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Can say first responders are drastically unpaided here in SC. No full time job should require a second to live.


And they should be able to afford to live in the area they’re serving.


It’s gross how underpaid and overworked we are.


I feel ya!


Sounds like a teacher


Yeah I recall last year McMaster was bragging about giving teachers a raise and it was still less than 45k a year.


Yea thats no good considering you need a degree to teach. You can make 45k flopping whoppers at burger king


Yeah nationwide problem. Everyone wants employees to have a degree, but doesn’t want to pay them for it.


Only if you're the GM of the Burger King lol


This state is so beautiful but it’s run by idiots.


It’s run by good ole boys (lawyers) that protect their own financial interests.


Good ole boys, sure. But the majority of legislators aren't lawyers. And even if they were, it would make sense for the people literally making laws to have some idea how the law works.


[It’s not a majority sure but it’s still concerning.](https://scdailygazette.com/2023/11/29/reducing-the-influence-of-lawyer-legislators-in-selecting-sc-judges/) “some 27% of South Carolina representatives and 46% of senators are attorneys. (The national average of lawyer-legislators is 14%.) Perhaps one reason lawyers run for the Legislature is to be able to pick the judges they practice before.”


They run for office because they can’t actually lawyer any more


Why is it concerning? Personally it seems good that our legislators are educated experts in the law if that's a reasonable option.


You are so very right!


It’s pretty bad in my profession, and everyone needs my profession.




Sex worker?


That or drug dealer




My own observation over many years working here in South Carolina, is when unemployment was high, we got better new employees, and when unemployment was low, we churned thru so many people that couldn't do the job, didn't want to work, couldn't get along, missed days and finally quit. My other thought has to do with the company itself, how greedy are they to their employees. Good people figure it out pretty quick and pack up their stuff and leave.


But what does it say about our state that teachers are treated so badly? They are state employees. . .


Oh well that’s easy bc we don’t like teachers here. They need the general public to be dumb in order to keep republicans elected and people believing the Bible is a factual book and sky daddy is real.


As opposed to what? A single atom in all of existence getting super angry, and vomiting the entire universe out? How long are you going to claim that SC churns out uneducated folk when more and more people are transplants from other states that you think have a better education system? I was educated in both NYS, and FL (way before DeSantis so don’t say I’m a product of him) am I still uneducated? I happen to think the education system here is better, for several reasons: 1) They are focusing on S.T.E.M, which as we all know is the future, infact they have entire schools dedicated to one of those branches. 2) They actually teach things, and do not work all year just to prep you for a state test at the end of the year so the teacher can hit their metrics, and get that bonus. You claim people here are dumb and uneducated, but yet you truly believe that in the “billions” of years our “universe” has been around, that only ONE atom in ALL of existence vomited out everything you see before you, and what you can’t see in “space.” For reference: the average 150 pound human has 7 billion billion billion (actual number, it’s 7 to the 10th power 27 times) atoms in their body, and not one single one did what that one atom did billions of years ago. Now that’s not including the incalculable amounts of other atoms all over the earth, or the air, or ionosphere, or the other planets, stars, or our galaxy. Now we can move beyond our galaxy into other galaxies. In addition to that, you also believe that as we were taught space is a vacuum, our sun is 93 million miles away, burns at a temperature of 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit on the surface, and in that 93 million miles difference in the cold space of a vacuum in which nothing can exist because the temperature is around -455 degrees Fahrenheit, and oxygen is not present (which fire needs to survive) that the heat from 10,000 degrees can travel that far and give us the perfect temperature to not only support life growth, but also sustain life growth. Then you also believe that 1000’s of different life forms all came from one atom? That atom must have been very conflicted, going to extreme colds to extreme hots. As I write this, I become more and more dumbfounded that people actually believe that. With all that aside, the scientists who set out to prove God does not exist ended up admitting that the earth was infact created by intelligent design, and our self sustaining planet could not have formed from a single atom. Seriously? Explain to me how one atom caused all that, but yet you can’t accept the fact that people believe that our earth was created by intelligent design.


