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So much for Kobayashi being retired.


That Netflix $$ hits different


Lot of people will choke on a weiner for big money.


I'll give it a try for medium money if I'm being completely honest.


$20 is $20.


Best I can do is $3.50


^^I ^^gave ^^him ^^a ^^dolla


Dammit that's why he keeps coming back asking for more


And it was about this time that I realized that this was not, in fact, a Girl Scout but a 3,000 year old dinosaur from the Mesozoic era! And I said, “GOD DAMN IT, LOCHNESS MONSTER!”


God damnit


.... but I can ear as many hot dogs as I want right??


Man's gotta eat, Mr. Lahey.


Wait you guys are getting paid?


I’d choke on 37 weiners for big money.


In a row?


Try not to suck any wieners in the parking lot!


“Get back here!”


I'm 37?


In a row?


I feel like Nathan's made a really stupid mistake here lol. Nobody is going to watch the hot dog eating contest without Joey. And now, a competitor is able to do their own hot dog eating contest that even more people will watch than have ever watched theirs. **AND** more people know now that Joey is sponsored by Impossible Meats than anyone would have known otherwise. What they did would be like the PGA banning Tiger Woods in his prime.


Incoming Saudi hotdog league.


Sponsored by Hebrew national!


Dem is some mighty fine hotdogs you got there...


I'd be a shame if....someone deep throated it


They also put him up against the only person who actually stands a chance who Nathans also banned for an equally stupid reason.


Why was the other guy banned


Almost the same reason. They wanted him to sign an exclusivity contract and he wouldn't


I suspect they were trying to twist his arm to drop the sponsorship and when he didn’t they showed they were serious… it has backfired badly on them though


Classic Streisand Effect


Well, not really classic, since the action Nathan's is trying to bury isn't their own. Is it still Streisand effect if it's a second party? Is there a name for Second Hand Streisand?


I dunno doesnt feel Streisand effect to me.  Trying to bully someone into an exclusive sponsorship and failing backwards... that's more like pulling a Nathan's


I would have to imagine that Impossible Foods threw in some dough too (if that contract would still be honored)


Netflix must have been reading all the Reddit comments from the original post about Chestnut being banned. Everyone was suggesting this.


I don’t blame him. I’m sure when he said he retired he did it without knowing they would have the chance to do this. I imagine he was chilling at home and got the call and went “WAIT! Someone is going to pay me to have a rematch against the first guy to beat me at hotdogs? And we BOTH get to say F You to Nathan’s?!?”


> the first guy to beat me at hotdogs is a wonderful turn of phrase


"Oh, you're an athlete? What sport do you play?" "Hotdogs."


"Huh, dog man eh. More of a pie man myself."


Didn't he quit basically because Nathan's Hot Dogs tried to pull similar shit with him, wanting him to sign some exclusivity contract that he could only compete professionally through them?


That is originally why he stopped participating in the Nathan's hotdog eating contest years ago, but he had only just recently announced his retirement from all competitions citing mental/physical reasons. He said that he had gotten to the point where he didn't like eating/the taste of food in general.


I mean, did anyone ever enjoy a hotdog contest at this high a level? They’re literally just cramming soaking wet glizzys with no condiments down their throat. Doesn’t sound fun.


I think it was something like that.


This is like the Mayweather for Pacquiao fight. It's too late, Kobayashi isn't in his prime anymore.


Lennox Lewis fight version of Mike Tyson.


My money's on Chestnut to bite Kobayashi, then dip him in water and bite him a second time




Just when I thought I was out!… 🌭


I just sat down and watched some of this food documentary with my wife, it was about natural eating and stuff... Kobayashi was in it & explained his decision for retirement and how he wanted to get healthier. Yep, that cash conquers all lol


Not saying you’re wrong, but possibly another reason is that it’s against Joey who he hasn’t gotten to officially compete against for years. Like Larry getting to go against Magic one more time


Yup. This is gonna be bigger than Paul Tyson


There's no way it's a coincidence that I watched the 30 for 30 on them on Netflix 2 days ago


Anything for them pennies…


He does it for the love of the game


for the glory of the glizzy


I’d stay away from pennies. There’s a good chance they’ve been in someone’s ass.


