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ESPN social media has Sue Bird, Stewie, and Diana Taurasi on a 3 way split screen, showing their reactions. You could tell Stewie knew it was a foul right away, while the other 2 former Huskies weren't coming to grips with it.


It’s because replays keep showing it from the moment AFTER she hops a couple feet off of the screen she’d just set in order to throw a shoulder lol. They never show the full thing.


They cut the legs out of the shot. They took the view behind the defender to cut out the chicken wing. They cut the clip short to only show the contact. ESPN knew what they were doing.


Yea if you focus on the legs throughout the play it becomes obvious and you don’t even need a slomotion replay to see it.


No, but how else are they going to drive clicks?


It's supposed to be a screen, not a block.


Correct. The rules don't go out the window because it's the last few seconds.


Yeah, this isn't the NHL playoffs.


And not just the last few seconds....


Correct its, checks article, women’s basketball lol


Sometimes officials will let certain rules slide in the last few minutes of a close game as they don’t want to be the “decider” of the game. This was a pretty blatant illegal screen and would have been way worse if they didn’t call it. The NBA, along with amateur sports, have started to press the, “foul in the first minutes is a foul in the last few minutes ,” thing and I am just ok with that.


My view is that if you let the game be so close that you lose "because of" a single call, coin flip, etc, that's on you for letting it be so close


I completely agree, you should never be in that position and you can’t complain when an obvious penalty screws you…


Yeah this isn’t the NIT Finals.


The issue is that illegal screens rarely get called nowadays, like carries and travels. There were probably 10+ screens like this throughout the game that didn’t get a whistle. I wish they cracked down and actually enforced illegal screens. But if you’re gonna pick and choose the way they do these days, you can’t choose the last play of the game.


If you watch the game, you would know that they called multiple illegal screens in the game, this wasn’t a one off call


They called multiple, how many did they not call?


It was a bad foul why are you trying to justify it?


Because the NCAA and the NBA have decided the integrity of the game matters less than viewer enjoyment. That’s why offense gets away with everything and defense gets a foul called on them for playing clean, physical defense. So if they’re going to subject me to that garbage for the entire season, then I don’t want to see them “get it right” and decide a Final four game on a foul that apparently hasn’t been deemed important enough to enforce consistently.


The nba has no relevance to a WOMEN’s ncaa game. That shoulder chuck is gonna get called 100/100 times. Low iq indeed


Then why didn’t Clark get called for pushing off with her shoulder early in the 4th


They aren’t called that much because usually they aren’t this blatant. It verged on a flagrant foul with the shoulder to the face.


Let's fix those then rather than fixing the correct calls.


I agree with that. But if the game is going to be called that way all year long, and for the first 39 minutes of the game, then the time to decide to enforce the rule is not on the last play of a final four game.


Multiple illegal screens were called IN THE GAME


And multiple were not


You said, and I quote directly, that "if the game is going to be called that way all year long, and for the first 39 minutes of the game, then the time to decide to enforce the rule is not on the last play of a final four game," which multiple people have told you is parent untrue, because it wasn't called that way for the first 39 minutes. You don't always have to double down when proven incorrect.


This is Reddit though >You don't always have to double down when proven incorrect.


The same call was made multiple times in the first 39 minutes of the game. You didn’t watch it clearly and are doubling down on bullshit.


It’s amazing how much players at all levels carry the ball now. It’s become totally acceptable.


How dare they call it! It was just an elbow to the face!


All the ESPN crybabies saying "Let the players decide it" Well, she did when she decided to throw an elbow while setting a screen. And besides, you could have probably called ten fouls on her in the second half. 🤷‍♂️


If you can set an illegal screen to get a wide open shot to win the game thats pretty bullshit, maybe if the person getting screened is allowed to tackle the screener into the shooter without getting a foul called that would be fair


this. this! 1000x this! if a foul is committed and **not** called, the ref has more agency in the outcome than if the call is made correctly. the player determined the outcome of the play by setting the illegal screen. period. end of discussion. more of everyone everywhere should be saying this instead of whining about a fake universe where fouls are clock-dependent.




Of course ESPN had to keep showing the zoomed in slowed down replay that made it look vague.. it was a crystal clear foul you call all day from the other angle


Yeah there's really three elements if you think about it in a case book type sense. \-Verticality....Edwards is way out of the cylinder, she's too wide both arms and has her knee out when the Iowa player tries to go over the screen she's setting. \-Initiate contact...Edwards throws a check there. \-Movement...Edwards keeps adapting her position to Marshall's movement even when she's moved around the position Edwards is holding. If even 1 of these 3 elements weren't there they probably don't call it. They are generally pretty loose on illegal screens in this era. But damn if you hit all 3 there's no way it's not getting called.


Exactly. Full body replay in real time. It was clear as day.


It was a clear foul. She was moving still and threw an elbow. Watch the full body replay. It was a block not a screen. Looked like an offensive line play! Also, UConn was shooting bricks in the last quarter. They lost the game themselves more than one call did.


I don’t know how anyone can look at the thrown elbow and say it wasn’t a foul.


It was hilarious to see Jason Sudeikis of all people dunk on Taurasi for it being a fall. She was mad at him because he thought it was during the broadcast and he looked at her and said “yeah maybe you shouldn’t have refereeing as a fall back option”. Hilarious to see


i mean it’s unfortunate it happened at the end, UCONN had the momentum too. But i don’t think it was a ticky-tack foul. UCONN played their guts out considering the challenges with depth, she should just tell that to the girls and leave it there.


