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Damn. Only 30.


Seriously. I’m 34 with a kid on the way, I still feel 17 like 95% of the time.


Don't worry, after the little one shows up you'll be feeling 50 in no time.  


Can confirm, 29, just had twins and haven’t had a full night of sleep in 3 weeks. Worth it though.


Just found out we’re having identical twins.


Nice, message me if you need any support, or have any questions, Dads gotta stick together.


Hey fellow dads, I cannot recommend r/daddit enough. Really supportive and helpful community


Damn right!


I’m 50 now, and I feel at least 10 years younger than when I had my first at 29. That first few weeks with your first are a doozy. Good luck with the new one.


I’m 49 and have a 6 and 12 year old. I’m not sure if I feel 50 or 70 but I certainly feel tired


Lol you got a long way to go before you get a full nights sleep mate


Disagree, I had my son at 34, he just turned 6. I still feel 17. I feel like 25 years have passed but I feel 17.


Hell yeah, I hope I feel great at 40 too. That's the name of the game 


41 and still feel 17. Well, maybe more like 25.


You’ll also be 50 in no time.


Yeah wait for those back problems to kick in picking up the little rugrat.


Linoleum Lizard.


Don’t worry, you’ll soon start to look at tennis shoes for comfort. ASICS, New Balance, Skechers etc… Corny Jokes will start to get funnier. Pretty soon you find yourself in a store like Macy’s at the mall looking at a pair of khakis because “they look nice”. Last but not least you will find yourself saying things like “that’s what she said”. Soon…


Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we're going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time.


Just get all the watches you can find and make a belt out of them. You will either have enough time or it will be a waist of time.


We're going streaking!!


You're my boy Blue!


Look at Mr. Fancy Pants over here shopping at Macy’s. Decked out head to toe in Costco. Kirkland for life!


Brother that’s me since I was 18 😂 I’ve been ready for this stage


Others learned to live in the dark. You were born in it.


Agreed, I am 31 and feel like a teenager as well.


Enjoy the little time you have


If it doesn’t warp your head enough, as you’ve already alluded to, after your first kid, you really get to see how relative Time can be…


I’m 40 and feel like 17 a lot too


I’m 34 and just had our first kid 3 months ago, I don’t feel 50 yet. However you definitely feel much more mature and grounded than unwed friends or friends without kids very quickly lol




30… he was a fuckin’ kid.


It’s a shame when they go so young…


Whatever happened there ....


That animal Blundetto!


Died on the vine.




Very allegorical


The sacred and the propane


Yeah but ya gotta get over it


But he had the makings of a varsity ath-a-lete!


Small hands, that was his problem


The pro golfer.. whatever happened there…


Never had the makings of a varsity athlete 😤


Somebody’s kid bruddah


I still can't fully figure out how I am alive after heavy drinking for like 15 years. I was in the handle+ a day for too many years I'm still ticking and sober now at 34. I had to have drank a mission critical amount of alcohol plenty of times. I guess I'm blessed that I come from a long line of alcoholics with strong livers or something.


Feel awful for Peter Malnati. After the round he told the PGA officials to check on him because he was worried. RIP


How ?


No real info. Left the tournament feeling sick yesterday and then died. Shocking. Edit: Confirmed by family to be suicide. Just sad.


I made the mistake of going on Facebook and all the people with sunglasses were posting picture of the vaccine. I heard he had mental and alcohol problems as well.


"All the people with sunglasses" is such a perfect descriptor


Specifically, sunglasses in a car selfie


White sunglasses or Costas. Always


Well fuck, I just bought a pair of costas for the first time. Am I a douche now?


Do you have a goatee?


Facebook is full of boomers with lead poisoning.


How rude. I am a boomer and I only have dementia


Get this man in office


I'm a woman asshole


(but that was funny)


Rules of the internet #s 29 and 30


sorry :(


Forget about it. She will, too.


Forget about what?


I already did. Now where's my Jell-O


Man, woman, or person, it doesn’t matter in politics. How do you feel about bribes?


