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Idk why they don't order waters at the speaker box like they order the rest of their stuff


I swear they think they cost money so by asking at the window we won’t charge


This is true at dunkin


They charge at some grocery licensed stores so that’s probably why


We charge $0.25 for water. It doesn't matter if they ask for it at drop off. We will get fired for handing them a water. So it's 25 cents or nothing. I'm not losing my job over it. Quite a few people get pissed off about us charging.


I worked at a tbux and we were one of the only stores, LS & CS, in the area that refused to charge for waters, I quit in August so has it changed? Is it no longer a charge for water or were DMs in that area just crazy???


this is what drives me insane!! yeah it’s free but it’s still a beverage that has to be made! it should be common sense to order it with all of your other drinks


because most of the time if i order a water at the speaker i would have to remind them about the water… so imma order it how ever im gonna order it. at least Dutch doesn’t mind when you order a water.


So you're saying: fuck our flow, fuck our process, it's all about me.


That is exactly what they are saying


So basically what you're saying is that there's still no reason for you to order a water at the window 🤣 there's a button for water that we can push. Shocking right?




I'm not reading all of that, legit stopped reading after seeing the first three words 🤣. There's no way you got that mad over a reply. Thanks for wasting your time!


no im not wasting my time perks of owning your own house and having the money to afford people to do shit for you you have free time during the day before work to do whatever the fuck you want


and if that means pissing sensitive ass people off like yourself i’m gonna do jt


I think the only sensitive person in this thread is you. Just drink out of the faucet since you're getting butt hurt about people telling you to order your free water correctly.


how about just do your fucking job and make a customer a water no matter where they order it? hell if a patient (i’m not a nurse) but if a patient asks for something you get it for them if not you tell them otherwise. your job is to make drinks so make a fucking water and quit bitchin a 3 year old can make a cup of ice water so can you.


My guy, if you think being a barista is so easy, then why not just do it yourself? Become a barista and deal with people like you on a daily basis :) since, you know the ins and outs of the job and your actual job is *so much more important* and *difficult* Edit: Oh, and I did your job while also working at Starbucks, being a nurse for my dad, and getting my bachelor's. You're not special and your job is not difficult.


because i like a job that pays me more. sorry i dont wanna make coffee when i can do that home. sorry i would rather much be doing a harder job that requires extra outside schooling. sorry i dont wanna work with a bunch of high schoolers.


my job is more important. if people weren’t getting their blood drawn how can people know what their levels are and if they are sick or not? i help people. you just make coffee for them.


ohhh you were a nurse for your dad… not an actual nurse. i’m not a nurse. but taking care of your dad is nothing compared to being an actually nurse. could you start an iv for him? could you draw his blood? no. then you weren’t a nurse. you were a caregiver. there’s a difference. keep thinking you were a nurse. again if you read my my comment, i’m not a nurse


I’d run out the building if I saw you were my phlebotomist 😭😭


No one cares about your job, you keep mentioning as if it's hard. It took me 8 weeks to finish a phlebotomy course at 17. It's funny that you keep going yet can't even argue with me even when you tried.


healthcare jobs aren’t pointless


at least my job helps people. your job is to make sure people get their caffeine fix your job is pointless


it is a harder job than making fucking coffees… you need to be certified and or licensed… you don’t need to be shit when you’re a barista. at least i make 25/hr and don’t complain about my pay. also in my state you have to be 18 even do a phlebotomy trading course… it only took me a month monday-friday 9-1


If a 3 year old can do it then get one yourself and leave everyone alone asshole


no im ok


then why do you keep coming back? i feel sorry for anyone who has to serve you.


i don’t i haven’t been to a starbucks since i was 12.. it’s been 10 years i just go get a water after my plasma donations.


So you’re still mad that when you were 12 years old all the stores within 5 miles of you all gave you sugar?


womp womp


people can order a water where ever the fuck they want to order a water… i order my waters at the bar and that’s the only reason why i go to starbucks. if i want coffee i support my local places like Black Rock and Top Fuel, and Ziggis. but if i need a water and i’m closer to starbucks im ordering it at the bar.


