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I went a few months ago! It's quite the experience, and I've never been a restaurant like it. They had a cartman statue at a table you could take pictures with, and a guy dressed as Manbearpig walking around. Food was pretty good, better than I was expecting. The margaritas were incredibly strong, I had two and was feeling it.


What about a waterfall?


Yeah, there's a waterfall with cliff divers, black Bart's cave, an arcade, multiple shows. It's a large restaurant with multiple floors. After you eat you can spend quite a while walking around and exploring.




There is no possible way to not read this in Cartman's voice




Awesom-o 4000


Are you by chance, *a pleasure model?*


Weak! WEAK!


What if... Adam Sandler... Was a potato... And he had to save... Another potato from being eaten...


Kick ass!


I always read "sweet" in Starvin Marvin's voice


Ohh maaan awwweesoooome


Dive asshole!


Glad they addressed the food. I remember going there for lunch on a field trip in high school. After driving up from Pueblo in a bus and visiting a (if I remember correctly) Chicano Art Museum in Denver, the Mexican food we had at Casa Bonita was… disappointing to say the least.


What no I’m just the janitor, oh man so sleepy


So tired.


I don’t have the previous experience as a reference point. I’ve only lived in the Denver area for a couple years, but I common sentiment I’ve seen people say is it’s much much better and a lot cleaner.


they spent like over 100 million dollars renovating the place and brought the unemployment rate for the city of Denver down several percentage points with all of the contractors they hired. it had been sitting for a while when they bought it and there were two feet deep of dead pigeons on the roof. they showed some fun and interesting clips of the process and stuff during the anniversary concert at Red Rock. Edit: like 40Mil per u/Less-Ranger-7217, triple the initial expected investment I remember then saying at the show.


40 million last i checked but ya


Very cool move on their parts and a passion project that really paid off. I think their attitude from the start was this needs to be done, done right and it doesn’t matter if it works out or not.


Up until recently, all the food in Denver was pretty disappointing.


What places would you recommend?


The Post Chicken and Beer on Boulder St in Denver. Terrible service but the Nashville hot chicken was totally worth the crappy service.


Cholon happy hour. Biker Jim’s.


I liked the food they had. I've been there easy over 100 times and the majority of those were just to eat. I haven't been yet since they opened back up so I can't tell if I still like it


Was it mexican? What dish was it?


How do you know it wasn't actually Manbearpig?


Did you notice high deposits of sulfur or a salmon-like odor when he walked by?


Be careful. You might regret questioning it when you have to apologize to Al Gore. 


Super serial.


Because he's alive to tell us that he saw him.


Was Blackbarts cave scary?!


A guy dressed as MBP walking around?? Jesus Christ monkey balls. How does it cost for entry?


If I remember right it’s $40 a ticket. Which includes your food, beverage and there’s no tipping. Alcohol is extra.


How long did you wait on the wait list? 


I signed up back in June of 2023, and didn’t get in until January. So about 6/7 months.




Before Matt and Trey bought it, they used to have a guy in a gorilla suit wandering around. I assume they included Manbearpig as a nod to that gorilla! Funny!


When you say “a guy dressed as Manbearpig” does he look like Al Gore dressed as Manbearpig or actual Manbearpig? Just asking for clarity


Back in the 80's it was a guy in a very cheap gorilla costume. MBP is a significant improvement, and the aesthetics of the costume are still that of a DIY costume some kid's grandmother made because "we have costumes at home". It's fantastic. https://i.redd.it/2ifv6djgke7d1.gif


He's just a general menace that pranks guests. He wouldn't stop raising my sopapilla flag when I already had plenty. I've got a blurry action shot picture of him messing with me if you guys would like me to post him.


Pleeeease, myemmmm, post it!




I was wondering as well. I googled mbp costume but was disappointed. Hopefully they have a cooler one


They also have a puppet adaptation of 1984


Are you seriously? Edit: are you serussy? Edit 2 (like Kyle 2): are you serial?


It’s weird that they are turning it into a South Park-themed restaurant. Like I get that South Park is the only reason that anyone knows it exists, but it looks like the beginning stages of turning it into something entirely different


OMG a southpark amusement park! Lets name some rides and attractions...I'll start! Mr Slaves Caves (The tale of Lemmiwinks)


The catholic love boat. There's a large splash zone and you will be covered in it.


