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It smells like, *slightly* funky but not this bad what the fuck šŸ˜­ have yall smelled actual ass?


Everybody groans and moans about our food not having a ton of flavor and then they introduce something with cheese and I think garlic and onion (?) in the bread and it's LITERALLY three day unwashed ass.


Again, Iā€™m really not certain yall have smelled three day unwashed ass šŸ˜­ is this some genetic thing like the cilantro soap thing


To be clear, I was agreeing with you and being sarcastic.


I got one today and it smelled like soup... good soup... I dont know how you think it smells like BO.


i think itā€™s the asiago and pesto combo thereā€™s usually like romano or somethin in pesto stinky cheese


Our grout is deteriorating around bar and it's getting filled with the acidic grounds from espresso. I've been doing floors n sweeping out those grounds. Also the floor that we all spill drinks made with milk on... and now that smells like a year of unwashed asshole. It's so bad. And there's nothing we can do about it lol.


šŸ˜‚ seriously. I think it smells like pizza


I think they smell good but maybe Iā€™ve just had good ass šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I said this to another partner and they thought I was crazy. I was a little paranoid it was me because our store was so hot and I was sweating a lot but then I was on oven and realized it was the pesto.


Today helping on ovens, I went "these new pesto sandwiches smell like ass" A few minutes later the food/front partner is back and confirmed "these sandwiches DO smell bad!!" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I got one today... and it smelled like a soup... it tasted so good.... The one that made me gag. Is that chicken one. Smells like death to me...


same thing happened to one of my partners, they said ā€œguys is that me?ā€ it was actually hilariousšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


YES! my coworkers are like, ā€œi literally thought i smelled and i got so worriedā€. little did they know it was a sandwich stinkin up the joint


This literally happened to me our ac isnt working and we have fans i thought i smell bad šŸ˜­


Yeah. It legit makes me want to throw up


My coworker too, thought it was BO. Lol.


They smell like the potato chive bites to mešŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Ugh my store is still out of thoseā€¦.šŸ˜­


impossible breakfast smells worse to me


Thank you omg, the impossible sandwich smells so sweaty and I can't stand it. Same with the bacon sausage wrap


The impossible indeed smells bad. And it tastes bad too. Itā€™s so greasy. It smells like 2 day fermented ball & gooch sweat. I grew up with older male cousins so I know the smell of unwashed ass and fermented ball sweat all too well when they were in their teenage years.


THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE. That thing smells like a fucking locker room šŸ¤£. Somehow it still tastes good tho


Consider that fish sauce is a very common ingredient/condiment in many non-western cuisines, and even the cuisine of the Romans. That stuff is made by mixing just salt and fish so that the stomach acid of the fish digests the rest of it until it fully turns into liquid, so that stuff reeks really badly. The taste? It's basically just salty and savory with a semi-fishy taste. I have a bottle in my cabinet that I won't use. My point is that stuff can smell awful but have a decent flavor, which is weird because most of your taste is made up by smell.


FR it smells like stephen assantiā€™s taint. i tried it on friday but i like the tomato mozzarella panini better. i feel like the cheese on the panini is less likely to engulf the entire sandwich like the new sandwich does after it melts. so messy to eat


With the pesto and cheesy onion bun it's a very strong smell, but I absolutely love the sandwich. Especially for a vegetarian option, and also considering it's coming after chicken maple I think this one is a win


Itā€™s an onion bun


Okay, but I cook with fresh onion and it doesn't smell this bad lol idk what roided out, essence-of-onion they spread on that sandwich. My god.


The probably the difference. The sandwich isnā€™t fresh onion.


the first time i warmed one up i thought i was the one that smelledšŸ˜­


Dam I think it smells so good anytime someone cooks one, and I think most of my coworkers agree?


same, and none of my coworkers have said it smells lol


No longer a partner but I imagine it smells very similar to the Veggie Fontiago from ages ago. It was atrocious.


Bruh that sandwich slapped


Haha, the memories you brought back. That one really did not smell great.Ā 


Omg I think they taste and smell so good? Everyone in my store agrees? Am I crazy lmao


I literally thought I forgot to put on deodorant yesterday when I walked into work and I was so embarrassed the entire day šŸ˜­ and then I walked in this morning just for it to be that damn sandwich omfg


Grind some Italian roast itā€™ll cancel out šŸ˜


my coworker literally said this yesterday!! sheā€™s like, ā€œitalian blend smells worseā€. i donā€™t think iā€™ve ever smelled italian šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Itā€™s not that bad but it is well known to be stinky


I was off for a week for medical reasons and today was my first day back. I had to take a friend aside and go, ā€œDo I stink?ā€ He said itā€™s not me, itā€™s the sandwich. Smells like hot garbage.


Way to yuck on someone elseā€™s yum. šŸ˜† Iā€™ve bought it twice and enjoyed it both times.


same but it does stink lol


I THOUGHT SAME THING it smells like straight B.O. and my coworkers all thought i was crazy


I hate how it smells like straight BO but tastes really good


Omg Iā€™m the only one in my store that thinks these sandwiches smell SO BAD, Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone in this


it gives me the shits im so for real 2 of my coworkers had the same prob mine hit me 2 minutes before close so uh i had to multitask


is it really a true starbucks experience if everything on the menu doesnā€™t completely clear you out? #skinny


i was insanely nauseous working yesterday and cooking any breakfast sandwich sucked because they all smell bad to me but that one is by FAR the worst


Oh my god I thought the same thing and didn't know if i was crazy LMAO


They don't smell the best, but they don't taste too bad. But the GAS I have from eating these things is...well, the spongebob reference is fairly accurate...


Freaky sandwich


cant even bring myself to try it bc it smells SO strongly like an ex-partners BO, i think about 95% of my store gets war flashbacks whenever one comes out of the oven


god you and i are identical. old partners who donā€™t have hygiene = the egg and mozzarella sammy


Why would they use mozzarella when they could use cheddar. Much more flavor


I literally said this yesterday, it smells so bad and it lingers and spreads across the store. potato chive smells rank too


It smells like BO to the point everytime someone brings one to handoff and walks past me I think ā€œoh god- did I forget deodorantā€


Iā€™m in my first trimester of pregnancy and smelling this at work sends me into the worst throwing up fitsšŸ¤®


One of my ssv literally get sick warming it up


LMAO this is so true


I literally was thinking "...is it me? Did I forget deodorant...?" Until I realized T0T back to wearing a mask I guessšŸ¤·


Are these available in every country?


Its thebonion bread that is used fornthe sandwich. It tastes so good but yes, it does have an odor that longers


Smells like pizza to me idk what you on about a** šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t mind the smell. And it tastes delectable. I havenā€™t had the pleasure of smelling an assholešŸ˜‚


Tbh i really like the smell. and the sandwich. lol


I asked for one before my shift and my coworker said ā€œnot while Iā€™m here that shit stinks and Iā€™m not doing itā€ lmaooooo so I guess I wonā€™t know til peak on Wednesday morning


It definitely does smell a lil funky but I've been eating one every shift since we got em šŸ˜‚ I added bacon from a double smoked and that shit SLAPPED


ngl i thought someone forgot to put on deodorant at first, they taste good tho!


i fucking hate that sandwich. for me itā€™s the onion smoke that gets in my eyes when i open the oven. thatā€™s worse than the small to medium. i hateeee it and its ugly šŸ¤£


This made me laugh so damn hard, especially with the image.




It smells bad looks good but tastes eh


Yall need to eat different kinds of cuisine bc it doesnā€™t even smell bad