I don’t work for Starbucks first off. I’m not even in the retail service industry. It doesn’t take common sense to order it at the TIME and PLACE you put your order in. Aka at the speaker or inside at the registration. If you forget to order it, to bad. Be an adult and accept you messed up and either skip it or go inside and order a cup after going through line. I know I’ve missed out on waters sometimes when I wanted one because I forgot to mention it at the speaker. It suck’s but it is what it is. No need to slow down workers or other customers imo. Man, you sound so freaking entitled it hurts. Edit: spelling


Just wanted to say we love customers like you🫶


ok i wasn’t talking to you in the first place, you’re not the fucking Supervisor i was talking to


Gl with that at certain stores, they're starting to tell people to order the waters where you're meant to. If you order at the hand off some stores will tell you to go to the register now. No matter how easy a water is to make, it is still a made drink and will be treated as such.


I'm going to start refusing people who don't order water at the register now, because I'm allowed to and you're pissing me off


Starbucks isn't your personal water shop. Just order the water at the register or at the drive thru speaker box... why must people like you make it harder for the ssv and the baristas? Why are you so damn entitled


Not at my store you won't. Baristas on the bar are making orders, not TAKING them. You want water? Order at the register and wait for the barista to make it in the order it was received. Quit expecting them to pause in the middle of their five drink orders to make a water just because you think too highly of yourself to order it properly.


maybe try ordering your whole order at the ordering station 🤷‍♀️ makes sense to me


Lol "local" and Blackrock in the same sentence are hilarious. They're a chain now


Then go to Dutch✋


You'll be sent to the register at my store.


if you order a water at the speaker, there is a button we can push that says, "water." so a sticker prints out. and you get your precious water. or you could just buy a reusable cup and fill it at home and stop being a jerk.


or get this when i do order a water at the speaker, get this, i shouldn’t have to remind you that i had a water. maybe learn to push the button


womp womp. maybe bring your own water next time if you don’t wanna go through that “trouble”


I bet you’re that customer who yells at us that you “hAd AnOtHeR dRiNk” when we hand you the first one. Or speeds away in a huff when we turn around to grab the rest of your order, and then comes storming back in to yell at us about how we didn’t give you all your stuff.




but you clearly know me


Oh my gosh literally, though. Someone else made a very good point. The baristas on the bar do not take orders, they make them. Would you go into a restaurant and sneak into the kitchen to order some free chips and salsa from the dishwasher? Or would you order through the server like someone with working brain cells? Can I go into your hospital and expect a surgery from the receptionist? I'm also allowed to get it before people who scheduled properly, right? Just bump them back a day. I need my surgery so that means I go before everyone else who needs their surgery. You seem legitimately delusional.


you work in fast food everyone does everything.


That isn't how it works at many places, actually. I've worked at Starbucks (2 licensed, 2 corporate), Subway, and McDonalds. When you are scheduled, a manager or floor lead will assign you to a post. You might be capable of functioning other posts, but you are not to leave your assigned post to do another. For Starbucks, they have a system. It is actually very important there. The person at the register takes orders, and subsequently hands off the order down to the next person in the process. Potential destinations are bar, cold bar, and oven. Sometimes there is a designated hand-off barista after those. You are to be handed your order at the hand-off by the hand-off, cold bar, or bar barista. I'm sure there are exceptions, depending on the layout of the restaurant, staffing, and other factors. You wanting water is *not* an exception. Being trained to do everything does not mean we are supposed to be doing everything at all times.


i’m not reading all… get the him that i don’t give a fuck


It's more fun responding to everything you said. Thank you for the unsolicited advice, though. You're so sweet. Minors can read. I'm sorry that it's such a struggle for you. 🙁


i don’t care about a job that a minor could legally do.


157 downvotes is WILD I love this subreddit. Ratio


Well then tell them at the box that you’ve had to remind them to past few times… that normally whips us into shape. Even if you have to remind us at the window we probably already marked it out. During peak when I’m on bar my drive thru person normally gets the water for me, I put the cup with the sticker on their counter and sometimes they forget, 9/10 times they don’t tho. Order your water at the speaker box- especially if that’s all you’re getting (based off your comments I assume that’s all you get) and I promise you will get it. Stop harassing minimum wage teenagers for no reason.


Ban from my store


No? Use your eyes and look at your order screen it’ll pop up there with the rest of your order and guess what it even prints a sticker with the rest of your order for the water!? Crazy I know, makes things smooth on the line so you get your addiction taken care of and your stupid ass water all in one fell swoop.