“Retiring for me will only happen after I take him down one last time,” said Kobayashi


Incredible "fuck you" to Nathan's after the news from yesterday about Chestnut being banned from their contest. This is going to be legendary.


They should do it july 4th, make Nathan's obsolete.


That's the only thing that could make it better.


To really fuck with them they should get another sponsor like Oscar Meyer or Ballpark Franks or something.


If those companies aren't throwing money at netlfix and Jaws and Kobayashi, their marketing and avertising departments need to be fired. If Boeing can kill two whistleblowers, Oscar Mayer can hire a bunch of coeds to park the weinermobile outside Kobayashis house


Joey already signed to impossible foods.


Plant based dogs. Let’s watch the world burn


Hebrew National are the best


With the current Israel/Hamas thing, holy fuck that would be hysterical.


I mean, both Hebrew national and Nathan's are Jewish adjacent at least, if not explicitly Jewish and are both American companies. I don't really get how Israel/Hamas relates.


Nathan's is actually a Chinese company now. Their parent company Smithfield foods was bought back in 2013.


Odd way of saying Vienna Beef


Honest question, does anyone actually care about Nathan's contest/does it bring in that much money for them? I'm surprised it's not already obsolete.


I don’t care about it but sometimes if I’m not busy on the 4th and I remember that it’s on I will watch their absurd WWE style introductions.


The introductions are the best thing about the event. That same guy does it for all of the MLE events.


They get a huge crowd and it's televised at a time when there's very little else on TV. I can't imagine what it would cost to buy advertising like that.


It isn't just the live broadcast, it is all the subsequent news articles citing Nathan's Hit dog eating contest. That is all "free" advertising for the brand.


I literally watched for Joey Chestnut. That is not a joke. I will no longer be watching. I just liked seeing how many he could do each year lol


This is what capitalism is good for sometimes. And why it's good to not have monopolies. "I'll just take my business elsewhere."


Capitalism is when you eat food for sport


You kinda have a point


Why was he banned?


Chestnut got banned for being sponsored by another hot dog brand. Kobayashi got banned because he just wanted to participate. He didn't want to sign an exclusive contract with Nathan's that dictates how he can act in his personal life. Learned a lot about hot dog contracts the last few days.


Banning Chestnut because you're scared of vegan hot dogs taking up your market share is a major unforced error. There are very few meat eaters that are going to eat vegan hotdogs unless they straight up quit eating meat.


Not to mention it only hurts Nathan’s. Vegans can’t protest them, and they could have taken the chance to make their own vegan dogs and have him endorse them as well


Massive free advertisement for impossible lmao


I know about Impossible Burgers but had no idea they even made hot dogs until this whole weird story yesterday. I'm not vegan but the burgers are not bad. I may give the hot dogs a shot.


I’d definitely try an Impossible hot dog.


Same, I feel like that’s the most obvious meat product which could be reasonably imitated. Unlike more pure meat products, I enjoy the cheaper, more mysterious dogs just as much (if not more) than the higher quality dogs. Fuck it, hit me with some soybeans and mystery chemistry.


Morning Star Corn Dogs in the frozen section are so damn good you have to try them. You can't tell a difference in meat


Lips and assholes taste surprisingly good when you don't know what they are.


They knew what they were doing. I'm sure Joey Chesnut did too. The only ones dumb enough to not see what was happening was Nathan's.


It's actually really dumb. Nobody would have even really known or cared chestnut had some vegan brand as a sponsor. But now, everyone can say a big F U to Nathan's because they banned chestnut. Brain dead .


whoever made the decision to fire him should be fired. Biggest idiot in the world, just gave all this free marketing to impossible.


I'm actually curious about Impossible Foods' hotdog after Nathan's got mad about them. I suspect to find them fine the same as their burgers, but still curious.


