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Id sphynx/idiot proofed ut before id let her out. ive installed a safetynet top to bottom for my boy, since hes a curious idiotšŸ˜‚


I canā€™t seem to add a picture?? Itā€™s huge.


maybe build a catio


you should use either netting or some form of chicken wire, and staple/attach it all around the base of the patio. then you can potentially add supports beams above the railing so you can cover that too. I absolutely would not let a sphynx on a balcony. They do not have whiskers and are much more clumsy and less coordinated than a regular cat, which would still be questionable to let onto a balcony.


You just made me realize sphynx donā€™t have whiskers


mine is the klutziest kitty ever lol


Yeah. They sell cheap mesh that you can put up to keep them from falling. Hopefully she doesnā€™t like to jump on railings.


If the balconies can't be kitty proofed the neighbors are risking their cats succumbing to high-rise syndrome. Even if the cats are usually smart enough to realize they shouldn't attempt a 9-story jump, they might fixate on something in the distance that triggers their pounce instinct and makes them forget.


Omg. This made my insides twitch. Thanks for this comment.


A vet told me she sees loads of cat injuries/deaths from balconies. I wouldnā€™t risk it. Maybe if sheā€™d tolerate a leash?


Friends cat hung itself with just a collar šŸ˜¢


So many of us have had our pets pass away šŸ˜­ please a moment of silence for the ones who loved us when we didnā€™t love ourselves or have love for others.


I see leashes normally used with harnesses with cats. Still too risky to let the cat out though.


Retired vet here - in cities it happens often enough there is a name for the outcome of a long fall by a cat off a tall building it is called ā€œhigh rise syndromeā€. Many years ago someone even published a paper on the terminal velocity of a falling cat. Donā€™t let them out on a balcony.


Unless you can fully cat proof it with nets/chicken wire etc I would not risk it at all.


This is the right way. Iā€™d never let out without ant netting.


My partner is convinced cats can float like flying squirrels but Iā€™m not šŸ˜­ I wouldnā€™t be able to chill at all.


Your partner is a big dum dum.


Oh I told him as much šŸ¤£


I used to live in a high rise apartment on the 6th floor and my dipshit found a way around/under the netting, jumped to the next balcony over and walked ON THE OUTSIDE. He had zero sense of fear, and was trying to get to the next balcony, two over from mine. The high blood pressure was not worth it. He was never allowed outside again until we moved to our house. [photo of my rude ass cat being fearless](https://imgur.com/a/9NzI7Xr)


My soul would leave my body if my little dumbass pulled something like that šŸ˜±


Oh my god that picture made me so nervous!!!


I have never been so scared in my life! Heā€™s soooo dumpy too for a cat šŸ˜‚ this boy canā€™t even jump on the dining room window ledge without a chair to help, so Iā€™m still shocked he made it over.


i would actually pass away šŸ˜­ i once accidentally shut my orange boy in the garage for a few minutes and i was absolutely frantic looking for him


That is terrifying. My condolences you had to go through that


absolute goblin behavior


Goblin Demon sent from Caves of Anxiety, under Heart-attack Mountain


goblin temporarily became a gargoyle


I would have literally diedā€¦ the second I noticed him lol


I damn near FAINTED. I was trying to stay calm and not panic so I wouldnā€™t startle him or make him try to come back. I swear I died that day šŸ˜‚


FOR REAL. He would NEVER be allowed out there again. You know heā€™d do it again lol


Omg. I would be soooooo scared if that was my baby especially a Sphynx. They are too precious and fearless and they Seam so friendly and like they would have zero survival instincts. I'm soooooooo glad you're baby's ok. God was looking out for your baby. šŸ˜˜šŸ˜»


Omg this made me physically sick, you are superhuman to have been able to handle that.


I would have died. Scared shitless. Iā€™m so glad heā€™s ok


šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±my pet rat did that onceā€”escaped to the outside of the balcony Nearly fell off trying to scoop him back up to safety. Never again.


