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Looks like a ground spider to me, a Sergiolus Montanus to be exact I think. If it’s what’s I think it is should be fairly harmless. No need to worry about this little guy.


It's just been circling my ceiling and laying down web just in discriminantly. I've been feeling the webbing as I come and go all day. Didn't realize it was webbing until I saw the spider. I thought it might just be super fine hair from my young nieces.


I’m fairly sure she’s (I think it’s a she.) harmless. Might be best to get her nicely out of your home still though, if you or those around you aren’t a fan. Still best to check from a few others though for input, as I’m not the most 100% reliable source 😅.


I appreciate the time. She ended up on my neck somehow and now she's on to the big web in the sky. Maybe I caught one of those webs and she just got on me that way. Most times I just leave them alone and they leave me alone. Shame. I figure most times the spiders are protecting my books from silverfish.


Was a harmless ground spider. So the web is only to avoid falling to their death. Didn't help I guess