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No one cares


You cared just enough to comment


Telling u no one cares . Some one has to step it up


Ok. Now shoo


When someone blurs their wager I instantly call bullshit on if they’re a good bettor. Your 10 cent wagers hit? Incredible. Show the 10 loses you had as well


Hey numbskull. He didn’t blur one of his bets, it was $100. He is most likely blurring out his unit size to not discourage newer bettors that have a small bankroll. Analyze your opinion and make sure it’s not retarded before you publish it jimmy. Cheers


He didn’t blur one of them… the rest are blurred


I said “he didn’t blur ONE of his bets”


Still proves he’s putting up real bread on his picks


I bet on both winning. Problem is, I had bigger bets on Brewers and Royals winning.🤷🏼‍♂️


Brewers really laid a goose egg… That sucks man. Good hits on the other games those were some good reads


Unfortunately most of the 1 run games have not gone my way the last three days. At least the mariners pulled it out.


Why block out the amounts?


No reason to pocket watch. I posted the unit amount pregame


Lmao nigga what


You can’t read broke ass nigga?


Everyone hating on you cuz you really hitting😂😂🤑enjoy your money Unc


Woo hoo man! Bet on a +105 and a +136! Never would’ve seen that coming! Huge hit!


Thanks bro! Figured you wouldn’t be able to do it. I’ll help you out lmk 🤣


So you got lucky. What do you want now a cookie? Or let me guess you want people to send you money for your awesome picks cause you won a few hundred


It’s not lucky bum it’s calls research you have to look at some many different aspects of the game you seem right over someone winning fkn clown


Okay clown just cause you research a game doesn’t mean it’s gonna hit dipshit. It’s sports betting it’s about luck


Are you fkn stupid?!? Dumb ass yt boi yes tf it does if you have a pitcher with a .72 era and a pitchers that is 5.26 era but that team is -175 then knowing that pitcher for the trash team that has the .72 era is a fkn lock cause that gonna have sharp hits off the batters also bum rh lg pitchers matter too just stfu and say u don’t know shit about baseball bch


“So you got lucky” ok let’s delete this subreddit where people discuss gambling cause you can say the same thing about every single win. And I post picks for free. Never charged a dime. Moron.


You made a post talking shit to the cappers bragging that your picks hit. So what’s the point of shit talking and bragging if it’s all luck


You said it was luck not me😂 Im just showing a few good underdog wins I had last night. I guess you can say I was “talking shit” to all the people/scammers that spam this forum selling picks or posting 8 leg all favorite parlays.


Ehhh a few under god wins? +105 is a very very light underdog


76% of money was on Pirates. 90% of money on Braves. Ehhh I’d say that’s a pretty big gap for the underdog


Not sure why you’re getting hated on . Lol post a couple solid hits most ppl 95% of ppl wouldn’t take on a betting sub Reddit hahaha. Hope the odds are forever in your favour


Lol appreciate it. God forbid someone post some underdog wins in a gambling forum lmao. It’s all good, let them waste their time and money on 6 leg lotto parlays


Because they're attributing to skill what is quite clearly luck lol. No matter how well informed a bet is it's always a gamble, and luck will always be involved.


Lol he never mentioned anything of it being skill or luck. Of course gambling is luck. But there is a skill to finding value against the books and being able to bank roll manage. That’s why there is a very small percentage of ppl who can make money sports betting , just like there is a small percentage of ppl who can make it into the leagues we bet on, those ppl also have luck , right place right time to be seen by the right ppl.


He literally said "you said luck not me", inferring he doesn't think luck was a main factor. Great pick, glad for op. It's nice to win on an underdog, but very luck affected!


Yeah I forgot you’re a fortune teller, a gambling god. Of course It is luck you moron. No matter how much research you do. What systems you use. Sports betting is always about luck nothing is guaranteed.


Yeah no shit. Practically anything in life requires luck especially gambling. But you’re acting like no research went into this I just threw darts on a board.


You literally just said “you said it was luck not me” make up your mind dipshit


I never said there was no luck involved. Again, of course luck is involved but also skill. Is being up over 30 units this month all “luck”? Hell no. Fuck your iq is definitely below 70 isn’t it?


You’re the one with the low iq contradicting yourself with one post saying it isn’t luck then saying it is.


Show me where I said there was absolutely no luck involved. Please. YOU are the one saying “Oh you just got lucky” and “What’s the point it’s all luck”… YOU literally said it’s “all luck”. So what’s the point in even watching the games? Throw darts at the board and you have just as good a chance as someone who reads and studies the games. Dumb fuck🙄


I took mariners +1.5 lock and reds lock royals sold me


Good hit bro. Guys like this are why vegasibm left reddit. Ungrateful dorky


Did he actually leave Reddit?


Damn, a lot of jealous people in the comments 😂




I didn’t even notice until I read your comment. Whatever


Fading the Pirates is a pretty solid move lately.


I can see you’re Tucking in your shirt and putting that napkin on your lap. Because baby you just went fed! NOM NOM NOM


That’s y they called Cappers cause they 🧢 all the time. Good hit


The A’s are making a quick turn around from the beginning of the season




Orioles aren't good? Lmfao


Mfers will say anything just to hate lol


Bro deleted his comment LOL


Sweet good hits bro


Orioles are like first in the American League buddy