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I straight up tell them that I am not able to violate the laws of physics.


When people ask for cold foam on the bottom of their drinks


OH MY GAAAWWWWDDDDD this pisses me off like nothing else, esp cuz I've had a few dvmb enough to *actually get mad* that its not on the bottom of the cup because "you can do it with the mocha cookie crumble, why not my ICED white mocha" BECAUSE ONE IS BLENDED AND HAS THE CONSISTENCY TO KEEP WHIP DOWN YE NUMBNUTS


Same here... Like what?!


I say because of science….. 1. Your ice won’t stay at the bottom 2. I am limited to what fits in the xx oz cup.


I had to deescalate a customer who asked for light ice, but the cup was filled to the top with ice. Turned out they thought if it was light ice then the ice shouldn't go to the top of the cup.


I am so curious, how did you talk them down? I always want more tactics to talk angry, stupid customers down. My first attempt got a hot latte thrown at me (and it burnt, bad)


I offered to remake it, and had them tell me when to stop filling with liquid. Making it in front of them helps them understand


That's a good point, I guess I unconsciously do that with people I feel will give me a problem. People love to have some control over their drink and the person making it


The fact that you didnt leave the company after this proves COMMITMENT oml


I was still a green bean and had no idea how bad it could get. I did leave the company a year later but came back pretty quickly to a licensed store and been here ever since 🙃


I had someone order a short hot chocolate today. 2 pumps of mocha, extra foam, and extra whip. They didn't leave any room for milk


This reminds me of a guy who came in and tried to order a “coffee frap with no milk”. Ok, what do you want instead of milk? A non dairy milk? No. Water? No. Apparently he basically wanted a black coffee but somehow made into a Frappuccino but would not work with anyone to figure out how to order it or what to do to make it possible. If you want a non-standard drink, you’re probably going to need to talk with your barista and answer some questions. Ended up just making it with like, 3 long shots of espresso.


Someone ordered something like this and we just did ice coffee to the third line and chucked it in the blender. The chunks were horrendous but that’s what they ordered 🤷‍♀️


I've gotten Frappuccino no ice a lot, but this is a whole new level of wtf


My most memorable fun one is a venti decaf mocha frappuccino with 2%, tall scoop of ice, 2 pumps mocha, 2 pumps base, double blended on number 2, but it must wait a very specific amount of time between blends (the time I didn't do it right they came around the counter to hit the button themself btw), dot of whipped cream, with the other two pumps each of mocha and base in a short cup on the side, and for food an everything bagel, one half toasted dark, the other half toasted light, in the bag back to back instead of front to front, and no they won't explain it to a new person because "u/chr1styn knows my drink"


We have a lady like that … she kept saying our SM didn’t know what she was doing and wasn’t allowed to make her drink. I was one of the people who “always made her drink right” … accidentally gave her a caramel frap instead of a mocha frap and she didn’t complain, someone else can make her drink perfectly and she’ll have it remade like 5 times before complaining that we’re making her late to work


I've gotten a coffee frappucino with 9 pumps frap roast, 1 espresso shot, no milk, before...it was chaotic


I am so glad my new line of work doesn’t require me losing brain cells catering to adults who act like coffee makes there day better 😂😂, I posted a year or so ago here on Reddit about the people who ask for no ice frapps and the comments were hilarious 😆


Starbucks clientele are a different breed of stupid.


So glad it's not just me who gets confused by that. I always ask them "What do you mean by Extra Milk?" I usually suggest light ice or 1 less shot of espresso and 9/10 i'm met with "Well this is how I always order it, whatever we'll do light ice."


the amount of orders I get for trenta strawberry acai lemonade , extra base, extra lemonade, extra ice like I cannot physically put extra of every single thing that’s just not possible


this is why i make my drink in the size up or ask for it like that 😭 i ain’t take physics and i know that’s how that works.