The river is fed by Stark's Pond, where a "Mr...? *Goddd.*" tries to murder you and keep your hand as a trophy. Better run to that Love Boat!


Afterwards can you enjoy some salty chocolate balls?


A giant Lemmiwinks in Black Bart's cave would be incredible!


It's not turning into anything. There are just small jokes and cameos of things from South Park given that it was basically that show that gave them the gumption (and piles of money) to save it from bankruptcy in 2020. I've been going there since the 80's and I would say 95% of the experience is exactly as I remember it from my childhood.


How long were you on the list


Funny, we got the margaritas and they were incredibly weak,.


Weird! Our waitress said that was the biggest complaint about them being really strong. My husband even had them mix some lemonade in his too water it down. Maybe they updated the recipe


I wonder if a lot of people are from out of town, and it’s actually the altitude that’s making them feel strong.


That makes more sense, the article said a gorilla walking around...lol


How did the whole “waitlist” thing work? Do you live in CO?


You have to sign up for the email list on their website and just wait. Took me about 6 months of waiting before I got a link to get tickets. And yeah I live in the Denver area.


Oh i guess that makes sense - waitlist for tickets. Can I ask how much they were? What did they include? How much time did you have between buying them and attending, in case someone were to live out of state?


$40 per ticket, includes one entree and non-alcoholic beverage and you don't tip the servers. Additional entrees and alcohol are extra. I think when I got my email to make a reservation you have like a month or so (don't exactly remember) to buy your ticket before the link expires. And you select what day to go on, your ticket is only good for the day you select.


Oh wow. That sounds crazy streamlined. Good for them. And thank you for the responses. I hope to go some day!


went to college at CU and was shocked to learn casa bonita was a real place - it was kinda nasty from what i heard back in the day


If you aren't feeling it by #2, it's not a real margarita.


I am not an american, but: >and upped the wage for employees to $30 per hour. That sounds incredible good.


Especially when you consider that minimum wage for servers and bartenders in most states is actually UNDER the legal minimum wage. When I served in Chicago I got paid around $3 an hour. So yeah, it's incredibly good.


There’s also no tipping there. You meals are prepaid and you choose between the options


That makes sense. Still a decent wage for service industry regardless.


Tipping is included in the bill. 15 percent gratuity


It's always been below non tipping minimum wage. If your job doesn't allow tipping they need to go by the legal minimum wage for non tipped employees. If you only got paid $3/hr with tips, you should consult a lawyer.


Servers act like they make nothing at all. When I waited tables and bartended I made 2.13 an hour... when I factored in my tips I was earning 30-40 an hour.


Same. I'm sure there are slow diners or places rurally that don't get that high but it's got to be above the non tipped minimum wage or else people wouldn't do it.


If your reported tips plus the 2.13 doesn't reach 7.25 (or your states minimum) you must be compensated enough to earn at the least actual minimum wage. The 2.13 is so you can have your taxes withheld.


Agreed. When I bartended in college I was making easily 20-40/hr


Getting downvoted for the truth it seems


The ones who really get fucked are busboys.


I was a busboy one summer and the servers quite openly only tipped out half of what they were supposed to. I still remember a server telling me I'd been very helpful with a busy table, so he was going to tip out the correct amount to me that day. As though it was some sort of gift. More than twenty years later and I still put the tip on the credit card, rather than paying it separately in cash. Servers have to tip out the correct amount on credit card tips.


That was my experience as well. There were some waitstaff that would tip pretty fairly but most of them didn't, which is kind of ironic.




To be fair, there's apparently no tipping and some servers can clear $40 an hour with tips But not at restaurants like that, so its a good deal for them


IIRC it's specifically made it hard for them to retain bartenders, because the flat rate is just so often worse than what they're making in a tipped position due to alcohol prices and cash tips being more prevalent.


Oh yeah I imagine, especially at a busy place like that where there's always lots of tourists. They're probably bringing home several hundred a night on a busy shift, tax-free. Eight hours would only be $240 in wages, before taxes.


It’s not tax free. You are supposed to keep a record of your tips and pay taxes on them.


