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Our girl is a little over 2 and very petite as well. Proud member of the itty bitty kitty committee


I posted my girl here a few months ago, and I am reporting now to her Itty Bitty Kitty Committee because she’s gotten fatter but not grown 😆


Your cat is remarkably similar to my cat. She is 8 and still quite slight, but she has a little tummy now too.


Hi! Id love to see some pictures of her


Anybody know how to put pictures in a comment? I know how in a post.


You can make a link to imgur or send him in md


i just always assume people in here have pics on their profile lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/sphynx/s/F7xGCVDcFW I made a post


that’s my cat, she recently turned 4 and only in the last 6 months developed the paunch. she was always tiny before lol


Some cats are just smaller. Mine weighs 7.1 pounds at about the same age. I just weighed her yesterday. I thought she was a little bit heavier, but she's not. She eats nonstop but she's very svelte.


I think I heard somewhere that occasionally sphynxes are bred with other breeds that are ‘approved’ to keep from too much inbreeding. That might account for how many different sizes you see on this sub. Or genetics has nothing to do with it and some of the cats here eat their feelings like mine does


My female is 5 and is always right at 6 lbs. No belly, no primordial pouch. She’s lean. But healthy. She eats all she wants. No restrictions. But never gains weight.


No ozempic prescription for her! I love petite baby cats as my boys are massive and rough house with each other. My girls especially Lily are so small I pet them so delicately and spoil them.


Cats typically stop growing around 12 months, and those with fabulously thick coats will have their coats fill out until 24 months. That said, for the fluffs, only their coats should be changing and they themselves should not be getting larger and larger either. You just have a little petite baby :) My Sphynx girl is 7.5 and my male (domestic shorthair) is 9.8ish, so it looks very dramatic. But they both look lean, athletic, and properly filled out without vertebrae/bones showing. Hope that helps!


She's adorable. I think it depends on genes. They can keep growing up to a few years of age. But her paws look tiny so I don't think she will grow much more.


She’s a beautiful lady 🥰🩷


Not really


Mine held ~7.5lbs from about 1 year till 3 or 4 years and then she got thicker. Shes about ~9lbs now at 7


female sphynx are usually small! we used to have two and were petite, but super cuddly


Some Sphynx are just petite. Our 3 year old is a petite little guy, especially compared to all the other Sphynx we've had. He's smaller than our girls have been, but he's fine according to our vet. He's just little.




I have a dwarf cat who’s about 18-19 months now. Every time I see her I keep thinking she’s still 7 months old haha. She’s my little buddy tho, stubby legs, can’t jump more than 12-18 inches and is a bit rotund (think she’s trying to look bigger for the other cats in my home) to not be picked on. I love her so much and if she’s ever picked on I take preventative action. Her little head is so small I pet her differently than my big boys, very gentle like petting a kitten. Lily is a good girl. Don’t worry about your cats size that’s perfectly normal


You mean your cat is tiny on purpose?


Mine is 1.5 years old and she weighs 7.5 lbs. She's also a bambino sphynx so she's has short legs and is tiny lol