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There’s going to be so many wrong foams and cross contamination galore. That’s my opinion on it


this.. it hurts my head even thinking about it


I really hope that the nondairy stuff have different canisters or something to differentiate because I'm really sensitive when it comes to oat milk and I don't want to seem like a karen when I make sure they don't give that to me.


Don’t worry, it’ll all be blended in the same blender at some point. I guarantee it sadly.


Yes, just a warning. If it is not just mixed in a cup ( and sometimes even then). I'm a little nervous for you...


In the past whip creams were distinguished by colored bands that were wrapped around the canisters. I haven’t looked to see if they said anything about using that method or a different one. Different canisters would definitely be preferable.


yup, nondairy whips are getting a labeled colored band!


When we had marshmallow whip we had these big rubber band things, maybe they'll give us something like that?




As the complexity of any operation increases the probability of quality control failures and process errors increases at the same rate, even for experienced subject matter experts with perfectly functioning equipment.


I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been a partner for over 10 years and have always been fast, accurate, and organized on bar. I can barely keep up these days when every single drink has 6 modifiers or more.


Especially when they are staffing skeleton crews while driving for more results. I'm already at my absolute limit of work I can accomplish in the time given, and it's already not enough. I wish people understood this about their five million customization drinks too, like we are still expected to make ur drink in 30 seconds but you have six different syrups all with different pump numbers, and two cold foams, I *promise* you it will be messed up half the time even by very experienced baristas especially if you go during a rush.


That sums it up!!


More shit to do, no extra staffing or pay. Something needs to be removed before the menu gets that much more complex. MCCF and CRCF need to go away, or at least make their builds standard (no WC on bottom).


That just makes the mccf a Java chip frap and then they can’t charge a premium for it


The first iterations of these fraps (2013/2014?) didn’t have wc on the bottoms. It was a Java chip frap with cookie crumbles. That’s it. Wc fucking everywhere and layering drinks was a 2015-2016 bullshit invention that made everything more difficult lol


But the Java chip doesn’t get the cookie crumbles


always hated those two frappuncinos holy crap




No absolutely not as a barista I love those because of the whip on the bottom😢 ngl I love making them too. I’m a speed demon on cold bar and they look like a work of art too


I like hot bar. It was sold out for all the cold bar crap.


I know they're good but I have nightmares about them! Especially 4-6 at a time...


They are premade


Seems like another pain in the ass especially with more work to do, plus during rushes or in general there will be a lot of slip ups and cross contamination / wrong whips being used for drinks. I'm sure it'll be great for customers, but starbucks does just only care about money without compensating their workers more.


same with the almond milk getting put in the same box as oat milk, they are just begging for cross contamination and incorrect drinks being made


wdym the same box?


The dream brand I think they’re very very similar boxes . You can find it in this sub somehwere


We got new almond milk literally the exact same boxes as oat it just says almond where the other says oat. Looking at them quickly, you can’t tell a difference


Before anyone comes for us (inevitably) I'm not lazy, I just don't want to be responsible for making someone sick!


Considering everyone was always mixing up the caramel and apple drizzle, I can only see this going wrong


I’m just like ahhhhhhhh made my manager spend 150 on three new whip canisters just so we could have designated ones bc we already don’t have enough whip canisters for the regular whip


More work for us with no compensation as usual, more drinks, more recipes, more components, more bogos and 50% off but no compensation. They’re just running the baristas and themselves to the ground.


Rather than realizing sales dropped because prices surged … its a real shame.


I think they're also adding all these new novelties because they're desperately trying to combat the boycott


There will be a new price increase for the release coming up… and for the July release No increase


Oh great can't wait to be blamed for the price hike! Or listen to political drivel!


I don’t have any room more anything else in my little kiosk


this, we barely have room for the new summer berry base since it’s so popular at my store. we have to prep multiple pitchers and we’ve been struggling with finding room for those and now there’s more??


We have a whole 7L cube for that at my store😂


honestly that’s what we’re probably gonna have to start doing, im gonna recommend that tmrw


My manager won't let us use cubes


We have those for lemonade, refreshers, ice coffee, cold brew and now for super berry and we love them…


PLEASE this has been driving me mad. the physical store and the organization units within were not built with the intention of adding new permanent ingredients every month, shit is just becoming more and more obstacles to spill things on


Literally same! My manager is fuming lmao


All these menu changes, I'm not working any faster, they better give us more staffing 🫠


i read this as nonbinary heavy cream and i believed it for a sec pmsl


Wasting money on ALL these new customization and add-ons but refused to spend more money on labours 


Or more money on remodeling to create more space for all these new drinks-


Less room for a third space, what Starbucks SHOULD be about!


i’m dreading it bc we already have such limited space & so many dumb drink combos. but it is nice for customers that can’t have dairy & still want foam or whip


Can they take something away already? Still waiting on combined tea bags too. I think they forget that once we mention an ingredient one time publicly, all stores get asked about it years after it gets discontinued, ad nauseum Edit: I am happy we are offering more options for customers and partners who want to avoid dairy. I just feel like this is a plate they added on a stack already wobbling near the ceiling is all.