Just stay home. You can pretend that the world revolves around you there. Also, you're probably thinking about a decade ago when they didn't charge for water. Now that they have to charge for water, they need to grab a cup for it and put a sticker on it like everything else that you order. So the cup enters the queue and cannot be forgotten. It's like that at all of the locations I've gone to and have worked at. Dutch Bros. has a different system. If they provide a compatible service that meets your needs, leave Starbucks alone. And, for all I know, they *don't* have a different system. Maybe you're a nuisance there, too. This level of inconsideration is immensely disappointing. Edit: I want to clarify that by "charge" I do consider a $0 charge in that. What I mean by charge is to ring it up as any other order for inventory purposes.


I just hate when im on bar and people ask me and then it starts a trend where like 5 more people ask me cuz they see it happen and decide they want it too so i have to just stop making all the drinks to get waters…


I say ‘it’ll take a second’ and continue my drinks. More often than not they walk away 😌


This! Why does my location have such a problem with me saying "yeah, typically you would order that at the register though" We have to train customers to act appropriately and when we do, they won't have the expectation of getting it immediately. When they expect to have to order it and wait, they do so and less angrily. I've seen the change in real time.


this happened to us one morning & it set us back SO far behind bc it was almost every customer, and they didn’t ask for just 1–it was like 3-5 at a time bc it was hot and a bunch of events in the area. it took an annoyed customer that noticed what the hold up was to stand guard and tell people off to make everyone get the hint 😭 normally i’d tell him to stop and diffuse the situation but he was a hero that day to me and the cold bar person (and we gave him two recovery cards for his compensation as water guard)


Do people actually come to Starbucks just for a cup a water?


Yes. And for whatever reason they never order them with the rest of their stuff. It's always after we've already handed them everything when they should be leaving.


Because they think you will charge them for it. Tiktok told us yall charge for the cups so "ask at the window" is the new hack.


Yah that don’t fly at our store, our location is near a homeless shelter and popular hang out. So anytime someone asks for something after they pay we have to ring them up again or run refunds because people will order a small coffee then say no I said large latte or that they wanted whip. We piss a lot of people off who make honest mistakes but there are so many who try to scam now that we have to do this now


This girl would mobile order every day and then ask for a whole side of sweet cream… alrighty that will be 1.25 at the register :)


What does being near a shelter for unhoused people have to do with people scamming you? Housed people are just as likely to steal, if not more so


No, actually, being near an area near a homeless shelter and shelter and drug addict hang out absolutely means we have to change our standards, they do scam more but that does not mean we treat them differently we do not. I am a former homeless person and a drug addict in recovery. We had someone die in our bathroom and now EVERYONE needs to purchase something first and be told they have 10’mins or we will come knocking. Our use of product didn’t match up with our sales until we implemented this new change. They may have started the changes but everyone is affected As a now housed and sober person I have not stolen or ripped any business off since the change and all of the people I know in similar situations don’t either. Sorry but don’t speak ok something with this attitude just to play devils advocate I also personally advocated for everyone to be treated the same with our district manager wanted us to “use discretion” meaning don’t let people who look homeless or on drugs use the bathroom. I stood up and said absolutely not it’s all or nothing.


be so fr


Aight not sure what that means but ok


*blank stare* uhhhhhh can I get a water


I do once in a blue moon, sometimes I'm hella thirsty and it's the closest thing in between job sites. I order it at the right spot though :)


It's not people who come just for water. Those people usually go to the counter and stop at the box to order one. It's the people who order, and then wait until the last possible second to ask for a water or interrupt someone who's working for one


Plenty of.....


i go for water all the time but i order at the register like a proper person


I do! I order at the register like a normal person and occasionally tip on water orders.


i mean it’s free… why would i go to the gas station and pay for a water when i can go down to my nearest coffee place and get it for free at least where i live all sizes are free.


That's wild as hell 😂, I'll drink out of a hose before I bother my Starbucks people for water 😂


i wouldn’t like just get me the damn water since that’s your job. stop complaint about it your job is to make drinks for people like my job is to poke people with needles and take their blood… i don’t complain.