I quit in 2016 because primaries and the great crazy unlock. It’s like the floodgates burst open with idiocracy. I had to get out because I live in the south and started learning that I don’t most of my friends and neighbors because of their unfettered opinions on FB. Now I’m back to just pretending they can’t be that stupid.


I left at the same time for similar reasons. I wasn’t really shocked when none of my friends thought they might do the same, but I have always felt better for not being near that toxicity.


I quit in 2009. As soon as my mother had access I knew it was cooked.


Lol, that’s right when they stopped requiring an .EDU email for sign ups, I assume.


I can’t quit because that is the sole source of communication for an organization that I am a part of, but I only go on, maybe, once a week. The crazy was getting to me. I feel so much more balanced because of cutting it out.


I quit in 2016 as well. I saw so many people I knew sharing straight up Russian made propaganda about our election so I cut all of them out of my life.


Reddit and Twitter etc. Aren't immune to that stupidity either.


They do love their lead and asbestos


According to those idiots nobody dies for anything other than the vaccine now. Before the vaccine people must’ve been immortal.


Sad when you see cases of parents getting harassed and abused by these nutters when their child dies even if the child was never vaccinated. These people seem to forget that suddenly deaths have occurred in athletes well before any vaccine.


You can always tell how much experience someone has with death, based on whether they hunt for a conspiracy behind it. If I hear someone died at 30, my brain instantly goes: “Opiates? Pill mixing? Undiagnosed cancer? Vaping? Street drugs tainted with fentanyl? Just fentanyl? Drink himself to death?” Tragically, people die young all the time.




Yet not a single person died OF COVID, just WITH COVID. Conspiracies aren’t known for making sense.


People at my work are like that lol. “Our friend got the shot then 4 days later he’s in the icu!” Or “my son got the shot and now he can’t have babies” yeah, no. Your son couldn’t before the shot, just never checked


What's worse is that this is not a minority. It is a good amount of people, a decent proportion. It is disappointing, but it is also mind blowing.


Nobody died before covid vaccines


I was reading a string of comments on Twitter, apparently he was actually anti vax lol then people were saying it was from "shedding" from his spouse. This shit is never going away. There is a community of people that attribute anything to the vaccine. Another recent example is Brock Boeser if the Vancouver Canucks. He missed game 7 because of blood clots. Of course antivaxxers come out in droves. The incidence of blood clot related issues in the NHL predates the COVID 2020 event. Like I said, unfortunately the antivax agenda is here to stay and anything health related from now on is a result of the COVID vaccine.


damn what's the issue with blood clots in the NHL precovid? Cold, circulation issues or


Physical trauma like Boeser and Kimmo Timonen, birth defects like Kris Letang and Tomas Vokoun, complications from surgery like Pascal Dupuis. Tomas Fleischmann, Dmitri Yushkevich, Jed Ortmeyer, the list goes on. It's an extremely physical game played with a frozen piece of rubber with tons of air-travel in between said games.


Doesn’t help to jump on a plane right after games either


in this case there was a high correlation with being jabbed... with a puck going 100 mph




Dude that shit drives me fucking crazy. Any time a young person dies, Facebook is full of the vaccine shit. I can’t stand these fucking people. I’m so sorry for constantly swearing but these fucking dildos drive me nuts


anti vaxxers immediately after an American mass shooting be like* “vaxxed???”


These dipshits could watch the space shuttle explosion in 86 and blame it on our current vaccines. Dipshits


He was also anti vaccine. Those morons are so delusional that if Aaron Rodgers himself dropped dead tomorrow they’d try to say it was because of the vaccine or bill gates


Don’t venture to /r/conspiracy then. It’s all jab bad. Biden bad.


The downfall of the conspiracy subreddit is sad, man. It was always a mess, but it used to have fun stuff about the Kennedy assassination, secret alien agreements, tons of CIA rabbit holes, etc. Now it’s basically just right wing boomer shit.