You seem confused about what the Big Bang was. There were no atoms when it happened, nor for some time afterwards.


I don’t have to claim it, SC is consistently ranked in the bottom for education. I wouldn’t say uneducated more like less educated (and selective about what history we teach). I went to school in NY to be a licensed massage therapist and it took me 1100 hours. In SC their program is 500 hours. I do enjoy the idea of the single atom getting super angry and vomiting up a universe and “space” (loved the use of quotation marks there too). Somehow that’s still a more legitimate possibility to me than intelligent design. Definitely a unique perspective. Not for me but unique, nonetheless.


"Do you think I'm stupid?!??!? Well here's a giant nonsensical comment proving it." Weird. Very very weird.


Interesting 🤔




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Nasty, cynical, ignorant and literally the devil’s advocate. There, you can offend whoever right? So can I. I bet you make a great friend


First of all, that’s not offensive bc none of those apply to me. Secondly, the devil killed SIGNIFICANTLY LESS people than God in the Bible so being his advocate is less problematic than pretending God is real or that Noah really somehow fit 2 of every animal on a ship that was too small, or even that Jona really survived getting eaten by a whale (big fish) and got spit out after 3 days. I am a good friend, I’m just not gullible. I prefer science and logic. If my comment is that offensive to you maybe you should re-evaluate your faith. The burden of proof is on those that claim him to be real, I don’t even need to give examples bc - I don’t care. 🤷‍♀️


You believe in fantastic concepts though. If you leave a pile of trash and scrap somewhere, in a billion or so years, a few lightening strikes, you could get a Boeing 777. There have always been top physicists and biologists and a burgeoning number today that agree in creationism, intelligent design. The bible predicted the future 230 times. Jesus predicted people will have a difficult time having faith without a profound encounter with God. I hope you see what you need soon.


That whole first sentence is a word salad and the rest is clearly up for debate. You can’t convince me without hard evidence and I don’t care to convince you. Bless your heart, my sweet summer child.






They sound like someone I'd want to to be friends with.


It says the Repuliklan leadership doesn't want an educated constituency


Teachers are treated badly everywhere. I'm in a teachers subreddit.


We are, but unions offer protections. Salary is just part of it. Supporting public education, supplies, parent support and state backing is important. SC’s secretary of Ed has never even been a teacher!!! I mean wtf?


I stayed for exactly one month in a middle school in Georgetown County. I felt admin lied to me and the situation was very, very difficult.


Admin as good leaders is so important. And when you create a heavy charter system, they can cherry pick their students leaving struggling students with no student leaders to follow. It’s a self defeating system and shows no equity whatsoever.


Yes, SC just treats them worse.


They are under the state school board, but they are county employees.


It has been about 8 years since I have worked for a SC based company. The pay is just to low here. I work in IT and work remotely, current job is based out of GA and before that was based out of NC.


Funny thing is both of those states are ranked lower than SC. Puerto Rico and DC were included in this list


I can confirm that the wages are low, but I can also confirm that they are getting better. Local jobs for well qualified help desk people are now in the 55 to 65 range. We can only hope that it continues.


But onsite, yuck. I was screened for full time onsite position as a sole sysadmin. I told them I'd need at least 75-80k for that just to account for the annual commute, and they were shooting for 55-60k.


I made maybe 30k in my profession working full-time in a trade I studied hard & became licensed in SC for. I moved to WA & they were offering double to start, with more jobs offering up to 80k and beyond for it. I make a little more than 30k now and I work less than half as much. Sure, I could work more, but now I've got free time to actually enjoy stuff now. Life is good. The article tracks.


Yes, but WA ranks 9th in the nation in terms of cost of living. So, yes, you should expect to earn more.


Does it cost two and a half times more? A house might, but most other things definitely do not.


It depends on more factors that that, but cost of living is a major contributing factor. WA also has a higher total tax burden. One of the big issues is the quality of employers and a workforce skills gap that SC has historically had. But the gap is quickly closing.


Which is shocking, because I've paid less here than I ever did for anything in SC with the exception of gas.


It is a statewide average so I guess if you lived in high cost of living in SC and low in WA, then maybe.