Quite a few "youtube eaters" avoid MLE because of how strict they are with what you do. Many of these content creators make money posting videos of them doing the restaurant challenges (eat this giant burrito in 20 minutes and get it free type stuff) and MLE does not want their participants doing that. It is crazy to me how much they prohibit growth of a sport that they would directly benefit from it being more popular.


Does MLE stand for 'Major League Eating"?


indeed it does. what a time to be alive, right?


Nathan’s wants to be Big Hot Dog. Jumbo, if you will.


Some tout bird law knowledge, others... hotdogs


~~Bird law~~ Hotdog law in this country is not governed by reason.


Kinda wild another hotdog brand didn’t just set up their own eating competition way earlier to get kobyashi


If this has peaked your interest I reccomend a book called "Raw Dog" by comedian Jamie Loftus. It's a book about the history of hot dogs and about the meat packing industry today. Its funny, there is a section in it where she talks about the Nathan's hot dog eating contest.


Got sponsored by impossible foods.


It's pretty much a foregone conclusion at this point that Netflix's Weiner Bingers will be unseating Nathan's as reigning champ the next time Bon Appetit updates their Top 10 Hot Dog Brands list.


Hell yeah. This was a wild sentence.


Ya. Nathan’s fucked up big time. No reason to even watch it now. I watch one hot dog eating contest a year. And they fumbled big time


Would have been better if they did it on July 4th. Lol


The fact Netflix set this up so fast is amazing lol


coincidence, unlikely.


Co-sponsored by Costco I hope. Fuck Nathan’s and MLE. Can’t believe they shot themselves in the foot twice like this.


> Co-sponsored by Costco I hope. Make it a hotdog combo eating contest. Gotta pound that Pepsi too.


They should do it on July 4


Major League Eating and Nathan's must be livid at how much they screwed up here. They approached this whole situation with Chestnut so recklessly. They thought they had the monopoly and could be all tough around their specific contract demands without repercussions. A majority of MLE's marketing for years has been these two guys. They're the only reason people tune in. Thinking they have people interested in their events outside of these names is ... misguided, to say the least. Undoubtedly this Netflix special will get far higher viewership numbers and online discourse than the Coney Island event this year.


I can name two professional eaters.  Care to guess who they are?   Seriously, professional eating is super fringe, and only gets attention on a national level for the hotdog eating contest on the Fourth of July.  Trying to cancel the two names anyone recognizes is just utter stupidity.


I can think of another dude who's gimmick was painting his face and then a petite Asian woman who demolishes food


Eater X Sonya 'The Black Widow' Thomas There's also Matt Stonie


Adam of Beard Meats Food fame.


Randy Santel and his wife Katina are pretty awesome


My first education on competitive eating was Furious Pete. Glad that man is still around.


Kinda insane I haven't paid much attention to this for nearly 10 years and the big names are the same as then. Not much of a growing sport lol


Hard to grow when the same two guys dominate it every year lol


Does BeardMeatsFood count? Or he’s more content creation side (YT vids). I know he’s done contests in the past but don’t know how competitive he would be against the top eaters rn.


He was in Nathan's last 4th of July, think he was pretty far down the standings though.


Hot dogs are not Beard’s forte. He’ll tell you the same. He has beaten Chestnutt in other events though, I forget what, tamales or something


Don't forget Zion Williamson 




What Zion lacks in speed, he makes up in volume. If the other contestants don’t pay attention, they might notice hot butter dripping down their ankles.


Shit man Kobayashi is so famous he’s mentioned in Step Brothers, but it was in international water so they couldn’t prosecute


Also, even beyond name recognition there is just no point in an international contest where competitors are disallowed for non-competition related reasons. Would you want to watch a 100 yard dash, where the only runners allowed to compete are also big fans of Zac Effron? No? Of course not. Because it's not about whose the best runner anymore. At some point you are not measuring who is the best eater, and you begin measuring who is the best Nathan's Hot Dog spokesman that eats, and that's just much less interesting


I can name a third - “Black Widow” - don’t know her real name, but she was a skinny chick that could eat a shit ton of food - amazing for her size [Black Widow - eating 40 hot dogs in 10 min](https://youtu.be/hFRgLeuuisA?si=fAgoUYpnXYwTOfBf)


Because they're playing old boomer business rules where they think they have any power.


