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I will post my beginners guild to avoiding pvp and interdiction's for mining and cargo. Much of these can be helpful for salvage too. Most of these tips apply to both mining and cargo running as well as some basic game-play knowledge. If I missed something or you have additional tips, feel free to add to it. OK then, here are some tips for avoiding pirates and mitigating PvP while hauling/mining/salvage in the verse. 1- Never ever QT directly to or from a Lagrange station. When you call your ship, set a route to something other than your target planet or POI. After a minute in QT reset route to target planet and cancel QT. Now resume QT to planet and you will 99.9999% of the time avoid camped qt routes or players who have set up interdiction bubbles. You do the exact same when leaving a planet with a full load. Never QT directly to your destination. ALWAYS pre-spool! 2- Never ever, for the love of Crom, mine within 30-50k minimum distance to an outpost. When you QT to a location on a planet/moon you will drop out at 20ish k away from it. Turn your ship 180*, burn for another 20k and start scanning. Pirates [this is what I do when playing the bad guy] Will hop from location to location trying to find miners who stay close to outpost since they are easy bait to scan down. 3- Pay attention to Comm arrays when you enter a system. It's the little satellite icon upper right on your hud. If the icon is missing, someone has turned off the Comm array in order to kill without getting a crime stat. This does not mean a pirate will not still kill you if it's on, but it gives you immediate info to make a decision to leave or not. 4- Complete the basic prerequisite bounty hunter missions. When mining or cargo running accept all the player bounty's on the server. Any time a bounty uses their mobiglass to set a route it will update the icon and makes it easy to track their location. 5- White chevron's. They are quantum interdiction events. On occasion they are bugged ships but are supposed to be visual inductions of where player or NPC interdiction's have happened. 6- You probably know this but understanding the difference between a NPC and player is key. NPC's will always have two names. Players will only ever have one. Example > Winkcata or wink_cata = player. Wink Cata = NPC 7- Understanding what interdiction is. Quantum Dampening: Prevents the activation of quantum drives within a short range while active (approx. 2000m) Quantum Snare: Creates a "bubble" around the ship. Any ship passing through will be knocked out of quantum travel, and unable to activate their drive until the Snare is turned off. (approx. 10–20km) NPC interdiction's are easy to get out of. Just burn away in one direction until you have cleared the bubble. You can then spool and QT. 8- Practice what I call "hot" takeoffs and landings. First off, use the new Alt N or key-bind your own landing/takeoff permission key. When in a hangar, pre set your QT location and pre spool before the doors are open. Practice landing at stations HOT. Meaning as fast as you can. You will get better with time and blowup or damage your ship often learning, so do it without cargo but with the prospector or any ship you will be hauling cargo with. Practice this in both coupled and decoupled modes. And remember to set spawn at station...which I'm guilty of always forgetting. 8-a: Thx u/carpe_simian Always make sure your shield is fully charged before you open hangar doors or leave hard armistice. 9- Turn OFF proximity assist in the settings. This will allow you full thrust during takeoffs and landings. 10- Thx u/Axyun A common one for traders is to never spend more than half your savings buying commodities. That way if you lose your cargo to pirates, a crash, or just a bad landing, then you still have enough funds to recover. Last- Always Think outside the box. If you do die to a player or NPC the first and valid reaction is anger/frustration. But cool off and say to yourself "What could I have done different to avoid or mitigate that outcome".


Some great advice in there - one of my friends loves the mining gameplay loop. I'll make sure I send this over to him :)


Number 5 has me confused. Where would you see those white chevrons to indicate an interdiction has happened?


The last few patches they have been either bugged or missing. They have been bugged for sure since 3.18. Sometimes they will show as a white chevron stuck on your hud. When it's working correctly you can see them on the F2 map, sometimes in groups. They are called Snare-Event-Markers


past few patches CIG added white or ghost chevrons and a star map indicator of snare events.. you can tell where pirates are camping in space too, as the moon or planet revolves and rotates it leaves a trail of ghost chevrons in a line every time a snare happened. If it's in comms range... this doesnt happen away from comms zones..


Good post. Liked for the love of Crom. Crom, count the dead.


Great tips. I had to learn hot landing a prospecter in 3.17 when quantanium mining was a thing. That timer even if i had plenty of time to land and store the ship was super fucking nerve racking.


The patches when the Quant alarm would go off early [or not at all] was the worst. Many pairs of underwear sacrificed themselves on those days.


That shit drove me crazy - got to where I always ran a timer on my phone.


I've put all of this in a pinned comment on YouTube if that's OK dude - The whole point of this vid / post was to increase knowledge and having it all in one place can only be a good thing? o7




Good info. I knew most of it but I did still learn something new. Didn’t realize by accepting the bounty you could track the player. Cool!