Haha oh yeah thats totally what they all do, 100% First thing they do after they get home at 3 am after a long bar shift is count up their tips, fire up the ol' Excel spreadsheet and make an entry for the day.


Hey I’m not saying that’s what they do but it is what they’re supposed to do and the IRS is not known for its mercy


The IRS doesn’t have the resources to go after 99% of all servers and bartenders who don’t report cash tips. It would be impossible to prove anyway lol


They sure didnt seem to think so. There are a handful of news articles with the new employees complaining about their $30 an hour pay somehow... its wild.


Bartenders make tons of money off cash tips and percentage of alcohol sales so those two things combined means bartenders make a lot of money that's hard to tax in most restaurants


I've never heard of the percentage of alcohol sales thing. How does that work?


Alcohol is usually the largest markup in a restaurant which means that tipping based on percentage impacts the bartender the most. Even if you order at a table the bartender gets a cut of the tip from your server


It's funny how the general consensus on Reddit is waiters/waitresses shouldn't have to live off tips but if you asked one of them in real life they would tell you the opposite because they usually make more money that way.


It’s more people just wanting to be cheap and not have to tip. But they use the “plight” of waiters as a cover. Not realizing that without the tipping system, waiters would make less, and prices would be higher. Only person it would be good for is the restaurant owner. Best case scenario, it’s exactly the same amount of money. More likely scenario, the owner just keeps some of what would have been tips


Wasn't it only like one or maybe a couple employees complaining ? And it got blown out of proportion ?


If they all get full benefits then I think that’s probably still totally worth it for the potential pay cut from tips. Idk if bartenders and waiters typically get good benefits tho, there might be a union.


It’s double what I make in my state in an office position rn. That’s not saying much tho because my state is deep red, has no min wage and defaults to our fed one which is laughable, and is a very very low state in terms of QOL, pay, job opportunities etc. Hence me wanting to leave since I was a teen & now finally close / within 1-2 years will be. But if I could get hired at a restaurant and make that wage? Ya I’d be there tomorrow wherever in my state it was. Or would move there if I could secure said job. There’s even Costco or medical jobs that pay well but not that well. Even though America should be like $25 an hour min wage standard now, according to actual studies and what productivity produces.


and yet the employees were bitching about this to the press. They wanted tips instead....


$30/hr is simply not good enough compared to what you can make at a traditional restaurant. Even one with a tip pool. Of course they want tips instead, it’s a no-brainer if you’re actually good at the job.


It’s good but with a 600,000 person wait you know they are working for it. Also helps that the owners are two dudes with so much money they can do almost anything they want




More sopapillas, please 🎶


As an Australian I had no idea! Thanks for sharing


It’s quite new. I think they opened like 3 months ago.


New ownership** is been around for decades


It also reopened under Matt and Trey's ownership about a year ago, after an extensive renovation.


I went there about 17 years ago when I moved to CO. It was very disappointing. Horrible food. Everything was run down. Now I’m bummed that I can’t go. Moved to the east coast.




If I’m not mistaken I think it was their favorite restaurant back in the day, which is why it’s on the show


Hmm that's really cool that they took over ownership of it after so many years. I was confused how it was in operation if it was based off the show- like I was thinking the restaurant opened because of the shows popularity. South Park based it off of an existing restaurant and eventually took ownership of it.


It's so old people just think it's a meme


I am on that wait list.


It took a year and a half. Worth the wait. I got right back on the wait list when i left.


When you get notified your up, how much notice do they give you? A couple weeks before the date, or like drop everything go?


I got to go last year. My sister in law got the tickets for our group, but if I remember right we had at least a week or two of notice for our reservation.


It give you a calender with date that are available. You have like 5 months to choose from


Awesome, that's great.


I went before the remodels and it would most definitely contend for "best place to get sick". I hope they really cleaned it up.


Spent over a million renovating, brought in a top rated chef for the menu, paid the employees as long as they volunteered in some service manner during the renovation and paid for Spanish classes for the staff. They definitely cleaned it up. Edit: Turns out it was over 40 million.


All said and done cost them 40 million. They *definitely* cleaned it up. 