My heart is beating so fast even reading this. šŸ˜±


Omg omg omgā€¦.my stomach turned just looking at your picture! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I canā€™t believe your cat was on the opposite side of the railing. šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


My legs just went weak from looking at that photo. Thatā€™s terrifying!


Holy shit !!!!


I think just seeing that picture took a few years off my life! Heā€™s lucky he made it out of that alive. By which I mean heā€™s lucky you didnā€™t cook his ass for dinner when he got back inside.


Oh my GOODNESS. I read the link name but I was just expecting a picture of your cat being rude and fearless in another scenario lmfao. What a little daredevil rude boy


I've never seen such snowy pale sphynx but she looks amazing šŸ˜


She has a cover of short white fur and whiskers! A full furry tail. But itā€™s also a lighting effect


Thanx everyone for the input. Iā€™ve been overly cautious about not letting them out. Rosie has a blu sister who is completely uninterested in outside. Iā€™ll keep the leash thing


Unrelated but Rosie is GORGEOUS!!! Iā€™m looking for a sphynx with her exact looks. Could you comment on what breeder you went through to find her?:)


[outdoor cat enclosure](https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/CC00179A-F45C-4E96-9661-A43CD6C0A427?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ast_store_K4G42728XJR9FGJJXZ6A) Can you try one of these? I use them camping and in the backyard to protect from large birds and coyotes in my area. The pawed babies I care for feel very comfortable in these. Edited to add; the domed one is tall enough for a 1ā€™ cat tree (to get them off the floor), and still has enough room for a litter box, water food and still room to move. The tall one has space for a litter box underneath the ā€˜shelvesā€™. My cat loves them both because it means she can come outside with me or without Edit #2; adding one cat I sit for has the tube. Crio will roll herself to whatever point in the yard she wants. If you got several and connected them your baby could have a long run. If just one tube then they can roll it along the balcony to where they want to be.


I donā€™t have any advice but that is a pretty cat


Donā€™t risk it


First of all that's a beautiful friend you've got there. I would not suggest allowing this to happen. Mine, when he was young, used to routinely fall off a 2nd story balcony into the garden. It was a regular occurrence and we disabled his access to any such area in order to avoid this. Such falls can be fatal.


What an angel! It would be helpful if you added a picture of what the balcony looks like. Ideally youā€™d need to secure it with nets, as sphynx are very curious and clever, but also clumsy. Mine go onto the terrace, but itā€™s nowhere near as high up. I suppose if you have space, you could also build a catio (see Jackson Galaxy for advice)


I had a cat try and jump from my balcony to the next door neighbor's at a 90Ā° and miss. Five stories on to concrete. She survived with some bruising and a couple of broken teeth.


Do the wiffle ball sewn to a harness trick I saw on Instagram








Personally, I'd never risk it without getting a cat net to enclose the patio. If you can get dimensions you can find an enclosure/net suitable for her.


Jeesh! I guess I would completely enclose it and then have her on a harness and teether. That's pretty far up and don't anticipate her surviving if she fell.


As a vet student and a cat owner myself, I wouldn't advise it. Even if you install a Catio or use some other kind of enclosure, I would only allow her onto the balcony when you are there there supervise her. I know it's hard to see them upset but it only takes a second for something bad to happen and I guarantee you your kitty will be a lot happier inside the house or in a little playpen with a roof on it than ending up the victim of an accident.


I do have a harness and leash


That's excellent :) I would still get some kind of netting and have her supervised on the leash :)


Btw your baby is gorgeous!


Not worth it. Keep her inside.


Our balcony is only on the second floor. I have 3 2 year old cats and they've never tried to jump. I have heard horror stories though. If there is anyway you can cat proof I would.


i take my cat on the balcony with her harness/leash on, so iā€™d suggest doing that or using a cat net/tent. too much risk otherwise


i let my cats out in my yard on a harness and lead. maybe try that with a leash short enough that the kitty canā€™t get past the fencing?