Nathan’s acting like they have some monopoly on competitive hot dog eating. Like bro, they could hold Chestnut vs Kobayashi with Costco hotdogs at a Costco food court and people would watch. Nathan’s needs Joey, not the other way around.


I said a very similar sentiment, but think you summed it up with a great line there: Nathan's needs Joey Chestnut and not the other way around. Nailed it. Follower counts: Joey Chestnut - 120k on Instagram, 298k on YouTube Major League Eating - 5k on Instagram, 40k on YouTube Nathan's Famous - 54k on Instagram


It’s funny cuz Nathan’s probably thought Joey was screwed without this event. Like he wouldn’t be relevant without them. But with all the press this is getting, I’ll bet more people will watch this Netflix event than any Nathan’s event ever.


Someone at Nathan's getting fired soon


Nathan maybe.


Nathan rolling in his grave like a little hot dog at a gas station roller.


Impossible is prob feeling good right about now


Yup, this is free press for them. They’re definitely getting their money’s worth with this endorsement


I've only watched one competitive eating video, and it was Matt Stonie on the Try guys. I *hated* it because I can't stand eating sounds. But I called my boyfriend and immediately made a note in my calendar for this event. I may have to watch it on mute, but this blew up in such a ridiculous manner that it's making me feel like that KonMari 'I love mess' gif.


This is eerily similar to what’s happening in the wnba. Not apples to apples, but there’s one person driving a lot of the viewership, and she’s being ostracized by alot of the league.


Costco's hot dogs are no joke buddy.


if anything I'd be more interested in a costco food court showdown. It feels like it would have a real underground wrestling vibe. I want to see people in the background getting their carts checked


I'd watch that.


This is going to be awesome


I wish that was true but Joey has had koybayashi’s number for a while


Everyone feel free to tell me I’m wrong, but IIRC Joey beat Kobayashi twice but it was close. Koby was banned for some BS, similar to what Joey has been through. Koby is still competing, obviously Joey is currently the most famous. They both will see it as a revenge match, against each other but also the association. If I had to put money down I’m taking Koby.


you are correct but since Kobayashi got banned Joey has hit 70+ hot dogs multiple times while the most Kobayashi has ever done in an official competition is 65. With that said, I don’t think any other competitor has ever gotten more than 62 since Chestnut took over and most years it seems like 2nd place doesn’t get much more than 50 so there will be more heat on him this time.


Jesus.. I don't think I could eat 70 in a week.


10 hot dogs a day is some Guantanamo Bay shit.


I love hot dogs. I could eat six a day for a week, no problem. But then I wouldn't want them again for a long time. He's doing that all at once plus ten! I can't even imagine wanting to do that.


In ten minutes. It's like watching time lapse footage of some giant structure being built, or the ISS orbiting the earth, but in real time. It's absolutely fascinating. I've been watching every year since '07, and it looks like this one's gonna be even better.


lmao you've never been to dollar dog night at a major league game and done the 9 inning challenge. 1 dog and 1 beer per inning (gotta get extra beers in the 7th before last call). if it goes to extras you gotta keep going with the dogs


https://youtu.be/vaAF_GAc3Mk?si=ihqbJUA-a0Dkin5z I believe in you


lol I haven’t seen this one before. WKUK was the best


They also lowered it from 12 to 10 minutes I believe, so Joey wasn't able to keep putting up 70 bombs.


Joey has only ever hit 70+ in 10 minute rounds. The most he ever got in 12 minute rounds was 66. Joeys hit 70+ in 6 out of the last 8 years, mans at the top of his game.


His wiener game strong


on a somewhat related note, is there a competition where instead of eating hot dogs, you shove them up your ass? i KNOW i would win that one


Isn’t that the plot to “Logjammin’” with Karl Hungus?


