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I've been playing a bit of **Ancient Realm** and **The Last Lighthouse** this week. It took a little bit for Ancient Realm to get its hooks into me but I'm really enjoying the game now. Only issue I have is it can spread a bit further than my tray table length so I pretty much have to sit at my desk to play it. Similar to **Sprawlopolis** it takes up just a bit too much space to be as compact as I'd like. The Last Lighthouse I've been absolutely loving as well, but the game is way too easy. I'm now adding one of the expansions and increasing the starting difficulty which has helped but I'm still winning a lot more than I'd prefer. Both games are great fun though, very thematic, nice to play in the evening once my daughter is in bed. On another note I finally printed the module cards from **ROVE** onto mini cards so I can now fit that game on my tray table and play on the couch at night.


I ordered the last lighthouse with long nights expansion yesterday!


Played my first few games with The Bloody Inn after weeks waiting for the mail. Was definitely worth the wait.


Love The Bloody Inn. Bought the expansions a while back but haven’t managed to play them yet.


I just started the 7th Continent. The first session was fun, but I still feel a little bit lost.


Played Call of Kilforth, One Deck Dungeon, Bag of Dungeon, and Comfort Creatures! Really enjoyed getting my first solo victory in Call of Kilforth. I find it such a challenging but fun game. Learned to be strategic with my “Influence” skill to take down the Count of Torment at the end! Looking forward to Mage Knight! Continuing on reading the rulebook and watching playthroughs before I really start playing it.


Few games of wyrmspan, cthulhu pandemic, and had my learning game for Cascadia since it arrived while I was at work.


1. The Ratchet Lady from Final Girl: Madness in the Dark ate my whole week. She also stabbed it. 2. Wingspan and Cascadia are still unpunched and in the solo queue. 3. Not solo, but got my first play of Vale of Eternity in. 4. I have not.


I played Mage Knight and scored 244pts using Norowas. I got lucky with some spell draws (the one that lets you recruit a unit for free) and getting the command token skill early in the game. My best score yet. I somehow finished with 130 base fame. I leave the game setup on a table I don't use for anything else and I sometimes deliberate for 30 minutes+ over a single turn and the game ends up taking me over a week to finish. Sometimes I'll play for 30 minutes and leave without making a single move because I can't decide what to do. But this AP seems to pay off with wins, so it is what it is.


Mini Rogue. Pandemic Fall of Rome. One Deck Dungeon.


After doubting, I finally pulled the trigger on Pax Pamir and I am blown away by it. This hits so many of the right notes for me. A challenging and unpredictable AI, the theme shining through in gameplay leading immersion, cards with multiple actions, tactical versitality and strategic thinking, beautiful design and components, and historical awareness. This is definitely my no. 1 game now.


I completely agree. I picked it up and played it a handful of times in the past week and it honestly blew my mind. I love how your strategy is constantly shifting depending on what wakahn does. And the components are amazing!


Are you me? I won my first game yesterday with a last minute event (rumours), coalition switch with a patriot and a betrayal of my own court card (prize) to win my second dominance check. It was great and the best thing is that the board will never allow for this to happen again.


Scored an absolute steal on "Spirit Island" at FLGS flea market last weekend (base game and "Jagged Earth" for $35). Played 3 solo games to test out the low complexity Spirits. Loving this game!!! Can't wait to get it to the table f2f


Second session with **HEXplore It: The Forests of Adrimon**. This one is going much better, though I did roll a Circumstance (Event) which really impacts the game a lot. Not sure if I will survive it, but we'll see. :) I'll have to pack up anyway in the coming days, I have a 2-player session coming Sunday for **The Chase of the Bismarck**.


I just bought Final Girl from Amazon and looking forward to its arrival. This will be my first solo board game! I just finished a jigsaw puzzle solo and ready to graduate to the next level. lol. I also have my eye on “Under Falling Skies” after I try Final Girl. Happy to be here everyone, and happy gaming!


Final Girl is great. Under Falling Skies is also great! Solo board games are great!!!


I just bought Gentle Rain and got it in today. Since I can't seem to keep from playing it most of the day I think I'll be on the lookout for more puzzle games like this one.


Take a look at Beacon Patrol. It is also a tile-laying puzzly game, with a bit more going on than Gentle Rain. Or Puzzle Dungeon, a card game where you use your deck of numbered cards to defeat a grid of monsters.


Nice, thank you I will!


Four plays of **7th Citadel**, I'm now halfway through the first threat (Dadachaem's Awakening). Loving it so far. I enjoyed 7th Continent a lot too but I'm surprised how much they managed to improve on the formula while keeping most of the core mechanics the same.


The same game I play every week, Pinky: Too Many Bones. I got the Lab Rats for father's day, and damn, I love them!


One deck dungeon and 7th citadel. I’m really loving 7th citadel, it’s so damn good. It’s my first experience with a campaign board game and if this isn’t the best one then idk how I’m not going to be spending $$$ to continue to get more and more.


