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Elizabeth Moir tuition fees are pretty high compared to Louvre. Suggest Lyceum or Royal Institute and see their reaction. 


Would add that gateway is also a decent option, culture at gateway is pretty good and there are lots of events happening if that's your thing


Yeah thats a huge level gap OP make sure your parents can also comfortably afford it too.


I've looked into their finances and it seems possible. I'm not completely on the Moir thing, but i'm open to a school like that with lower tuition.


Moir is on the very high end of expensive schools. 6k USD per year is more than the average formal employee earns in 5 years. It is however a pretty good school, and there's a reason people pay for it, and I'm happy I went there, the student community is also pretty good. Apply for financial aid, and fees matching if your academics/extra curriculars are good. If you're able to use it's resources well and afford it, I genuinely don't know of a better school for people going to international universities.


Ive heard about some controversies regarding lyceum. I'm mainly pointing towards moir or BSC as i'm90% sure they don't have r\*tarded hair rules. Royal Institute is pretty strict.


BSC is super expensive brother. Maybe try going for stafford? Its next to royal and its probably the cheapest high end international school buts its very very good. Actually wycherly is probably the cheapest high end international schools. Ive seen kids from both of these schools rock mullets n shit so no hair rules for em. CIS also exists but its kinda toxic in a sense that kids will bully you if you aren't posh and shit


I thought all international schools are "posh"


Nuh uh


Bruh cis is welcoming towards everybody. Probably the best out of all 3 you’ve mentioned


Yeah ik im trying to join CIS too... I think the major issue is the fact that if you aren't very fluent in english and stuff you'd have a risk of getting bullied. Either way lets hope for the best! >\_<


Don’t worry about it too much. The trick is to be outgoing and friendly with ppl. You will eventually find a set of ppl u vibe with. The small kids in cis are insufferable tho.


If u r against rules then don’t choose Lyceum.Forget about the crap you’ve heard cause every school has their bs. Other than that it’s a decent school. The main issue that u might face are the rules. They are quite strict… everything from hair to nails it’s strict


If you want yourself to be set up well for the future, then you should choose a school that's got a highly competitive culture in terms of sports and studies. Do some research and find out what schools are topping the inter international sports scene and Edexcel/Cambridge best OL and AL results consistently. Forget about having cool hair. When you are trying for a scholarship in a university, nobody's gonna see how cool your hair was at school.


I think you have to really just sit down and have a really good and serious chat with your parents. But when your bringing up your pros and cons never directly disagree with their concerns. Instead call them out yourself (for example the fact that they think you wont like Moir either) or when they say something you disagree with, Instead of reacting to that emotionally or angry or whatever the hell you feel , explain to them why you think that wont happen. This is probably a huge strech tbh lmao but if you really want you can use subtle manipulation tactics or read books which dive in the the art of persuasion. (Thats how i get my parents to do stuff for me ) :V Goodluck bro/hoe. Edit - ur prolly a bro since u said u went to Dharmapala


my parents are crazy (satire) so a serious chat is not possible. alcoholic dad and crazy religious mother.. I've tried but then they just start screaming the second I mention it. It's fucking crazy and everyday im closer to hanging myself.


Religious mother and a international school like Moir defo dont go hand in hand 😭😭


fr. She's batshit crazy and refuses to hear me out.


Bruh it sounds like you need to switch homes, not school


gotta switch both.


Update: managed to talk to my dad (the parent with more sense on life) and he said he'll think about wycherley. then my mum joined the convo and i think you'll know how the rest went.


😢 Bro i kind of understand the situation ur in but ima be honest its not as bad as yours. I think i have a good chance of actually going and it practically depends on me. As long as i get like ok grades for OL i can go to the school i want. I really think you should try figuring out how to convince your mother. I also think Wycherly is probably the best bet for you. Never give up! Good luck


Thanks dude, do you know anything about wycherleys rules? Their website is pretty non-informative.


Not really


Nah brother I see why you wanna switch to moir lol. We have our reasons. But I think your mom might disagree because of the reason you wanna switch to moir. If all else fails register in a pvt academy and do exams private Whatever you do not go to Lyceum


Is lyceum really bad?