I've only lived in Seattle. I mean, the prices of homes are pretty astronomical right now - that's what the averages are based off of, right? It's still telling that I paid less for a 2-bedroom looking over the Sound than I did for an apartment looking over the Food Lion parking lot in downtown Charleston.


What’s your quality of life like though? I’ve lived in both Wa and Sc. While Wa offers more pay it’s because the cost of living is some of the highest in the country. A nurse working full time getting paid some of the best salaries for her profession in the country and she can’t afford a two bedroom apartment in the city she works in while in Sc she gets less pay but can buy a house 2 miles from the beach for the same price. She can go dinner whenever she wants and travel for vacation without being house poor like in Wa.


Washington has ranked #1 best state for nurses for like 3 years in a row. SC ranked #43. Metrics for ranking include things like median income (adjusted for COL), growth opportunity, nurses:bed ratio, freedom of practice, and worker protections (SC doesn’t regulate OT, for example).


There is a reason why people are leaving Wa and moving to Sc. I lived in Wa (Gig Harbor and Kent) worked in Tacoma and Seattle and work life and quality of life weren’t great. I moved to Sc to Pawleys Island and work life and quality of life were dramatically better. I feel like the people that crap on Sc or NC (lived in Raleigh) they’re people that never left and only went on vacations in other states. So their view of the other states are through vacation goggles. The grass isn’t always greener in a new state. I’ve lived in Sc for a few years now and have met so many people from other states that moved here and love it. I’ve also met townies that never want to leave. It’s a great state. I move a lot so I don’t know how long I’ll stay here but out of the 25 states I’ve lived in it’s one of the better. The worst by far has been Texas.


You’re welcome to your opinions based on your lived experience, as is everyone. This post, the comment you responded to and my own are about objective labor metrics. SC is demonstrably bad for worker protections/organized labor/safety regs/etc. Those things are what they are, regardless of how you or I feel. EDIT: a word


You're right on that I lived in the Carolinas for too long, which is where I may have the distaste for them as far as living goes. I simply have better options, quality of life, and accessibility to things to help maintain my well-being being in Washington that I never had in South Carolina.


It's actually better! I have better access to groceries, medical care, and can get from one point of the county to the next via train. I don't own a car (and that's my takeaway is that gas is costly here) but even renting, I'm paying slightly less for a bedroom than I ever did in Charleston (with the exception of maybe 10 years ago). I love it here in Washington!


Let’s follow Louisiana and spend hundreds of thousands to put the ten commandments in public schools. That’ll fix it.


Things are getting worse in NC, but uneducated voters would rather believe in a deep state conspiracy theory than blame the party that has had near-total control of state government.


The wages are low and this state absolutely hates anyone going through a hard time. I was laid off before and was shocked to find out the maximum unemployment amount is like $326 a week. Couldn’t get medicaid or food assistance either because I don’t have kids. Thankfully I found a job shortly after the layoff but I feel for anyone going through prolonged unemployment here.


I don’t mind working here but my company is based in another state and I work remote


Full time should be a mandatory 40 hours but at my work it's 30 hours. How can anyone live off of that 😫


Charleston and SC thrive as top tourist destinations, largely thanks to the food and beverage industry. However, the industry fails to prioritize the well-being of its workers, especially when it comes to mental health. It's time to confront this issue, even if the mainstream media prefers to stay silent. As a former full-time F&B worker, I've experienced firsthand the toxic environment that plagues this industry dealing with mental breakdowns. It's time for change but we all know that it's not going to happen anytime soon.


Unfortunately not. In that industry it's all about bodies. Just running through people and taking in fresh meat that move with no idea of what they're getting themselves into. It's an easy cycle to get caught in if you have no concrete field of work. I'd rather work at a panera bread than back in some restaurant downtown now. It wasn't particularly great before but there was a smidge of integrity at least.