I don't even like seeing my sphynxes walking across the upstairs bannister railing (max fall would be straight to bottom of stair case). No chance in hell I'm risking a multi floor fall. I would second the notion of getting or building a large rectangular catio. If your balcony has a sliding door, you might even be able to connect the catio entrance to just one side of the door, whereas the other direction of slide leads out to full balcony access.


She is so gorgeous! If you can't proof it, I wouldn't let her out there. I've heard of too many cats falling from balconies. I can't proof mine, but we have a mosquito net door, so our cat can enjoy the sun and the breeze without going outside, maybe that's an option?


Have you really heard of cats falling from balconies? Yikes


Yes. My bf had a cat die like this, so we are very careful now. They are just too curious and will jump trying to catch a bird or an insect.


I have nothing to add except that that is one beautiful kitty. She looks like she belongs in a fairytale or something




Sheā€™s beautiful šŸ±


you better not let that sweet little beautiful angel anywhere near the outdoors!!!šŸ˜»šŸ˜»




No way! Mine is a clutz Iā€™d be so scared


My kitty fell off the stairs before, luckily into laundry. Would absolutely not trust her on a balcony.


Thanks all! That seals the dilemma!! Harness it is


I'm not too experienced as I've never lived anywhere with a balcony but I sometimes babysit my uncle and aunt's cat while they're away and they have an apartment with a balcony. Their cat just sits there and watches the birds and has only ever jumped off once, thankfully only from the second floor and was not injured. He learned his lesson after that. Could you try picking her up and carrying her outside to start with so that she still gets the enjoyment of being outside?


I also forgot to add your balcony should be cat proofed as much as possible before letting her go out. Even with a huge balcony, there are different things you can get that will give that extra protection in case anything happens.


shes magnificent whatt


She is soooo cute and white!


Not unsupervised or you can cat-proof it. I live in the 7th floor and our landlord had installed a mesh to prevent our cat from getting between the rungs and into the ledge and neighbors side, but she is only allowed out there unless I am around.


Not unsupervised or you can cat-proof it. I live in the 7th floor and our landlord had installed a mesh to prevent our cat from getting between the rungs and into the ledge and neighbors side, but she is only allowed out there unless I am around.


I canā€™t have any structure for the cats (Rosie has a blue sister very uninterested in outside) on my condo patio because of all the rules


i would kitty proof your balcony with floor to ceiling netting, reinforcing the railing, blocking the gaps, etc, or even adding room dividers in front of the netting so your little one can BE outside but not SEE outside. even with all this, i would never leave her unattended for long out there. cats are too curious for their own good!


Yup canā€™t do that here per condo rules


I would consider a catio since your balcony is large and may be difficult to cover in some kind of netting. I've been considering getting one for my cats. Been looking on Amazon and they are not highly priced. Also, your cat is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. šŸ©µ


We are not allowed catios on the balcony


Her coloring is gorgeous


No. Absolutely not. You need to send her over to me because she's adorable.


What a cutie ā¤


If you have a big enough balcony, maybe a cat enclosure/tent. They have zippers to seal the tent and that way your cat can get fresh air and sun and still be in a contained environment.


No. And she is gorgeous


My exā€™s dad used to let his cat on his apartment balcony, thinking his cat wouldnā€™t attempt to jump down (it was quite a few floors up), he didnā€™t cat proof it. The cat jumped off on 2 different occasions and each time was lost for several days. He assumed it landed in one of the large willow trees below, as the cat was miraculously fine when checked at the vet. He turned the balcony it into a catio and installed netting and such after that to make sure the cat could not jump off again. My advice would be not to risk it and catify/ cat proof the balcony first. Your sphinx is beautiful btw ā¤ļø.


Check out catnamedpawl on Instagram. His dad has a wiffle ball vest made for him that you might be able to work into your arsenal of cat proofing.


I had a cat die from a fourth floor balcony fall. I wouldnā€™t risk it.