Commenting here for later. Cheers mate!


On the point 8. I usually do that, but I've been having some problems in the current version, where my star map doesn't want to set the QT point untill I'm few thousand km from the station/planet/moon. So yeah, still if I have some valuble cargo on me, I usually do spool in the hangar and just jump anywhere. Once in space it's much safer.


as a player who dabbles with some piracy game loops...this is solid advice!


The HOT landing and take off is a very good advice ! Doing this in the Race or Free Fly mode could also lower the time to respawn a ship 😁


Will always upvote this post by Wink. Great beginner info


\#5 white chevrons where? Do they show up on the map?


When they work you will see them in the F2 map. They will only show up in comm array areas and only if the comms are up. Sometimes when they are bugged [often] you will see them on your hud or stuck on your hud.


> cool off and say to yourself, "What could I have done different to avoid or mitigate that outcome." This last bit of advice is the one thing I wish more SC players would learn. I'm so tired of reading post after post of, "I got griefed in my fully loaded cargo ship while I AFK'd at Seraphim station! We need PVE only servers! Thanks for ruining my night!" when what really happened was legitimate piracy, or the rare genuine griefing that's blown out of proportion as though it's an epidemic. I wish instead they'd ask themselves, "Alright, it sucks that someone shot me while I was in an armistice zone. How could I have prevented this?" rather than, "I'm a victim and everyone should feel bad for me."


I have to say, #4 is both genius and feels like cheating. I will totally not use this new tool to my advantage 😶


So much fun!


Good lord, man, have you been traumatized or something? The QTing to and from mid route stops is good if you're carrying valuable cargo, but how often do you get railed at stations. I've rarely run into problems around stations, it's much less of a problem than it used to be.


Just yesterday I saw a guy decide to kill everyone coming or going from Seraphim in his Inferno. Doesn't happen often, sure, but often enough to learn how to deal when someone decides to go off the rails.


It happens, sure, but not to the level that the person I responded to is giving advice. You don't have to jet out of every station and land at full speed 95% of the time.


The entire point was to practice good habits, not that it will happen all the time. There will be times, especially in the future where you will need these skills so why not hone them now. [ie Pyro]


You can always...not mine in the murderhobo land of Pyro?


Not all of us miners and cargo runners are scared of pvp and even welcome a good fight or pirating. I had to alt tab from EFT to write this so I have no gear fear and enjoy anything pvp.




Since the mantis was introduced I have been interdicted by players maybe a dozen times total. Not that much considering the hundreds of mining and cargo runs I have done over the years but it's still good to get in the habit of defensive flying. The most have been from lyria to ARC L1. If you have never been interdicted by players you are either lucky or play at off times. BH loosing the marker out of comms range or GH is irrelevant to this write up since it's meant to help players get info about their current location and the last known BH marker. No one in their right mind should be trading or mining in a system where the comms are down. We have tested setting a route and QT'ing extensively with a 3+ CS. Yes, the market will update at a seemingly set rate when within comms but the second we set and jump the marker will update. You do not always loose a targets marker. I have tracked a target from Crusader to Hurston and their marker stayed up and updated the entire route even when they leave comms range. This may or may not be intentional, a bug or half working.




I think you are not understanding me, I have at no point said that the marker will update when comms are down. Nothing I said had anything to do with comms being down. When comms are up, which we are assuming the player reading this is mining/trading in a "safe" [comms up] system it makes it easier to track any local BH's. I have witnessed a marker staying on a target while out of comms range and clearly stated that "This may or may not be intentional, a bug or half working."




> This may or may not be intentional, a bug or half working. Please don't leave out important information when trying to argue with someone. You copy and pasted then intentionally left out the part that invalidates you're argument. Just stop GLHF.


Would ship size be an issue? My daily is a Nomad which can carry 24SCU of cargo. Nothing comapred to the big ships, but still ~170,000 aUEC worth of gold potentially. Is something of that size going to be targetted by pirates, or ignored in favour of the next C2?


Pirates will hit anything with cargo. Really depends on the group.


I think its bad form to accept missions you have no intention of completing. Affects the game negatively doesnt it?


The bounty missions have zero effect on the other player-base. 100 players on the same server can all take a bounty for the same target. Only the deathblow gets credit though.


Ok tkanks


I have had some amazing pirate experiences in Star Citizen with some very professional pirates. I have been in battles against some very professional pirates. I have also been griefed. It is important for people to know the difference. You will know when you have been ransomed or pirated for profit in game by pro’s vs just being torped/rammed for some idiots enjoyment/stream. Real pirating in SC is actually fun - it adds value and intrigue to the game. I wanted some of the new armor and ended up doing a “guide” session with a pirate who was amazing to learn from and also he was funny as hell with whoever he was pirating. They didn’t get mad at him… he didn’t ask for it all, he took a little and went on his way.