You know I find it hard to understand how people can work in food and beverage for decades and maintain their physical and mental well-being. It's especially challenging for individuals like me with autism and mental health issues. Fortunately, establishments like Panerai Bread uphold a level of integrity that is hard to come by. Working in major establishments in the city, I have experienced an excessive amount of drama, toxicity, mental breakdowns, and other demeaning situations. These establishments must take immediate action to prioritize better mental health support, fairer pay, and numerous other essential issues. If they continue to half-ass it like they always do, all hell will break loose unlike no other, and I pray I'm not stuck here when it happens.


Thanks republicans 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




I moved here from Massachusetts. This article is correct.


I've lived here my entire life can I ask what sucks about it? I plan to leave in about 2 or 3 years.


Workers rights primarily. I was shocked at how few rights employees have. Also benefits. My husband and moved for the lack of snow and being able to live closer to jobs. We also knew that we would take a pay cut because of HCOL in Mass. Don’t get me wrong. We are very happy in Columbia and we enjoy our quality of life just an adjustment when used to having better working situations.


I moved to Maryland and I want to agree that the benefits north of SC are so good it hurts. In SC I spent $200 to $400 a month on marketplace insurance because my place of works insurance covered nothing. I moved to Maryland and got the exact same plan for $200 and everything was cheaper. I paid $1000 for an mri and $600 for allergy testing in SC when an MRI is a flat $250 and allergy testing is about $50 in Maryland. There are things I miss about SC, but if your health concerns you, I would dip. SC prefers its citizens dead than offer good health care.


Moved here from Texas and starting to think this place is a 3rd world shit hole.




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Idc. We’re better than NC let’s rub it in.


I was gonna say it’s fitting that the Carolinas are the bottom 2 but then I realized NC is 52nd. So we aren’t even bottom 3. That’s not nothing I guess


😂😂😂😂most people at my job are from Chester and York 😂😂😂you mean the red NC 😂😂😂


South Carolina ranks as one of the highest taxed states given per capita income on the amount we pay in taxes in relation to how much we make. If you’re in the higher tax bracket and a business owner your tax rate comes out to around 45% You gotta be pulling in $150 k after taxes to really get ahead with a wife and kid. Cost of living has doubled here in 4 years and housing has gone from average cost of home 10 years ago of $175k to around $350


This is absolutely false. Did you think nobody would fact check you? I own several extremely successful businesses in SC and also reside here and I can tell every one here for certain that what the above person has posted is completely false. SC ranks as one on the lowest as far as tax burden per capita is concerned. South Carolina's lower ranking in tax burden per capita is due to relatively low property taxes, moderate sales taxes, and a range of state-specific tax policies aimed at maintaining a favorable tax climate for residents and businesses. The state's approach generally emphasizes lower taxes to attract businesses and retirees.


Where are your citations, then. That may be your experience.


Wow, this post and comments make me scared of what ahead of me . I decided to take the job offer in SC not too long ago, since my pay is decent compared to living expenses, however you all talked about how bad it is for employee rights and the low pay and heave workload..etc. I am just afraid got fired for no reason and it’ll be dead end for me 🤣🤣🤣 since I move to SC from Canada. This is an important decision in my life LOL. Anyway, I cannot do anything at the moment, if it’s worst, I’ll come back Ca and start again.


If you're white collar/ skilled job you're probably fine. Its not great for many jobs that are not


Thanks, it’s great hearing that.


Here's more detail about what made SC rank so low https://www.oxfamamerica.org/explore/countries/united-states/poverty-in-the-us/best-states-to-work-2023/scorecard/?state=SC


Yeah, I read that, some of policies not matter much to me, I will be paid on salary not hours, work onsite 3 days, in office so hope it’ll be okay.


SC is great. I've been here for almost 30 years after escaping ny. I wouldn't live anywhere else. I used to work in charlotte, nc up until about 15 years ago. That was great as well but charlotte has gone downhill drastically in the last 10 years. I avoid it like the plague.


I will work close to Charleston, but I may need find house somewhere else since the rent crazy here as I googled


When I worked in charlotte, I lived about a 25 mile drive away. Paid $158K for a house. The same house in charlotte was $290K. Same exact house. Same floor plan. Apartments in the neighboring towns and cities were a lot less. It's definitely worth the savings to buy or rent outside the city and to commute in.


