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Don’t worry, when they jack up their prices so high that people stop coming, they’ll lower it and start advertising promotions to lure you back in only to increase prices again. It’s a never ending cycle.


They have never once lowered their prices.


Idk if they would do that though, they’re obviously increasing prices because of wage increases and other factors and it’s not like those things will decrease at some point. I have noticed they’ve been doing more of the BOGOs and advertising the brand in general more but idk


They're increasing prices because they're greedy. It has nothng to do with wage increases which the employees have been overdue for for years.


Real wages have not increased in 40 years! Hell yeah we’re overdue


I have been there about a year and a half. I’ve seen the price raised almost every launch of a new product, if not every single launch (about 7-8 of them), by 20 or 30 cents for this or that. My wage has gone up twice in that time, totaling $1/hr, and presumably won’t go up again until January after probably like 4-5 more launches this year, and I’d guess by <$1/hr. Sure that’s anecdotal evidence, so not perfect, and I’m sure cost of supplies does factor into things. But I promise you it’s not like the price of a drink has gone up $2 in 2 years because *so* much money is spent on labor and it’s the only way to keep the lights on lol and definitely not from the company that keeps finding their name in headlines next to “labor law violations” 😂 Big companies do have to pay for new ingredients, and maybe $1/hr/yr/person below a certain level and bonuses above that level, and to keep the lights on, but there’s less noticeable ways to cut corners on all of those. They’re also obligated to big money shareholders to show big profits, and the easiest way to do that is to just make your drink $2 more in a year but keep paying everyone the same. Well, everyone below a certain level


Oh no I get that! I’m not justifying the price increases due to wage increases. But I think that’s how SB justifies it. I get that it’s just greed and that’s why I don’t see them lowering prices ever like the person above me said


Wage increases, lmfao you’re hilarious


Did or didn’t the wage just go up on April 1st for all California food service workers? I’ll wait lol


You know ,,, Starbucks doesn’t just exist in California and the world does not revolve around one area right? Lmfao , it’s pretty common knowledge that Starbucks doesn’t give wage increases easily (at least in my neck of the woods :p ) these prices are increasing because of greed, you’ve got some real delusions if you think the majority of baristas are actually seeing or going to see a single cent of these up charges


Please explain lol


California is one state raising its wage for all food workers. It’s not Starbucks as a company raising its wage for all of their employees


And even if Starbucks does raise the wage for those workers, they will likely fight to only give them the minimum wage increase / workers who started above




Don’t know why you’re getting downloaded so much. Because the statement that you made is just a part of life.


Because it is incorrect. Prices increase every year (I think even every quarter) regardless of whether or not our wages increase.


The past couple years they increase certain types of drinks during a launch. This increase was masked as a way to supplement wages and I guess was across the board. Its ridiculous what corporations get away with


My normal venti earl gray tea just broke $4 at my local store. I’ve disconnected the app from auto refilling my balance. Starbucks can no longer be a normal thing for me at those prices.


Hot water and two teabags for four dollars??? They rly are delusional.


*filtered water


For brewed tea?!


I buy my own tea bags and then stop and ask for a double cupped venti hot water, and pour up my own tea. It’s free, and 25 cent at licensed stores


This is like one of the only drinks we have that would taste the exact same if you made it at home. I’m talking about just tea bags and hot water. For the cost of one tea you can buy at least a box in the store. Even the Starbucks brand.


Yeah I’ve upped my home tea game.


As a barista, I don't blame you, Starbucks is ridiculously expensive & not stopping from raising their prices. They pretty much charge you for anything extra and even those stuff are expensive.


Is it true they charge a customization fee? Like not including the add ons and substitutions, literally a charge for the barista to customize the drink




I’ve never seen a customization fee but I wouldn’t be surprised given all their price increases


...it'll come after they read this...😔


I recommend making your own cold brew. 1 part course coffee of your choice to 4 parts water & a pinch of salt, let sit 15-20 hours on the counter then strain & boom, you’re done. Combine with equal parts water & dress up as you like, better than Starbucks cold brew for cheaper.


