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Log off , log back on. Log off log back on. Log off log back on. Log off log back on. Log off log back on. It's your routers fault. Buy the new headphones!


Its everyone's router fault!


This is disheartening. Paying thousands for Sonos speakers that can only be controlled by an app that's not working properly. Smells like a class action lawsuit.


Happened to me an hour ago. I force closed the app, cleared the cache, then restarted. Started back up as it should.


You can side load old version on android.


I get that every time I switch it on, this new app is a load of f#cking rubbish.


Yesterday I forced a reset because I had no audio... I thought it would reset my alarm as well, It didn't...... I tried to stop my alarm this morning but my app couldn't see my system.... What a morningšŸ’€šŸ˜…


I had music playing, then the music stopped from my speakers but the app still showed music playing. I ended up playing through airplay, then going to the app again and it worked later without resetting everything. Still annoying. Never had the issue before in 10 years.


Only 1 surround speakers didn't have audio for me... I was chatting with customer service for like 2 hours... Eventually things got worse and nothing worked.... I stopped listening to the customer service and fixed it myself. I love my Sonos system and I'm still happy I bought everything. I can't wait for things to calm down again.


I unwisely ignored the noise around the new app issues and jumped into Sonos world, buying a Beam 2 for my living room TV with plans to add Era 100s to that room and eventually more speakers throughout our home. After hours of trying to get the speaker to work with my very uncomplicated setup (one LG TV) ā€”all seemed ok for literally ten minutes. And then the Sonos app refused to work with Apple Music. And then the app couldnā€™t find the speaker (again) that I had just laboriously setup with multiple resets. After multiple hours of my life gone, I have given up and sent the speaker back. Sonosā€”you had guy here willing to buy a speaker or two or three for every room in his house who is now dedicated to telling the world what a nightmare your product is.. Iā€™m super disappointed-stayed in an Airbnb in Paris over NYE last year that was Sonos equipped and loved the product and experience. Youā€™re ruining your company.


Hopefully the app gets better in few weeks with all issues resolved


Maybe, But Iā€™ll never try it again. The hassle of trying to get it work, followed by the shipping it back hassle ā€”cost me about a day of my life.. not worth it.. Tech like Sonos is supposed to enhance our experience and make it easier and better to enjoy entertainment .. this did just the opposite. Why pay for a premium priced product that is inferior in pracrical use?


It probably will. And the fuss will die down. But Iā€™m legitimately considering dumping the entire thing now because of the inconvenience and frustration. Itā€™s just that Sonos is typically so easy to manage and I donā€™t want to implement alternatives that require time and/or maintenance.


Im done with sonos. 2 fives 3 ones 2 subs and an arc but im done. It cost me an arm and a leg to purchase this over time and in the end i realised i'll never fully own this product. When sonos decided to release an app that doesnt work it means my speakers wont play. Im going to start from scratch with a different brand that doesnt rely on an app to work properly.


Kill-the-app galore is my go-to workaround


Iā€™ve started noticing the icons for the Sirius music stations arenā€™t loading. This morning it first said the owner of the system needs to sign in, then that just went away. It seems like the move to being a cloud service is laggy.


I bought an alternative 3rd party app called Sonopad, can handle S1 & S2 at the same time. It is quite good actually, but misses some management for alarms and sleep timers. App only works on iPad in landscape mode, but the same programmer also has an iPhone app.


I just checked my app and saw this screen for a split second. Got me pretty worried but I doubt itā€™s gonna be the last time


Ya usually goes away when you kill the app and reopen it, something to bring up to Keith


Something new and dysfunctional every day. I agree with poster who said I donā€™t really own my 12 Sonos devices..the bozos in the boardroom control the entire ecosystem. They bricked all the first generation stuff and now this. My SECOND full set of Sonos gear (literally every room in my house) a bunch of paperweights.


Gen 1 stuff still works just fine, and as intended, with the S1 app. Zero problems.


Point taken. But can you add Gen 2 to your system? Or would you need two apps to run different rooms ?


Two apps. That used to piss me off, but now Iā€™m thankful about that.


Well youā€™re smarter than I am. Like an idiot I gave away all my gen 1 speakers (to my kids so I didnā€™t mind really) and bought 12 new gen 2 devices so I could use one app. What a nightmare. I imagine theyā€™ll, get it fixed but this is like ā€œNew Cokeā€ stupid


I wish I could attribute it to being smart. Pure frugality & laziness is more like it. lol.


I was applauding your frugality. They gave me a 30% discount on all the speakers I bought to replace old ones (not on additional speakers, those bastards), and it still cost me over $5K.


I think I found a workaround (unless it was coincidence). I had this issue, but things were working on the web app ([play.sonos.com/en-us/web-app](https://play.sonos.com/en-us/web-app)) Sure enough, I went to the web app, and started to play music on all the devices that were not showing up in the Sonos Mobile App, and now everything seems to work.


I'll give it a try!


My entire $4500 system doesn't show up anymore, amazing app.




I get this all day every day. It's basically my new landing page when opening the app....


Same. Open app once, land on this page. Close and reopen app. System is found, but Spotify integration doesn't work. "Something went wrong" when trying to search or play music. Close and reopen again. 50/50 chance everything is working. From here I either listen to music or give up and wonder why I have all these speakers.