THIS. This is my issue with this shit because people just ring it up and give them whatever tf. And then I get someone snapping my head off over asking some clarifying questions. I ALWAYS SAY IT LIKE THIS AND NOBODYS EVER ASKED ME THAt. Ok well you don’t really know what your ordering then, I just want to scream at these people WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO PUT IT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FIT EXTRA VSC FOAM EXTRA ICE EXTRA PURÉE EXTRA WHIP 12 DRAGON DRUIT INCLUSIONS I am not Houdini LORD PLEASE


“Decaf latte but make sure it’s got a lot of caffeine in it I’m tired”


I don’t know why these customers think it’s ok. Like I love the taste of coffee and I don’t expect my barista to fit everything in one cup if they can’t that’s fine. I’ll take it the way it was made. I don’t understand these customers when they make these orders then get mad about it 😭


God, seeing the notification I thought "the forgiving side of my brain assumes light ice but the experienced part of my brain assumes idiot." I was right.


true order .....extra ice extra milk and 14 pumps of syrup...sigh....got it explained by every barista......still....


or when they expect more espresso to compensate for light ice… like i can *charge* you for extra shots of espresso! oh you dont want that… and you dont want more milk… and you want light ice… with no room… okay!


I honestly just go with my heart in those situations. I bartended in Nashville for the last 5 years. You eventually figure out how to decode what drunk, stupid people are trying to order. I just apply that to Starbucks customers. Just more dumb than drunk. I wish I would've had time to take a picture of this one Mobil order drink I had come in during peak this morning. It literally took me like 6 minutes to make the drink from the moment I started. When they say it out loud I can figure out what they're trying to do, but when you just leave them to their own devices to order it online my brain starts to hurt lol.


So, lady just order this- ask for a Trenta cup for the extra ice 🙈


one time someone mobile ordered a trenta starwberry acai extra base extra lemonade extra ice and i was like so how am i supposed to give you extra of everything like that's literally not possible 😭


When they’re paying for extra milk and want extra ice, couldn’t it go in a trenta cup?


It’s against standard to put espresso drinks in trenta cups.


we’re not allowed to put espresso drinks in trenta cups but they also shouldn’t be charged for xtra milk (if it’s still within the same cup size as their drink they ordered)




Gotcha, thanks. I’ve been gone about 5 years and I don’t remember most of the rules anymore


How could you forget?! You’re really failing to make the connection right now.. Jk I’m happy for you that you got out, and I hope to be joining ya soon


Haha thanks. I don’t really understand the downvotes, it was genuine question. I actually really enjoyed my time at the Bucks, but I got out before the job made me bitter


The Reddit hive mind downvotes and upvotes based purely on herd mentality. No sense in trying to sway it either way. I’m not quite bitter yet, but the company is definitely doesn’t care about the partners as much as they did when I started 6 years ago


the downvotes were bc they suggested smth against policy and nobody knew that they didnt remember the rules until they specified that in a later comment. its actually reasonable that people will downvote a suggestion to break store policy.


I had someone ask for a pike place with whipped cream on top today, and then got pissed when I gave her a cup with a dome lid. Like, what were you expecting, lady? People are ridiculous sometimes.


I swear I’m not a hater but what do you do when you make a mocha


I haven't made mochas yet, they won't train me on bar.


Yeah this isn’t your fault then this is poor training!!!


Soo.... normal day?


Wait oh my god then that is not your fault and you do not deserve to be slandered


I mean, a dome lid on a hot drink? You shouldn't have to be trained to use common sense.


I'm sure you're perfect and have never made a mistake in your life, right?


Thank you, it's kind of annoying that I'm getting downvoted this much when I literally just didn't know and I'm doing my best.


You're not wrong for not knowing, but you're wrong for being rude and calling the woman ridiculous when it's your fault. You messed up, that's not her fault.


I wasn't rude to her for crying out loud, I was venting here.


oh my god


Wait, a dome lid on a hot cup?


Uh, you leave like a half inch of room and put whip like you do for hot chocolates?


I haven't made any hot chocolates, how am I supposed to know that?


Because it’s also the same as any hot white chocolate or mocha. Or cinnamon dolce. Don’t lie and say you’ve never done or learned any of those core beverages; I don’t want to hear it.


Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t lying. The other day someone was on bar at my store, not fully trained and he and iced white mocha with…no espresso


Why would you assume I'm lying if I say I've never done or learned any of them? I said very clearly that they won't let me train on bar at my store. They only have me at the register every single day and haven't taught me to make any actual drinks at all other than coffee.




How can I look around and see these drinks being made if I'm on register? I can't see the bar from the register. And honestly, I'm also someone who's kind of in my own world, so no, I wouldn't really be looking around and seeing anything. I've also never had anyone ask for whipped cream on top of their coffee before, so no it didn't occur to me to leave room and then just put a normal lid on it. Thank you for the well wishes about the transfer, I appreciate it.