The issue is not them simple asking for the cup of water. It’s them trying to get out of paying for it by asking for it when they should’ve ordered it in line, like everyone else. At my store if you bring your own cup, the ice and water is free. We just charge 80 cents for our cups but some ppl think that’s too much for some reason


Dang our store the cups are 25 cents and ppl raise hell over that. Hoping our DMs don’t see what y’all are charging 🫣


I bet you leave bruises on people you take blood from I feel like you don't have an empathetic touch, I also feel like you don't have a bedside manner


i do have bedside manner. if i didn’t, i wouldn’t be working at the same level 1 trauma center hospital for the past 3.5 years


Because even hospitals need Karens unfortunately sometimes


i don’t leave bruises. i only ow how not to go through both walls of the vein.


The bruises you leave must be huge.


i don’t leave brusies


Our job is also to ring shit up, including WATER.


oh boo hoo


hell i stay working overtime cause i love my job that much… if you’re gonna complain find a new job. you chose to work there so stop complaining. imagine wanting sympathy over a job you chose to do.


Damn dawg chill 😂


i mean it’s a fact. i don’t show sympathy for people who complain about the choices they make.


Chop chop blood boy




you’ll working overtime just cuz you love your job that much? damn you must not have a life outside of work


She doesn't. Just look at her account. Spends all day bitching in the starbucks sub and bitching about taylor swift. And thinks she's some holy saviour cuz she's a phlebotomist lmao. Gotta be so damn miserable to try and make everyone else as miserable as she is. Hope she breaks her other ankle tbh.


That's probably why they getting water from Starbucks. Can't pay that water bill bitching at us for your own incompetence.


Sounds like you need to get laid instead of working all that OT😂 learn to order end of story. Have the day you deserve 🫵😘


i got laid last night by my boyfriend of 3 years. i’m always getting laid. it’s rough and slobbery, deep and hard.


imagine worrying about someone else’s sex life creep


the thing is asking for water is fine but do it at the speaker so we can have it all together and ready for when you get there because we have a timer on how long someone should be at the window…every location has free water we just prefer for it to be ordered with everything else so you don’t hold up the line for everyone else and make us stressed out!


no i’m gonna order it wherever i want to. until a barista (in person) tells me otherwise


we aren’t supposed to as it could be considered rude but hey u stay a baristas nightmare!


Back when I worked at Starbucks my old coworker came up with a good idea. He brought a water container (the kind that you will find in old school doctors offices) he set the cups out on the table and the water laster for a hour. We would fill up the water once it ran out. This prevented us from running behind on bar.


Honestly I don't understand why we even allow people to order more stuff at the window. It completely ruins our drive thru times. How am I supposed to get people out of the window in under 45 seconds when they order egg bites that take 70 seconds to cook after that timer has already started? Get back in line or suck it up?


i think we just recognize people are human and forget things yk…i get it it is annoying and i get stressed about it to but end of day people don’t actively do it to upset us and drive thru times won’t be the end of the world and as a barista you know like the rest of us to treat everyone with kindness so don’t tell people to “suck it up” that isn’t matching the missions and values


I do treat everyone with kindness to their face. But this is a more anonymous forum where I'm free to voice my complaints about these customers. And especially when those customers are usually the ones also giving me attitude at the same time they're ordering at the window, I'm not gonna sit here and uphold whatever imaginary missions and values starbucks claims to have. Those were gone the moment starbucks stopped being a place to come and relax. And shut the fuck up with the corporate sounding bullshit.


if they are genuinely forgetting something then I don't mind and you can usually tell because they are openly apologetic about it BUT usually it's people texting their coworkers/friends and them not getting an answer on time to order at the speaker so they just add it at the window when the rest of the order is ready for them. it just breaks the flow you have on bar or ovens in general so it'd be easier if they just went back around, makes sure the rest of the people in line also have quick service


Seriously tho. I’m so tired of ppl adding things on their drinks at the end, plus the water thing too.


oh sorry some people don’t like the default drink


…..i dont care abt modifications i care abt some customers not specifying things at the REGISTER. Speak up.


ohh boo hoo i’m so glad i never worked food a day in my life having to deal with people like you every day who complain about the stupidest shit


> i’m so glad i never worked food a day in my life If you had you'd know why it's an annoyance to us


> i'm so glad i never worked food a day in my life it shows


I haven't either, but know how hard you all work. Things being tacked on at the end of waters at rush hours is incredibly annoying when you're slammed.