Finally a former Husky that has an ounce of intelligence.


First high profile person I've seen yet, let alone a Husky. The ESPN coverage after was freaking nauseating. I mean, what else is new?


SVP walked back his initial take on Twitter, too. Basically said he was mistaken after seeing the other angles.


Well that's good. I give him credit for that much


If you watch Geno’s reaction he’s pissed at his players and not be refs. He knew what it was too.


Great call. The full replay makes it plain as day. ESPN shaving theirs down to get views and boost online engagement is par for the course, but that was a solid read by the refs and every player involved knew it.


The game didn’t come down to an off-ball foul. UCONN was losing, there’s no telling they would have made the shot and won the game if the foul wasn’t called.


And "off-ball" is an odd description when it's a foul that gives an open look/free path to the basket to the person with the ball.


Thing is that Stuelke went under the screen and was in great position on the Connecticut player.


Yeah if you look at it the Iowa player defending under the screen was right on the Connecticut player with the ball. Connecticut player would have had a contested, low percentage shot.


Lobo is right, of course. The call was a no-brainer that should be made at any point during the game.


Its so messed up and unfair they didn’t allow UConn to foul to set up the game winning shot! /s


Bruh watch the panel ESPN had talking . It was like 6 people and 4 went to UConn lol


I’ll have to rewatch, but I remember it being more than a moving screen. She uses her elbow/arms to shove her. I think it’s a good call though it’d be nice to have an ending without a foul like that.


Obviously the entire game was completely scripted to that point - a year ago "they" decided that each teams players would be in those exact locations on the floor at that time so that one call would completely decide the game. No other call in the game had any impact on the game at all. Just that one, lol.


You sound exactly like the several Instagram comments I read on the matter. Only there wasn’t an lol at the end. Some people actually think this is how it went down. So Iowa/Clark can be in the final game like “they” planned all along.


It's almost like the rules should matter!


Haven’t watched college sports in years. Sitting in the restaurant when this happened and it was the only thing on tv. Saw it happen live and thought it was a foul. Idk man I didn’t have a dog in the fight and it looked like she wasn’t set.


I’ve always been of the opinion that if it’s a foul in the first 5 seconds of the game then it’s still a foul in the last five seconds of the game.


Gabby didn’t even flop either. She wasn’t trying to draw a foul. She got the hell knocked out of her. It was obvious but credit to for her tenacity but also not trying to sell the foul. And now she’s getting death threats because of ESPN’s UCONN bias and incompetency. Screw them.


How do you write an article and not link to the replay?


I came here for just that, since i read something on reddit like this thread that did link to a video analysis.


Unless Rebecca Lobo is gonna hold someone down with one hand and call them a bitch, she isn’t that upset.


[twitter link for espn](https://twitter.com/espn/status/1776452109648454038?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1776452109648454038%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=safari-reader%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fsports%2F2024%2F04%2F06%2Fuconn-iowa-final-four-illegal-screen%2F)


It’s a foul and I’ve lost so much respect for what ucon has done over the last twenty years.


I mean, yea it’s a foul and if you call it with 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter nobody would care. But holy shit what an awful way for a game to end


Agreed. So fucking shitty for UConn. I can’t imagine being SO close and that happening. Something Edward’s will probably never get over the poor thing. Edit: For the record, I’m not saying it was a bad call. It was definitely a foul. Just sucks to be so close and to mess up like that.


And as an independent observer, the competition is what makes it entertaining and we had essentially a dream scenario that every kid that has ever played basketball plays out in their driveway. Down 1, less than 10 seconds left, ball in your hands to win the game. And then, just, nope.


Yep. Lifetime of PTSD on that one.


Hilarious we are being downvoted for a pretty mild take


Not sure if they’re the ones who are on the conspiracy side of things or think we are lol. As a former player, just was pointing out how heartbreaking this must have been for them. Ugh. Sports!


You guys shouldn't be downvoted at all Good call, harsh ending. I cant imagine the emotion and adrenaline on that floor when it was do or die


Fuuuuuck. Me either.


I thought it looked like a foul live, but was pretty ticky tack on the replay. The refs make the call live. It’s a part of the game. Unfortunate to have such a great game end that way. But you can’t let it be that close as a player.


Everything is pandering to #22. It’s terrible for WBB.


Good call Warmest regards, Vegas and the NCAA


It was a good call. You’re being intentionally obtuse.


Well, I think you are acute. What do we do now? Kiss? Get married? Meet the parents?


Lol. Did your seeing eye dog describe the events that day?🤔


Refs didn't call an illegal screen all game, even though there were many, but waiting until there was 5 seconds left on the clock with Iowa up by one.


It was an illegal screen WITH a shove…


You should probably let Geno Auriemma know, because he thinks they called 3 or 4 of them before that one. https://twitter.com/SNYUConn/status/1776470033486475521?t=OnlgAaYKZWXbiIZ8rU3wJw&s=19




More like I didn’t get a speeding ticket all week going 15 over except today when I was going 25.


Life lesson: you play with fire long enough and often enough, you will get burnt.


Womp womp


They did though. We're watching the replay right now. 12:38 cdt, 4/7


But was it a foul in the context of THAT GAME? It hadn’t been called on either team consistently to that point.


Gabbie got illegally screened earlier in the game that got called. Can’t remember if it was Edwards that time as well.