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I've been told I ruined someone's Christmas, and they called their kids, put them on speakerphone, and demanded I apologize (I did not). All because I had the audacity to go out to the drive thru line & tell cars we'd be cutting the line off. Ah well, rip your Xmas, maybe Santa will bring you a Keurig. *Edit for spelling


Fyi...at my store...we have to have volunteers to work on Christmas...otherwise we close. Been banging the drum since 1/1 for everyone to refuse this year....last Christmas was something I never want to repeat again....ever....people were absolutely horrible.


It’s so funny you say that because last Christmas my store was forced to be open claiming that “The company never said that it was volunteer only!” After having been volunteer only for literally the prior 3 years that I’d worked at that exact same store :/ but we had a new manager last year and none of us liked her, so I suspect she had something to do with it


I'd be telling them they ruined the baristas holiday because God forbid they don't have starbucks one single day


when I was a retail manager I was always absolutely gobsmacked at how rude ppl were on black friday/thanksgiving/christmas eve/christmas to starbucks partners. (that said I was assaulted by a customer on christmas eve so I'm not that shocked either) but I remember one yr my mall did the thanksgiving into black friday situation where we opened at 4pm black friday and stayed open til close of biz Saturday. yes saturday. I opened thanksgiving (where i was also stalked in parking lot by crazies tryna walk in with me) and then I got to bring my ass back at the fine hour of 4am and of course went to my malls starbs. two of my friends worked there so I text them I put my order in so I could grab it and run back to my store. I shit you not, some woman "who had been waiting over a half hr" for her coffee and was literally screaming and banging her fists on the counter. i walked in and went to get mine and she pitched a fit bc i just walked in and got my drink. cursed batistas out and then GRABBED MINE OUT OF MY HAND bc she told me she didnt feel bad for "a fucking loser on retail, and mall employees dont deserve special treatment for choosing dumb jobs." friend made me a new one, and brought me one later bc he felt bad. my revenge was banning her from my store not even an hr later when she tried to walk in early after pulling on my doors violently, and going "yeah I don't care about a fucking cry baby who can't wait or respect the person she needs something from" unfortunately for her my store was next to security, who I was really cool with. and also watching her spill some of my steamed extra hot latte on the pull back was great. like babe. none of this was that serious. and like.....I wish this was the most wild thing I'd seen or heard about in that store. ppl in that mall be wildin for no reason.




He showed up 20 minutes after close? Sucks to suck.


B-b-but the store was supposed to stay open for him! He's speshul like that how dare they close


We ran out of black tea one day and had no more to make until truck. A regular mobile order lady gets to the drive thru 15 mins before close. Wanted to order one. Said: other starbucks would make it. How can we make what we literally do not have? If you need black iced tea, go to the gas station or to the dunkin then or another starbucks that has it.


>15 mins before close. >other starbucks would make it. If you pass them on the way home, you should pick one up. We're *still* out.


I’m in Kansas and we have Starbucks on like every main corner. This cracked me up tho lol


Same. I’m in Kansas and I have 3 within a mile of my home. When I worked at one I also frequently heard the “ I drove so many miles to get here blah, blah….”


I had someone complain that she had to drive FIVE WHOLE MINUTES!


Oh man I hate the "I drive so long to get here" Like okay? You chose to do that make your coffee at home or find a location closer to you, or idk don't order drinks that cost 8 dollars? It's not my fault you CHOSE to drive all this way especially with how man starbucks locations usually end up being in one area at a time.


Any person who goes into an establishment 20 minutes before closing needs to spend that 20 minutes taking the massive branch out of their ass and go home.


Honestly 20 mins isnt too bad especially if they know what they want and its not a big order, the folks who come in 5 mins or less deserve nothing though


It’s me, hi I’m the problem, it’s me (with McDonald’s breakfast)


As a former mcdonalds employee, thats fine


I can confirm....I'm in Kansas and the custies at my store talked the exact same way :)


I have no sympathy anymore 💀 my store gets WRAPPED since it’s the only one in my college town and people complain about the wait being long when they CHOOSE to either: enter the store full of people OR enter the line for the drive thru that is wrapped around the store and sometimes into the street. Like PLEASE don’t even complain when you used your eyes and still decided to come here 😭😭😭😍🙈


My closest Starbucks is literally 13 miles away from my house. It's one of the things I miss about living in California lmao. But still, if I have to driiiive a looong way for something from Starbucks, I do this wonderful thing called, picking up the phone to see if what I want is in stock, if its not I say thanks then hang up and call the next store in that town. 😀 honestly. It's like people have NEVER heard of technology 🙄


One time I had a customer call the store and ask if we had any grilled cheeses and I said "yes we do have one, but I can't hold it for you over the phone so I can't guarantee it'll be here when you get here." Lo and behold by the time she had arrived (30 minutes later) we sold the grilled cheese. She started berating me telling me how I had ruined her daughter's dinner because her daughter will only eat the Starbucks grilled cheese is if there aren't five other Starbucks within a mile radius? Also, that's not my fucking problem?


I had someone say they were up to their cottage or up visiting some family member or something as we were conversing, and then they had to wait a little long because we were busy, it was peak, and then were disappointed because of how long it was taking and said “I drove all this way-“ blah blah blah. Dude you literally just said you were here for a purpose? You didn’t drive all this way for your fucking coffee, give me a break with you’re entitled ass


I find this hilarious because I have literally 7 Starbucks locations within 15 minutes. Granted 3 of those are in kroger's but it's wild someone would drive that far for this


Look, I live in Kansas, Kansas City is like 30 minutes to anywhere, and has a metropolitan population of like 2.5mil people. I lived with a few miles of like 6 Starbucks. I take offense here 😭