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I would definitely talk to someone higher up about this, because no that should not be allowed. When I send my partners on a 10 and they immediately use the restroom, I let them know that that doesn’t count as part of their 10 (even my new SM that started here a few months ago). Using the restroom is not taking a break, it’s relieving your bladder/bowels wtf? If they try that again just say “okay, I’ll use the restroom and then take my 10”.


Especially after drinking coffee… there is no resting in that room




This is absolutely NOT acceptable. If you've mentioned it to your SM and it's still happening, escalate to your DM. I had a SSV at one point who tried to pull that shit w me so I got in the habit a long time ago of taking my 10 and then before coming back on the floor saying as I walked through the back line, 'be right back, just running to the bathroom'. 😊Nothing she could do about it. Tried to stop me at first but what was she going to do, try to get me written up? I'm on mobile bar 99% of the time, we have one bathroom and it is almost always occupied. Getting in there is difficult AF. I work open thru peak, and if I don't go early.. There is no way I'm getting to go unless I do this. This SSV is no longer w us but the habit remains. Lol.


100%. Who the hell counts "bathroom time?" I swear retail attracts the worst fascists and control freaks on the planet. I mean if you're frequently taking an hour to do your business--then maybe something can be said about not having enough floor coverage, but I think there's still the principle of human decency and respect that should be upheld. It's Starbucks, not Amazon...er...a sweat shop.


Go to the restroom during peak. See how they like that. They are legally not allowed to refuse your bathroom.


You should respond saying "Okay, I'll start my 10 after I use the restroom! Thanks!" That's so annoying I'm sorry


Have you talked to your SM about this? [Assuming you're in the US, OSHA regulations require employees to provide workers with immediately-available restrooms and allow us to leave our work locations to use the restroom when needed.](https://www.osha.gov/restrooms-sanitation) Even disregarding that, the double standard is inappropriate.


As far as OSHA is concerned, as long as OP isn't being prohibited from going to the restroom (which they never said), there's no health issue. Tens aren't required by law, so OSHA isn't gonna intervene because OP isn't given breaks fairly.


depends on the state, tens are required in some states, MA being one of them


Oh weird


You better check your policy. CA - 2 10 minute breaks are required for over 6 hours of work. Assuming it's a regular FTE, you're looking at a 30 minute meal break as well. And while it was never said that they couldn't use the restroom, don't you think the decent thing to do is to let someone run to the restroom and take care of what they need to do for a few minutes? As a supervisor, you should be able to adjust and work out coverage. Amazon got some bad PR awhile back when their employees ended up urinating in water bottles to keep up with their performance demands. The image won't be great for Starbucks.


Most states don't have that law. But I never said it wasn't wrong, I said it wasn't something that osha would help with.


From OSHA: Employers must: **Allow workers to leave their work locations to use a restroom when needed**. Provide an adequate number of restrooms for the size of the workforce to prevent long lines. Avoid imposing unreasonable restrictions on restroom use. The key here is reasonability. And, honestly, I think many managers would have a difficult time justifying fascist like behavior in not permitting an employee to use the bathroom for 5 minutes. Again, if the employee is abusing bathroom time or causing a disruption to store operations by taking an excessively long time to go, then I can see having a private chat with that individual.


This is irrelevant because a) OP didn't say they weren't allowed to use the restroom, rather that the SSV counted their break from when they went off the floor, and b) again, I never said the SSV was justified in doing so, only that OSHA wouldn't care since they weren't prevented from using the restroom.


It's also irrelevant to count this as break time if you, as an employer, must allow workers to leave their work locations to use the restroom when needed. "When needed" can be at any point someone has to go. I'm not saying that you're supporting this policy or even agree with it; just that as an outsider who has worked in retail management, I think it needs to be reasonable.


It's required in KY


That could be seen as unfair treatment.


hell no. absolutely not. you’re bathroom breaks are SEPARATE from your paid 15’s.


your* 💀


I am the type of person that my 10 starts as soon as I sit down. So if I need to pee before hand my 10 ain't starting until I am done and sitting down 😌


i would just take your 10 and not use the bathroom, and then 10 mins after you get back be like “oh darn i have to use the bathroom again” lmao and then actually go


I don’t give a shit. I go whenever I feel it’s necessary and there’s someone cover for a quick sec my station. Also, I take my 10’s in full and still go to the facilities afterward no one has ever said anything to me.


If i use the bathroom i purposely wait until after ive had my 10 for this reason


I had a shift do this to me. They kept coming back while I was on my break asking me when I would be done because I had “been back there long enough” when I literally had only added an extra couple of minutes to my 10 because I went to the bathroom first. Meanwhile THEY would take 20’s plus an additional 10-15 in the bathroom on their 10’s. I literally got moved to a different store because I complained about this and the shift said they would no longer work with me 🙄 whatever.


Depending on how bad this manager is, you could always set up a trap and record all of it. You could plan to have a friend there recording the instant you inform the manager you need to use the restroom. After you use the restroom immediately start your paid break. ( do not acknowledge the friend.) Maybe you will be able to get on recording the reaction of said manager good or bad. Do with the information whatever you please.


