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Robinson Crusoe and This War of Mine might fit the bill. Both are in print and not super hard to find.


Yea I hear a lot about these two, thanks!


I don’t know exactly what your looking for, but I ordered 7th citadel(spiritual successor to 7th continent I guess) from Serious Poulp and it took like 3 days to get to me. And free shipping if over some amount. So I wouldn’t shy away from them just because you can’t get it from a local store.


Also 7th Citadel is IMHO, far superior to 7th Continent. Although perhaps not strictly a survival game?


Final Girl is in stock all over the place. It’s a really good survival game.


I enjoy Final Girl a lot, own everything for it, but it doesn't at all reflect the kind of game OP appears to be looking for. Having to survive being hunted by a horror movie villain isn't the "survival" people are talking about when they talk about survival games.


I recommend either Robinson Crusoe or Frostpunk, both epic solo survival games that should be in stock most places.


Second this big time - I’m always surprised that Frostpunk does not get more love on this sub…


Dawn of the Zeds is the ticket.


Not OP but I was looking at this the other day, is there an edition with all the expansions? If so what’s it called and where can I get it


There is not that I’m aware of but the expansions are inexpensive and available on Amazon.


Noted, thanks! This is going on the top of my “to purchase” list. Seems like so much fun


It is pretty cool and has a rather unique scenario system that layers on complexity as you go.


Seconding. Expansions are around $10.


This War of Mine… amazing solo survival game!!


Yeah this one seems really cool


I would recommend Paleo 🦣


I'd caution that, from my experience, it doesn't shine solo. This might not be everyone's experience, but I found too many edge cases and house rules needed for it to truly flow solo like it does co-op. Now I'll agree that Paleo is a fantastic game, but just wanted to provide my experience with it solo.


Play solo two handed , that should do it


That... is a good point. I usually just default to multi handed play but for whatever reason it never occurred to me to play like this when I played through all the modules.


I'd actually disagree on this. I think the perfect information of two handed play doesn't really translate well the actual gameplay experience.


Same. Such a great game.


Machina Arcana. One of my favorites.


Frostpunk! Survival against the freezing elements… which you usually end up losing to. Fun game.


There’s always a way to find that game you’re looking for. Embrace the hunt.


Hell yeah, this!


Check out **The Lost Expedition** - it’s in stock on Amazon, and your FLGS might have it too. Relatively small box and medium-light rules, but the decisions you have to make in the game are brutal. I have not won a solo game yet. Probably played 7 times by now. You’re trying to get at least one of your 3 party members to the end of this expedition track, by getting through a stack of encounter cards, some that help you, but most hurt you or cost resources. You are choosing what order to face the encounter cards in, choosing between bad and worse options on the cards themselves, and choosing how to pay various costs, with a very limited supply of resources (food, ammo, HP). I love the art style too.


Few people said it already… Frostpunk. A difficult survival game where your choices and actions actually have consequences. A ton of replayability.


Yea I think I better give this one a try.


Final Girl is a great solo survival game. Final Girl is based off of the Final Girl horror trope, and pretty much the jist of it is kill the bad guy(s) before they kill you. It's not super gory or descriptive, but the lore and backstories, and even the flavor texts, are great. It's also very modular, so you pick up the core set and then as many feauture films as you want, and all killers, locations, and playable characters can be mixed and matched. It's usually in stock in a lot of places


A Feast for Odin is available on Amazon [https://www.amazon.com/Feast-Odin-Board-Game-Feuerland/dp/B01KGST1TQ](https://www.amazon.com/Feast-Odin-Board-Game-Feuerland/dp/B01KGST1TQ)


That's where I purchased my copy. But with that said, I don't see how AFFO is possibly a survival game. There's no survival mechanics I can think of. It's a worker placement game with the solo mode simply being a beat your own score game. I have no idea what OP means by "survival game" in this context. The only thing I could possibly think of is the fact you have to feed your vikings? But it's not some kind of win/lose mechanic; I think you just lose points if you can't feed your vikings (it's been a really long time since I last played so I don't fully recall).


Yea I misspoke. Affo is definitely on my radar tho as I really enjoy worker placement as well.


You are right. I can get it in Canada from Amazon. But it's $213...


Here, it's cheaper and in stock. In Canada. https://shop.jjcards.com/A-Feast-For-Odin_p_1183.html?utm_source=boardgameoracle.com&utm_medium=price-search


A number of places have them in Canada. https://www.boardgameoracle.com/en-CA/boardgame/price/noh2bHxMZ2/a-feast-for-odin


Thanks for showing me this. Ordered a copy today!


ouch. in print, makes it quite limited. friday/robinson. not in print, but dirt cheap on secondary market.. salvation road, fallout. not yet in print: the road, colossus, berserkers.


maximum apocalypse. available from the publisher or the original editions are pretty cheap elsewhere. excelent survival game. better than Robinson Crusoe or 7th continent.


Literally EVERY game I look for is either out of print or a kickstarter. It’s unbelievable and heartbreaking


Or has a list of expansions that add to the game that are out of print.


Kickstarter exclusive expansions are the worst. Played and love a game, but the expansions never went to retail…


If you haven't already, I also suggest checking Facebook marketplace or whatever the equivalent is where you're from. I may have to go for a bit of a drive time to time to get it, but often there's a few copies of what I'm looking for around. Can find a great deal that way too sometimes, I know I've found 3 games for half of price I'd find on ebay or elsewhere


Frostpunk is a good one, it's pretty brutal but I guess that's the point of survival games. Halls of Hegra might be a good fit too.


This war of mine is a solo survival game. Has press your luck, disaster mitigation tactics, and choose your own adventure narrative. Not an easy game


If you're into tactical card based combat with weirdo minifigures on hex tile arenas, my own game [Nano Battle](http://nanobattle.com) just started shipping a few weeks ago. Story Mode plays with any core Rumble Pack with you lost in an abyss with energy depleting survival mechanics, collecting gear, and leveling up.


I think it's really cool you did this, man. I'll check it out.


Thanks! I had the idea rattling around my head for years, finally having it out and available feels amazing. Reception so far has been great with the story mode yet to be beaten.


Two handed Paleo


We received a reprint in april for A Feast For Odin in Canada, finally got my copy after searching for it for 2 years. Its amazing!