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Biggest mistake I ever made. Want to kill myself for it but I sold everything in Sri Lanka to make it happen so I cant go back


What city/town are you in, and what makes it the worst decision you've made?


Lower your expectations and be ready for anything Then you will not disappointed when you migrated to any country. Also, If you have 500,000-1 M LKR month income + home in Colombo District, think twice You will say it is for the quality of life but If you make more than 500,000 LKR + In SL per month, you can have better quality of life in SL than Canada Good Luck


Thanks for saying this. I have been saying the same thing too. If you have money, you can live well here in SL.


Even if you have money you cant buy infrastructure.. I dont know why people cant understand this.


Most of these people are numb to the inefficiencies, and likely part of the problem themselves. They see infrastructure and look for a way around.


Even if you have money in Canada. You have to bear -C Temperature for min 7 months Those stuff are harder than living with those world class infrastructure. Also you can stay with world class infrastructure with no sunlight for 5,6 months That is why many Canadians also leaving for Asian countries


Bruh, it's not 7 months. May be its worst if you are in north. But if you are in the southern area, you are fine.


You can wear a coat in the cold, you can only remove so much clothing in the heat.


As true as a statement this would be on paper, it’s infinitely harder to bear the cold some days even with proper gear on. The wind is the real killer during winter, while summer is such a good time


Still can you get a sunny climate bro ? with proper sunlight ? for min 7 months per year ?


Yes, spring and summer exist duh! plus we get daylight until 10/11 pm in summer.


Still people get one of the highest seasonal depression rates. You can't compare the Sunlight that get in SL with Canada People committee suicide due to the weather in Canada


You think that's far less in SL with unbearable high heat and humidity these days? At least it's pretty common to have AC and heating in every household/ living facility in US and CA so people will not die from extreme cold or hot weather. It's not too far the day that people start dying in SL from heat stroke similar to what's already happening in India and Bangladesh.




You think we will get  unbearable high heat everyday ? lol Now it is getting better in here. But I do not know anyone in SL committed Suicide due to weather. But in Canada it is there


lol. On the west coast, we get two days of snow and rarely dips below zero. Minimum 7 months? Each season is 3 months long and it’s all gradual. Peak winter in colder regions might be two months at most.


But all hell breaks loose in those two days cause Vancouver is never prepared for any snow lol


Yeah not gonna deny that lol


Probably yes if you are a construction worker, but if you do office jobs, it doesn't matter. Great if you are doing WFH.


-C temperatures are not that bad unless you work outside whole day. You will get adapted pretty quick. Pretty much every where has heating even in public transportation. Besides, if you invest for a good pair of boots and a jacket you are good to go anywhere. I used to walk to my school whole winter in -15 to 25 C weather outside wo any problem (this was in US though but closer to CN border). Black ice and slippery roads could be kinda dangerous to drive in winter though. And where exactly winter is min 7 months? It's usually 3-4 months average and last snow we got was in April. By the middle of May all snow melted. Plus, summers are mild and not scorching hot and humid like in south. No sunlight for 5,6 months? Bro at least get your fact right before commenting. Could be true for way, way up north closer to north pole but not for majority of CN. It gets darker by 4 pm in winter but in summer it's rewarded by getting daylight even at 10/11 pm. Now I'm in south, the weather is too hot and humid like SL and I really miss that cold weather and snow.




Adding more here Worst medical care in a developed country ( have to wait 4,5 months to even channel a doctor  Worst medical emergency service in a developed country  Unaffordable housing market for general public  Worst job security laws for employees  Living in Indian type of society  ( If you know  Brampton you know what I mean) Can add many more


Having lived in Canada for 20 years, I’ll tell you it’s bull shit life. You are removed from your culture, your roots, your friends and support system. Even making millions doesn’t negate the fact your children will grow up to be Canadians and everything good and bad that goes with it. If you have the money, stay the fcuk home and live like a king or queen!