I'm glad I scrolled down and found this absolute gem of a comment


"You can guess what happens next..."


“He fixes the cable?”


Kinda wish it was being held on July 4th just as an extra fuck you to Nathan's. Still awesome that this is happening though!


Kobayashi recently announced he was planning on retiring, so I'm guessing he wasn't in mid-season form when Netflix came calling.


This is going to be better than the July 4th competition. Nathans and MLE must be upset


Good. They have nobody but themselves to blame.


Netflix got money. I could see this being a high production value event. Get Michael/Bruce Buffer to announce.


Good for Chestnut and Kobayashi. I hope it bites Nathan’s in the ass for banning them both over frivolous nonsense.


Out of the loop. Why were they banned?


They refused to sign exclusivity contracts with Nathan’s and Chestnut is sponsored by a vegan hotdog brand.


Bruh I thought allegations were involved. Nope it's just petty contract bullshit.


Until yesterday I had completely forgotten about Kobayashi. Now I'm excited for this upcoming Netflix event.


Nathan's eating pieces of shit for breakfast today while somebody at Netflix is getting a raise.


Awesome! I have had zero interest in Nathan’s sham of a contest since the Kobayashi debacle, finally a real competition.


There was a big thread yesterday about Joey Chestnut getting banned. One of the top comments claimed that a Joey Chestnut vs. Kobayashi match would draw more viewers than the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. Literally 1 day later, this gets announced. Damn, Netflix.


Glad someone stepped up to put Nathan’s in their place. Even better that it’s freaking Netflix.


Nathan’s should watch The Last Dance and take heed of the cautionary tale of Jerry Krause, who thought the organization was bigger than Michael Jordan. And Chicago hasn’t even been back to The Finals since MJ “retired”. I’m all in for this contest and Netflix is smart to snatch it up.


Classic example of an organization/company believing they are more valuable than the workers that made their very success possible. A tale as old as time.


Kobayashi does not look remotely 46 wtf lol.


Asian don’t raisin.


Screw Nathans. Go Joey!


Nathan's is soooo dumb. Marketing disaster for them.


Nathan’s fucked up who is the next hot dog sponsor. Who makes the best dog these days, cause I usually only get Costco dogs after groceries. Time for Costco to shine here lol.


>The news comes a day after Coney Island’s iconic Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest banned Chestnut from this year’s competition after he signed a deal with vegan hot dog brand Impossible Foods. Chestnut is a 16-time champion at Nathan’s yearly Fourth of July contest and has won the past eight years in a row. Is this really the only reason he was banned? When you hear the words "Hot Dog Eating Contest", you think of Joey Chestnut. It's like Golf and Tiger Woods. This is so petty by Nathan's.


Nathan’s Hotdogs just fucked themselves! Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


They should be pairing this with Tyson v Paul.


Lol that didn’t take long.


Never buying Nathan’s again, there PR department needs to fix this


Hebrew Nationals are the better all beef hotdog anyway.




Hebrew Nationals are the best dogs out there by far. Price is worth it.


Vienna Beef or don't holler.


Get wrecked Nathan’s lol


I screamed when I saw the headline. Holy shit


About time! Nathan's ruined possibly one of the best rivalries in all of sports when the banned Kobayashi.


I get that it’s too close, but man, to run this live concurrently with the Nathan’s competition would’ve been epic!


Brothers in arms against Nathan's. I'd definitely watch these two goats do what they do best.


This is a Kobayashi household. He's been out the game too long but I want to see a miracle. 




These competitions always remind of the time my buddy Lardass drank a whole bottle of castor oil and a raw egg before entering a blueberry pie eating contest.


Lmao Nathan's and MLE fucked up here. I'm sure ESPN is upset. Kobayashi is obviously going to lose but it'll be a spectacle. It'll pull numbers for Netflix. They should pick a location here in the city just to make it an even bigger f u to MLE. Although I do understand the leagues point it was still so idiotic. If there is one "sport" in the world that should cater to their star it's MLE. Who cares that he asks for special treatment? People watch for him.