Same, even if I'm already playing music through the system.


I'd guess it's not so much the app (shit that it is) but more the firmware update. I regrettably updated the app on my iPhone, but I turned off auto updates immediately. I'm still running the old app on my iPad and it all works the same as it ever did.


No, itā€™s the app.




I am well aware how the Sonos Perforce depot is set up thanks. However, the inability to accurately find devices is a regression **in the app**: if you use other apps (either the Desktop apps or my apps), device discovery works fine, ie the speaker firmware is still ok. The problem is that some genius decided to change the network scanner code in the app (maybe to try and speed it up by doing more things in parallel?).


u/axe-attack I'm in same place (iPad and an iPhone) - seems to be preventing this mayhem. I was prompted to update on my iPad and was like oh sure, and then I stopped myself in time!


Scroll up to reveal the hidden button below to connect to an existing system.


Cant express how terrible this new app is.


I was right there with you, telling people to calm their tits. It did work for the first release, but then when it updated it broke everything. Spent 2 hours with tech support yesterday, and in the end they were like.... yeah, it's dead, we're working on it, there's no ETA for the fix.


Same thing happened to me. Iā€™ll go out of my way to tell others to not buy Sonos now. Fuck em


Yup, everyone says ā€œSonos works great, I never have a problem, it must be your networkā€.. until they have a problem with their Sonos system.


The old app always had load time issues for me, and playback issues with Sirius XM but at least I could connect to my speakers eventually. The few times I got to use the new app it worked great until this


My Sonos 1 still still works like it has when I installed it over ten years ago. Above all, people want reliability and the constant updates with S2 systems even going back before the latest disaster has broken that trust.


Got my son a Beam and Ones over a year ago for Christmas. He just got a TV that supports eARC and tried to set it today. Womp womp womp


SONOS, do you see this? You are losing customers, both existing and new. Shame on you!


I got that a few days ago. Got 2 wifi networks, sonos attached to the mesh, phone attached to faster 5Ghz signal. Always controlled them fine. Now the app doesn't find my system so I had to move my phone to the mesh.


Mine does that too, but after about half a second in finds the system. Old app could take up to 30 seconds.


I just opened the app, froze up and said "something is wrong" piece of shit


I've resorted to using a third party app to stream my music. Fix it Sonos!


I canā€™t connect to any of my two speakers without retrying 4 times and have no way to turn off my alarms except the desktop app which is pretty annoying


Lost ALL my favorites šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Itā€™s annoying but an easy fix. Just go to manage, and select the Sonos system that shows up.


There was no system that showed up all day yesterday. When I got home today and left the app on for a little while it finally started working


And just that fast it stopped working -_-


If you have a Boost, disconnect it. I was getting this all the time after the app update, and I tried just disconnecting my boost and it now happens much less frequently (but not entirely gone)


Its unusbale for me, piece of crap


On Android, turn battery settings to unrestricted for the Sonos app. That did the trick for me. You still might see the message but it will connect to your system right away.


https://preview.redd.it/76t11x8zm11d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2db6bbe966dde0853630fca946acbf5fe9c3849a No thanksā€¦


Tried adding a new sonos port to an existing system today spent 4hrs. And kept getting nowhere what a joke of an update.


I got the new system error one time. I just rebooted my arc and it has been fine since. Good luck and how you get back online soon.


Do you have a Boost? If yes, try to disconnect it.


No boost. Just 3x play:1 on wireless


Try connecting one of your play:1 to the router. If still wont work. I advice to factory reset them and start anew.


Good idea I'll try connecting to the router. I don't want to factory reset just yet. Sonos should be fixing this crap.


I agree! Hopefully that fix it


So I removed power from one of the play:1 and plugged it to my router and it worked!!! I then unplugged it and put it back in it's space and it's working great back on wireless!!! We'll see how long it lasts!


Awesome. Hope it last


I have two locations. The old app just switched on its own. Now it takes a few clicks every time. Who thought this was a good idea?!?!?


This shit is killing me


Click setup new system and it should see your existing system


Plugging one of the speakers into my router for a few minutes seems to have fixed the issue


Happened to me, too! Just yesterday. I have to use Ethernet now, which isnā€™t ideal because I actually need that port for work. What a bad app!


I only plugged mine in for a minute. It's running great on wifi now


Welcome to the club


So to fix this someone suggested I plug one of the speakers into my router and that fixed it!! I only had it plugged in for 5 min then I moved my speaker back to its normal spot on wifi and the system has been working great ever since!


Oh boy this is extremely annoying. When im playing music via the TV and apple TV + Sonos Beam,, the app on my phone fails to work and I see this exact message posted above by u/Appropriate-Shine-27 . But, When i play music from my phone via the Sonos Beam, the app works fine. It's quite embarrassing when you're trying to show your friends the app and the system and then it does this.


Try rebooting your router. It solves this problem for me. Shouldnā€™t happen to begin with but thatā€™s Sonos for you. I got problem far bigger than this myself though and Sonos can go fuck themselves.


I just close the app, restart it. Then I move on with my life because I have better things to worry about.


Keep trying, it will come back.