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Ask for extra ice and a splash of oat milk. Emphasize you want the drink to be mainly ice.


another route would be to also add an extra blonde shot of espresso with these modifications


On days when I work at the butt crack of dawn and have had barely any sleep...I get 6 shots. šŸ¤Æ


Thank you!


extra ice. the reason they come out milky is because ppl arenā€™t using the right amount of ice, it should be a little above the size you order in the shaker.


To add to this: locations that switched to nugget ice need to especially do a bit extra ice due to the volume after shaking. The recipe call for just a splash of milk so OP you're asking for the right thing!


I know people love the nugget ice but it melts way too quickly, especially with the hot espresso.


I love the nugget ice, but youā€™re so right about this. The old ice was definitely better for iced espressos and iced americanos


I hate everything about the nugget ice. It comes through the opening on cold foam drinks, messes up the ratios on shaken espressos, and waters down drinks


Thank you!


Extra ice+extra shaken does the job




Honestly it's not just customers it's Starbucks corporates fault. Before when it was called a Doubleshot on ice they emphasized just adding a splash but the recipe for Shaken espressos only ask for regular ice and to be shaken 10 times where I used to shake much more. I have the same problem myself as a barista getting drinks, I ask for extra ice and light milk and still sometimes it's too milky. To fix this I would specify at the register that you want "Extra, extra ice" and ask them to put it in ask me to specify that. If by stronger you mean more caffeine, if the number of shots are in multiples of two so the Venti or Tall, ask for it updosed as well. Hope this helps!


And a Venti was 5 shots back then too. I miss my Venti doubleshot on ice.


Soooo true. When they made it 4 shots there was not enough volume of liquid to make enough foam for just a splash which makes any Venti shaken espresso way too milky


what does RTFF mean?


I am showing my age, I fear... Read the fucking forum/FAQ Old forum acronym used when people would ask obvious questions that had been answered hundreds of times


So glad someone asked this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Cool username lol


lol ty


I've started ordering shots over ice, extra ice, with the syrup of my choice and a splash of oat milk. It's like $2 cheaper than the shaken espresso and a lot more consistent. It's not quite as good as a fully shaken drink, but it's way better than when it's made wrong like a latte. And swirling the shots in the ice as I drink it still gets some of the bubbly texture.


Extra shaken if they dont really shake it it doesn't foam up and they put more milk to compensate.


Also one shift told me to add a tad more ice AFTER pouring the shaken ice to compensate for what melted. That seems to help.


Damn you're right..never paid attention to the fact its not as foamy as it used to be either, thanks!


I second this it sounds weird to say, but I always add in the words ā€œextra shakenā€ lol Iā€™m glad to hear someone else say it so I donā€™t feel so dumb now. And I get extra ice with almost every cold drink from Starbucks just because I really like things very very cold and sometimes local store. They donā€™t add ice in general or apparently from this thread. Iā€™m learning they might have changed the ice. Also try extra shot of blonde espresso! Yum.


What does RTFF mean? Sorry but this is driving me crazy LOL


> I am showing my age, I fear... > > Read the fucking forum/FAQ > > Old forum acronym used when people would ask obvious questions that had been answered hundreds of times




He meant RTFF stands for read the f**king forum; he wasnā€™t telling you to do that šŸ˜… He copied and pasted his response from another question asking the same thing


Felt like 50 "What they say fuck me for??" šŸ˜‚


Ooohhh! Lol that could've been clearer...


One time I asked for it with extra ice and light oatmilk....they gave it to me with light ice and extra oatmilk. I don't usually raise issues about drinks but I couldn't drink it at all. When I brought it up to the cashier to nicely ask it to be remade, she asked, "So do you want me to pour this into a bigger cup with ice?" No!! I want a SHAKEN ESPRESSO!! Back when I worked at a license store I would die a little inside watching my coworkers make it like a latte. The best BOSE I ever had were ones I made for myself.


Avoid ordering it in the app if you can and just be clear that you don't want it made like a latte. You can show the pic in the app and ask politely for it to be made that way. I've started going in and politely mentioning when I order that I don't want it latte style. The cashier is usually like yup, I know what you mean. If I order in the drive thru I mention that I would please prefer it be made extra shaken/not like a latte. Last time I asked that way, the person on the drive thru said "I know that's right!" LOL Since I've been doing that it's been perfect every time.


Extra ice extra shot :-) Editing to add you might prefer 4 shots on ice in a grande cup, 3 pumps brown sugar and light oatmilk, and itā€™ll be a lot cheaper


Sometimes they scoop the foam off thinking thatā€™s what the customers want but that leaves more room for milk which should only ever be a topper. Iā€™m not saying thatā€™s what theyā€™re doing but some people do be doing that. Idk idk


I would order in person/drive thru and ask for the oat milk on the side, extra ice if you want but the ice will melt overtime and make it watery. I do all my milk on the side bc everyone has a different definition of what ā€œsplashā€ means.


Smart, thanks!


