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Could be a pimple that’s forming, mines look similar to that when they form.


Mine gets those all the time when she runs into something, chews furniture, or bumps her mouth on the window when she's screaming at the birds. It's just a little bruise or scrape that wouldn't be visible on a cat with normal fur.


No answers. Just wanna say how gorgeous your naked baby is.


It's a small ulcer. It'll heal on it's own, if it doesn't see your vet. Asking your vet is usually a better solution than asking Reddit. Often vets are happy to have a look at a photo for you and tell you if it needs an appointment.


a cut? cats scratch their faces and heads with their hind legs. sooo….


it doesn't look to me like it's made with nails, it's more like a cold sore. But thanks for the sarcasm🤭


I agree with u/ancillaryacct — this looks like an abrasion or a scrape/cut of sorts. My little guys get these pretty frequently as well from kicking each other in the face, or even scratching too hard. If it seems like it’s preventing them from eating, or if you don’t want valid answers from the people you literally asked for help, go see a vet?


it’s almost like i have a naked cat that has this happen all the time. but please, tell me what you think it looks like! have a good one! 😩


to be fair, the tone of your answer was crummy. it's almost like you were mocking OP for even asking. and then doubled down! that kind of energy doesn't belong here. reported.


i mean, to be fair, it doesnt seem like you own a sphynx cat, and you're trying to tell someone that does how to respond to something about their animal lol. hairless kitties are like little humans. cuts, bruises, scrapes are all part of the deal. thanks for reporting me though. you're definitely making a difference here.


I live with one. a pink one like OP's. he gets little abrasions here and there because he rubs himself vigorously on everything. other people answered OP thoughtfully. you chose to be unkind, which breaks a rule of this sub. I hope I *am* making a difference because people should feel free to ask their questions without being mocked.


sorry to corrupt your pollyanna worldview. thats just reality. i also don't believe you have a sphynx. i haven't seen you here ever and i checked out your post history lol. glad you came in here to take charge though.


I only just learned about this sub, [you didn't scroll far enough](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/JSaaIH2NFX), and now you're resorting to name-calling and accusing me of being a liar. reported again.


i called you no names lol. you live with a sphynx (don't own one) and come into the sphynx subreddit to get upset at how someone else (who owns sphynxes) talks to someone else (who owns sphynxes) good one.


yes, yes and yes. it's not like I know nothing about these cats after living with and loving him for a year, plus taking care of him when my housemate travels. and please, keep it up, I'll just keep reporting you because now it's turning into incivility and harassment.