In restaurant terms…..that’s a lot of fucking upgrades. We got a new oven. Once. Like 10 years ago. It was already used. I bet that kitchen is like the promised land for chefs. I’m super jelly


Right? I know they both love the restaurant, probably had a lot of great memories growing up going there. Probably a great place to work too. Great to see rich people doing something fun and cool that isn't just totally egotistical like riding a rocket into the stratosphere lol, they're actually giving people good jobs and thus helping the local economy. 


I guarantee there's people from around the world flying in just to eat there, thus bringing even more money into the local economy!


Pretty sure it was like 30 mil or something crazy lol


And to Matt and Trey that’s basically nothing. They probably make that in a few month just from South Park merchandising


Streaming wars money well spent ahaha


Matt and Trey didn't own it before it was remodeled


is there a line for fast pass?


The lines…Lines…LINES


Underrated comment


Do they serve fishsticks?




Yum! I love fish sticks! 😋


What is the waitlist currently like? Edit: lol why did this get downvoted?


I've been on it for 6 months now.


Is it just like a normal restaurant reservation? Or like a fancy place where you need a deposit just to get on? It'd be cool to go but I wouldn't want to pay *too* much. Like a wait list 6 months long is no problem, paying for the food and service is no problem. Just curious if you also have to pay to reserve a spot.


At the moment you sign up for the email list and wait. Took me like 6 months. Then they email you a link to buy tickets and make a reservation. The tickets include your food and non-alcoholic drinks. I think eventually they’ll be open for normal reservations, but I’m not sure when.


Ughh shit ton of fans of South Park view it as almost like a Mecca for the tv show and want to visit to pay tribute to it? That’s my best guess


I count myself among them, I'd like to get onto the waistlist hence the question. Maybe someone interpreted it as sarcastic


You got downvoted because the answer to your question is literally in the title of the post


Ah I see, I should have clarified: how long of a wait is 600k people?


Also had a loyal following in the Denver area and the show just added to it.


I had a blast. The shooting gallery waa cool. They had underpants nomes.


Going tonight. Can’t wait


You know theres a nuclear holocaust right? Best not go and just hide out for a little while right over meya…


I’m ready to restart civilization whenever you are…


I’m still waiting and I signed up almost a year ago. Can’t wait!


Its unfortunate you have to use the intellalink system to try and get a reservation there


Only 600k? It’s like cartman land all over again https://youtu.be/s1fzQ9PJfII?si=wnxkI9j5Fm__TWRx


We used to take our kids there way too much. For some Reason the cheap low quality beef tacos were the bomb, never got sick and created so many memories with the family. Been on the list since last year and still no word.


How quickly is the reservation list moving. If I want to go in the next 2 years should I get on it now? I imagine the 600000 has a lot of cancellations.


Took me about a year for what it’s worth


Okay cool, it’s a plane ride away for me.


put my name on the waiting list a month ago! i’m willing to wait for this


Next thing you’ll tell me is City Wok is real too


It is real. It’s in the Denver Airport


I’ve been on that goddamned list for 14 months and nothing.  Meanwhile my friend’s been twice.  We signed up at the same time.  Fix your shit Casa.


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I went once when I was around 10 or 12, so late 90's. It was pretty cool, just like they showed in the episode, cliff divers, sopapillas, all that jazz. I think it fell on hard times a number of years ago, so the SP guys ended up buying it and renovating at it re-opened pretty recently.


that’s so neat! im in my early 20s so i thought it was fictional this whole time. thanks for clarifying


How’s the food? Crazy they don’t even mention that


It's fantastic. The menu is limited given the volume of people to serve, but it's very tasty and the drinks are HEAVY pours.


I’ve eaten there multiple times as a child. People are wild lol


Wow a wait list? And that big of one?! Good lord lol.


Food and fun in a festive atmosphere


Been on that list for a hot minute now...


Did they at least improve the food? By all accounts, it was terrible before. Even Trey and Matt admitted so.


They finally got Dickinbaus opened?


It’s insane how popular this became after South Park creators bought it


As someone who would lay on the ground kicking and screaming. While begging his parents to take him to Casa Bonita in the early 80s, it warms my heart to think there is a version of it where the food is actually good. Because back in the day no one went there for the food. They went there in spite of it. Black Barts cave forever!