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“I don’t care how many L’s we got…” And they got another today


That kind of says it all right there. "Let's make a mountain of a molehill since our season is already shit..."


I don't think I've seen a team lose 11 in a row before


You’ve never watched the pistons?


Damn dude, why you gotta be bringing up facts about my team like that?


People in Detroit taking strays online now, too.


There's always '89-'90 and '04 to watch back for the good vibes of Pistons greatness. As a Kings fan all I have is my 20+ year depression over 2002 probable championship getting stolen by NBA officials and 2003 Chris Webber's stupid knee imploding during the Western Conference Semis.


It's not that rare. The A's had one last year. The Reds had one in 2022. The Dodgers even had one in 2017, a year that they won 104 games.




91-36 after 127 games. 116 win pace. Then they lose 14 of 15. 11 in a row. Just doesn't seem like the same team can do both of those things in the same season with the same healthy personnel. Feels like if you had your #1 hitter and #3 hitter and #1 starter and closer and setup man all get little nagging injuries a few days apart, yeah okay. Offense struggles. Bullpen blows a few. But it was the same guys just taking Ls night after night after taking Ws as often and as great as any team in the history of baseball.


And the 14 of 15 undersells it- they lost 16 of 17. 5 Ls, 1W, 11Ls. The second place Diamondbacks had a 10 game win streak at the same time as the Dodgers' 11 game losing streak, too. But the beauty of building a 20 game lead is being able to brush off losing 10 games in the standings in 10 days.


San Jose Sharks would love you as a fan.


We got ALL the Ls bitches!!


Idk if its funny or weird to me...Dude is supposed to be professional but sounds like every teenager/child I hear hot micing on games.




As a Sox fan, we all hate this new announcer and want Benneti back from Detroit. But understandable why he left because the org is a dumpster fire.


Its just a business. I completely understand why Benetii left! Love the guy!


Hawk Harrelson may be retired, but it sounds like his spirit still lives on in the White Sox broadcast booth.


Pham looks like the dude in the wrong. What kind of route to home was that. He was looking for contact then got butt hurt when Contreras called his ass out on it. Bum


Yeah, Pham is 100% in the wrong. He knew he was dead to rights so took a route here to try to get a bullshit interference call. As a catcher, I'd be barking too. This is the kind of shit that happens when new rules get put in with ridiculous enforcement is then guys do dumb shit looking for that call.


"For whatever reason, William Contreras decided he was going to give Tommy Pham an earful." Yeah, it's a complete mystery why a catcher might have something to say to a base runner who took the worst possible line for no other reason than to run into him.


Not an avid baseball watcher - How often do base runners run in the grass like that?


On the way home…NEVER. Especially to the inside of the base path. It’s so blatantly bad.


You're kind of watching the catcher as you come in too because if the throw is up the line (to the catchers left) you will want to slide on the inside. If he doesn't move, the best way to get around is the outside. This would have been a barrel the catcher over moment in about 2008. He was looking for the most legal contact right here. He made very little effort to avoid any tag.


I don't watch baseball much at all but it looks like if he'd ran on the other side (assuming you can) he could have maybe gotten to home, possibly. Was he just trying to deck the catcher? Also, why was he so angry? I get being upset you're out but it looked like he was trying to get out and the catcher was just doing his job.


Pham has got some serious issues. I remember that one time he punched Joc Peterson over fantasy football trash talk months later in the middle of baseball season.


That was Pham? I remember reading about that.


Something the catcher said hurt his feewings.


I think the strategy is to affect the throw home in this situation. It isn’t don’t much on throws home, but throws to first it is pretty common to not be on the white line.


Never, as a outside slide with a hand could avoid the tag and still be in base line. He purposely went to the grass, which no one does, to try and hit the catcher.


Never, even in rec league they will tell you never run in the grass Looks like he wanna deck Contreras there


You have a lot of people trying to tell you that this is unheard of. The reality is, it's exactly what baserunners are trained to do, and what third basemen and catchers are trained to respond to. [This video breakdown of a similar play](https://youtu.be/cMGa-bp5HZs?si=uBu5nrsXofy9k1DC) is a bit boring, but Matt Antonelli is a former first round draft pick (as a third baseman) and breaks down both the rule and the way that the players are trained pretty well. EDIT: And here's another play (14:50 mark of the video) where the runner [similarly runs far inside the diamond](https://youtu.be/V6NoAhbMsFc?si=m23ZUtEBdjHRkSKI&t=890). He's doing it for a different reason - he sees the catcher has had to move to foul ground to field the throw. This play is in the bottom of the 10th inning of a 1-game playoff and it's a walk-off situation, so simply giving himself up isn't an option if the throw beats him, he's trying to get around the tag to send his team to the playoffs. But at any rate, he's _way_ inside, and it's perfectly legal and fine and happens plenty often.


