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I’m sorry it didn’t work as you hoped. I’m on Long Island & would be happy to talk further. I currently have an 18 month old sphynx, so he would have a snuggle buddy 😊


Here are some pictures. Not sure why imgur is giving the link a NSFW warning... do they have a ML algorithm in place that detected the Sphynx skin and thinks its a naked person lmao?? [https://imgur.com/a/kyoEvs8](https://imgur.com/a/kyoEvs8)


He's adorable!


I'm in New England! Can I DM you?


We are a bit far - in Ontario, Canada, but are experienced Sphynx owners, and currently have three. I think we could arrange something if you don't get any experienced Sphynx owners near you. We can provide vet references. I wouldn't want him going to a shelter or rescue that wasn't Sphynx-based.


Hi! I’m in MA and I have a little sphynx girl already! I’m going to send you a DM?!


I'd take him but I live in the southwest us. 😭 I hope you can find him a home! I'm sure he's super sweet. I'm sorry to hear about your allergies! Can you possibly get a friend (who has had cats before) to foster him for the time being while you wait for a permanent home? 


Ditto. I'm in California but will be in New England in July. I don't know that that's fast enough for OP.




I am super flexible on the rehoming fee, especially if you are low income I'd honestly be fine with no fee (ill take your word on it). Definitely not looking for anything near where I paid for him, and the only purpose would be to verify you aren't a reseller. If you can prove that in other ways, I totally don't care about the money. The fact that you on on r/sphynx is already kinda telling. I have proof of vax! I'll DM


Make sure you at least ask for something reasonable, or you'll get people who just want a Sphynx and don't understand the special needs of the breed. We previously adopted a Sphynx in need of rehoming and we paid a fee, they contacted our veterinarian to make sure we were responsible and experienced Sphynx owners, and we contacted their veterinarian to check out the cat's health (the Sphynx was 4 years old at the time). We were much closer to that Sphynx though - a 4 hour round trip.


I want him so bad haha he’s a handsome lil dude! Let me know!!


I know you're at your wits end with this situation. I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. If you can't find someone you trust to take him immediately and have to hold onto him a bit longer, I'd recommend feeding him Pro Plan LiveClear. It's shown to significantly reduce allergens. Chickens who are raised with cats produce an immune response to Fel d 1. The eggs they produce contain a protein that neutralize it. When the cats eat those eggs, the protein bonds to the Fel d 1, severely muting the output. That food uses those eggs. It's the whole selling point. This isn't to solve your issue, this is just something you can do if you have to hold onto him for a bit longer. Hope you're able to feel better soon and are able to find him a happy home.


Thanks for the tip! I am actually already doing that (not 100% yet, transitioning off previous food)


I’m located in the capital region NY and am interested! We currently have one male sphynx who is our baby and pride and joy


Edit to add: OP said they already tried to contact breeder but I skipped over that part. ————— Have you contacted the breeder you got him from? Most breeders will be happy to get their kittens back if it doesn’t work out. They are such a particularly breed. Our breeder said to contact her first if for some reason we couldn’t keep our sphynx.


Yup! From my post: >He is the friendliest kitten in the world, right when we got home he was already chasing me around the house and sitting on my lap. He loves pets and loves being held. His breeder clearly showed him a lot of love, but he is unwilling to take him back for whatever reason. I think he might think I just have buyers remorse, and am making up the allergies. I even offered to return him for zero refund (I paid $2000) and he still said no... which is weird because he otherwise seemed like a reputable breeder. The parents were TICA verified champion bloodline or whatever (honestly didn't care about that too much), and the contract he had me sign was totally reasonable. I told him I was really worried about the allergies, and he reassured me that I could contact him if it didn't work out and we could figure something out. He went back on this though and refused to take them back. He said its because he has other kittens and doesn't want them to get sick... but my kitten is completely healthy so I am not sure what that is about.


Oh so sorry! I read too fast and completely skipped over that. It is so weird that they won’t take home back. :(


Its ok! I do that all the time




I currently keep him out of my bedroom and office where I spend 90% of my day, but the allergens must be airborne and are making it in anyway... he is also \*extremely\* lovey which makes it very difficult when my girlfriend is at work and no one is here to give him attention. He literally wants to be attached to me at all times, which is why I have to literally lock him out of my office. It is kind of miserable to be honest.


I’m in Winnipeg, Canada. Wish I was closer. I have two nakeds currently. Hope you find someone closer with experience.


Omgosh he is adorable!!!!!! Good luck OP!


If he's still available, I'm in Cleveland and looking for a cat. I'd be willing to take him. I'm willing to drive and either pick him up or meet partway. DM me.


You sound like a good person OP, I'm sure you'll have your baby left in good hands, just make sure they are familiar with the breed and they have the $$$ to take care of it.