Here are my last 5 plays: * Slay The Spire The Board Game [▶️The Silent \(Ascension 0\) - ☠️](https://youtu.be/XADnmDTU6Tc) * Leviathan Wilds [▶️vs Sentinel (#2)(Hard)](https://youtu.be/SFqbsAWE0eA) * Casadia Rolling Hills [▶️ Scenario 1](https://youtu.be/mDSiAhrd9fo) * Leviathan Wilds - [▶️Leviathan Wilds Solo Playthough by wakasm](https://youtu.be/dyYx8IT9xz8) * Kingdom Rush Rift In Time - [▶️Scenario 2](https://go.wakasm.com/kingdomrushep2) Did an unboxing of Bullet Heart + Star + Orange. Had a bunch of multiplayer games played, but, I assume people are not super interested in those lol. But if so, I also played: * Sky Team * Paleo * The Crew * MLEM Agency * Marvel Zombies (this went horribly) * We might be starting Ticket To Ride Legacy this week (maybe) If interested, all my playthroughs can be [found here](https://go.wakasm.com/wakasmpt). Or wakasm on bgg or youtube.


Gloomhaven : JOL


A few rounds of Lord of the rings LCG. Got beat up pretty bad in all of them, going 0-4 over the weekend, ouch. Also build a group of shadows of brimstone minis. Going to start a new group playthrough this week and see where that leads. Finally, got the new hexplore it book in, which is huge! Need to get that series out for some play.


I've had some time to get a lot of solo gaming in, especially while I'm 3d Printing things and being semi observant. **Maracaibo** - Continuing the campaign. I think I'm far enough (chapter 12 or 13) to finally give some critiques of it. I enjoy the solo, I enjoy the bot, but the campaign feels flat for me. I would always want to play it with friends if I played multiplayer, but I find it's story too slow for 1-2 hour game sessions. Most of the time the bot runs around so fast it gets the plot points so it feels like I might as well just read the campaign cards myself like a book. Perhaps it's just me though since I don't particularly like campaigns in board games, except for Saga expansions in Lord of the Rings LCG **War of the Ring: Card Game** - Playing with the against the shadow expansion. Lost 2 times and finally got some good cards and good combos to win on 3rd attempt. It's honestly my favorite Solo Lord of the Rings game at the moment. Which is tough because I love Lord of the Rings LCG. But I feel like the LCG plays great with more people because mono decks are usually uninteresting compared to multiple focused decks. And WotR:CG lets you play one deck if you want. I know it's apples to oranges, but the WotR:CG feels like the movies/books, and hte other just set in the universe (which I also like) **Concorida** - It's been months since I brought this out. I was surprised how well this played and the time went by very fast when playing **SOS Titanic** - A new game I got recently. I've been looking at it for a while and eventually made the plunge. It's good fun if you don't mind the randomness / push your luck nature of the game. **Dune Imperium** - Another game I have not brought out in months but really enjoyed. **Warps Edge** - I don't think I"ve played this for over a year and had a blast picking some random ships and motherships. I'm not sure if I should get the expansion or if the base game is enough. I'm leaning on sticking with the base game since I already beat every mothership with every combination of starting ships (in base game) **The Loop** - I finished my insert so I wanted to try out a solo match. This game is just fantastic solo or co-op. I think there is something great about it being solo because you get so much play. I love the co-op, but with 3 players but with how many decisions you need to make and discuss with players, you often have quite a bit of downtime. Plus, if your turn is quick and fast because you are leaving cubes for a killer turn for your friend it does feel a bit of a let down, but in solo it's your turn every turn and it doesn't feel like I'm multi-handing the game. **For Northwood** - So it's been a few weeks with dozens of plays and the game is great, as everyone mentions all the time. My only critique is that I wish the game had 2-3 fewer fiefs. 8 rounds feels a bit excessive but at the same time It might need it for balance so that you can plan which rulers to get, which hands to play against which fiefs etc. The interesting fiefs are on the edges and the 3-4-5 feel a bit easy. **Tiny Epic Pirates** - This has been hitting the table more now that I 3d printed some miniatures to better locate the harbors and the merchant spaces. The icons just blend in with the art, and the icons are never in the same spot on the card making you check each 4 corners is really annoying. But having them stand out has really helped.


Primal, the Awakening. I'm in chapter 3 and might finally have all the rules down. It stays on the table so I don't have to deal with packing it up. I think my copy of A Gentle Rain should be here soon, really looking forward to giving that a shot.


Slay the Spire! The video game is one of my all-time favorites, but it's been a couple years since I stopped playing. Rediscovering it in board game format has been really fun. Loving it solo, and I'll get to try out co-op this Sunday.


A few games of Spirit Island (3 wins), now just Ocean's Hungry Grasp to play as for the base spirits. Started my Legacy of Yu campaign (1 loss and 3 wins) and enjoying it a lot so far!