As someone who graduated in 2009, yes it’s shit. My cousins just finished their A levels and are doing O levels currently. Alumni don’t even want to associate with it because of scandals and shit lol


Depends on the branch. Nugegoda and Wattala branches are fked others are doing fine


Yes... yes it is.


From what I know, Moir can be great for getting its top performing students into great universities in the UK & US. They regularly have students earning admission to Ivies/Oxbridge. Could be a way to convince your parents. I also remember back in the day, OSC had a scholarship exam you could take and get your school fees covered by the school.


Lyceum is shit


*Nugegoda and Wattala to be precise… not the rest


To which Louvre are you going?


The Pannipitiya Branch


I did my o/ls in Louvre Pannipitiya (2022 batch), and I cannot recall the hair-related rules being that strict. We weren't allowed to have fancy haircuts tho. I even remember that a friend of mine had long curly hair and had no problem at all. There was one with a beard too, he eventually had to cut it tho after several warnings. We did all kinds of mischievous stuff as well like bringing smartphones, cutting periods and going to the basketball court, going outside during school hours, and so on. The funny thing is if we got caught our sectional head always took our side and the highest action she would take was writing them in our SRB. Things might have changed then, after the new headmistress. I'm currently doing my a/ls at a government school and the rules at Louvre are nothing compared to here. I could only wish for the same freedom I enjoyed at the Louvre.


I got screamed at in the last day of school for having slightly mid length hair. I've heard from my friends that they bring you to a barber now if you don't cut your hair.


What are the issues you are facing at lovure ?


Strict hair rules, and it feels like a government school advertised as an international school.


What about education ?


its below average. The teacher's feel like they play favourite's and they aren't good at explaining anything. We did have a good teacher tho but he recently got fired.


You want to switch schools because it’s strict on haircuts ? Also Moir is super expensive, definitely not in everyone’s budget.


what kind of hair rules?


Just keeping my hair medium length.


don't give too much priority to hair thing. i went to a public school in the 80s. teachers there were real hair nazis and i got so much shit for my hairstyle. i understand where you are coming from but you are not going to be in school forever and you get to be you as soon as you are out of there.


Why not let your parents talk to your friend's parents? You said a few of them switched schools so why not get them to explain the pros of Moir/switching schools.


my friend switched to royal institute (im not that fond of that school) and my parents refuse to hear me out.


Wait Louvre is shit? I'm trying to apply there to work (I'm a science teacher) because a friend recommended that school to me. Is it a bad idea?


I'm not sure about the nugegoda branch (I go to the pannipitiya one) But seems like if the head miss doesn't like a teacher, they'll get them fired. Recently a situation happened where a math's sir who was like the most popular person in the school got fired because the head miss didn't like him. (Appearantly head miss doesn't have a valid teaching degree or anything) I'm not 100% on the controversy right now but It's def fucked a bit. The teacher's are sorta wild. edit: I'm not completely sure if these are true or not, its just rumours that go through the school.


Oh man. I'm definitely the kind to piss a headteacher like that. I'll stay away


Lyceum is a good school tbh. All other international schools are just money burners


Wouldn't say so. It doesn't even feel "international" anymore... Shits like a government run english medium only public school


Honestly speaking calling Lyceum an international school is not the perfect word in my opinion. Cause international would mean that a foreign kid should be able to come n study there which is quite not the case cause of the cultural values that are inculcated to the system. Besides Mr. Grero’s main obj was to create an English medium school that would go closely with the values and the culture of Sri Lanka. That’s why u get subjects like Sinhala, Tamil cultural dancing and huge events such as ‘Maathra’ featuring the cultural and traditional aspects. It was mainly aimed at parents who wanted their kids to have an English education but without making them westerners. In simple terms “polawe paya gahapu lamai” idk to which extent it’s being fulfilled now but this was the initial goal as per what I’ve read


Real shit


Ado don’t say that bn. I’m a lyceumer myself. Lyceum is a decent school but there are other good int schools too. LIS is just cheaper than most others though.


whatever you do stay away from lyceum. that shithole was the bane of my existence for 13 long years, the rules and regulations and the management is pretty horrible. gateway is pretty affordable (compared to moir) and a decent option though, i went there for my als and it was alright ig, i didn't have the best time socialising because im too much of an introvert but they have a great community and events all the time, it's also not that strict just don't do anything illegal lmao