Sounds like you should quit that wack ass store and reapply to another one. If your DM is fucking you over already you don’t want have anything to do with that district. Are you able to apply at another district? In my area they aren’t too far away from each other


My DM isn't really fucking me over. When I talked to her about the abuse that is going on in my store, she did tell me that she would give me an exception to the 6-month Rule and allow me to transfer somewhere else, as long as the manager at the new store is willing to take me.


Oh I see, I thought you meant she was making an exception not in your favour. I wasn’t sure about the 6 month transfer rule, I figured she was locking you in your store so you had to stay and be abused.


This is actually making me angry at this point. I've dealt with so much abuse in my store, and my manager's purposely devaluing me by not allowing me to train on bar. To the point where the DM is making an exception to the 6-month rule in allowing me to transfer. Don't invalidate my experience, you have no right. F*** off.


how did you put a dome lid on a hot cup


So you just make a … hot coffee with whip on top? I don’t get it 😭😭


I was hired last november and received no formal training other than the videos on the ipad, then straight to bar. For the first couple weeks I thought dome lids were only for fraps and was leaving room for whip and a flat lid on iced mochas and other iced drinks with whip. Somehow nobody ever said anything to me about it and I realized my error while watching someone else on bar 😭 as for the pike with a dome lid though, I kinda get the frustration because she probably didn't want to drink it with a straw 💀


I get it, but I just think there should be room and compassion for someone being human and making a mistake, you know? I made one mistake and had to deal with a customer's anger and a bunch of people here who don't even know me roasting me when I'm already going through a lot of shit in my life. 


Your username fits the situation


Fuck off.




If they want more milk they’ll get more milk. To each their own. I’ll get orders like grande iced macchiatos and they’ll only ask for a single shot lol or iced white mochas venti single shot lol people are particular. Gotta let them be lol I prefer more espresso to anything. So less for me lol


if you want to draw me a diagram to show me where to fit the extra ice AND milk in the cup that would be so killer


I think the issue here though is the extra milk AND extra ice thing though man. Most of us just do whatever a customer wants, that’s pretty much universal. But this person wanted something that was literally not possible.


What I’ve been coached on is telling the customer’s how to order correctly. Stating to them certain things like this post mentions. ‘Light ice’ ‘extra milk’ ‘extra x,y and Z’ that way there is no confusion. But tbh when I get orders like ‘venti iced latte’ extra milk, best believe they’ll get extra milk with a tall sized ice scoop and call it day. Next ticket. Don’t have time to care because most of the time they don’t know how to order in a correct manner. Gotta take that into consideration instead of crying about it.


What you're missing is that a lot of people *don't want to be told they're wrong* when their order makes no sense and will 1. Get angry. 2. Ask for a Manger. 3. Yell about "the other Starbucks", trying to tell them how to order correctly rarely goes well.


No yeah, I get that. This post is about customers who Don’t Listen and demand that their idea is correct, dude. Trust that I believe you, and literally do exactly the same thing lol. But that’s not the issue OP was posting about.


This is why you tell them what’s up, I do it all the time. They’re no idiots just entitled. So, you have to reason with them if you have the time. I’ve literally walked over to a costumer and we spoke about what was up with her drink and I broke it down for her now she orders correctly. You can’t do that in drive but at least one person knows. Also it’s sbux fault for letting people customize so much tbh. Should have said minimal to no customizations and leave it be. But they care more about money than our experience behind the counter let’s be real. That’s the real issue.


I agree. But some people genuinely do not listen. I don’t know if your store is full of saints or whatever, but the amount of times I’ve had “corporate” thrown in my face just for trying to explain what our policies/recipes actually are is like, genuinely insane. I don’t understand what about this is hard for you to understand lol. Pretty sure OP was commenting on the frustration and eventual giving up when you just have to figure out the closest thing to what they want. You don’t have to defend your customers so hard, they aren’t here bro.


True. I gotta delete Reddit. This is wasting my time tbh. I could be doing other shit besides this. Thanks for this bro. You’re correct. Peace.


no, they are idiots and they’re entitled. most of these types of customers are genuinely incompetent