Problem with it being milky is that the barista probably uses way too much milk (shocker šŸ¤Æ) these are some of the most inconsistently made drinks I've come across, probably ever, in Starbucks. It's an ice-based drink, the main ingredient is ice. You need that ice for the texture (nice and foamy), but also for the right proportions of ice to espresso to milk. I feel like a lot of baristas use less ice, or don't shake it enough (not foamy enough, doesn't take so much volume) then just top half the cup with Oatmilk. They've made what is essentially an iced latte. Anyway, what I always ask for is "Extra Ice" and I get them to shake it 30 times. That way, it's nice and foamy and it's not super milky either.


You may need to try a different location. Iā€™m sure (or hope you know) that the shaken espressos are one drink that is interpreted differently pretty much everywhere.Ā  Some people drink them or enjoy them because itā€™s a new latte. Some people drink them like they are supposed to be drank (side of milk with coffee) not a side of coffee with milk.Ā  Extra ice probably your best bet, or extra shaken. Iā€™ve also heard people say Venti are kind of awkwardly sized for a shaken espresso and grande is the perfect size because Venti if not shaken or enough ice leaves that gap where Baristas would be more inclined to add more milk then they should because they get yelled at too much by people for leaving the gap.Ā 


I wish I knew. I recently started going to the Kroger instead of the standalone SB bc they make my shaken espresso so much better. I was so tired of getting a light brown cup of milky coffee with like 3 ice cubes at the other store. One time I literally watched them pull 4 shots directly into the plastic cup, fill it with milk and top it with a tiny bit of ice. No shaking in sight. I was watching like nope thatā€™s not my drink, then to my surprise they sat it down and called my name šŸ„² never again


I always get mine with an extra shot and I'd say 50% of the time they don't put it in šŸ¤·


Extra shot(s), extra ice, less milk. You could even go so far as to say the cup doesn't have to be full, just a splash of milk and top it with more ice


Extra ice, extra shaken, very light splash of oatmilk should get you the proper result. I didnā€™t mind that Starbucks replaced the double shot on ice with the iced shaken espresso, but then customers would complain that itā€™s got ā€œtoo much iceā€ itā€™s ā€œtoo darkā€ it ā€œdoesnā€™t have enough milkā€ so baristas were told to ā€œmake the moment rightā€ instead of making the drink properly. Itā€™s also become just sheer laziness because baristas wonā€™t use the correct amount of ice or shake the drink enough.


You could also ask for the milk on the side and then add your desired amount yourself


You could always size it down, I get a grande with 5 shots with extra ice. But tbh Iā€™d just start getting the milk on the side if Iā€™d had so many issues with it.


It's impossible. About one in ten come out the way they are supposed to. I mobile order and don't usually have time to ask for a remake. I have complained to customer service, they throw me a free drink once in a while but it seems like they don't actually pass the complaint along to the store. Between that and my cold foam cold brews barely getting any foam on them anymore I have had it with the sbux near me.


Definitely extra ice and maybe even extra shot combo. Personally, hearing light milk some would just put the same amount anyway because it wouldn't be full I would've probably automatically done more ice.


Next time get blonde ristretto shots and ask with light oatmilk


I'd recommend getting an extra shot and say extra ice too. Most baristas don't use enough ice and end up needing too much milk to fill to the top. It's a common complaint.


Ask to add an extra shot, make the shots ristretto, and for extra ice. *Chef's Kiss*


xtra ice & if that doesnā€™t do it for you ask for updosed espresso


honesty something i haven't seen mentioned yet that's also a problem is blonde shots that come standard in all the menu shaken espressos now are simply not as foamy even when you do shake it, as well as the nugget ice/starbucks changing the recipe/lack of 5th shot in a venti. i'm also a true doubleshot on ice fan and i also will order extra ice and an extra shot and light milk no matter what especially bc i get ristretto shots so they're a little shorter anyway


Updosed shots saves my life when i ran into this issue. I went from ordering 6 shots to 4 when i switched to updosed. Most baristas are unfamiliar with type of shot pull. You can tell them its the ā€œUā€ button on the machine.


The "strenght" is deceptive. What we use for shaken espressos (at least in my area) is Blonde Roast. The flavour is much milder than signature roast... but it's actually stronger. Burning of beans makes the flavour more bitter, but also gets rid of caffeine which is why decaf is so "strong". If you want the bitter flavour, ask for "regular espresso" or "signature espresso". If you're looking for the caffeine though, you got it locked in with blonde roast.


Try making the espresso ristretto!!! And also extra ice helps too.


Either an extra shot or extra ice.


Ask for ā€regularā€ signature espresso instead if blonde. That will make the drink taste stronger.


Blonde actually has more caffeine! But, it tastes less strong for some reason


Well itā€™s made with a blonde shot which is stronger than a regular espresso shot. If you want that espresso taste ask them to make it with regular espresso or ristretto shots instead


I always ask for an extra pump of the base. To me, that is the right mixture. My complaint is that for a ā€œshakenā€ drink, everything is still layered and separated. Despite being shaken, it always needs stirred when itā€™s ready. I donā€™t get it.


The layered look is precisely what indicates that it was done right. If it's not layered, they messed up your drink.


U can go in the app and read its description. Or on the website. And look at the picture and it will all make sense. The shots and ice and syrups are supposed to be shaken together and then its topped off with milk. Its called a shaken espresso. Its just the espresso shots that are shaken. Not shaken with the milk. The description will show that on the website or app


Ah, thanks for the explanation. I had no idea.