Yeah I'd seen stories of both sides - creative piracy and basically griefing. Fully commend the pirates in this footage as they played it well. Was a blast to be a part of the heist albeit as 'the mark' this time haha


Hmm... some quick thoughts while watching your footage: \- Like others have said, be aware of comms status. Comms down + the presence of other players (especially in a non armistice area) is a decent indicator for possible pvp/pirate activity. Tread with caution. \- If you see evidence of players on site, recon BEFORE exiting the ship. This ideally involves hovering/flying overhead while you see what you can learn from the air. Lots of dismounted players, players in armor, etc are all bad things to see and might be a good indicator that you should move on. \- Don't leave your door open/elevator or ramp down. Never leave your ship unsecured, especially if you know players are or could be around. Giving anyone access to your ship lets them board and hijack it. For the C2 specifically, I always have the elevator go up to the lower floor and wait til it starts to go up before I jump off the elevator. \- Scanning your surroundings. This is a good thing to do, although you generally get a better view if you just hold F and scroll in. The only time I'd use a weapon optic for this is if it was in a hot zone and expecting active combat soon... and I wouldn't want to be landing my cargo ship for a cargo mission in that case. \- You have a lot of other tips for further into the zone, but personally I'd have left after seeing armed/armored guys once you got further in. Cargo running is expensive at times, and it's too easy to die in SC to risk it. Overall, great post. Recon from your ship, avoid players (especially with no comms), close your ship, and be safe.


Some great points in here too :) I had deemed it my last run of the day and I've followed my own rule in the past of getting out of dodge when there's ships with big cargo there. But because I'd done this run dozens of times with no issues I decided to see what would happen if I landed and went for it. Defo played it a little fast and loose :D Appreciate the comment! I think the main aim of the vid / post is to increase the knowledge within the community so we can all be a little more careful with our own security and it's great so see more pointers in these comments. o7


im not even mad when i get pirated- as long as they take my stuff. just blowing up a ship and getting no monetary Benefit is a dirtbag move.


I had some guys try to pirate me last night while selling drugs in my Corsair, I managed to get airborne, almost blew a Gladius away. Soon as I had the chance I jumped outta there.


Tips: Always tap fire. Desync seems to miss some shots if you spray. Always wear grenades. They are bullet proof, you are not. You can use "carry lowered" if you interact with your gun. This will put it in a low ready stance. You'll move as fast as if your weapon is holstered, appear less threatening and click once to shoulder your weapon. Much faster than drawing, especially with something like an fs9. Consider using an fs9. Available at your local bunker for a few mags and moments of your time. Keep having fun, say hi to Doc for me.


Some great info there man. Thank you! Will give the fs9 a whirl too. Doc sends his regards ;) o7


Not that it would have helped in this situation but you left your ship with power set to thrusters. I would usually check that you have full boost available then *leave your ship with power set to shields*, in case your ship comes under fire whilst you're not there / getting back. I've had times where I've been attacked whilst loading cargo and this was the only thing that saved me (barely)!


That's good advice! I'll bear that in mind in the future o7


Simple solution: clear the landing zone with 2x MOABs TBH, i've only met stupid pirates. One pirate missed his entire magazine except 1 bullet, so i ran up in nothing but an undersuit and melee-ed him. His friend shot and killed me 5 seconds after I sold the eggs. 2nd time was a group of 3 starter ships, trying to take down my A2, again after I sold all my cargo LOL.


I was taking off from seraphim in an A2 without cargo and when exiting hangar some troll locked and launched missiles at me. I turned around and saw him explode to station missiles and his own missiles just collided into the station. A lot of gankers are actually really dumb