>How hard is the whole PR process? What kind of wait times are we talking about? PR process is completely fucked, I'm reasonably sure 50-80% of current international students won't get PR anytime soon and some will have to apply for PR and leave while the application is in the pool since their PGWPs will expire before then. Also, most ppl who are gonna be students or on their work permit until 2025-2026 will have to face a new, most likely anti immigration government. Unless you have the points to get pr before 2025, there's a good chance you won't be eligible for immigration pathways under the conservatives. >Is it tough to find work (especially if you have to switch careers)? Work is non-existent, while you study the best you'll be able to do is work at Tim Hortons for minimum wage. After you graduate and are on the PGWP, you'll spend about 6-8 months at the best case before you find a NOC relevant job that qualifies for express entry. That's even if you are able to get through the 500 other ppl who are applying for he job. >How's the income? You will never own a house unless you plan on living 2-3hrs away from a metropolitan city. >Is it tough to find work (especially if you have to switch careers)? It's hard to get a job in Tim's or even at a Dog Daycare. There's literally 100s of ppl applying. >Most importantly, was the move worth it in the end? I wouldn't recommend it, when you consider the fact that tens of thousands of Canadians (born) ppl are leaving the country (google it) cause they can't afford to live or have a good life. The ppl that come to Canada they may be able to Survive and establish themselves, but the unshakable fact is they will never Thrive. (Less they are super smart or are in niche jobs, doctors etc.)


Completely depends on how rich your dad is...


hey man dont leave out the sugar mommies


Of course, how could I ever forget ? Add being the son of a politician in the list as well.


I was earning 500k+ and decided to move to canada for the PhD. For me, things are pretty fine. Also, the PR process will be fine for me as well. But if you are selling everything back home and planning to do a master I dont recommend coming here


stay away from Toronto and Vancouver


Canada is useless outside of Toronto Vancouver and Calgary, calgary is equally expensive now


If you have a home, job and a good income - stay in SL! Cost of living is super high, difficulty to find and afford housing, near impossible to find jobs in Canada.


It’s tough to find work these days, but not impossible. It’s harder to find affordable housing in most places. Especially Ontario and BC. If you’re coming as a student, maybe you can get some kind of student housing, but last I heard some of those were operating on a lottery system due to shortages. I can’t speak to what jobs are highest income, but in general our incomes have not kept up with inflation. If you come here, make sure you have some savings and some people to support you. I love Canada, but it’s not easy. So you’ll want to be prepared.


Hard truth but listen - You ain’t finding work unless you’re exceptionally important talent. Like 4.0 GPA super brains. Otherwise you’ll end up getting a job in 6 months way below expectations. - With that sort of job you’ll make like $4000-6000 per month Also this depends on the city you go to I live in Toronto - High demand? Construction but nobody wants to do that. Everybody wants to sit in an office and be an investment banker or something; that’s high paying but a sri lankan immigrant ain’t getting that. - PR process? Calculate the points, can you rack up 540 CRS points, it’s very hard and takes times. - And you forgot the most important; expenses. I spent $44,000 CAD in the first month or so. Monthly expenses at least $10,000.


We just moved here and God our expenses have not been that high. What on earth is costing you so much? Just curious cuz none of my friends here (who have also recently migrated) rack up expenses anywhere near that.


Including uni cost, $3000 per month for uni, $3000 rent + utilities $1000 transport $1500 food $500 memberships $500 entertainment $500 miscellaneous




Why the heck would you create a new account to leave this comment




Why create a new account though?


Assuming you live alone, $7k for living expenses alone shows bad money management skills. You’re giving rich international student with daddy’s money vibes.


I don't know about uni cost in 2024, but rent, utilities and maintenance will most definitely be close to $3000 in 2024 in the Toronto area.. Unless you're sharing an apartment with someone other than your spouse. $1000 for transport- If you take public transit, it won't be anywhere near $1000. But if you have a car (assuming you're not buying it out right and are financing it, auto insurance as a newcomer to Canada + gas) will definitely be close to $1000/mo. $1500 is a bit high for groceries, but if you're going to eat out once or twice a week a regular restaurant (nothing fancy), $1500 is doable. If not eating out at restaurants, you can probably be well under $1000 for groceries.


Just don’t come here it’s no different from Sri Lanka!


To the people who are saying Life is better if you have money in SL. Even if you have money you can't buy infrastructure.. I don't know why people can't understand this. For example, if all of the good doctors already migrated even if you have money you can't get good treatments here. This applies to other industries too. I would say if you are really planning a move at least apply for PR (and later decide moving or not). Next Gvt most probably will change the PR process.


