good to know, thanks!


401 Games had Descent 3rd Edition for 50$ CAD, worth trying at that price. Also preordered Slay the Spire and get Heroes of Tenefyr used with the expansion.


I got a couple kickstarted things that are scheduled for this year, I’m probably most interested to see how Dreamescape pans out, I’ve been on lovecraft kick recently. I also just picked up branch and claw for Spirit Island as I managed to find it on sale for like 30 bucks. My first expansion for Spirit Island but it’s a game I enjoy quite a bit so far.