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I’m so glad everyone is safe❤️ This is awful, any ideas as to why it happened?


No idea, one stores door is completely gone as far as we know nothing was stolen from any of the stores just 15 stores were shot at it’s terrifying


So you’re telling me that they won’t close the store after not only one but 15 stores were shot at?? You’re fucking joking. That’s obviously not a coincidence and should be more than enough reason to close🥲 I’m so sorry


Why are they supposed to close? And for how long do you want them to close for? Did this happen during business hours?


safety, ideally. people are crazy, they very well could have decided to come back and harm the baristas


If the store was closed and they wanted to harm people wouldn't they just wait for the store to re open? And for how long would be appropriate? How many of the employees can afford to take a week off of work? How long can the store afford to close for?


… you do realize that they would be paid if the store had to close right? Starbucks at the end of the day makes billions, god forbid they offer emergency pay to a few employees. They technically should not be working until the door is fixed because that’s a safety concern right there


Not true, actually. My store had to close for a month and a half and we weren't given any closure pay, just forced to go on leave or transfer.


starbucks paying their workers? get a load of this guy


So they fix the glass and reopen. Probably takes less than a day. Don't know if the broken glass falls under CAT Pay.


Sweetheart, this company doesn't care whether their employees live or die, and clearly you have no compassion or empathy for food service workers. I'm sure at whatever job you have, you wouldn't come in if someone shot up the place. And you clearly don't understand the policies of corporate! It would probably take at least 3 days to even get a ticket submitted let alone fix. Please take your uncaring attitude elsewhere.


Ohhh yeah you got me figured out don't ya! Sorry that asking questions and stating facts has got you so triggered... If someone vandalized a window in the middle of the night, I'd get it fixed and get back to work...


I don’t know… Maybe until they can at least replace the door?…


Switch to DT only?


probably some idiot who saw a TikTok saying starbucks supports israel


Oh yay, protest violence with more violence. What intelligent people


Probably mean well but this sounds like a horrible take


they were being sarcastic


Well yes. you should be able to protest violence with violence but aim it somewhere with actual meaning not a random Starbucks lol.


Yeah that’s my plan I don’t think I’ll be going into work until it’s safe. And until I know and trust that’s it’s safe. The store with the door busted had to reopen earlier and I’m afraid for their safety as well especially becuase we all close late


Until its Safe? Nothing is going to change so what is the determining factor? Did this happen during business hours? LOL you guys just downvote and don't answer the question? Why exactly are they supposed to close? Because someone broke the window when you weren't there?


Dumbass is confused as to why people are downvoting his obvious bait Touch grass bro I’m sure you’re a treat at parties


I think it happened prior to opening the store.


Yep! They won’t close our store, we said we should close but corporate and district managers won’t listen


I’m not even joking when I say you should all band together and walk out. Force them to close until you feel it’s safe enough to return. No one should feel unsafe in their working environment. Corporate and the dms are a joke😭


That’s traumatizing!


Sorry but why would they close the store? Until when? Close all 15?


Until whoever shot it up is found??? It’s very clear that they were targeted for a reason. I wouldn’t feel safe going to work knowing that someone targeted the stores for some reason. Knowing that whoever did it is still out there


ah yes we found the “baristas should be forced to risk their safety so that i can have my coffee” douchebag! yes. close the stores, you can make your coffee at home or go elsewhere


Starbucks doesn't sell coffee, we sell white grape juice and frappuccinos. If you were a barista you'd know that, but in case you're actually that dumb I'm being sarcastic. I think every store should close down, or be unionized at minimum, so no you haven't found the "baristas should be forced to risk their safety so that I can have my coffee" but nice try cause I want all stores to burn down.


oh sorry i suppose working there for 6 and a half years i must have hallucinated all that coffee brewing and latte making, my bad. go fuck yourself you absolute twat


they're a leafs fan, it's not worth the argument


I'm not sure why they would close but one of the considerations that comes to mind is... Idk... maybe the fact that someone could've DIED? What a consideration.


Except that nobody has said whether or not this happened during Business Hours


Does that matter? If it happened to 15 Starbucks locations I think it's pretty obvious that it was a premeditated targeted offense with an unknown motive. Why would that not raise concern for you?


So what if they don't catch them! Guess they'll just close your entire district until the culprit is caught. Are you sure they're bullets or is it pellets? Starbucks "baristas" are so soft these days. lol.


Good god you should apply to be a DM Starbucks would love your sociopathy.


Omfg where is this at??? Are the 15 stores in the same location too??


I hope yall sue the shit out of them


Honestly tempted it doesn’t help that I have a really bad gut feeling right now


If I have learned anything, it’s to always, ALWAYS trust your gut. If you have a bad feeling, do not go in. Your safety is more important. To me it’s clear that the stores were targeted for a reason. Especially with how many were hit. I wouldn’t go back in until the person/people who did it is found


Yes, I think it was prob same feelin I had in a major city, corner office in a high rise on 9/11. I felt like a sitting duck.


They won’t close out store though


Could be political


what state are you located in? This is really scary. I’m so sorry they won’t close the stores. They do not care the way they claim to, and we all know that, but this paints a bad picture


This is in Florida sorry I didn’t answer I was sleeping lol some stores were hit in Orlando some outside of Orlando


Florida? Maybe shot up for the beginning of pride month..?