To add to this, making vanilla syrup is also very easy. One cup sugar, and one cup water, boil (make sure to watch it like a hawk too, trust me), let cool, add 1 tsp of vanilla, real or fake. Put in bottle (I reuse a vanilla syrup bottle from the grocery store). I like to do 2/3 cup sugar and 1/3 cup monk fruit/erythritol personally. Don’t do 100% monk fruit though it won’t come out right.


If you work at Target you can also just ask the baristas to give you a bottle every now and then


i liked to line my cup with honey and add almond/cinnamon on top. easy, cheap, pain free.


I hear you on that also why are they still charging 80 cents for alternative milk they buy at cost.


it’s 80 cents now? i swear it used to be 60, it’s been 70 for a while now, wtf man


??? i have no idea why everyone is being so negative. this subreddit has never been purely for baristas only, it’s for talking/ranting about starbucks related problems, most problems that “baristas on this subreddit” can’t solve anyway, whether it’s a barista or customer problem. anyway, as most sbux baristas should be, i’m happy that you’re saving your money. it may not be the exact same, but try looking for a local coffee spot for your caffeine fix! your money will be much better spent there


I agree with you. This is the perfect place for this rant.


Cheers. Sadly, $bux is really the only spot nearby that doesn’t cut into work time. I’m just going to get my fix at home from here on. These price hikes over this short of an amount of time are insane.


oh cool! are you going to stick with cold brew or are ya looking to mix it up?


Probably mix it up or go macha green tea route. Less jittery + inflammation for me. The nitro cold brew was more of a nostalgia drink from the struggle days of working on music with my buddy


Make some matcha at home with oatmilk (or milk of your choice) and add a little vanilla (if you want). You can make your own cold foam too! What You Will Need Milk, Half and Half, Heavy Cream/Heavy Whipping Cream or your choice of dairy-free creamer (or coconut milk): if you are dairy-free I love using this carton of coconut milk from Thai Kitchen! Milk froths better when it has a higher fat content so if you are using milk a whole milk would be your best option and for dairy-free I would use a dairy-free cream or this carton of coconut milk works great! If you NOT allergic or sensitive to milk then the best milk that I would recommend would be the heavy cream or whole milk (the more fat the better it works so skim milk will be the least successful of your regular milk products). Hand Frother: this option uses a handheld milk frother like this one! Very inexpensive and easy to use! French Press: this might actually be one of my favorite methods! Here is one similar to the one I used! Milk Frother: here is the milk frother I have been using for a couple years now. They are more expensive, but if you use it every day instead of buying a coffee shop coffee….I think they are worth it! Blender or Mason Jar: these are two other ways you can make cold foam at home. (optional) Sweetener: maple syrup, vanilla syrup, honey, etc. all create a sweeter flavor Link: https://thewoodenskillet.com/how-to-make-cold-foam/


Thank you for your recommendation, can’t wait to try this out 🙏


Vsccb is the easiest to make at home.


Can’t wait to try this out with an at-home London Fog.


I loveeee London fogs! At my grocery store they sell the Tazo London Fog that you can just mix equal parts with hot or cold milk! So good!


Ooh, and here I was going to go the hard route! Is their chai any good? I LOVE Starbucks chai.


Yes!! My fiance drinks the tazo chai every morning!


You know we used to make just COLD FOAM with NON FAT milk right? No flavor just frothy NONFAT milk...




Not sure if it matters to you but the cold brew and the nitro are the same coffee out of the same keg. Nitro is always 1 dollar more than plain cold brew so if you still wanted one that's slightly different you could probably get a vanilla sweet cream cold brew at your location that's 1 dollar cheaper than the nitro version. I know the smooth texture of the nitro is really nice but other than that it's the same exact coffee with the same exact caffeine and flavor profile.


i also highly recommend home made blonde cold brew, or any roast you like really. its soooo smooth and you can try whatever brand/roast you like and i used to like doing it cause i could prep it the day before and not have to make it the morning i was in a rush. good luck to you on your home caffeine fix adventure! (also if you like foam invest in one of those little hand foamers!)