This makes sense if the 3rd baseman is fielding the ball. Who threw it to home on the Pham play?


Yup. Catcher left space to go around, Pham went in for the contact and got stood up by the catcher. Bark all you want, Pham, but like a Chihuahua with no teeth....


Who runs inside the base path like that. If Pham ran outside and tried to sneak his hand in there he might have had a shot.


look i try not to judge pro athletes too harshly. their mentality and their competitiveness is just something i'm not wired to understand, which is why they're where they are and why i'm here workign a bullshit 9 to 5 job lol that being said, Pham needs to chill. this is the same guy who freaked out over fantasy football a few years ago


Shadow boxing at the end was the best


lmao! I was like, oh god now hes shadow boxing!


Then it’s off to his next working set on the bench press.


I think Tommy Pham has a large meatball in his head in place of a brain


The best of making an ass out of himself, right? ..or am I missing context?


He makes an ass of himself regularly


Yes. That is what I gather. It's the best because it shows what an idiot he is. Go be a boxer then


Nope, you got it. The context is that Pham was once a formidable player but continuously made an ass of himself with bad sportsmanship, tantrums, fights, general misbehavior that isn’t really valued in baseball. Now he’s an alienating, older player in his 11th season and playing for the 6th different team of the past 3 years. And it’s the historically bad White Sox.


Wheres Jose Ramirez when you need him


He was too busy scoring from 2nd on a wild pitch this weekend.


Maybe they should be asking why that is how he chose to try to get home safely. What a terrible line to take and “slide.”


Bingo - so far outside of the base path that he’s looking for a collision 😂


Legit could have been safe with a headfirst slide to the outside. But sure, more important to bump into the dude with all the protective gear on.


Looks like the most inconsequential call ever. Clear as day. Dude was out by a mile. What’s with all the cock preening. Weirdo.


The catcher was barking at him because it's clear as day that Pham would be out so he tried to create a bullshit interference call.


HoLd Me BaCk!


The announcer was very wrong about this…


John Schiffren is a clown


Benetti getting chased off by ownership is the worst thing that's happened to Chicago sports in a long time. I could watch a crappy team with him and Stoney calling it. They were magic.


I agree. I know Benetti wasn't loved by everybody but he is one million times better than this dude


who tf didn't love Benetti? the guy was an absolute pro, and the best thing to happen to the White Sox pretty much since the 2005 World Series i remember when they announced he was going to Detroit, I was just fucking stunned. And then in an interview with MLB Network, he barely even hid why he left...because Reinsdorf and company were being absolute jackoffs


Seemed the people that didn't like him were mostly the old curmudgeonly fans that prefer grim silence


well Hawk provided plenty of that "grim silence" whenever the Sox would blow the lead lmao


"I don't care how many Ls we got We ain't taking that" that's cringey for a grown man to say on TV


Dude, we had the absolute best play by play guy in the game (Jason Benetti), and he basically was critical in a very measured way at times, and they let him walk to Detroit for this windbag. This guy is impossible to listen to. It kills me they chased off Benetti - I'll never forgive Jerry Reinsdorf, ever.


Preach. I miss Benetti so much


Benetti is great but Uecker is still doing it for the brewers. Probably a top 2 play by play guy of all time.


Yeah, I think Benetti is the best Sox guy possible. He’s up there with Uecker, Kruk, etc. He’s on the short list. Schriffen is… uh… not.


and the little urban inflection he added to his voice. I'm a brewers fan and was watching that broadcast like, what in the hell is goin on with these people?


What do you mean, "these people!?" /S




Man, I'm not sure what's goin on but we ain't taken it


Dat = we ain’t takin’


Been a White Sox fan for decades, Tommy Pham is a no-class fucking pud, and we never should have signed him.


You signed him to trade him. He’ll most likely be gone at the deadline




"That's the last guy you wanna do that to". What's he gonna do? Throw a punch? That's crazy and so cringey. Sorry your team sucks, gonna have to eat some shit from time to time. That's just Pham upset cause he has to Edit: his post game interview is even worse. "That is why I spend my off season fighting, so when something like this happens I can fuck them up".


Odd to say that in your postgame interview when it’s on video that you did absolutely nothing but yap when “something like this” happened


He’s a meat head


Now they're squaring up! And DOWN GOES PHAM!


José Ramírez would like to have a word with Tommy…


Sound and fury signifying nothing...


He’s mad because they made a good play? That he didn’t get there in time? Last I checked that’s an out in baseball.


He's mad because he tried to be the tough guy but got found out when he ran into a brickwall.


