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I love that you called her out.


This is the way


One day, was withdrawing from my Vyvanse because stupid national shortage, a teenager ordered from passenger seat and our grounds crew was blowing god knows what around. Asked her to repeat 3x had them confirm on the screen…pull up and ofc complain it was supposed to be a venti. I rudely said “that’s why I was asking the driver to order because we can’t hear you.” The driver (mom) was totally on board with me and told her daughter the “wrong” size was fine. Go, mom.


Can definitely relate to the Vyvanse shortage 😭😭😭


it’s so bad , luckily the pharmacist and me are friendly, and he calls me the second it comes back in stock to refill it 🥹


Thankfully I only experienced it in March but only for a week. I bought hoards of cases of caffeine from amazon hoping it would work. It did not 😭😅🙈🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


God I miss taking Vyvanse. Adderall XR is just not the same


Ah man I’m the opposite! Although withdrawing from adderall I was never moody like this on Vyvanse.


The comedown from vyvanse hit harder than adderall for sure, but the difference when it’s working is such a stark difference for me. I feel like a fully functional human on vyvanse while I feel like adderall only helped with a few of my symptoms. Like a vyvanse lite 💀


Children shouldn’t be allowed to order by themselves until trained properly by a coherent adult or they’re over 18 so I can happily clap back.


If the teen was already acting like that, cussing in front of her mom and being a brat, we can make a safe bet that mom ain’t much better 🫤 She sadly probably saw this behavior from one of her parents growing up (if the other parent was also in her life). My mom would’ve beat my ass if I dared to act that way!


All facts!


I'd go as far to say children shouldn't be allowed to consume starbucks. It's an ass load of sugar and most things contain caffeine. Yes parents refreshers are ALL caffeinated.




Expect a complaint to come in “your employees were mean to my daughter”


If they’re 18+ it’s not going to matter. Your adult of a child should know how to speak to people.


I stopped a vigorous make out sesh during a closing rush in our drive through by letting the customers know we had a camera once Edit: spelling


That's... Gross 😑 I understand loving your partner, but I feel like people should act as if everyone doesn't want to see your physical intimacy in public, and you should pretend like every drive thru has a camera cause I believe most do. A peck, fine and let's get the order done pls


One time when I was in DTO, I had a couple pull into the drive thru and I could hear the girl giggling and saying “no wait, stooopp.” Mind you, I was semi distracted by trying to get the order in the window prepped for handout, but I snapped my head back at the screen and I could see in the camera that the boyfriend or husband was trying to get her to put her hand in his crotch. So I immediately turned on the call and said to them, “PLEASE stop it.” They both stopped cold in their tracks and the guy said, “you can SEE us?” I responded with, “YES, me and everyone here can see you and your passenger, please stop doing this in our line, order when you’re ready, or pull out if you need time for yourselves.” See, now I knew I sounded rude, but I was on my period, I was already in a bad mood, and I’m not gonna watch y’all get into your nasty business while I’m working and being forced to see and hear you. HAVE SOME FUCKING DECENCY AND GET A ROOM. When they pulled into the window, I refused to hand anything to them. I put it all in the venti ice scoop and handed their drinks to them because I didn’t trust their hygiene to say the least and wiped down the pad after they were done paying. Yeah custies, we CAN see you. Leave your funny business at home or you’re looking at a one way ticket from being banned from your local store.


You're not rude. Don't let Karens on here gaslight you!


Custies? More like CRUSTIES


Also we can still hear you when you finish ordering. We've got a new hire who's taking a bit long to learn the register. We were having her practice taking orders while we were slow and after taking this persons order they proceeded to talk mad shit to the other person in the car about how she must be *slow*


I only downvoted cause that’s just frikin sad😪


Only👏driver's👏seat👏should👏order👏!!!!! (Barring extreme rare circumstances.) Thank you.


Honestly- it's not that hard to repeat what someone next to you says to the speaker box. I'd rather hear "a white mo- ...a what? A white mocha" then ask someone a million times before I finally understand or the driver gets so annoyed that they rudely yell it at me. Then we're both gonna have an attitude at the window :3


I'm in drive thru a lot and it's frustrating when they do this it happens multiple times on my shift and when I try to verify people get so irritated with me. I'm trying to get there $9 drink right but they get so irritated! So, now when they get irritated I simply get my sassy nice voice going. 😂


Or if the screen momentarily bugs out...WW3! The screaming!! Reeeeee!!!!


Yeaaaasss I'm like I'm sorry to inconvenience you for 27 seconds it's gonna be okay.


I thought this was common knowledge that you guys could see us given the camera lens off to the side of the screen. 💀


a guy once did a strangling motion at the box over me repeating back a long drink he got


i’m super monotone and i don’t always (usually let’s be fr) hide it at work and i’ve had many a customer mock me or something as they finish ordering and think i can’t hear them


Call them out.


We had a guy come through the drive thru and try to order an ice cream cone (we are right next to a McDonald’s so sometimes people get confused) and then when told that we don’t sell ice cream, he threw trash out of his window into our drive thru and my shift immediately said “we have garbage cans out front if you would like to throw your trash out there” he immediately tried acting confused as to what she was talking about to cover it up and then left


Even these young ones do too much like…….n don’t get me started on the OLDER guests.


reminds me of when this one girl was ordering while straddling the driver


One of my favorite lines on DTO: "Sorry, I can't hear the passenger."


I believe adults should be able to clap back on children. Especially today’s children. IDGAF.


The amount of times I have to say "we can see you" while a couple is violently making out or trying to do something worse is insane... At least once a month. when will they learn😭


bruh we have one couple were the girl leans over the guy driver to order and he starts kissing on her real weird and we've told them multiple times that we can see them but they DONT STOP?!?


I’ve never had a teen get angry at me, but so many kids talk so damn quietly I can barely hear them. Even though they’re a foot from me. It’s so frustrating


I’ve always wondered why fast food restaurants haven’t learnt to put those touch screen self ordering machines in drive throughs. Like what they have inside the Panera’s and crumble. Would make a lot of sense


It would quite literally ruin the company’s goal of quick service. Good in theory horrible if executed.


Sure...let's have everyone who already are inept at entering anything on those reach out of their CARS to do that! Speed complaints will abound...makes no sense whatsoever!


I just ask if the passengers can relay their orders to the driver since I cannot hear them.


I’m at an older drive thru, so we don’t have a camera and I am so thankful after reading this thread.


Wtf is a green bean? A beener?