My favorite drinks all went up $1. I have some gift cards to use up, then I’m done too. Fortunately I have choices.


The cold brew in the grocery store drink section near milk and juices is really decent although not nitro


Prices are the exact same if not more expensive honestly. Quality is a gamble. Sometimes it’s better than sbux. A lot of the times it’s worse.


literally, r/starbucksbaristas is right there for the folks who can’t be bothered to hear opinions from customers


Here's a sneak peek of /r/starbucksbaristas using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/starbucksbaristas/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [my coworker put this sign up on his last day 😭](https://i.redd.it/bud0t14ldsbb1.jpg) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/starbucksbaristas/comments/14yuh5g/my_coworker_put_this_sign_up_on_his_last_day/) \#2: [starbucks employees when they have to do their job](https://np.reddit.com/r/starbucksbaristas/comments/13df0h7/starbucks_employees_when_they_have_to_do_their_job/) \#3: [But my friend would have drank it 🙄](https://np.reddit.com/r/starbucksbaristas/comments/12qyha4/but_my_friend_would_have_drank_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If your goal is your caffeine fix and want the most cost efficient way, it's caffeine pills. Can get like 120 of em on amazon for like 7 bucks at 200mg a piece. I think most people are craving the sugar, not the caffeine in reality.


Make the sub private then.


At my go-to Starbucks…I got a trenta vanilla sweet cream cold brew for $5.45 last month on 21th. Just a few days ago, wanted to order gain and found out the price went up to $6.45…a $1.00 increase is drastic…I guess at least your Starbucks is increasing their price gradually 😂😂😂😂 not like mine, a huge price bump…but yes, I’m done with Starbucks too.


idk why everyone’s being so rude, as a barista that’s an absurd price for mid coffee and i hope you can find a good alternative that’s more affordable. i wouldn’t drink starbucks if i didn’t get it for free lmao


cause whos got money like that??? i cringe when i tell people their total now 🥺


I’ve stopped asking people if they wanna tip if their single drink is more than like $5, it just feels icky


Former barista that used to work for Starbucks and a few other cafe’s here.. switched to Nespresso to save money a while back for this very reason. The quality of their coffee is better than most chain coffee shops. Aluminum capsules, not plastic. About .80 cents per espresso shot and if you breakdown the cost of making your own latte it’s around $2 per drink that’s far better quality. There is a reddit community you should check out just to get a better understanding. A lot of people get turned off by the idea of using capsules for coffee and think it’s less quality. Thats not true at all. Just depends on the flavor capsule and where the beans are sourced. Some of the best drinks I’ve had were made using Nespresso. Do I prefer a pulled espresso shot from a bar machine? Of course! lol but Nespresso is VERY close to it and more affordable in the long run if your not ready to invest in something like a breville machine. Really sucks to see Starbucks going this direction, I really enjoyed my time as a barista back in the day. It’s a shame they got so greedy.


Is there an alternative that doesn't involve supporting nestle


Ninja now has a machine that can brew espresso pods as well as regular ground coffee, and you can use any single serve espresso pods. I was gifted a Nespresso but have considered switching due to the Nestle affiliation as well as being able to use cheaper pods.


If you buy an original line Nespresso machine (and if you don’t want to buy from Nespresso you can usually find them on Facebook marketplace), you can buy the pods from third party companies like Peet’s. It’s just the vertuo line requires Nespresso brand pods.


Long time fan here never missed a day my usual just passed £5 GBP and I just can't do it daily anymore when Pret's coffee sub is only £30 a month for up to 5 coffees a day across there stores.


The subscription has increased in price a few times since it was introduced, but it's still good value for money. 20% off food is helpful as well!