Funny coming from the person who’s been complaining and going apeshit on Reddit 😭


this phlebotomist really on their high horse 😭😭😭 if you haven’t worked food service your opinion on these things is invalid to me especially when it’s whiney shit like this.


And that explains why you act as entitled as you do. May your next coffee be decafe


You're on the subreddit for a food service establishment and don't expect people to complain? Be so serious loll. Fucking cry about it.


Are you that guys internet troll girlfriend? 👀


I can’t order a cup of water from the app, so I always have to ask for it extra


As long as you order at the register or speaker box you’re good!


we get people who will add on at the speaker box! just go “i have a mobile order for ___, could i also add on a venti water please?”


The location I work at - we have people come through the drive through just for waters. At first I found it strange but now I think it’s fine. Our water is triple filtered and it’s free and I would rather them get a free one than go into a gas station and pay $2 for the same thing. It also takes 2 seconds to fill a cup of water when people order the right way at the register or at the box. I get it though, sometimes you want one last minute and it’s really not a big deal to me


It just feels a tad inconsiderate if for example, it was peak and it would have to take effort not to notice the shit show going on behind the window while everyone is racing to beat drive times and keep up with prep.


Ngl, I got permission from my boss to tell customers to go order them. Because it makes them 1) not want it anymore 2) go back in line and allows me to get caught up until I can grab it then Also we do get labor for those water, same with pup cups, adding an extra water allows us to get more labor, so I’m not missing up that opportunity


i found out ringing up waters helps with us earning labor hours so now i love water because we need more help😭


They should let people mobile order water with purchase. I think it would clear up a lot of the issue.


Yeah no. Our counters would be flooded with 50 waters


They allowed it briefly, and this is why they stopped.


I ask for water every time I visit but it’s with something else. So a cup of water and a sweet treat or a coffee. And I order at the register. A barista told me I could come to the pick up counter but I don’t mind waiting especially when they’re busy.


I work at a café store. For smooth operation, especially when we're busy, if someone asks me for water on Bar I will literally ask them to get in line and order it. "It's just a water, it's free" some people tell. I want to ask them what makes them think they're entitled to skip the line when everyone else is a PAYING customer and they're asking for something free.


I thought i was the only one. Then they proceed to say 4 TRENTA cups of ice and 2 VENTI waters . They abuse the free water. I swear to god im going to start charging them as if its a short cup of milk . Its so annoying and then they do it as if i didnt already hand them all their food and drinks . i had 2 ppl come today only ordered a frappee i closed the window charged them came back they wanted a loaf warmed so i added that walked away to warm it mind u its a 3 man play on the floor . i hand them the loaf NOW they want a water? WHY DIDNT U ORDER ALL OF THIS AT THE WINDOW . one of my shifts said to start sayin “is this all we cannot do any add ons at the window and if you will like any waters let me know now please” but who is saying all of that.


Unrelated but your avatar 😍 We have a few customers that come through and get ONLY a water. Not bad for times but annoying as fuck


Maybe you can tag on at the end of everything any water is the order today


7 trenta waters with extra ice


Last time I asked for water they told me I had to make a purchase. Is that true?


No it should be free regardless of purchasing anything else


People are missing the point of this post… we don’t care if you’re just ordering a cup of water as long as you order it at the register or speaker box and wait like all the other customers.


I always order my water ahead at the box. So proud of myself now. Hahaha


THIIIIIS or going through drive through long ass line for a trenta ice water


Louder please🙌🏼


When I used to work a Starbucks, we had a regular named “Christina Venti Ice Water”. She changed her mobile name to ensure she would get her water literally every day and not ask for it. I’m like girl you just need to order it at the register, I have to ring it up anyways. It was crazy how someone would want water like that every day, when they they are coming from their house to their work


Bro, SAME.


I make an extra venti iced water at the beginning of peak. I call it my lucky ice water. I swear whenever I have it ready I get fewer to none at the window. Try it.


I have a regular who comes and gets three Trenta cold brews with extra VSC foam and six trenta waters and he only comes into drive. Every time we give it to him he says “have a blessed day” and it irks me every time. Homie either needs to invest in water bottles or COME INSIDE.