Either that or the pro israel conflict. So scary and sad


Did this happen to any of the locations in the Universal/Seaworld area?


Not sure


So it’s located in Florida and the 15 stores were around 30-45 minutes from each other there were some targeted in New York to


the palm trees, license plates, lack of front license plates and chaotic vibes makes me think florida


Your right lol 🤣


stay safe! 🤘🐊 i’m in NM and it’s florida energy but in the desert. people are crazy. i wouldn’t be surprised if someone went around in the middle of the night shooting for fun. my friend is a partner at one of the stores in melbourne so ill give them a heads up.


Ya know, that seems like a safe bet actually. I was watching a movie






You guys need to close, your dm and gm are massive idiots. I'm tired of people having to get hurt or worse before something is actually taken seriously


I feel like someone needs to do a major hit piece on the way Starbucks treats their employees. Someone write an op ed. Let’s get it published. This is insane; along with the lack of support from corp while enduring caffeine addicted Karens and boomers


Imagine a doc about it


That’s what we were saying!


Hope you and your crew will be okay op. You guys should make in an escape plan just in case, because people are getting crazier and you never know. I'm not saying this to make you panic, please don't do that, just keep an extra eye out


Oh yeah we are


I think


Pellet gun?


That is my guess, a bullet would do more than glass damage.


Yeah. And OP says it’s was 15 different starbucks but I’m not seeing anything in the media and they’d be all over this. Even if not a firearm just because of how weird it would be going after 15 different starbucks.


That would be the day I quit


You should dox tf out of your dms for this publicly


The coffee with a cop poster really pulls this all together. I am so sorry they are making you keep the store open. I had a customer throw a rock through the front door and we stayed open all while there was shattered glass everywhere and I had to give statements for the police report. Fucking bullshit company


For real!


Like no one knows their motive, so what is the point in doing this? How would corporate receive their message?


Not sure


Im pretty sure their motive is the whole palestine situation, i work for a starbucks as well & everytime i say that, i get the ugliest looks of judgement


This shit is frustrating because my district manager would just say, we have Lyra and we still gotta close the store.




The Starbuck in my town had to close because of racist and homo/transphobic hate. The manager of the store was doing daily insident reports not only to corporate but also the local police, so they closed the store.


Absolutely ridiculous. I wish people would project this much resentment where it actually belongs.


15 other Starbucks or 15 other stores in the area??




🫨🫨🫨 I must echo everyone else saying to walk out. All of you. So they have to close. How unbelievably stupid of your DM’s and corporate to refuse to close while the suspect is at large. Good luck, be safe, and listen to your GUT!!!!!!


Do you have a news article or something? I’m not seeing anything and I feel like media would be all over this if all these starbucks were targeted.


Oh my god. I'm so glad everyone is safe. May I ask what city this happened in?


This store is 30 minutes outside of Orlando


Wait I know what place this is omg they hit my store too!!! I can’t believe they went that far out!!


Yeah! They went far!


Your store is like 25-30 minutes from ours


Oh dang lol!


i can only hope this doesn’t happen to us, we hung up a big ass pride flag with a trans flag on the way in our store


Here in NM , you all r ok


Yeah we are ok


Oh good !!


Good god! As a native to Florida, these people do not belong to us. I would expect this of where I live now. California.


Why is this happening? Is it because of the boycott that they are targeting Starbucks?


No idea


Those damn tea supporters I tell you


sheesh so so glad to hear no one was hurt


i’d be careful. my boss now (not sb) worked for sb for 7 years and they closed the storefront because baristas discussed how it wasn’t safe after a shooting. they came in one day, unannounced, kicked the customers out, and berated the (mostly teenage) staff for not feeling comfortable without further action. it only took like a week


but im so sorry this happened. your livelihood should not put your life in danger like that


That’s very pro Palestine coded


I’m sorry I’m so glad I live in a trump state cause the people here would never. I don’t support him but his supporter where I’m at are so protective of everything in and around their towns. I’m glad everyone was safe and ok.


And if you mention anything, you might get fired, I'll explain. I got fired for essentally 3 complaints and here was one of them. I had a man come in who was very loud and I suspected he was someone I had never seen before, but he matched the description of someone I needed to look out for. So I asked my barista to watch him while I went in the back to call my manager to ask if it was him or not before taking action with the police. I am white and he was black. This scenario was taken out of context and was twisted into me "negatively profiling" him because he was black. I took all the right steps, I asked someone to just keep an eye out in case he would do something. I didn't accuse him at all or take any actions, I just talked to him, but had a hard time hearing him. Before taking any action, I made sure it was him. Yet, somehow, this turned into me being discriminatory. Starbucks is extremely hyper sensitive to anything that might label them as "hateful" it is a hole they dug themselves into and now they can't get out. The virtu signaling is insane. You can't use your gut instinct on anything. You can't even ask your team to keep a look out on someone who seems suspicious for your own protection and the protection of your team because you are "assuming negative intention". I get what the original purpose was for this and to an extent I still agree with it and also, at some point, someone is going to get really hurt because they played it too safe. It's the orthorexia of Starbucks.