Yep. When I first joined Reddit I actually liked it a lot. Like “huh. People think the Earth is hollow? Cool. That’s fun.” Now it is all “Joe Biden wants to eat your children. He is literally satan incarnate.


So it was basically Coast to Coast AM and became Newsmax?


Art Bell C2C. Need to be specific here.


I miss a long, late night drive in the middle of nowhere. You could always tune in some random AM station, usually from three states away, and listen to the Art Bell lunacy.


see I can get behind goofy ass conspiracies. Like one of my buddies believes big foot is a shapeshifter so that’s why we can never find him, and ya know I was like that’s a good conspiracy lol cause it doesn’t hurt anyone and would be crazy if true 😂. Unfortunately I think he went down some more dangerous conspiracies cause he I don’t believe he ever got the covid shot but he always said it was “didn’t want to take an experimental shot” as in he felt it was rushed out to soon and it was more risky for a mid 20s year old to take it compared to actually getting covid


A lot of it is garbage but every now and then a schizophrenic posts their insane notes


"God hates them, even though he made them, and the only way for us to get into heaven is to hate them as well!"


How could a flat thing be hollow? 😂


Used to be one of my favourite subs for a laugh. Like the Avril Lavinge conspiracy being a high point, but then it just got culted.


I absolutely love the Avril conspiracy. And Andrew WK. So nonsensical, that's a fun conspiracy.


It's so obviously overrun by foreign bots and a handful of mashpotatoe brained right wingers who fall for it. The internet was more fun when it was more regional and less weaponized


Unfortunately everything is a bunch of right wing boomer shit any more.


There’s still alien shit there


Which is so funny bc for awhile Trump was claiming the vaccine as a win for him until the right wing weirdos turned on it 


I miss when conspiracy wasn’t political.


So he waited almost four years to get the vaccine, then decided “hey I’m playing in a professional sporting event, now’s a great time to get the vaccine” The fuck is that argument?


All the people with sunglasses lmao


Yeah he tweeted to a high schooler and said he wishes she wasn’t a high schooler


Let me guess the thick white Oakleys? I know that guy!


I was trying to say this yesterday but got killed for it. People claim vaccine then find out he was anti vax Trump supporter. That shit shouldn’t water down every damn subject. Fuck political shit.


So sick of selfish sheep who refused to be vaccinated during a global pandemic when sick and vulnerable fellow citizens were dying and now they have to grasp on to more bullshit misinformation to make themselves feel vindicated. FO already


If a cause hasn’t been released, 90% of the time it’s suicide.


Suicide or OD


They mentioned he had trouble with alcohol and mental health issues.


When none has been released this early it’s because journalists generally wait until they’re sure before attributing a cause.


Yeah, but there are a lot of other indicators that this is likely an OD or suicide. The police aren’t investigating foul play. He wasn’t rushed to the hospital with an illness. No one is investigating the food at the tournament. Murray’s family has told the tour to continue the tournament. It’s always possible that a healthy 30 something with a history of mental illness and substance abuse dropped dead suddenly for natural reasons, it’s just far, far from the likeliest scenario.


Maybe it was a brain hemorrhage, or even something as simple as appendicitis burst or an intestinal bleeding. There are many ways you can die suddenly.


Brain hemorrhage in a (known?) drug addict is usually from lots of uppers like cocaine. Increased blood pressure over a long period of time from the uppers can cause your vessels to essentially explode. Appendicitis only kills you in extremely abnormal cases. But you’re right. There are definitely many ways to die.


He died fucking today, how quick do you think a coroner works? Certainly could be, but you really think you should get a full report before the sun goes down?


I never said *I should* get anything at all. And it doesn’t matter how fast coroners work. The point here is that if the cause of death was truly unknown they would say so. There would immediately be an investigation, the cops would talk about possible foul play, and the tour would investigate the food at the tournament. When reports about young deaths don’t specify a cause, it’s usually because they know the likely cause but don’t want to acknowledge it publicly just yet. 90% of the time it turns out to be suicide or sometimes an OD. This is a pattern you notice over time if you pay attention. It’s just the way it works.