Thanks, I need to consider the traffic too, as it seems worse there. Anyway, I will find out when I get there, I have 1 month to settle down


😂😂😂 it’s because this state is a shithole……


And yet everyone and their families are moving here.


Our growth is exclusively for the climate, we are near the bottom or AT the bottom of every important metric, we just happen to be a warm shithole (just like Florida)


Makes sense. A lot of transplants I see are old boomers who could give fuck all about what working wage is considering they’re here because “the weather and people are so nice”. Florida vibes for sure.


You talking to me??


They have money and remote work. They keep all the same wages but lower taxes and cost of living.


I like SC


You can love your state and still wish it was a better place. I think that's a big part of loving where you live- striving for it to be better.


I love this state as well and I like a lot of people here but there’s definitely room for improvement


I do too. Not sure when the SC sub turned into “shit on this state”


That energy may be coming from those of that grew up there and left. Or grew up there and feel stuck. 


Grew up here, left and returned. I love this place and have deep roots here and I also recognize we could make life easier for low-income and middle class folks. It’s a great place to live if a flat tire won’t impact your ability to make rent or eat.


That makes sense. I grew up in a very small rural upstate town and moved to the coast. I’ve managed a really good life minus a failed marriage and have travelled the world for work.


I don’t any state subs that don’t


They don’t appreciate what is here


It is possible to appreciate what is here while also recognizing there is room for improvement.


Yes, this. I was born and raised here, live here, and see a great deal of room for improvement. That last part does not mean I don't know a lot of good things about my state, just that I'm not sitting here with blinders on.


I hear you


That’s not true at all . I totally appreciate it but just don’t understand how we keep voting against our own interests. . The state knee caps its self every time .




😂😂nah but little bias left Cali so could be the Cali hate in me but I like it here so far




who shit in your Cheerios?


I too like SC.


Everyone should be tweeting this to McMaster. Easy link in the article. How are we only one of six states that does not set its own minimum wage?? It’s disgusting.


There's a convenient link to tweet him on this page that details more https://www.oxfamamerica.org/explore/countries/united-states/poverty-in-the-us/best-states-to-work-2023/scorecard/?state=SC Wage policies ranking: #48 The minimum wage is $7.25 . This is 19.85% of the cost of living for a family of four ($36.52 ). The tipped minimum wage is $2.13 . This is 29.38% of the minimum wage. Average unemployment benefits cover 9.93% of wages needed to cover cost of living. Localities in South Carolina can not set the minimum wage above the state standard. South Carolina does not extend its minimum wage policy to cover farmworkers.


Good call out- I saw this too. It’s actually the one I tweeted from. Going back to do both. The more, the better


I moved to SC from OR (#2) and I make more money, better benefits and pay less taxes to do the same job. And cost of living is wayyy less. If you are in a union or at minimum wage I could see how this list is relevant, but otherwise, I don’t think this is a great way to rank the states.


I moved here from WA and fuck these taxes in SC. I make more money and have the same benefits only because I transferred and have since been promoted. But income, property (on cars WTF?), and sales taxes are the trifecta of bullshit considering how horrible the infrastructure is and how the state government is stuck 60 years behind the PNW.


You must have lived in an area without the RTA tax or left WA a decade ago. My registration fees in WA were just as much as property taxes in SC, both are bullshit.


I left four years ago. I don't know what RTA tax is, but I wasn't in the Puget Sound region.


I knew people who registered their vehicles to family member’s homes outside of the area to dodge it. It’s the Regional Transit Authority tax. A tax that was deceivingly voted in to pay for the light rail expansions and what not. Before I left 3 years ago it was voted against successfully, but then a judge stopped it from being shut down saying the ballot was misleading….. no, the ballot was misleading the first time when people didn’t realize it would cost them $100 per $10k of vehicle value every year, on top of the normal fees.