Not sure why he would think Contreras is the guy you wanna fuck with


Pham had a clear path to the plate on the outside and didn’t take it, should have been called out for going out of the base path. How do you get that heated when you’re entirely in the wrong?


Pham is a fucking idiot, that’s how. Dude isn’t good enough to act that tough, hope he’s out of the league soon.


When you try to bowl the catcher over but bounce off and know you look a bitch.


haha.. tough guy goes off the path trying to run over the catcher.. found a brickwall instead. What a pathetic "tough" guy..


I don’t have any context but Pham comes off looking like a fucking dipshit. Nothing about that play justified his tantrum, and the shadow boxing at the end is cringe beyond words.


For context, just so you have some... Pham is a dipshit.


He should have punched the third base coach for sending him home. For the record, he said on the post game, it was the coach that sent him


Tommy Pham is such a bum. Dude is just a big attitude for a career platoon guy who hasn't had a stable contract in years


Watching this nothing of an event all I could think of is, modern day Nyjer Morgan.


That was not a clean play on all sides.  Catcher was not in the basepath, the ball got there well before the baserunner, and the baserunner tried to make contact to knock the ball loose but lost so much momentum he didn't even reach home plate. The local White Sox announcers are shit, and Pham got humiliated and lost his temper while the catcher jogged to the dugout.


What do you mean "all sides"? Pham was the only one in the wrong. That was textbook for modern plays at the plate from Contreras


The announcer said it was a "clean play on all sides" at 0:43, but he was talking out his ass because Pham's play wasn't clean.


My b I think I missed the word not


All good


You and me both


>The local White Sox announcers are shit AlwaysHaveBeen.jpg


Jason Benetti is one of the best in the business, and we had him and Steve Stone for seven years. We don't have much, don't try and take that from us.


Steve Stone is my favorite commentator, but that probably nostalgia talking. He told me the Cubs would make the World Series in two years and that was two years before the Cubs won the World Series. However, he told me that in the middle of losing 29 straight hands of three card poker, so his powers of foresight clearly have limited short term capabilities.


Fair, Bennetti is great. And I'm glad he's with the Tigers now. But it's gonna take decades to repair the damage Hawk did.


> it's gonna take decades to repair the damage Hawk did. You're preaching to the choir on that one. Hawk was a staunch homer, which is fine enough when things are going well, but he was an absolute pissy bitch when things were bad. Toward the end of his career, when the Sox were several years into a failed rebuild, and several years still away from being even respectable, he absolutely *hijacked* broadcasts with his shitty attitude. If he felt like an ump made a bad call, He'd go on a brief tirade, probably saying something pissy about how he wishes he could cuss, then go absolutely dead silent, seething to himself. And that could go on for *several innings*, leaving Steve Stone to handle the ongoing broadcast like the professional he is, while Hawk would maybe jump in to bitch further about how unfair shit is, before going back to dead silence. He fucking sucked, and I'm glad he's retired. I just wish we didn't go and find the embarrassing boot licking sycophant we have now.


The longevity of his tenure didn't help either. Growing up in Florida before the Rays and Marlins were around, I used to watch the Cubs and White Sox on WGN regularly. I loved the Cubs broadcasters (including a sloshed Harry Caray and an all-pro Steve Stone, but also with the now-infamous Thom Brenneman) but even back then Hawk was intolerable; his partner Wimpy wasn't too bad, in fairness. Really turned me off to the Sox and to this day it's still a sour memory. Good riddance, Hawk.


His call of the Buerhle perfect game was awful. A good announcer knows when to let the moment breathe and speak for itself. Instead we got “ALEXEIIIII…YES!YES!YES!” It’s a TV broadcast, we can see what happened, just shut the fuck up and let the roar of the crowd do your job for you.


Are they the ones who do the “You can put it on the boardddddd…. Yes!” thing?


No, that was Hawk Harrelson, who retired prior to Benetti's hiring.


Catcher can be wherever he wants if he's holding the ball


They weren’t calling the catcher dirty they were calling pham dirty


Oh that makes sense. Pham had the baseline totally open. Makes sense.


Taking what? Dude got thrown out.


Amazing, a White Sox announcer worse than Hawk Harrelson


Looks like he took it, and the L


*Narrator: “He did take it.”*


lol White Sox taking L’s on and off the field. What a cornball announcer


“We ain’t taking that!” Ok, tough guy. You gonna go next door and pick a fight with Bob Uecker next?


Glad to hear Vanilla Ice was able to find a new career in broadcasting


Tommy Pham getting pissed over something stupid? Do tell.


What the hell kinda path to the plate was that?


I’m tired of these pro athletes melting down over a call they don’t like. It’s like they never grew up.


It’s all good Pham


Where was Pham running from? He should have been called out to being out of the baseline.