Could also have been something like an aneurysm or embolism. I went from taking a college final to hospitalized for 3 weeks and nearly dead after a clot and I was only 19.


Bacterial Meningitis?




It's never lupus.


It's always lupus






The lupus is coming from inside the House?!


Sometimes it's always lupus


Except for that one time


Damn werewolves


Dissected aorta?


Electrocution? Dammm


Ok this made me chuckle.


Someone on r/golf is spewing they have inside info from his social group.. i.e. use to play with him when he was younger and has friends close to him. Suicide.


Seems reasonable but obviously speculation. “Illness” wouldn’t even be a lie.


We never know what someone is going through but this guy seemed like he had so much going for him. How many people get to play golf for a living. Sad either way.


Playing golf for a living seems fun but I imagine it comes with a certain amount of pressure a lot of people don’t experience.


But that doesn't even matter necessarily. Depression isn't just "my life is hard rn". It's "I have every reason in the world to be happy, but I'm not. My brain won't let me because it is chemically malfunctioning". I'm not accusing you of this or anything, but I think a lot of people still don't really understand what depression is. True clinical depression is not (or at least not entirely) a matter of circumstance. It isn't an attitude problem. Your brain is just not rewarding you with good feelings like it does for most people.


I know this I have had severe depression before and will likely continue to taking medication for it for the rest of my life. I just was saying to counter the person saying he had everything going for him and getting to play golf for a living isnt always fulfilling. Stress in life absolutely can amplify the effects of clinical depression too which just to me it seems like a high pressure job. I wouldn’t be able to handle it without a large negative impact on my mental health. I don’t think his job alone would cause him to take his life but it’s speculation he even did.


This was me to a tee. It made me feel even worse that I wasn't happy given all that had been going right around me. I'm in a much better place these days if anyone is curious. The therapy and meds are helping!


Great comment thanks for this


Imagine practicing every single day for most of your entire life to make it onto the PGA tour, and then get criticized from random fat keyboard warriors online that you suck. Pretty sure not every athlete has thick skin to ignore all the hate. They’re human as well.


We must never forget that Anthony Bourdain killed himself.


I read somewhere that he was battling addiction with something


If you read anything about Grayson, that's part of him and his suspension from the PGA. However he had been sober for a bit and rejoined the tour.


He had a history of alcohol and drugs that he’s well documented.


In other subs, ppl are suspecting suicide.


He withdrew Friday from the tournament due to illness. It doesn't rule out suicide but I think it leans more to something random.


Though that is possible, going by the odds it’s much more likely suicide or OD than natural causes like an aneurism or heart attack at 30 yrs old.


I guess it just makes it seem better if it's natural and not suicide. Just so sad when it's suicide.


I used to have crippling health anxiety about things that can cause you to just fall over (young) out of nowhere. It is still there, just no longer crippling. Your comment just made me say “Is this how normal people look at it?” …I am always comforted by the opposite.


I think it’s bc people who struggle with depression understand how dark the depths can be. Cancer can go into remission but suicidal ideation makes you think the world would be better off without you. Depression is hard to beat and often not addressed


lol dude just had the same thought. crippling health anxiety having 29 year old here; I always find myself scrolling threads like this looking for suicide too.


Maybe I'm the weird one. I tend not to worry about what I have no control over. I feel like suicide is the most sad to me as it's a loss of control. Similar to dimensia in that respect. I wouldn't say I'm comforted by random stuff but I can cope with it better.


Some might say suicide is actually the ultimate control, which is why it can appeal to people who feel like they have no control.


Yes and no. You kinda nailed it. I lean towards feeling like its the last act of the lost and that feels sad to me. I'd rather die of an aneurysm or a car crash knowing I made my life and others as good as I could over feeling so lost and out of control I want to kill myself. I think we've all have either known people that have dealt with the feelind, dealt with it ourselves, or known someone that's committed suicide and those funerals always feel the most tragic.


