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You should create working station, hauler with materials (wood/stone etc) and then make a foundation of your colony. Usually it's well, hearth, food stall, maybe a lavatory and enough houses for future settlers. You should also make a well/hearth in between your far away colony and main town. To keep your haulers from dying on their way.


Thanks for the help


Thank you, I works


Also, starting all that stuff... a road up front is a good idea as all the people working get to use it while they shuttle materials and themselves to the new burg.


You can’t. You should build houses close to your farming, and build infrastructure for them.


There is a better way to say this and a more comprehensive way to explain the mechanics involved. Yeah, people don't want to work far from home. So you build a small hamlet by the far sites build the services and infrastructure for them out in the sticks, and work the product logistics later. To just up and say "you can't" isn't very helpful.


Why offer a learning player such dog shit and completely false advice?


What’s wrong? People won’t work far away from their home. So if you want make a farm far away from your village, you gotta make another one.


They will work far from home. They just don't like it. And if they work too far from home, their residence will fill their spot with someone who works closer, and they will be considered homeless. It isn't a matter of "if" it is possible, it is a matter of "how" to make it happen.


Exactly. This game has A LOT to learn. There is an optimal way to do what OP is asking, but yes plebs will just end up homeless (reducing happiness and loyalty of course) and the best way to do it is to build small hamlets around your map where there are resources and things you want done. Regarding the original comment, Alifant my friend, if a poor child asks you how to get out of poverty, would your answer be, “you can’t you’re poor”? I’d hope the answer would be something like, “Stay in school, stay away from criminals and drugs, get a college education, work hard, etc.” that’s what was wrong, that’s all.


No man, making another village is valuable strategy. I was wrong thinking it’s the only strategy, though.


That’s fair, this game has a lot to learn that’s for sure. I was unable to hit 1k pop until 7th restart and like 80 hours. Now I am taking on challenges of literally picking the seemingly worst spots on the map and tryna survive


I was under wrong impression if that’s true, good to know.