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Atleast they never said ink and instead paint. the skins are sea themed i guess thats simular. The game mode is just like splatoon but you kick a ball to paint and you can also paint by killing people (kinda like splatoon). I guess we'll see how this plays off


They got the unreleased 8 ball ranked mode


This looks super cool! My only complaint is that they didn't add Big Man :(


Budget cuts


Deep budget Cuts


Extensive budget cuts






As a fan of both games I’m pretty excited and I hope they don’t get sued


Nintendo doesn't own the rights to paint and fish


Thats what they want you to think


Wanted to make something familliar but i lost the urge to do so (even tho im a big splatoon and brawl stars enthusiast)


lmao mood and then i see someone doing it and im like "couldve been me if i wasnt do F'ing lazy"


It’s just paintball, though? How is that Splatoon inspired?


Mostly the Squid theming and a mode that is very similar to turf war. (Down to the enemies exploding ink when defeated)


The game mode it's in is basically an exact copy of turf war - the team that's painted the most by the end of the match wins. Enemies even leave a splash of ink when they die, just like in splatoon.


I feel peolle think u can file q lawsuit for anything... idt a paint covering game is exclusive to splatoon nor is it close enough for Nintendo to prob care


Unless they got permission from Nintendo, this probably aint ending well for them I will be preaparing to hear about another Nintendo lawsuit


pretty sure foamstars didn't get sued


it deserved to though


Cause its not in the game yet


Bruh what foamstars isn't in the game yet?


Im so dumb i just realised that foamstars is a completely different game and thought they meant brawlstars. Sorry! :P


would they win that lawsuit?? did splatoon invent the game of covering the arena with paint to win i unironically dont know? and theres only 1 skin with the iconic "hair" tentacles so its not even that much


Nintendo lawsuit? What? Are you referring to their dmca's? Thats not a lawsuit. And no, nintendo doesn't have completely authority over a paintball game. I seriously wonder where you guys get these massive stretching ideas.


I swear like 90% of the time it's just children repeating terms they've heard elsewhere on the internet while knowing absolutely nothing about how the legal system actually works


Yeah, basic ideas and themes aren't copyright-able. The main reason it feels so much like a knock-off is because Splatoon is the only big "paint-the-map" game (there's just Foamstars, Crayola Scoot, and now this). But it's not an IP infringement anymore than platform fighters rip off Smash Bros, platformers knock off Mario Bros, monster collection games copycat Pokemon, or metroidvanias infringe on, well, Metroid and Castlevania


Palworld dodged the lawsuit hammer with the handful of Pal designs that boiled down to things like "95% Mewtwo" and "Serperior with Primarina's hair." That in mind, there's basically no chance that "paintball with fish-themed skins" will get hit unless they, like, explicitly call it Splatoon and directly copy-paste a bunch of assets.




I didn't mean to make it seem like those games are the first in their genres. Just trying to illustrate that similar style games don't mean it's an infringement of IP. I used them because they're very popular games in popular genres (but mostly because I wanted to keep it thematic with Nintendo games) But you're right, if genres and styles were protected, then each of those examples would be in trouble


Nintendo only picks on small creators they wouldn’t dare go up against other businesses


Lmao I just got into Brawl Stars so this is pretty cool


What is this


It got a "paint the map to win" mode and people are going crazy because "NINTENDO WILL SUE THEM"


I love the ideas for the skin, especially from the Splatoon inspire design


New season dropped early!


Is it actually Splatoon inspired?!


Devs haven’t confirmed it but the new game mode almost definitely was but I dont really think the skins were inspired by splatoon


look at the cutttlefish jacky skin they have the same tentacle hair as the splatoon 1 inkling girl


Wait how is the new sprout skin a splatoon reference? Also, I wonder why they didn’t do something like this when Otis came out, cuz this is the second underwater paint-related brawler they’ve added. Why did they wait until now?


My two favorite games combined 🥲 Edit: splatoon is always the best


I like that the paint colors are exactly the same as the colors In one of the splatfests I forgor which one tho


(the heros cost $50 each)


Nahhhhh, we brawlin' down in Kelp Dome


Don’t play this dog water cash grab guys, I wasted years on it before they ruined it by making it no longer friendly to free to play players.


When did you stop playing? As of… today it’s f2p friendly


Stopped playing when they locked the pass behind direct money only purchase at the end of last year. Did they undo that awful decision?


That wasn’t an awful decision.. they made the free to play pass better, the free to play pass is BETTER than the old 169 gem pass, it’s just they also made the paid pass better and made it $9.99, f2p got a massive buff to progression, it’s just paying players did aswell


They made the free to play pass better, but the paid pass makes an even bigger gap between paying players and free players. Also, it used to cost a 5 dollar gem purchase every 2 months if you wanted to get every pass. That’s like 2.50 a month. Now it’s 10 dollars a month, a 300% cost increase if you want every pass. They did not buff F2P because they made the gap between F2P and paid players so much more insanely wide, and then charged paying players 4 times more. The new character designer since Paul left is also terrible. Overly busy designs and all women have the same face and no body type variety except like… Bonnie is little. Eve is littler.


Free to play players can max out faster now, therefore it’s a buff


Brawlers come out at a faster rate, because the pass is now monthly. It’s a nerf.


It’s objectively a buff the math has already been ran, and brawlers come out at the same rate as always if not even slower, there’s 1 brawler per month


The old pass system had 1 brawler per pass, but some updates add 2 at a time. That’s 1 brawler per 2 months.


I've been playing since 2018 and the game has never been more f2p friendly than now (in my opinion)


Glad you think so. They just made the pass impossible to get for free to play players, which is objectively worse than when a completely free player could get every other pass.


The new free pass is the same if not better than the old paid one.


The new free pass sets F2P players as though they had the old paid pass each season. However, paid pass players now have an even bigger advantage against them, because the difference between the old paid pass and the new paid pass is way bigger. They tricked you into thinking the game was better for you, and then gave people paying an even bigger boost, while locking even more skins behind the paid pass, and making it impossible for free to play players to ever get.


Also, free players still got every other paid pass, so really you only got half the additional value compared to if the system never changed.


Out of all collabs... It had to be with Brawl Stars...


its not a colab tho, they didnt say anything about splatoon during the announcemnet they just like the easthetic i assume


Oh I see.




That’s a stretch my dude


Hmmmmmm. How original. That better BE good


i feel like if the brawler skins arent that similiar, it wouldn't be too similiar cuz the gamemode is basically just cover the map more than the other team but paint is similiar to ink ig