Oh so sad


fk no


Not even a cat owner but thatā€™s a beautiful cat




Well, one of my cats jumped out of my 8th floor apartment at the time (her litter box was in the balcony and she was too small to jump off.. well in hindsight she was in fact too curious for her own good and we think jumped on a nearby stool and maybe chased a bird down or something)ā€¦ came home to her cold body at 3 AM and dug a little grave for her all after a night outā€¦ needless to say, it was an EXTREMELY uneasy and quite unpleasant experienceā€¦ either supervise or just donā€™tā€¦ walks are just as great! Rip toast šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”




NEVER let the cat on the balcony without supervision unless it is wrapped by net. End of story. But itā€™s cheap to do that and itā€™s easily removable if you rent as well.


Prettiest sphynx cat ever.


No please no


Wow, she's gorgeous!! Our Sphynx only goes outside if me or my husband are there to supervise. We live in a house with a front and backyard, but she's a little chicken (a roasted one, obviously) and will try to run back inside at any loud noise.


As someone who worked in animal shelters, not worth the risk unless it's completely sealed and safe. You do not want to scrape your cat off the pavement below


I thought she was sitting on a pillow until I saw the concrete grippers šŸ’€


Sheā€™s n my bed


I would say no. A couple of weeks ago I saw a sad post about someone whose cat was spooked off a high rise and died from the fall. I think they believe a predatory bird could have tried to snatch the cat. The cat wasn't supposed to be on the balcony though, a guest did not close the balcony door. Maybe you can set up a catio.


I wouldnā€™t unless you can completely screen it in. My brotherā€™s (very unathletic) cat jumped from a second floor balcony and hurt himself. Heā€™s ok now - just sprained his back - but if he had jumped from higher it could have been a different story.


If you have to ask, itā€™s probably a no


I let my cat on a significantly shorter balcony, and I either put her harness on her and hold on to it at all times so she doesn't get too close to the edge enough to drop off, and I keep a very close eye on her. Depends on how much you trust your cat


Depends on the balcony but probably not without taking some preventative measures. She might not fall but she could end up in someone elseā€™s balcony. Also cat do fall sometimes and they do get hurt


Hell no!


9th floor will be higher than 35ft and likely a fatal fall, I wouldnt


If you canā€™t cat-proof it, buy a catio from Amazon that kitty can access through the door to the balcony and then it can get fresh air safely.


not unless you cage it in or want to live in stress that kitty may jump in the wrong direction.


Is there any way you can put up a screen or something that would keep her from being able to jump/roll off?


Nooo. She is too beautiful, I wouldnā€™t take the risk. Her curiosity could lead to an accident.


Only if it's screened in


All cats are special, but... A sphinx is often a huge investment. I have a 15 year old rescue cat who is a biter šŸ¤£ and we only take her out in a screened in stroller. Her safety is paramount, and my responsibility. I would NEVER risk my kitty on a patio, and I truly hope you don't risk that gorgeous kitty on one, either. I know it's hard to say no to those beautiful eyes, but this is a safety issue, not a kindness issue. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


She's beautiful and too precious to let out on the balcony from the videos I've seen Sphynx's jump really high and are fearless and sweet and don't have the survival instincts other breeds do. Please keep her strictly indoors I didn't want anything bad to happen to your precious baby. šŸ˜˜šŸ˜»


Please donā€™t let her on your balcony, if she doesnā€™t fall, a bird or owl could grab her.


Reading comments and my own gut feeling, No please do not let her out there. You need a cadio for her. [Something like this...](https://catiospaces.com/catios-cat-enclosures/)


Nooo it's dangerous. Keep your baby safe. Accidents happen.


i saw a pic somewhere on the internet where the owner bought a cat sweater and modified it with like pool floaties or something to make it too big to pass through the bars of her balcony. if she jumps on the railing tho the width sweater would only be solving half the problem.