The combined tea bag is like the first thing listed in the summer 2 update


Oh SHIT, about time. Thanks. I'll believe it when it actually arrives lol (see: every other launch in sbux history)


We just received ours and honestly it’s good it’s prepped the same way it’s just that one tea you need to make honey citrus tea/ medicine ball


Oooh, I can only imagine the amount of cross contaminations and wrong whips being put onto drinks because I’m assuming that the non-dairy whips are gonna go into the same regular whip canisters Starbucks already uses, right? And Summer is about to be an absolute nightmare for every single person working at a Starbucks across the US. I can already see the insane back up on cold bar with the absolute insane volume of Frappuccinos and refreshers that baristas have to make. And with all of the stupid deals in the app, I’m sure the summer turnover rate is gonna skyrocket.


at least the sweet cream comes premade..


Thank the heavens for that


i’m allergic to oatmilk so i hope the wc canisters are labeled correctly


Honestly if I were you I'd be worried. They'll be labeled, yes, but baristas are pushed so hard to be so fast, and things get more and more complex every launch while also getting staffing cuts and deals that double work for them, that they will inevitably eventually make a mistake.


The canisters are ok, but staffing/safety protocols are scary because of corporate greed.


i’m excited to try em…not so much to make em


I love how the company constantly lies about making things easier while always doing the opposite. Starbucks is peak corporate gaslighting.


more work for us with no compensation, yes, but i am excited for more nondairy options. always sad to make a customer frown when they cant have whip with their drink :(


It's nice for customers to have options. Looking for another job now as a partner, though. This was the sign I was looking for to leave. We can't do the new stuff with the skeleton crews.


We are a high af volume store and maxed out with storage capacity! Just got a remodel too. No where to add an extra fridge for the space!


Honestly I have a feeling that it won't be very popular, as the last time they tried some sort of non-dairy "foam" (I cannot remember the actual name for the drink but it was a cinnamon cold brew with almond milk). But I feel the reason why so many people like the VSC is that it's essentially ice cream that they can customize and put on coffee. But I do agree with the others on this post. If you're going to add, there needs to be something taken away. Because holy shit the menu is just too damn big at this point.


People just want a pitcher of the cream. We aren't even a coffee place anymore...


Im already struggling enough to remember everything on bar! Plus we barely have enough room for sweet creams and whips and now we're supposed to magically have room for additional kinds of sweet creams and whips?? Are they gonna give us extra time or labor to be able to prep all that?




Considering yesterday we ran out of regular whips and couldn't prep any until we absolutely had to in gonna go out on a limb and say no


cross-contamination and increased backups to make aside, im not excited for another step in the ordering process. it's like pulling teeth just trying to get someone to tell me if their drink is hot or iced and now im imagining the burden of having to specify dairy or nondairy whip too 🥴


Or they won't tell us and ASSume they got it!


Was it mentioned in a weekly update?


June monthly update + summer 2 launch


Can somebody post a recipe for that


I’m lactose intolerant and there’s a lot of stuff that I need to sub if I want to try and it doesn’t taste the same, so I get it. *However* I think it’s gonna be impossible to have non diary exclusive containers so def cross contamination will happen u.u


i can see alot of cross contamination happening 🫠


We're becoming the Sonic Drive thru of cold foam/drink combos, and it's ridiculous.


They’re genuinely trippin so hard. They’re panicking from losing money but their solution is just to create every drink imaginable and tf with the food and drink combos???? Trying to cater to people trying to save money. Give it a season they’ll increase those prices too


Yup they should just be a freaking coffee shop. That worked for how long?? When did this fuckery with other drinks start?


STAAAAAHHHHPPPP IIIIIITTTTT... What?! 😭😭😭 We just got the summer berry crazy with bursting pearl balls and now we got what?! 😭😭😭


yeah it’s crazy. we’re getting a new nondairy frap and i think it was a cold brew or something with a nondairy cold foam 🤷‍♀️


just what the menu needs... more shut never uncomplicate the menu, only oleato lavender spice raspberry pearl ball it...


I will never understand how Barnes and noble is better with the allergies and non dairies by having separate blenders and steaming pitchers but starbucks doesn't. It's all an act to get your money on the guise they care


Because they'd have to slow down production or staff extra to give people time to be careful, and they'd rather do literally anything else than that, giant corporations are more evil than medium sized ones I guess. 


The whole premise of the company, it seems...


Where the fuck is the room for all this new stiff


I can’t wait for my store to not order new equipment so we are constantly running out of both!


I wonder if ND whip will be free like dairy whip


I'm sorry, THE WHAT