Sorry it didn’t work out for you he is super cute. I respect your willingness to take the financial hit in order to find him the best possible home, but be careful. Someone who can’t afford him might not be able to afford proper care


Fair, its just hard to believe anyone on r/sphynx would be a worse owner than some rando on craigslist who happens to have $1,500 dollars on them right now or whatever. I'll be careful though


I'm in the UK and he sounds perfect! Sorry it went poorly for you. I'm jealous of whoever ends up with cuddle monster


It could be a stretch but purina offers an allergen reducing food for them. They expose chickens to cats and it results in a protein in the eggs that lessens the effects of allergies. I saw you said you tried another food but it could be worth a try! I’m in the Midwest or I would be on my way to you now lol. He’s so cute!


Live Clear! I am already feeding that (transitioning slowly of course) , but I assume 4 days isn't enough for it to kick in haha. Either way it's too severe to keep trying, I couldn't even really sleep last night :(


What rehoming fee are you asking for him?


\*shrug\* I don't really care as long as I trust he is going to a good home. I am honestly doing fine on money and would be willing to do super low or nothing, especially if you are low on income. Currently I am seeing some people who live a bit closer though, so I might go with one of them. I'll let you know if I need someone though!


DM sent!


Hmm, I don't see it. I didn't realize how terrible reddit messages are. I had to refresh my page like 20 times to accept each DM request...


No worries, I got your chat reply and just sent a response.


If you want to DM me I'm also in western MA (but like, legit western MA so could still be an hour+ away) and might be able to take him or at least house him temporarily? Let me check with my partner when he gets home from work. We already have two though so it might not be a good fit? Also have two poodles although they're the big kind. I'm allergic to cats and had Cornish rexes as a kid and I have to say, I think these guys are worse for me than the cornies. They're just so oily I feel like they keep more of the allergens glued to their skin? Really sorry about the breeder lying to you. I've actually heard from a lot of breeders that sphynxes can be worse so I went into it expecting that. Thankfully mine is better with exposure and my daily pill is enough to keep me good. Now some of the doodle clients I groom... Animal allergens are weird.


LOL, yeah I am in fake Western MA (Pioneer Valley) Yeah, I do have dog allergies and am totally allergic to my toy poodle, I can't really pet her... but my cat allergies are like 100x more severe even just with the airborne stuff. My allergist told me the allergy shots probably wouldn't work but I wanted to dream 😢 especially after driving 30 minutes to get them every week for a year Thanks for offering help! I have a couple people already who seem like a good fit I've been chatting with, but you are definitely the closest to me even at an hour+ away, so I'll DM you if they fall through!


If the timing were better and we also weren’t already long-term cat-sitting two 8-month old sphynx sisters (one raw and one toasty chicken, like yours), would probably jump at this chance for this beautiful boy! Looks like there are quite a number of people here eager to give him a loving home, so hope he finds his new forever home soon! In the meantime, to help you, you’re actually allergic to their dander, not fur, which is composed of their spit and skin cells — if you’re not already, you could try wiping him down daily (wet cloth), as that would significantly lower the amount of dander —likely won’t eliminate your symptoms, but may give you some respite! (And worst-case scenario, against my better judgment, if you’re not able to find a suitable home in the near future, let me know — I’m experienced in raising from 6-8weeks old and up and have been battling with two 8 month old sphynx kittens for the past 2 months, so understand what a handful they are ! )


I am in Massachusetts and would be happy to take him! I can DM you if you’d like more details.


Posting to say I dm’d bc I saw you’re not getting them!


I am in Boston area


I’m a longtime Sphynx breeder who can help you get this kitten into a rescue if need be. Or assist you in finding it a nice home. It’s not easy to vet homes. In the meantime, if you bathe him every other day and vacuum and wipe surfaces, it will keep the allergens down. Taking zyrtec will help you too.


Unfortunately my allergies are too severe. I have been bathing him, and I am taking 2 Allegra a day, and 2 puffs of alburerol every 4 hours. Still wheezing and unable to sleep.


I'm interested!


Would be worth contacting a local rescue (with charitable status and good ratings) to surrender to to help facilitate the appropriate adopters.


Honestly the local rescue I contacted (Dakins) said they always prefer people rehome on their own, unless they are literally incapable. They say average outcomes are better that way, and animals are generally pretty miserable in a shelter setting. Unsure if true.


Try a rescue group that is not a shelter. They're right about shelter's not being ideal, especially for a little naked friend. But a rescue group that uses foster homes is what you're looking for. Good luck!


Rhode Islander with 2 sphynx here! I hope everything works out for you and your baby, but please reach out if you need. We live for our babies and they’re spoiled rotten, wed be more than happy to open our home to him!


He’s doing great so far! [Here](https://imgur.com/a/CZIZvMu) are a couple photos and I can share an updated post as we fully integrate the cats! They’ve had brief introductions so far and they all are super interested in him so far and want to play/groom him 🥹




That's a great way to end up giving a cat to a shitty owner.




Trust me, I am not giving it to a random person. I have like 50 people to choose from, all from a community very passionate about sphynx cats :) Understand your concern though