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This was also the recipe for Surge.


> The victim provided surveillance video to investigators that indicated Peters was tampering with the Mountain Dew in the garage refrigerator. Would be interesting to know whether this surveillance video was the husband hiding a camera after becoming suspicious, or if the woman was really so stupid to do this in front of a security camera she knew was hooked up. Since she was using RoundUp of all things, I wouldn't doubt the latter..


The warrant is online, and it says that she was trying to disguise herself and avoid the camera. Further sleuthing reveals they were robbed a few years ago which is probably why they have the camera. She doesn't seem real bright.


Would be interesting to know if the husband was a right abusive controlling cunt and had cameras up around the house to exert control and she just went along with the plan to kill him to get free.   Most people aren’t murderers. 


A sad situation all the way around


Remember the woman in Springfield who killed her husband and son and poisoned one of her daughters with anti-freeze? She said she did it because they were pests.


Diane Staudte. She was actually the organist at her local church so I know this sub will be very interested. Apparently [it was the pastor](https://people.com/crime/antifreeze-murders-missouri-mom-daughter-pastor-tip/) who tipped off the police. There's [Sword & Scale episode](https://www.swordandscale.com/listen/episodes/Sword-and-Scale-Episode-251) about it. Apparently her daughter was in on it too.


Idiot. LD50 for glyphosate is >10,000mg/kg in mice. It would be easier to literally drown in it with the volume required to kill someone orally. You’d think people would do just the slightest amount of research before poisoning their spouse. People are just so lazy these days.


Now do the chance of life ending cancer. Maybe she is playing the long game here.


Then she sues the company when he gets cancer (through reported casual use as an insecticide) and now she's single and rich. Patience is rewarded.


Eh, it raises your chances of developing non-Hodgkins lymphoma, but still, there are much better tools for the job. Cancer is treatable. Acute toxicity from an actual poison is much more dangerous. Also it’s probably safe to assume the lady dumping Round Up in her husband’s drink doesn’t have the best grasp of what consequences her actions will lead to.


Treatable for some


Yes. Obviously. There aren’t many broad statements that apply to everyone when talking about medicine.


I say lock her up the intent was there. She may not have killed him now like you said, but in the long run, he probably will. Anyone who would do something that crazy needs to be locked up. Be there in an institution for mental health or orange is the new black


Remember years ago when there was a congressional investigation into the dangers of Roundup? The president of the company said that it was so safe that you could drink it, but when a congressman presented him with a glass of Roundup and asked him to drink it if it was so safe. He politely declined the offer.


I mean, I wouldn’t drink it either. But I also wouldn’t use it in a poorly researched attempt to poison my partner.


Yeah, really the headline is backward. She was spiking his roundup with mountain dew. All that sugar will kill you faster than the roundup.


Sounds like you've researched this 🤔


Mountain Dew is sacred and should never be used to kill your significant other.


The Killing of A Sacred Dew


😎 I guess it turns out that Texas Ranger really *was*...🤨...all jacked up on Mountain Dew.


YEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH ![gif](giphy|xUPGczefvti1zMbTj2|downsized)


diabetic here. i managed to almost take myself out with it before i was diagnosed.


I'm sorry you don't get to enjoy Dew any more but I'm glad you are taking care of yourself.


...love lift us up where we belong.


She says she did it because he wasn't appreciative enough after she threw him a party.


That’s crazy.. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Comments on better poison, maybe I watch too much dateline to make suggestions. Lol


She must have forgotten about that ginger haired woman who poisoned, killed her husband, and almost killed her daughter with antifreeze.


Or was inspired by them. There was a woman poisoning her husband with Visine, too.


On a mountain high …


What flavor of dew?


A typical day in Springfield

