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Because this is the shitpost degen sub. Actual gambling advice is on r/sportsbook


I had no idea there was an actual sports betting subreddit. I thought the only one that existed was this one full of bad gambling degens


Yeah the other one is actually quite useful. People post picks with actual research and transparent results. The promo thread tells you all the best boosts from the books (U.S. based)


Uh. What šŸ˜


Heā€™s not wrong


Its on both pages.


I do 6+ legs cause I only bet .50 to 5 dollar bets lol.


Yep lol same Gotta hit a lotto once in a while


Why not take the money that ur gonna lose on the 6 leg parlays and establish a nice bankroll and do straights


Itā€™s boring to do that, not everyone here does this to supplement their income. Iā€™d rather have fun and make wild parlays.


Yea I look at it as paying 5/10 for entertainment. I really donā€™t spend money on anything fun on a dusky basis


Not even about supplementing your income. Not for me at least. I just like winning. Id rather be watching a game knowing if this happens Iā€™ll make like $20 maybe or something small, than be watching a game hoping like 8 different things happen so I can win $100 or something. Thatā€™s just me thoĀ 


Nothing wrong with that either, I just meant that itā€™s not always about taking the ā€œsaferā€ bets. I make some straight bets to pay for the parlays too.


If youā€™re that confident in your straight bets financing your risky bets, wouldnā€™t you be up a bunch of money if you just eliminated the risky bets?


Who said Iā€™m confident in my straight bets?! I lose some of them too. Iā€™ve hit some decent parlays (although itā€™s rare). I consider lottos above +10000 odds so if you hit one it pays for the next 100 lottos.


And it also takes forever and then when you bankroll and then loseā€¦itā€™s even worse!-


Thatā€™s what this subreddit is for, no one cares to be logical. If I have a chance to turn $5 into $1000 because the Athletics actually want to win a game even though theyā€™re not good, Iā€™ll take my chances.


Thatā€™s what a lot of these ā€œprosā€ donā€™t get


Not everybody is here because they need money, for some it is just fun. No different then scratchers or lotto tickets, you know there is a miniscule chance but it's fun to try for some people. I've been sports betting for over thirty years and still do occasional 5-8 leg parlays for fun. I don't "need" to build my bankroll with every bet and still do mostly straights or 2 leg max for majority of my bets but I like taking a little of the profit and having fun with it too.


because thats not fun


But losing is? Idk to me even if itā€™s only like $5,$10 bucks itā€™s more fun watching a game and knowing I need like 1 thing to happen to win then needing like 5 dudes to go over on points just to win.Ā 


its all for entertainment, betting 10 to win 9 doesnt have much appeal


How dare you have fun? This is how weā€™re supposed to pay for groceries good sir.


I don't need to win everything in my life.


Homie I am up $17K on parlays only. Not everyone sucks like you.


Post proof homie.


Yeah parlays ainā€™t bad if you know to put .


If you knew how to consistently make bank from parlays you would not waste one second of your life on here. sure you made $17,000 on parlays you also lost $117,000.


No. Want me to send you my statement from last year? I never bet more than $20


I'm in the same boat as you


I believe it, I've done really well off parlays, including over $17k on a Sunday this past NFL season. There is no mathematical proof that single bets are more profitable bc it is individually based. The guy horrible at parlays can be just as bad at single bets.


Why not let people do what they wanna do? Itā€™s $5 or less, chill out


You're wasting your time. Everything is about instant gratification to this generation.


What annoys me is people acting like you can't lose your bankroll doing straights also.. betting straights doesn't guarantee you'll establish anything


But a six leg at 5 dollars is only gonna hit you like 80 bucks.. lol wouldnt call that a lotto hit


I see it more like scratch offs lol


I hear ya, but 5$ scratch off you could atlead win 500 or a mil lol


It's the "mad when it didn't hit" part that gets me. Claiming it's rigged etc etc


6 leggers are cute and all but they just don't do it for me anymore. These days it's those 12-bangers that keep me turgid into the wee hours hoping to see a comma in my balance


It is rigged... on those 6+ leggers, you always miss one by 0.5 yards. 1 point. 1 catch. 1 assist. They got the phone call from upstairs that our degen parlay was going to put them out 1.5k... šŸ« 


The same reason why we buy $1 scratchies at the liquor store hoping to win $5,000. Only to win $1 10% of the time


Because it's nice to let your nuts hang and post these when you win https://preview.redd.it/4cld2dnmg55d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=950d4ec30d692486d0a02d53b2d899c1e5959f00








I love the adrenaline when your waiting on 1-leg out of 6+ legs


Feels like a nut about to cum


Who cares how other people bet?


Because when they lose, our entire feed is filled with people bitching about how the NBA is rigged because Derrick white didnā€™t get 12 rebounds (hyperbole)


Then go to /r/sportsbook. That's the serious analysis based betting sub. Go enjoy your numbers and straight bets while we fuck around and joke that the NBA is rigged by Vegas


The problem is I donā€™t think some of these people are joking


Losing a ā€œsafeā€ bet hurts even worse. Less reward for your risk.