Nah Pham


Boohoo, fuck the sox


I don’t get it. Seemed like a pretty routine play.


Not only did they Take it, they gonna get take even More!




So he threw a fit for being tagged out? Pussy!


2 outs, Down 1, 2 on, and you get thrown out at home, with ease, in the 8th. . . On my high school baseball team, you are definitely getting benched for that. Not to mention the horrible running path. With those anger issues, gonna need a roid check.


He took a horrible path to the plate.


Tommy Pham always finds himself in these kinda things... hmm.


He was out when he left the base path. Sorry Pham.


Bro makes no attempt to avoid the tag. Even runs out of the baseline direct into the catcher. lol


Pham should have been ejected immediately for that kind of blatant bush league behavior.


Sheets, pham. Sheets.


They’re saying “a clean play on all sides” is false not “all sides played unclean”.


Not only are you taking that, you're going to like it!


Tommy Pham’s ability to be offended routinely outpaces his ability to play baseball. But only when he’s clearly in the wrong. Just routing for him to get KO’d again!


Why does everyone in baseball act like they're such badasses? It's always just jawing and shoving.


Tough beat for the Sox fans to have to watch that team and have to listen to those broadcasters.


He a pham he a pham he a pham though


Wow he took off his helmet. So brave


Dude pretending to shoulder roll, fuck outta here. LMAO


Sit your ass down, Pham.


This was supposed to be intimidating? Lol. That was the weakest chest pumping I’ve ever seen. The shadow boxing… smh


Holy shit the white socks are a circus this year


They should make the Sox play in Oakland until they make the playoffs.


He got thrown out. Clean. Fuck him.


Aside from Jason Bennetti, the Sox broadcasters are always these weird tough guys who have a lot of trouble coping with on-field adversity.


Yet another “Hold me back whilst I pretend I’m going to do something” moment in sports.


Booth is WAY wrong, it was definitely NOT a clean play on Chicago's part, WTF is he running so far inside, and not avoiding the catcher who was planted.


Pham, go sit down. You haven't been good since you played on Rays.


Pham is an idiot.  He acts like this everywhere he goes. He does this fake tough shit all the time.  He had all kinds of time to do something, but just acted like a clown.  Fake tough


Baseball posturing always looks so stupid. Reminds me of those videos of the two dogs barking through a fence then turning to mush if the fence is ever opened.


Got chumped, then cries about it, what a loser.


lol dude was out by a mile


Wow what a tough guy


The weird boxing shrugs were so cringe damn


I still have no idea what it is exactly that they’re not taking? He was out by a mile. Just go back to the dugout.


Pham has been a POS since his entry into the MLB. I dont know what this is surprising to anyone.


Pham trying to act tough after chickening out on trucking the catcher lol


White Sox players don’t wanna start something they can’t finish. Just ask Tim “Down Goes Anderson” Anderson


“That’s probably the LAST dude you wanna do that to.” Sometimes home announcers are so ridiculous. I get wanting to support your team, but to hear announcers talk like anyone on their team could take on prime Mike Tyson is a little ridiculous. Take it down a notch.


Stays quiet until Contreras gets back to the dugout, then starts to feel a certain way


The current state of the team is entirely on the shoulders of Jerry Reinsdorf. A billionaire hoping to skate by on a bargain bin roster. He's probably hoping for the team to fail so he can move them somewhere else, like in 'Major League'


Reinsdorf doesn’t even care about the Sox. They won it all in 2005 and local news asked him what he would say to the fans in Chicago, he says “Be sure to buy your Bulls tickets.” He even has let his family know when he passes to keep the Bulls and sell the Sox. Dude is a shit owner and he is making his fans suffer.


Baby. Run faster.


This is like the team in angels in the outfield before the angles came


Did the white Sox hire a Fortnite twitch streamer to be their play by play announcer?


We ain't taking.... what? The guy got thrown out at home on a clean play. What's he mad about?


I wanna know what contreras said tho


Damn. Dude hit a wall, even with his "slide" be didn't touch home till he, touched home.


lol, crybaby’s going to cry


Pham Phlake


Did he blatantly took that weird route so that when he slid Contreras would be blocking his path?


Baseball always takes the softest shit and tries to make it to where these guys a so tough and intimidating


I think this clown is pretty cool


Taking what? Taking someone telling you that your idiotic base running was idiotic?


Utterly embarrassing.


White Sox couldn’t win the college World Series. They should just lighten up Francis.


Not a clean play. He was inside the line to try to block the throw. Tommy Pham is an asshole anyway.


Narrator: “Indeed, the Sox are taking that from the Brewers and anyone else they play.”


This sounded way cooler in the espn notification I got


Hahaha, the angry shadow boxing is so gringy. lol