Only if it's cat proofed, you don't want her jumping or slipping. Since it's a Sphynx id definitely not in my opinion. Not sure if you bought her from a breeder but if you did I wouldn't risk it since they are quite expensive. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Donā€™t let Rosie on the balcony. Donā€™t risk it. She could fall and die otherwise. Leave her inside


Sheā€™s gorgeous! I would put a sheer or acrylic panel going around the inside of the balcony.


hecks no


My brother lost two cats that way šŸ˜“


My cousins cat died from falling off of a balcony, so my opinion is absolutely not unless it can be closed in/cat-proofed with 100% certainty




shes gorgeous!!! where did you get her from? o\_o


From my daughter and son in law in Maryland. They have one (the aunt) almost identical. Rosie has a blue sister very uninterested in the balcony




God bless you and your sphinx


I know my cat is not the smartest, but I really didnā€™t expect her to jump off the 4th story balcony. Well she did. Sheā€™s okay, thank god, but it scared the hell out of me. Needless to say I wonā€™t let her on the balcony unsupervised again. (Unsupervised meaning I walked away for ONE MINUTE šŸ„²)


Not unless itā€™s completely enclosed and cat proof. Iā€™ve heard terrible stories from cats going off balconies much, much lower. No way would I let my baby out there. OMG


I let a cat out on a 5th floor balcony - walked away for a second and came back and he was hanging on the outside of the railing. Never again.


No it could be the end of her life. There was one on here a few days ago fell seven stories...




Only with properly installed netting! My kitty after 6 years of ā€œporch timeā€ the first 3 being monitored he jumped and or fell from the third story balcony (heā€™s ok) but important to take preventative measures


I would put chicken wire all along it (has bigger gaps so bugs can still come inā€”my cat loves bugs) but the cat canā€™t accidentally fall. Iā€™m on the ground floor and rescued a cat that had come down from a 4th floor balcony. Seems like cats would be smart enough to be safe but apparently not.


One of my cats fell out of our 26th floor window. It was heartbreaking. I'd make sure there's exactly zero way for her to get to any unprotected place.


Omg Iā€™m so sorry


It was a while ago, the pain has mostly passed, but the lesson remains. :D Thank you for your condolences.


Personally I let my cat have balcony access but she's old and very relaxed, and she only has supervised access - as in there's no cat door and so she's only allowed out with someone there to let her out and watch her until she comes in. Some things you need to consider- Are there any gaps under the balcony siding that she could get stuck in or wiggle under. If so, you need to cover these. Is there anything she could climb up on that would allow her to see over the railing or potentially jump over the railing? If so that needs to be removed. Is the railing high enough that they can't just leap straight over it in one go (ie. before you can stop them). If it's not, it may not be appropriate for you without significant modifications. Is your cat prone to silly behaviour like falling off things or climbing into dangerous situations? If so, it might not be right for your cat. I would not ever let them out at night because they are often more confident to do silly things in the dark. If you aren't 100% about any of those questions, I'd strongly suggest setting up a catio instead. Personally my girl just lays on the stones and enjoys the sun, and the railing is about the height of my head so there's no chance of her getting over it especially with me supervising. If I had a kitten or a cat I knew was more adventurous, I absolutely wouldn't let them out there. Cats absolutely do get hurt as a result of balconies so you need to really consider your situation in detail and make sure you aren't putting your kitty in danger, but it sometimes can be done.


Both Rosie and Emmy can wiggle themselves under my convection oven! Itā€™s about 3 inches high. She can wiggle under the balcony railing easily


hi, i just got an apartment with a balcony that my cat wants to go on! i have installed netting along the bottom where the railing is so he canā€™t fall through :) i am also adding mosquito netting that will go top to bottom


Sounds great but Iā€™m not allowed to do the same at my condo


My cat jumped off a 2 story roof, 4th floor balcony, and into the garbage shoot of a 17th floor highrise. He was ok each time but good grief you should prolly cat proof it ( mine was a bengal and he lived to 14)


You have a beautiful baby. As the others have mentioned here, I would never take a chance on some kind of freak accident happening. These babies already have the odds stacked against them. A harness or something is best.