In a union in Charlotte! After fours hrs my pay is double 😂I pay ten dollars to get surgery 😂and I can’t get fired 😂😂😂😂but unions are bad that’s why sc is on this list 😂😂


I worked for a union in NY and they went to bat for us all the time when the hotels were trying to change our rate of pay but without drafting a new contract AND cutting back breaks in between massages so they could make one more time slot for massages. They also tried to stifle our tipped pay by putting up signs stating how much we were making through “service charges”. That went back and forth, they (workplace) refused to take the sign down (posted during our busiest season) and the union actually took them to court on our behalf. Here, unions are like the big bad boogeyman.


Congrats! And Unions are growing in SC. The inland port case was a big win for labor unions and I know they're focusing on companies in Spartanburg County right now.


It’s amazing that there is an entire Union Busting industry in this country. Ronald Reagan was the worst president of all time


Why is this not a great way to rank a state? Not trying to provoke, just curious. And I hate to have to add that, but don't want to become contentious. I mean I think it's a fine way to measure things if you are looking at the protection of a worker and their rights, but one can take that for whatever it's worth.


I mean it’s a fine way to look at it if you are only looking at government programs for workers, but the title is best places to work. I think number of open jobs, pay per cost of living, and happiness of employees would be good metrics to measure. I’m sure there are other metrics that people could come up with also. Oregon is high in the list and they have a generous minimum wage compared to others. But when min wage still means you are sleeping in the streets, how good is it? Also, just my humble opinion. Love the username!


Didn't think of it in those terms, excellent point. It is misleading. Thanks for answering! And thanks 😋


What’s the state income tax in Oregon? Sc is pretty high


I looked and it is approx 9.9% while SC is 7%


But there's no state sales tax in OR, so take that into consideration.


Yes, and sales taxes have climbed dramatically over the past twenty years.


Yeah I pay just as much in taxes here as I did in woke librul Taxachusetts


The income tax is close to 10% my property taxes in OR were $7k/year for 2400 sqft home in .15 acre lot. .40 cents a gallon on gas, $3/pack in smokes.




May be bad to work, but it’s been a great place to retire!


Odd way to phrase it. #49 worst? Wouldn’t being the #1 worst mean you are the worst? So is SC actually the #2 best?


I recently drove through there and spent a day and a half in Florence. Everyone seemed unhappy in every place I went in to, and the hotel wouldn't rent to people who live within 25 miles. I spent 65 dollars at a gas station and tried to pay with a hundred. Big mistake, because the employee tried to say it wasn't real and couldn't give me change for it. I asked him if he had a marker to check that its a real bill, and it was like his brain shut down from the question. Leaving there I realized that I'm so grateful to live in Massachusetts. South Carolina Republicans hold a supermajority. Why haven't they raised wages or given anything to the people of that state? It seems like everything and everyone has been systematically broken down and conditioned to accept less than they deserve.


What a horrible experience. I am so sorry for the empathy and sadness for others you had to push through. On your 20 minute pee break on 95.


Back in 2018, my husband made a lateral position move from a company in SC to a company in NC - $26,000 difference in pay. And then the company had the nerve to make him feel bad for leaving… then news broke out about Nukegate.


But, the best place to visit!!


I'm shocked! SHOCKED, I tell you!


No surprise at all. Who's the 50th?


The report if from an organization out of kenya and they think there are 52 states in the USA. NC is ranked #52.


For the purposes of lists DC and PR are generally considered as "states" despite their territorial status.


Reading this on my break


Not surprised


Ouch..North Carolina dead last too lol. I'm glad I moved here


Healthcare ranking is 37th. Do not get sick.


Take a guess which one is #50. I'll give you a hint: it has Carolina in the name.




If you are an hourly employee in America you essentially live a third world life in a first world country. It's that simple. $7.25 an hour . Shame on everyone believing this is ok.


How’s the education system? because your title reads like it’s the 2nd best state to work in..


Yes, don't move here we are full


Couldn’t the 49th-worst state also be called the second-best state?


Yet everyone keeps moving here


I’m up here in NC envying you just a tiny bit.


Working at Riverbanks they only pay $10 an hour.. was minimum wage at the gas station and dollar gen before that, not even $8.. In 2023... 


Opened the link and saw California at #1 and did not scroll down further. This ranking is bullshit.