Ah you are a human that needs that bathroom. You do not have to wait until your break to go pee just go. That is illegal.


Either your going to the washroom every 30mins(which is annoying too)and they came up with a plan to prevent that or you got some real crappy leadership


I only usually go once or twice a shift, depending on the length of the shift, if even that.


No. Bathroom usage is NOT your break.


What you do after being told to start your 10 minute break is up to you. If your 10 has started and you immediately decide to go to the bathroom (which you can do whenever) that’s part of those 10 mins. Why wouldn’t it be?


In the partner guide it states that bathroom time is considered part of break time. Has always said that.


That’s not allowed, using the bathroom is a basic human right and there for can’t be limited to your brakes. If you choose to go to the bathroom on your brake that’s on you but they can’t force you to use your brake to use the bathroom. None of my co workers count going to the bathroom before a brake as apart of their brake including the shifts. Yours needs a talk with HR


At one of my very first jobs a wise coworker told me to always take potty breaks on the clock because they do not pay you enough to go during your break. Potty first then clock out.


Tell them u gonna use the bathroom right there exactly where you are standing.


dude if it were me i would just said screw it and taken my break right after the bathroom


Yeah that’s not okay… you are allowed you brakes PLUS going to the bathroom, they shouldn’t be counted as one. I’m pretty sure in most states that’s actually illegal


Yeah I had this happen to me. so I quit bc they only picked on me like this while everyone else got to take their sweet time


Wtf wrong with them transfer somewhere or talk to the district manager. It's illegal


you should correct her and say no, i’m just going to the bathroom, i’m not taking my 10 right now


This is totally wrong. From OSHA: Employers must: **Allow workers to leave their work locations to use a restroom when needed**. Provide an adequate number of restrooms for the size of the workforce to prevent long lines. Avoid imposing unreasonable restrictions on restroom use. The key here is reasonability. If I were a manager, I wouldn't be counting it as break time if an employee is allowed to use the restroom when needed, particularly if they're only taking 5 minutes to do #1 or #2 and remembering to wash their hands afterwards.


As a SSV I’m always told to lead by example and make sure we’re coaching to the retail approach guide because policy is “black and white”. I would definitely connect with your store manager because I don’t think that’s fair to you. With that being said—and I’m not trying to play devil’s advocate I promise. I just want to understand the situation better—how many times does this happen during your shift and how long do you use the restroom for? It might be effecting business needs and they might do it based off of frustration. It’s definitely still not fair considering what your supervisor does, but it’s important to generate insight.


Also, make sure to rally the troops and if other partners are experiencing the same thing as you have them be there with you when you’re talking to your SM. It helps with witnesses and it’ll be a numbers game. You and whoever else versus your SM and SSVs word or you versus your sm and ssv? Sure they have more power, but it helps to create a paper trail. I know this is very much corporate yapping, but you gotta play the system somehow some way. That’s how I see it.


In my province ( Quebec) we get 15 minute breaks instead of 10, this gives us enough time to go to the bathroom+get a drink and still have about 8 minutes to chill. I can’t imagine doing it in 10, you wouldn’t even have time to really relax. I feel for you and you should definitely talk to the manager or DM if it gets to that point and come to and understanding with them that you should be able to go to the bathroom quickly.


If you can get in to see a urologist and have them write you a note they absolutely 100% have to accommodate you, not saying that you already shouldn’t be allowed to use the restroom but if you do get that in place, it just gives you a little more back up


If you’re using the bathroom and it takes longer than 5 min, and if it happens many times during a shift (esp when it’s stressful), then yeah, that tracks. We had a partner doing that and it was so annoying. If it’s a regular bathroom break (like normal times) and isn’t a form of escaping work, then yea that’s effed up.


What store are you at, that’s terrible smh


This seems cruel and unusual




They have to provide you with a bathroom break not be used with your ten. Any time you have to go to the bathroom even if it is not the best time you should definitely be allowed to go. Especially if they are getting to go. If they continue to do this I would just politely let them know that not being able to use the bathroom when you need to is an osha violation and can also cause you to get an UTI. Then they would be very upset because I would be sending them my medical bill.




According to OSHA no that actually ISN'T allowed 


They’ll need medical accommodation to be spending 15+ minutes in the bathroom between the breaks given every 2 hours 


You need to reread the post. The supervisor used the bathroom for 15 minutes. Not OP. And breaks are *technically* every 2 hours, but as most baristas know, you commonly get scheduled 5 hour and 45 minute shifts to avoid a lunch. If OP is a peak partner, let’s say that could be like a 7-12:45, they’ll probably get their break at 9 as soon as peak ends, then have to go 3.75 hours without a break.


False. You need to read OSHA again on access to bathrooms. Employers must: - Allow workers to leave their work locations to use a restroom when needed. - Provide an adequate number of restrooms for the size of the workforce to prevent long lines. - Avoid imposing unreasonable restrictions on restroom use. - Ensure restrictions, such as locking doors or requiring workers to sign out a key, do not cause extended delays Imposing unreasonable restrictions, such as needing medical accommodations would create a need for medical accommodations.


That's for pregnant women