This I joined when the first month off was half price at & £12.50, so £25, therefore I've only seen it go up one, as what yourself who joined when if was £20? When did it come out? Man Starbucks really needs a sub.


It was £20 when it launched in 2020. I don't know where the time has gone, but here I am four years later still using the subscription. If it increases again it may not be worth me keeping it, but it's so helpful to have.


I'm waiting to see if it ever gets deflated... It works for me in any case since I live right across from Pret.


As a Barista I think it's an absolute joke.. Starbucks has turned into fast food in the past 10 years so it shocks me that they have the gall to jack the prices up again, pick one... High prices good service, or low prices and fast service but low quality food and drink, not both. The quality and portions of drinks, syrups, foods continue to decrease as prices increase.. Management's touts it as a response to economic destability however it's clear as day it's all about money, too many people are willing to spend as much money as possible on Starbucks sadly, so prices will continue to increase. It's disturbing.


You can charge as much as you want, protest, boycott, the line isn’t getting any shorter. Show me the location where they aren’t getting wrecked at peak.


Like the closed ones?


Some of yall are so nasty and have clearly lost the plot. I support you OP. The price hikes are too much and the quality is mediocre at best. I hope you’re able to find a good and affordable alternative


I feel you. The venti iced white mocha I like is approaching $7. Frankly it’s ridiculous. I had to stop going, $7 is too much for any one non alcoholic drink


They raise their prices literally every time a new season rolls out.


I’ve started going to Dunkin. It’s a little more out of the way but the quality of Starbucks has gone down while the prices keep increasing. Dunkin has many of the same issues but I’ve consistently liked their coffee more and I still spend less


Dunkin used to be the affordable option, now it’s priced like Starbucks used to be and Starbucks has just lost its ever-loving mind. Dunkin is increasing constantly still though…


Dunkin lattes are like the same price as Starbucks'. I honestly just get the Dunkin iced coffee instead. It tastes pretty similar to a latte to me.


i’m glad you pointed out the quality decrease at starbucks. putting aside the shrinkflation, their blonde roast doesn’t taste like it used to, neither does the cold brew. and it doesn’t simply boil down to location because i’ve noticed the same trend at multiple locations, the coffee itself just tastes stale. it’s not a justifiable indulgence and it hasn’t been for a while now.


Even though I can afford it, it just makes me feel like an idiot to pay $7 for a cup of coffee.


I remember when Starbucks always had free samples of everything-and if you wanted to try something, they would make it and give you a sample then ask everyone if they wanted to try it too. And the baristas loved to do this for you. Now it is sooooo very expensive. I only go maybe 2x per month for just a few items. I go for the thing I don’t think I can make from home because I don’t have the machine or the materials. My loves are: the Brown Sugar Oatmilk shaken Espresso, and the Caramel Brûlée Latte. Occasionally a green tea frappuccino or when I am on the road- a large iced, extra ice, half-sweet, sweet cream cold brew (not nitro).


Ive started to make my own “copycat” drinks at home, starbucks isnt good enough to be worth the money anymore


A venti matcha is now over $7 when i change the milk because im lactose 😭


honestly i get embarrassed on register telling people their total. when they have a visceral reaction i agree with them and just apologize LMFAO


We buy 6 bags of beans each month and I just brew my coffee at home and take it work in a thermos. Yes it does taste better from the store literally 1 block away from my job. But definitely not paying these prices. Also 9/10 times I go to that location they substitute dark roast when I specifically ask for Pike. I sip before leaving and when I tell them I think they gave me dark instead of Pike, they never object because they know it's true. They are just counting on the customer to be a mile down the road before they realize it. Can any barristers confirm if this is policy? It's happened to me at other locations too.


It would literally be more effort to give you dark instead of Pike. What's more likely is the brewer hasn't been cleaned and so the coffee tastes bad.


Then why does the cup they give second is always Pike? I don't think it's effort. It's cost saving. Not as many people order dark roast so they substitute to get rid of it.