He apparently had trouble with alcohol and mental health. Seems likely it’s suicide but we’ll know soon. Sad either way.


Super sad and I’m hoping he didn’t take his own life but man….


Family confirmed suicide.


Mental health is an illness and being one off the cut line on 17 can do a lot to someone’s mental state


It's true but it's nothing he hasn't had happen a bunch. And he's a multi time winner. Once again doesn't rule out suicide but it doesn't seem like the thing that crushes a pro golfer especially since it's not a major.


Do people have any info whatsoever? Cause I suspect eaten by a dinosaur


Some days you’re eating dinosaur chicken nuggets. Then one day you become a chicken nugget for the dinosaur. Such is life.


That’s probable when a physical fit person dies that young


Damn that’s super sad. My condolences to his family and friends 🙏


As a recovering alcoholic and reading the comments it’s nice to see everyone is open to all possibilities and not just suicide although it’s of course not ruled out. I relapsed a few months ago, drank a liter of Jameson in 6 hours while on the nose beers and an energy drink!? I thought I should have been dead. I felt like what I would assume dying would feel like from those substances taken at the same time and so much of it. I was coming down and was really really unhinged. It says he felt ill and went home. I can’t imagine playing a round of golf after the night I had.. I probably should’ve gone to the hospital and am lucky to be typing this. Maybe he went through a similar evening/following day and didn’t get so lucky.. time will only tell. Stay safe everyone and don’t be afraid to make a call or text if you need help from those around you.


I have nothing to add just wanted to say hope you’re doing better and I’m rooting for you. Alcoholism sucks.


Me too bud. Dunno what on the nose beers are, but just the sheet volume I was drinking I had to have gone critical a few times. I had some tachycardia and panic attacks near the end. That was like the only time I thought I was dying. My gauge is so off though that a bottle in 6 hours didn't seem like a lot till I thought about it. A liter of vodka is 40 alcohol units. I know an alcoholics liver can metabolize like 2 to 3x the amount compared to a normal liver prior to loss of liver function. I don't know if there is a time sensitivity to that "super power" But the literature suggests several mechanisms, but I think it's proposed, but not tested mechanisms. Plugged it into the calculator and 40 units at 250lbs over 6 hours is 0.6 lol, so perhaps the caffeine helped blood flow or something to get it processed. It also says it will take 40 hours to get completely sober I must have been so fucking trashed and never sober by that calculator, but I would feel sober, soooooo.


lol. Almost 200 days sober. Nose beers is blow. Coke. Yack.


I see. Well, coke will counteract the depressant effects for sure!


Safest way to drive!


Probably need a splash of meth to be extra safe


Good chance it's already in it!


Well the meth is normally balanced with fentenyl, so you need more to retain balance


Dealers getting high on their own supply used to be irresponsible, now it's the opposite!


I'm not trying to jive ya Jim Gotta test the product, so we know how much to cut it, ya know. Then we can get a pound of pure from Jimmy and be on easy street


jesus, man. halfway through 30 right now and I still feel like me and my friends are all fairly young with a lot of life ahead of us. that's way too early to go heart goes out to his loved ones, i can't begin to fathom what they're going through right now.


Because of the way its being reported I'm inclined to think suicide or overdose.


He reported feeling ill during the tournament...


and the people who knew and were friends with him are saying the things that I and my friends have said about people we served with that lost their battles.


Could you explain what you mean? I didn’t really understand your comment


Fellow golfer and friend of Murray, Akshay Bhatia, posted a picture of the two captioned “you fought so hard, rest in peace “ Which seems to imply he was fighting a battle with mental health issues/depression


Yeah but there would be a lot more info if it was a illness related death. The lack of information is a big indicator.




Way too young


Just a kid


Family announced Suicide! 😢


Holy shit some folks on here really haven’t experienced life outside of the internet. It’s cold. Damn




Damn he was my age