You mean the guy that think NBA is rigged because he didnt hit his negative odds parley?




Daily loto ticket 5 or 10 bucks on a 6 legger with some safe picks or patterns with the stats 400-500 dollars if ya hit. been doing this for 2 years and im still up in the grand scheme of things




Whats a "really safe bet" ?




Because only pussies do 5 sgp a real man does 6


Or 20 leggers


People go for parlays when they have less money to play with hoping to get a big payout, not everyone has enough money to do straight bets


I just put in a 13 leg on MLB 1 dollar to win 6k qith a 60%boost. I let my wife do the picks. Just gave her the names of the teams and pick one. Mind you she knows fuck all about sports. Of course I was skeptical of some of the picks, but hey its a dollar and I wont miss it at all, but if for some reason I wake up the next morning and it hits. I aint telling her shyt. J/K @ the end of the day its just a dollar. 2 or 3 max for me when im putting real units down


parlays are fun. i dont get how people dont understand this


Hitting two 20 leggers two days in a row was something Iā€™ll always remember . I know I wonā€™t ever do that again


It actually makes sense if youā€™re betting small amounts of money on it, because what do you have to lose. But anything over 50 bucks is an issue.




Cause weā€™re dream chasers


Nobody is making you come to this sub buddy


Itā€™s cancer




Because big number


I hit a 69000+ legger 2 days ago it was easy


I mean I almost hit a 17 leg parlay which costed me $2 and the payout was $777.69 and Juan Soto sold me by not being able to get a hit cause his forearm started acting up. Sooooo everything else I did hit for that parlay was a very safe bet and I researched the hell out of it. It was a lock but literally out of nowhere Soto left the game unexpectedly which sold my slip. Soooo yea parlays are more fun especially when they hit.


Iā€™ll take one or two of those legs and make my own parlay, they still never hitā€¦


Usually every day I toss maybe 5 bucks on a 5 to 10 legger. I hit a 5 nice 5 legger the other day which ended a hot streak I was on... Most of my bets are ML, spread or 2 leggers. But Damm nothing feels better than hitting a 5 leg or longer parlay.


Not just 6+ leg parlays that are the problem. It is generally hard to produce +EV plays from doing parlays without some sort of odds boost or when odds are really off. Very rarely would it be more effective to do parlays compared to straight bets. I'd recommend reading through articles like these: https://www.legalsportsreport.com/155142/how-the-parlay-became-top-sports-betting-business-trend-2023/. A great strategy is never doing what the sportsbooks want you to do šŸ¤£ Context: I run [omegaodds.com](http://omegaodds.com) and have explored the profitability of parlays deeply over millions of bets


They have to lose so we can win!


Everyone make 6 leg unders so op can be happyĀ 


Cause im a POS degen


This sub is also full of non profitable players who are clearly just searching for help with their betting They share their nonsense in hopes to be responded with by logic I regretfully inform you that Logic doesnā€™t reside here. Did you know heā€™s half black? šŸ˜‚


Because itā€™s a bunch of rank amateurs on here


It's there any evidence that <6 is profitable?


Its like buying a lottery ticket so they can sleep better at night with hope Some do it so it makes watching the game more interesting But seriously nothing is more painful than watching the last leg lose, you feel like someone is fking you from behind and dont recover for days


Only gays donā€™t do parlays


Because we like money.


On basketball, i place 2 5-leg parlays, usually put 10 to 20 on each. One pre-game and one live at half. And I been hitting like crazy during the semi and conference finals. Start of the playoffs im up 1k. Would have hit last night if Brown hit his free throws. But it's been working for me. So im gonna keep doing it. But i actually research and watch a lot of basketball, so it's not just a shot in the dark. Odds are usually anywhere from +1000 to +2000


I use an app to track the performance of NBA and MLB players. From there, I can create a more selective parlay.


I will say that it is very frustrating when a big parlay comes down to something -300 or more and somehow is the leg that doesnt hit


Teenagers using their fathersā€™ gambling accounts. Add ā€œcash outsā€ to the list as well (cashing out those 6 leg parlays after 2 legs - and never questioning why theyā€™d build a 6 legger if they were going to cash it out after 2 legs).


People like losing money I guess


Parlays are not a profitable bet overall. It doesn't really matter the number of legs though the more legs you add the more unlikely it is to happen.Ā  People like overs because they like scoring and it's easier to root for overs than it is to root for unders. Unders are a really proper sweat and the gentleman's bet.Ā 


Parlays are profitable if theyā€™re all +EV legs. People need to learn sports betting 101


This sub has no clue


I've heard a lot about +EV but I'm not sure how to find it. Could you give an example?Ā 


To keep it short and simple. Thereā€™s tons of Sportsbook offering lines on games and props and they all make up the market. All these books offer prices independently so there is always going to be books that mess up their prices. I pick off the books that are making mistakes on their lines compared to the market consensus. For example the market for a womenā€™s tennis match the other day was 300/-370. FanDuel had a +370 which was a complete outlier to everyone. Thatā€™s a bet I made that had an edge or a +EV (expected value)


Is there a site you use to check multiple books at once or do you need to go through each individual book?Ā