I lived on the top floor of an apt building and hawks would land on my balcony cause they saw my cat in the window. I wouldnā€™t.




Iā€™d definitely cat-proof it first. Especially since youā€™re so high up. Sheā€™s so pretty




holy heck her colouring is GORGEOUS! šŸ¤© definitely would need to cat proof and sun proof! mine will find whatever sliver of sun there is and burn his bits without realizing




No. šŸ‘€


No get a small cattio for your balcony or build a screened window box that she can crawl into your enjoy outside


On a harness only


I wouldnā€™t


cat proof it then you should be good!!!!!!


I used to put my cat in a dog crate so he could join me on a balcony for 30 minutes or so. He seemed to enjoy it.


She looks like she needs sunscreen


Invest in some big curtains, try not to let the cat see it as much maybe the desire will pass? Saying this as an owner of 2 indoor kitties myself ā˜ŗļø




No, especially with her coloring, she is highly prone to malignant skin cancer. Protect her from the sun.


Don't do it... There was a story that still sticks with me on our local FB page about a lady missing her Himalayan and the only way she could have gotten out was off the balcony... She searched for days and we were all hoping for the best especially since it was only like 3 stories up...Well unfortunately she updated that a lady had reached out to her that she found her in the alley after having fallen and she put her in her lap and sat with her as she passed, it was obvious she wasn't going to make it, she was an older girl šŸ„¹šŸ˜­the lady had thought she was a stray and took her home with her to bury her šŸ˜­šŸ„¹šŸ’” story has stuck with me for years šŸ’”šŸ„¹


I would screen it in first


I wouldn't unless you had an outdoor cat space. She could be very elegant and well-balanced, but accidents do happen. Building a cat place on the balcony would help.




God, no.


My cat loved being on the balcony in our first apartment on the 18th floor. My then girlfriend was coming out of the shower while I was at work and saw him hanging off the railing like Gandalf (think 'fly you fools!'). She ran out and grabbed him before his strength gave out and lost her towel along the way. Flashed all the other appts but got him safely. We then got him a harness. One day she found him hanging off the balcony, swinging in the harness. I wouldn't take any chances is what I'm saying. Cats are curious and you never really know what they might try and pull.


Team "No"


Can you somehow block balcony so she can't fall or jump off? Chicken wire or trellis maybe... Or use a harness and lead you can hold or secure indoors? Or take out for walks as I do with mine. (at 4am and 10pm cos no humans or traffic which terrifies her!) mine became indoor as I moved to 19th floor no balcony but she stood at the open window to enjoy fresh air n the smells. Only you know if she wants to just be outside or wants to roam. Mine fell from 4th floor and was fine as she landed in grass after sneaking out but I think that's probably the safest height at or below tree level.


My friend had a cat die from a balcony fall. I don't recommend it, at least not without supervision.


I wouldn't risk it for a second, personally! Asymmetric Risk/Reward imo


not without baby/cat proofing it. just saw a post a few scrolls back about someoneā€™s cat falling and breaking bones


Yea, the 9th floor should be way above the dead zone.


Yes if you want a cat pancake in a few minutes... Like what kind of question is this??


Just saw a post about someone letting their cat on the balcony. I would do everything you can to make sure your cat is safe and cannot fall. Iā€™ve even seen people put tennis balls on harnesses so they canā€™t get through the bars. https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/FrT6pCI3PP


Not till you kitty proof it with a mesh of some kind. And then kitty proof that mesh just in case.


Im restricted in what I can have on the balcony. Canā€™t have a cat house/structure not nets.


Thenā€¦you donā€™t have a dilemma. The answer is very clear.


She could use the harness and leash, says he gets tangled, but seems like the best option still. Have to make sure the harness is snug fit though so he doesn't escape it when excited/distracted/scared


nah, lets roll the dice on the cats life because i wanna hang out with it outside. lol.


If the balcony is large enough you could get a mesh pet tent.