I work at a Macy’s Starbucks and employees just cut the line all the time and will just stand there and ask for it. I have this one lady that comes over and gets a cup of ice up to three times a day and she sees literally washing dishes or counting the deposit and she’ll come around the counter to wait for a cup of ice


They do that at Target too. There was a rule for a while that we weren't allowed to give team members water anymore and they had to bring their own bottles to fill at the filling stations because they were leaving half full cups all over the store. I'm not actually sure if that rule is still in effect but there's this one lady from front end who comes over and stands by the sink when I have like five or more people in line. I swear she waits until I'm busy. Starbucks is right by the entrance, she can see it from the check lanes, but she never comes over when there are like two or fewer people in line, or if I have no line. But I give it to her anyway because it's not worth complaining to my ETL when I'm pretty sure he already doesn't like me.


I also ironically work at a target but I was friends with the barista and I tried not to go if they were busy and always got an ice chai .


Oh totally! There are a lot of team members who come over and *buy* drinks or food. It's just this one lady who only seems to come over for water when I'm busy.


I had this idea the other day, let’s just prep Trenta waters out the wazzouu




So do y’all hate it if I go through the drive thru and order a water? I usually stop after grocery shopping with my toddler 😭😭


You're fine as long as you order it with the rest of your stuff. It's only annoying when people order things at the window after they're rung up.


I hate that I can’t order it in the app because then I have to try to remember to ask when I’m in line in the drive thru. I can’t just grab and go either when I go inside to pick up my order.


I hate this, but I love the customers who come in the drive thru for just a water during peak. They are so good for our window time


You need a hose nozzle outside and one of those office water bottles inside that pours really slowly with little Dixie cups so they can self-serve


I work at a licensed store and we absolutely charge for water bc we HAVE RAN OUT OF VENTI ICED CUPS just giving out 5,6,7 waters for people and their friends 💀 do they bitch and moan? Absolutely. “Water isn’t free?? 🤨” the cup isn’t free babes, the cup.


as a former partner, i’m still a barista in another shop tho. stop complaining about doing your job. there are people who go to war and people who fight house fires.. you’re fine. grow up. you get paid enough.


yeah… the issue ISNT about the water itself. Gain some comprehension skills. Grow up. You’re old enough.


Wish you could add it to a mobile order.


Same! For awhile, I kept forgetting to all for the water at the speaker for the drive through, then finally started to just ask for it all the time and everyone they're knows me and my order when I come through and they're all really nice to me, which I appreciate a lot. (Sorry for awful run on sentence there lol.)


Omg yes! So frustrating! I had once told a partner if you don’t go to the kitchen in a restaurant and ask for water then why would you ask us at the bar. Go to the register like a normal person. It’s common sense. We have to make drinks in a certain order and your order of water isn’t a priority unless you ordered the correct way.


that’s irritating for them to ask for that while you’re busy. i think i’ve only- as a customer- asked for a water bottle at the window because forgot i didn’t have anymore water in my car, but to ask especially for cup where you gotta grab one and fill it then it’s extra steps


I always order a water with 4 scoops of strawberries so I have to stand in line but I do always order a coffe as well. I wish there was a way to order my water and coffee together on the app. I’d never have the audacity to skip the line!


For me its when they place their order at the drive thru and when they get to the windows we finish the transaction. I hand them their 3 to 4 drinks and ready to get on with the next customer, and right before they leave, oh can I get a water please... order your water with the rest of your order!!! And happening a lot.


I didn't know this 😳


personally i think it’s really not that big of a deal because its just a free water, but when ppl start ordering more complicated drinks at the window it’s kinda annoying


Ummm .... We just want 7 water cups....


Always free and always ask for it at the box when I’m telling them about my online order.


No. it’s water get over it. i’m gonna go to starbucks now and order a water at the bar.


Genuine question here. What about us mobile orders who pick up inside? I would love to order water on the app. It only let me one time so I think it was a glitch a couple years ago. After that one time it never was on the app again. So if I order on the app to pick up inside, do I still go to wait in line at the register to order water?


my biggest pet peeve is the window thing bc why did you just order it with the rest of your things at the order point why wait until i’ve handed you everything to ask for a cup of water as i’m taking the next order?? why???


have you ever had them be like wheres my water as you’re handing them on of their other items? immediate pure rage.


it’s like bro… do you see that i only have 2 hands


This is again a corporate issue where they need to set the rules. People will do as much as they are allowed. You are yelling into the void.