For South Carolina being such an awful place to work, it’s surprising to to see so many people moving here…


It's called retirement.


Yeah...Way too many ny plates here during the summer months.


Sorry, but the ranking doesn't measure what it claims. Minimum wage, right to organize, and worker protections can be good things, but they don't define the work experience of the average worker.


The lacking of a reasonable standard in any of those three aspects limits the quality of life of everyone in this state what are you talking about


The items being measured are floors, not ceilings. For example, a low minimum does not limit how much people get paid which is exemplified by the fact that almost no one makes minimum wage. Basically, the point is that the government is not the only source of workers' quality of experience but this ranking believes that to be the case. Most employers exceed government mandates. If a state attracts employers which offer good pay and good benefits, the state will be a good place to work regardless of legislation. There's nothing wrong with wanting to improve the floors to ensure no one gets left behind. However, if one is trying to rank the best and worst places to work, there are much more important factors which have a greater impact on the experience of the average worker. For example, those floors aren't much use if there are no jobs available, yet enjoyment rate isn't considered.


the point is do you think the “average worker” is closer to the floor or to the ceiling you mention? the answer being the floor, it might be relevant to analyze just how low that floor is. People seem to think $15 an hour is the new de facto minimum wage, which in and of itself is nigh unlivable, but there are plenty of jobs paying less providing services we all partake in. Southern economics: Jimmy who sold me a $6 dollar cookout tray when I was in college made $8 an hour. Now it’s what $11 for the same tray and Jimmy ain’t making $16 an hour— he’s making $12. Prices rise and wages aren’t following in tandem. For everyone. And this “average worker” isn’t immune to these problems either, because in most cases, they too are underpaid, underrepresented, and unorganized in the workforce due to the current state of our laws.


This can’t be right. business is booming in SC and pay is high, that’s why everyone’s moving here!!


If you are an hourly employee in America you essentially live a third world life in a first world country. It's that simple. $7.25 an hour . Shame on everyone believing this is ok.


Most jobs here are blue collar jobs sad to see one article talking about how great SC is because jobs are being brought here with no recognition of the cost of living or the pay of said jobs


Thank God for Georgia, Mississippi, and NC. The rankings go beyond 50 because they include DC and PR.


I don't 100% agree on what they say makes worklife great. Unionization? Yes unions have some goods, and so.e bads...   example my company has union and non union workforces. I am non union have great benefits make good money. Union side they made decent money and negotiated a contract....   years and years ago that has done minimal to keep up with this massive inflation.   To the point company lost a lot of employees, do to lack of pay compared to the free market. Non union got some decent boosts in pay.


The pay is low because the cost of living compared to other states is low in most parts of the states.


Myth used to excuse the low pay.


If you are an hourly employee in America you essentially live a third world life in a first world country. It's that simple. $7.25 an hour . Shame on everyone believing this is ok.




Because we're a right to work state. This is a political and meaningless article.


While I understand the desire to avoid politics, it's important to recognize that many aspects of our lives are inherently political.


Good. Maybe all of the people from Oho and NJ will stay TF home.


NJ is one of the best states to live in, we have a $15/hr minimum wage that will continue to be raised.


I love this state, if you don’t like it go to one of the other 49.




49th worst if you want to unionize. Or 2nd best if you don’t.


Wow someone must be lying to the potential transplanters. How could they be moving here with everything horrible as all you left-wing redditors say daily. Just doesn't make sense unless of course all of you are wrong. Lord knows you are all mental giants


They leave their blue state because they don't like the policies they voted for their entire lives. They then move to SC and continue to vote for the same bad policies that made them leave their blue state in the first place. Is is said that the the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. SC is great and I'm glad I live in a very red area of the state with very low crime and a booming economy.


I hope they spread their ignorance wide. They are cutting all the forests to make houses for the thousands of CA, NY, CT , Mass people looking for the America they grew up in. They all come with money bags and love the real estate prices. Now everything is up 30-40%.


And yet people are still moving here by the thousands. 🤷‍♂️


Many of them retired


Lots are work from home.