You're getting the end of one pot and the start of another? We literally do not get paid enough to do waste saving measures. Nobody I have ever worked with has cared how much coffee is wasted.


Good to know but I just don't understand then. This was happening to me often at various locations on and off for a couple of years and I didn't understand why the coffee tasted so bad. Then one time I was getting coffee with my husband and he always orders dark. Then I realized after tasting his, they were giving me dark. So then I started doing the sip before I left and getting it replaced and every time they replace it it's pike. I noticed that never happened when I'm getting coffee when I travel to NYC. But it happens at a couple of locations in my area where I live.


why would this be policy? what would the store or company benefit from by giving you dark instead of pike? im not saying youre wrong but i am saying its common when a customer insists i poured them the wrong coffee so i turn around and grab them a cup of the same exact coffee i had just given them and then suddenly its the "correct" coffee. other explanation is that they spaced out and poured wrong coffee but pike is our "best seller" and our default so idk why someone would intentionally give you dark, its just a waste.


My assumption has been that they need to get rid of the dark because the Pike is more popular. I think they have to make a new pot on a certain schedule then anything extra they would have to throw out. So I thought maybe the managers are just trying not to waste coffee because that affects the store profits.


the logic does check out except that coffee is probably our cheapest product and we dump it all the time with no issues. theres really no incentive to use it at the expense of upsetting customers and customers, like yourself, can definitely tell what roast we pour them. but we do use the same brewers constantly so it could be youre getting an unintentionally mixed roast or someone forgot to change the label on the pot. either way, its not worth giving customers something they dont want just to avoid a "waste"


uh ohhh some of you are not inspiring and nurturing the human spirit one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time 🤭


No, they’re exploring the limitless possibilities of human connection, one cup, community, neighborhood at a time.


ah shit youre right im stuck in the old school ways *some of you baristas* are certainly not exploring the limitless possibilities of human connection, one cup, community and neighborhood at a time 😔 doesnt hit the same


What’s it called when a useless suit makes a useless decision that changes nothing, and yet somehow makes things worse, just to make it appear as if they are doing something or making a decision? That’s what this was.


thats howard in a nutshell 😂


Once I started making at home cold brew and my husband bought a Mr.coffee barista we almost never go to Starbucks anymore.


Is this in Cali? Just curious if the price increase is general Starbucks or because of the minimum wage increases.


sb raises their prices every promotion, this has nothing to do with min wage increase


Truly bad management.


It's crazy. We went to a different starbucks and they charged us $7.45 for as venti iced latte. Same drink by our house is a $ cheaper. Getting to the point where you can almost get a meal for the cost of one drink lol. Does this coffee cure cancer? We just bought a cold brew kit on Amazon and our first batch turned out amazing... would highly recommend if you drink predominantly cold brews like me.


Yup, I thankfully severed ties with the company back in July and have been frequenting my local cafe instead. Coffee is just about the same price but still about a dollar cheaper and of the same great quality. Plus I know the income there is kept locally and not shoveled off to some nameless jerkwad halfway across the world.


My venti VSCCB is 5.25


Worked there for 3 years, continued my bad habit of getting coffee there for another year. This April was my breaking point too. Just bought a Mr. Coffee. Did the math and I’ll make my money back in a month!


I feel you, I need to start buying my iced tea at home. I'm gonna have to stock up at Target since that's the only place the Tazo Iced Tea exists


i bought an automatic espresso machine and it’s been a game changer. honestly i’ve had it for like 6 months and it’s already paid for itself with how much money i’ve saved for not going to starbucks 😂 highly recommend making coffee at home


Blud that’s just capitalism and the economy, everywhere does it it’s just a sad reality


Ok.. Mostly baristas here we can’t do nothing for you, just glad you didn’t yell at a poor employee..(I hope) Complain to corporate. You also don’t need to announce your departure to a subreddit, if you don’t wanna buy it then don’t buy it that’s your choice but you don’t need to announce it to the world. If you’re in California btw all prices there went up a bit due to the $20 minimum wage for fast food workers.


