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Sony PSP Gameboy Advance SP Nokia  N95,N96 and N97 Eating at McDonald's and kfc Satellite tv/dish tv Laptop (Sony vaio was the MacBook back then)


I don't have any of those experiences but compared to today, they must have been so much fun


My rich friend had a Nintendo 64 with Mario Cart. My middle-class ass loved it.


are you a chinese man or part of a group that purposely asks sex questions on ask reddit to collect data and promote lewdity in the west?


The iPod! When they first came out, they really rocked our world. Also, the pink Motorola Razr V3 was *the* accessory for cool, rich girls. It was also very cool to own a BlackBerry.


Dude there was a girl who had a shuffle and it almost the whole school knew about it (this was just a few months after the shuffle was released so its kinda cool)


Haha. I had a Mini!


Back then I went on a trip with a bunch of my dad's friends. I had a small Sony Ericsson phone that was handed down to me and I had to get it fixed to get the middle joystick working. I never owned a gameboy or even a computer to play powerful games. So this thing was my biggest gaming device. I used to buy recharge cards for a few MBs just to download those java games. I had over 25 games loaded on that thing and I thought I was the king with all these cool games. Anyways on the trip at night I was out with the rest of kids of my dad's friends. And I was playing my little java games and chilling by the bonfire near the beach. And this dude who's elder to me was sitting there just watching the bonfire without doing anything and I kinda felt bad for him. So I walked up to him and offered my phone to play some java games. And this dude goes ah it’s okay no thank you and showed me his iPod touch. And yeah that was when I knew this guy is rich rich and I ain't rich. Even with my Sony Ericsson with 25 java games 😂


Haha that bonfire by the beach sounds good tho


Lmao that was very sweet of you tho


Having a PC and 2 cars at home, way back in 2002.


I ll go a decade earlier - 90s 1. Smoking Benson and Hedges and having a box in your shirt pocket. Having Coke with lunch. (glad those days are over). 2. Living in a two storied house/tiled floors 3. Owning a car 4. Brick size mobile phones (calls were very expensive those days. Dialog used to charge about 10rs per minute and for incoming calls till mid 2000s!!! This at a time when a liter of diesel was less than 40rs) 5. Owning a computer - PCs had to be ordered through the agent. It took a few weeks to arrive. The agent would deliver the computer to home and set it up. They used to come to home and fix hardware/software issues during warranty years. They use to cost about 100000 back then which was a shit ton of money.


All of this are quite common now. Damn


They charged for incoming calls !!!??


Yes. Thats how communicating through missed calls became a thing those days. Both got charged if the person answered calls. Texting came a little later. Dialog had a package called super 500 (500rs per month subscription). One of their biggest selling points was that it was incoming free. As I recall, introduction of Airtel around 2007-8 was a game changer. They offered 2rs/min packages. To meet that competition, Mobitel introduced Upahara and Dialog introduced Persecond Blaster. Thats how call charges came down over the years.


There were certain things that were only available in Colombo and among rich kids those days. I had a bunch of friends who played Pokemon, read Goosebumps and Archie Comics around 99-2000. Those were available at only a few places. Btw, I guess those Pokemon cards are very valuable now if they still have them.


We had a PC back then. Pentium 4. With 256 MB RAM. It was a big deal back then. I remember, my brother increased the RAM and added VGA card (an Nvidia) with a memory of 256 MB and we used to play San Andreas. Good times.


Well now that tech is basically everywhere i cant even imagine how life was like - it was fun and kind of wacky but we all had those “wennà posh” kids with toys from their parents cash Before iphones - it was the Nokia N series - the richest had stuff like the n90 while others did ok with n70/ 82 etc.. and the lowest rung did ok with xpressmusic …before that phones were like something parents used so it wasn’t all hip Before that it was the Playstation era .. ps3 - esp the spiderman series … some lucky bugger with a psp or 3ds made headlines … Before that - its really hard to point out - i think even internet was a flex at one point and even a printer at home was so so fancy … Also saw some guys saying mc d’s ,kfc and fast food - yup… even going to MC was a mega flex Of course - nothing beats the card pack like going abroad during “vacation”


Alcatel or sony ericsson Nokia Book with bookmarks and big movie posters