You don’t how good sri lankan healthcare is if you actually have money, plus it’s 4 hours to singapore if you want the world’s best healthcare If you have money you don’t give af about public transport, and canada’s TTC ain’t shit either Education? Sri lanka has top level education if you can afford $1000/month for a child


Top level education is a joke🤡🤡literally in the US right now with actually worldwide recognized education in a t20 university, Sri lankas education system even with money is an absolute and complete joke and I wish everyone leaves the country for their further studies due to what a joke the education system is


I don’t want my kids hoeing up at Miami beach during spring break, depends on preferences i guess


But u want ur kids suffering in Sri Lanka? I respect ur point abt Miami but u can literally send them to any other developed country than Sri Lanka which has no future


If you consider USA also, if you talk with a white they would say there is no future, even in 1980s same thing said Bro so many people want their kids to become like Sri Lankan when they go aboard All of my friends sending their kids to Sinhala classes or Daham pasal, why would they do it ? cause they see how bad a kid is being raised. Also some people do return to SL to raise their kids, I have seen it many times Even you do all things for you kids, you will lose your kids after 18 in most of the countries. This is also a reason why people want their kid to marry a SL guy/girl rather a foreigner. The best option would be give them aboard between 16-20. Then you will not lose your kid as well


Also the people that come back to Sri Lanka to raise their kids are doing the worst thing possible, I get that u have ur perspective on the culture and how it’s good and I respect it although I don’t agree with it, but what we both can accept as facts is that the kid won’t have a bright future and as many possibilities as they would have living in a developed country, literally the best education here recognized by the world and so many possibilities to do whatever tf u wanna do


It is very common, I know a guy, their parents came back from Aussie to raise him in SL He went to Moratuwa University Engineering Faculty and now his doing really fine. He also has the Aussie Citizenship It depends on the way you do it. At the age of 20-30 these are not big things. But when you see your kid becoming an arrogant foreigner some parents do compare that with their friends kids in SL. Then parents do not consider about the world class education they can get, their want their kid to be like a Sri lankan That is why some do come back


Honestly if he has an Aussie citizenship now then it’s all fine he went to a country with a future where he can be something with Sri Lankan roots, but like u said if the parents don’t care abt the world class education and want them to just be Sri Lankan that’s the parents fault and them being selfish as shit and those kinda people don’t deserve to be parents not wanting the best for their kid, also one other thing growing up in Sri Lanka isn’t good when you migrate and it’s hard for u to fit in with ur accent and all, so id prefer my kids to grow up over here with a better life, idk if ur living in Lanka rn but I physically felt the difference in quality of life after coming here, the difference is crazy trust. Life over here is literally heaven and I’m comparing that to growing up fairly rich in Sri Lanka too with my dad having an annual salary of around 30 million rupees.


Tbh I support the independent lifestyle of ur kid living his own life without the involvement of parents after 18, my parents were the typical over protective Sri Lankan parents and I had to fight for my independency at 16, after that I did everything from going clubbing to raves and parties and guess what I only did well in studies and everything important after then cause I realized the balance after having nothing restricted from me, I want my kids to grow up like that independent but knowing what they need to do to succeed, I honestly hate the Sri Lankan culture in that way and wish the country’s mindsets change one day


Then do not teach Sinhala for your kid. Cause no point of teaching Sinhala in a foreign country. Also try to mingle Lations, Blacks and Whites as much as possible and 100% avoid all the brown people Also avoid going trips with Brown people. Make sure to go trips with whites so that your kid could be like a like White American. Then you can create an independent boy/ girl who is ready to leave home at 18


I honestly don’t mind my kid not knowing Sinhala, I find Sinhala useless to me too the only reason I don’t wanna forget it yet is my grandmother who isn’t very fluent in English who I love to talk with and till she’s here I’ll always remember Sinhala but other than that I find that Sinhala is a pretty useless language to me, I grew up English medium anyways so I’m not that fluent in Sinhala either


Believe me, I have money and I have lots of friends who are doctors and consultants.. and most of them are leaving .. lol They will not airlift you to Singapore LOL




they do ? good for them.