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i can see how she thinks ur lying but im surprised she actually said anything abt it. yikes. she can’t deny sick time if it’s protected


No yeah, I’m not like gonna go and argue with it. There’s no proof that I’m feeling like passing out, but lord😭 like mmm no I don’t think you’re having cramps so bad you’re gonna pass out<3


bye i have the same issue (pcos😍) & my SM doesn’t let us call out unless we have covid coach symptoms. which is dumb cus people can get sick in other ways besides throwing up with a fever😭 but yeah idk why they’re so on ass about it. idk anything abt policies tbh so it might be some weird policy that doesn’t make sense abt calling out. but i️ wish u luck :))


Thank you friend :))


That pretty retaliatory and your SM saying all that to you sounds like good ground to report them for berating you like that over the phone for using protected sick time.


I’m not even gonna lie I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry when I got off the phone


Please tell me you reported that SM 💀


Not yet, this happened at 6 in the morning and I had a different job interview right after it that I had to muscle through. I’m seriously thinking about it cause she’s done some other shitty stuff to us too


Please, please report that. No one else should have to deal with such an inappropriate SM


My coworker is giving me the ethics number when he gets to work


Good! And I'm proud of you for getting out, don't let the Siren's call drag you back in if you can help it - I'm on my third store over the course of a few years and I have regrets lol


Much love lol, the only reason I’d think about going back is for the healthcare honestly


Called off but had a job interview? Crazy.


called out for their shift the Next day, they didn’t schedule a job interview on the same day as their shift 💀


OHHHH i read that wrong lol


Please report this omg. There’s a lot of people who just let this type of stuff go and allow these unethical behaviors from management just slip when they are clearly not following Starbucks policy. Don’t let that manager manipulate you into thinking you cant use your sick time. I also struggle with feeling unwell and even fainted at work once. There is such thing as invisible illnesses such as fibromyalgia. Just because you haven’t gotten properly diagnosed for something yet doesn’t mean your problems don’t exist. Please report her for you and for other partners 😭


I’m seriously thinking about it but I don’t even know what I would say, like would they even believe me? Would they ask for proof? Cause this entire thing happened over the phone. It’s her word against mine at this point


I have issues fainting, and for a good three months it went undiagnosed as I went through heaps of tests to rule out other things and I really wish my SM would even try doing this to me. The way I’d sue Starbucks up and down


Aw I’m glad you got your stuff all sorted out


They ask for documentation so write down the date and time the conversation happened.


Good thing I have the call log, do you know if they ask anything else


They will ask you if you can document everything word for word as a statement. And then they will investigate it with the others involved. Your manager will be investigated especially because sick hours are protected. You might have to prove you were asking for sick hours. Also make sure you get all of your benefits settled like if you filed for the 401k, they have to pay it out once you’re separated.


Thank you for the advice, I can definitely make a word for word statement. Yeah I didn’t have any benefits with them active cause I had other coverage


Just looked and saw you were there for a year so I might not have qualified for benefits yet. Good luck.




If you're feeling spiteful and extra fainty, you could go in tomorrow and just faint in the store so then they would have to deal with it and then just tell sm "gee, I told you I had been feeling faint, but our conversation yesterday made me feel like I should push through it. All because of what you said"


😭😭I would but she already took my shifts off of the marketplace


No offense but your sm sounds like a raging b word (idk if im allowed to cuss on this subreddit). I remember when my manager tried this with me and i called ethics. He went under investigation for about six months before being let go.


Oh wow I didn’t know ethics took it that serious. I don’t think she’d be let go cause she’s been with the company for so long


Well it was a combination of things but thats the straw that broke that specific camels back lol.


Why does ur ex-SM have a stick from the siren shoved so far up their ass, I would’ve cursed them tf out especially when u weren’t being an asshole or anything.


She’s been with the company for 19 years now. Shes got a higher than thou mentality


Oh we have one of those. Sorry to hear that.