If you’re in California prices went up because of instead of paying a living wage from their billions in profits, they’re putting that cost on the consumer.


Thisss!!! Starbucks is a multi billion dollar company, they can afford to price their product fairly, pay their employees well AND earn a profit


guys, don't tell this guy about the price of gas, he's going walk his shoes off he's so mad!


I mean, does this sort of corporate greed not infuriate you as well? Our wages stay the same while board members rake in record profits. The slice of reprieve of getting a coffee before heading back to work is no longer worth it. Of course I’d want to vent about this - the price hikes of over a dollar have never been this condensed in time in the 15+ years I’ve been going to Starbucks


yes.... most of us who work for this company can't afford to drink starbucks when we're not getting it for free, we also can't afford to eat out, or take time off, or afford to use the insurance that we pay for. but we get that you're upset that the price on luxury coffee has gone up 4%, we just have a hard time sympathizing when we're trying to swing our bills and deal with people who are upset at things beyond our control.


Yo, we’re all in the same boat here. This is nearly a 20% price hike in a period of 5 months.


Shouldn’t you be more upset that the corporate greed that aren’t paying its workers adequately rather than attacking a fellow working class redditor? I think ur angry at the wrong person here


i think everyone downvoting is angry at the wrong person. Someone mad at the prices of our coffee should be patted on the back? then someone says we can't afford our bills so it's hard to empathize and it's hated. ha. customers upset we cost too much? Been told that since 1998 when I started with the company. Back then we were paid under 7 bucks an hour, but we COULD afford rent, and food and a car and our benefits were 50 bucks a paycheck and 5 dollars copay. So yes, it's shitty they can't afford their coffee. But we can't afford food and fuel and our homes. we have to struggle to get hours and deal with cuts and shitty olive oil drinks being pushed on us to MAKE a CONNECTION with.. so sure, downvote me because I'm not sad someone can't get their 8 dollar drink everyday while I'm working next to you saying it's bigger than all this.


Literally no one should be spending their money on coffee everyday! Normalize making it at home and treating yourself to it once a week or something. Just my opinion


Where did you read the everyday bit?


honestly im glad customers are coming on here to speak openly about how they feel bc theres always upper management ppl lurking and public opinion DOES matter so idk why some of my fellow baristas are being so flippant towards you. as far as i know, this is a sub where customers and baristas both can come to vent/complain/tell stories/be excited. hope youre able to find a good at home coffee solution and save some money!


I don't think it was a shot at you they're just saying it's too much money to spend for coffee and some people just buy it everyday


Relax lol. I was making a general statement, not attacking you. I am however assuming you buy coffee from Starbucks quite frequently otherwise I don’t see why the price increase would be so upsetting (if it was just a once in a while thing). No shame in that, I used to get it everyday too and then I realized how much money I spent on outside food and invested in a nespresso.


See you tomorrow morning!


Literally, if I had a damn nickel for every person saying they’re quitting cause of prices.


Nah, you’ll be back.


Who compares though , Peets??? Dunkin?




Literally nothing in this post implied it was the baristas faults, and this is the Starbucks sub.


Bro what💀


i actually do give a fuck bc i have the ability to empathize with people. starbucks makes an insane amount of money and they fuck over both the workers and the customers for profit. corporate greed affects us all




i mean you’re right, it’s not a need, but damn it’s sad that nice things are becoming even less accessible to poor people


If you’re in California, you can thank the $20/hour fast food minimum wage law that went into effect April 1st.


I see you also got downvoted for speaking truths. Man, people in CA are determined to be stupid.




Sounds like you geniuses on Reddit are upset your plans didn't work... like some of us told you it wouldn't . You don't raise the floor. You lower the ceiling.


$20/hr min wage in CA. Starbucks staff unionizing. This was to be expected. I stopped going when my goto drink continued to be priced at $6.66...