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It was a nice plan that would have benefitted the neighborhood kids the most.


But the boomers will cry that "the kids just want to be on their screens" when these boomers are taking opportunities away for kids to do things other than screens. Idiocracy.


Man we had this issue in the area I moved from. The city was putting a hiking trail around the lake and people that lived near the lake pitched a big fit and voted the mayor out over the trail - then complain that the young folks are moving away. šŸ™„


Big time bummer. Would have been really nice to have this in town.


Shame. Could have been a nice park. Lots of nimby-ism with this whole ordeal.


Ugh, as a resident whose property tax goes towards this area, I wanted a bike park. :(


You should not be paying the tax for that property anymore, well starting in the 2024 tax year. The agreement was made in 2003 for the $80 tax per property for 20 years. You got your 20 years of paying taxes and that area to not be developed, it was to be used as a green space which a park, bike trail, or other versions of green space is still keeping the promise to your group. It will not be undeveloped forever. It just says it will be a green space, but that can mean several different types of spaces.


Iā€™m going to continue to ride around on those trails and use the green-space


The verdict in this case was shockingly fast, and it was unanimous. In a civil case like this youā€™d only need 9 out of 12, so having all twelve agree that quickly is a surprise.


Am I having a stroke? What does that headline mean lol


In a lawsuit against the city, the Jury found in favor of the plaintiffs...


No stroke. Just very poorly and incorrectly written.


i swear i read it, i *think*, and i'm still not sure what this is all about. a dozen or so property owners in proximity of a designated wooded commercial-space for sale for decades now are protesting against park development? if my property skirted a developing bike-park territory i'd shit myself with glee seeing what happened to the property values in bentonville and surrounding cities.


The neighborhood paid for the property and turned it over to the City with terms. The people are now arguing against their own terms even though this project is within those terms. They're mostly afraid of "outsiders" and traffic in the neighborhood.


Whatā€™s poorly written or incorrect about it?


Iā€™m as critical as anyone about terrible headlines but I see nothing wrong with this one. What are you seeing?


king illegal forest to pig wild kill in it a is.


Time to try again


ā€œSometime in 2019, an unknown group of minors, acting without permission from the city, began modifying portions of the greenspace to construct makeshift bicycle tracks in the wooded area of the greenspace,ā€ the lawsuit reads, in part. ā€œRather than inform the minors that they were not authorized to construct makeshift bicycle tracks in the greenspace and to restore the natural condition of the greenspace, the city began developing plans to create a permanent bike park in the greenspace.ā€


This is the wording from their lawsuit. How can anyone read that and not think, "maybe this makes me an asshole."


I hope kids keep using it anyways


Bigoty bigots practicing bigotry.




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