As i fulltime pirate and pvp-player by myself, you actually made some mistakes. Ill try to point out what ive seen what could be improved. Im totally playing against myself here because when i tell people what i do and how i do it, they are most likely to avoid exactly this. However, discouraging new players wont lead to a better place so here we go: **00:10** *Your hint: Target people and check their ship.* This is wrong. When targetting people, you tell them that you are there. When you have a lower signature than them, they probably havent seen you yet and you let them know that you are there, disregarding where you are. They are warned and are probably searching for you. You want to avoid that. You want that, in the best scenario, NOBODY knows that you are there. It would be way better to activate the scanner and scan the ship. You can do this even from a big distance. You will have to hold the crosshair on the ship and that might need some time but you wont warn them and you got all information you need. What ship, which components they got, what cargo, how many players are in that ship and some more. ​ **00:28** *You directly stop at the spot where you are going to land* Never slow down until you visited the complete location. There might be a Hornet Ghost with turned off systems nearby. (totally not me). Fly straight above the location with a decent speed so if anyone is there willing to kill you, they might lose patience and attack you while you are still at speed. Then you have enough momentum to run away without having to accelerate again. **00:37** *You said to not land when there are multiple bigger ships around* While this is not totally wrong, it could waste a lot of your time. Many of the ships around there could just be empty ships, probably from players that arent even online anymore. Persistency makes it hard to tell. Scan the ship instead. When the owner is shown as "Gamerules", the player isnt on the server anymore and you can land without being scared about the ship. When the owner is shown in the scanner, then yeah, the safer option is to just try another location or time. ​ **00:55** *You landed with the front to the location* Just never to this. There are a few options what could happen: 1. The enemy ship takes off and starts to shoot at you 2. There are enemies at the ground waiting for you 3. Enemies are comming from the air In neither case you profit from having your guns pointed at the enemy. Not as long as you are flying a cargo ship in pvp. Even in scenario 1 you would be way safer when just running away. And you CANT do that when you are directly pointed to the location or even worse, when pointed to the enemy ship that takes off with you. Always head away from the building or potential enemies when you are a cargo ship. Remember: **You DONT want to fight.** People that are comming with the intention to pvp, they are most likely prepared to do so. They might have some practice and know what they are doing. You wouldnt win the fight anyway. To try to fight them just gives them more time to call potentially mates. This is what happens to us (me and my org) a lot of the times. We cover multiple locations at once and as soon as something happens, all are grouping there. When you offer me the time by trying to fight me, your chances to survive decrease by any second. And as a side effect, most ships with a ramp got the ramp at the back. When having the ramp opened to the location itself, it gives you very few cover what isnt nice but it grants a quick in and out. And to be able to run back to your ship and get inside without having to run all around can save your life. ​ **01:31** *You stood at the elevator checking for enemies* Always keep moving. When you are at the elevator, the potential enemy has seen you long before you could have found him with your scope. He knows when you come down because he can see the elevator moving while you are stil inside and all you can see are the ships interior walls. Before leaving the ship, check in 3rd person the area near your ramp. Once opening the ship, dont wait or hesitate, run. Get some cover and try to hide. The attacker has to lose your path to make the chances even. ​ **01:49** *You just left your ship* **This is the biggest possible mistake.** The only thing that you should wait for at the outside of your ship **is to close its doors again.** Most of the times, we hijack ships by boarding them. And when the door is open, you wont see enemies comming and boarding. Well, you get a message that they entered your ship but its too late then. Open the door, leave the ship, close the door, run. ​ **03:43** *You emoted and holstered your gun* Dont do this. Anyone is a potential enemy. When emoting, you lock yourself in a position and cant dodge or shoot back. When holstering your weapon, you lose important seconds. Same counts for jumping around: While in the air, especcially on moons with lower gravity, you are easy to predict. You cant change your direction while mid-air and have to land again. Your crosshair will jump and be unpredictable. Keep moving. Steady and ready. No unnecessarry movements like jumping or emoting. **05:54** **Just dont buy any commodities when you arent alone.** Even if they arent pirates with intention, even many traders become pirates when the chances are good. And when some traders are there with their C2, its an easy snack to be a pirate for a second, shoot you down and become a trader again afterwards. They might have started their session with wanting to be lawful and just hauling some goods. But as soon as you offer them the cargo, they possibly change their mind. Dont risk it. ​ **06:55** Nice kill, buddy! ​ ​ Please let me know if you think that ive got something wrong. Im always here to learn and to share what i learned without promising that everything i tell is correct. I learn a lot from practice and having the perspective from a player from the other side of the table may increase the gameplay quality from all of us. Fly safe. o7


\+1 for mentioning the scanner. Seeing a ship with an owner name is usually worth reconsidering landing at all, or waiting to see if they leave in a 'normal' amount of time, though they could be laying a trap with friends already on the ground. "Gamerules" ships are safe. They're not 'fair game' though, as anything removed from them will be marked as stolen, and only sellable at salvage yards... depends on how you want to play.


That's brilliant advice. I didn't really know the ins and outs about scanning ships until today o7


Massively appreciate the post dude! Totally get the idea of not wanting to share any info that gives stuff away - but it's been great to see the community lock in on this post as a way to raise the general knowledge level across the cross-section of the whole player base. Better the devil you know etc right :D ​ Response to your points: **00:10** **Your hint: Target people and check their ship.** I haven't actually ran a scan of a ship before (newish player) and that does make a lot of sense! I think in general, I've said to my friend who is not pvp-oriented.. If you do hit target, yes it does give you away, but it does show you actually know how to target someone :D I think these guys were waiting on someone, anyone, to land there. Being stealthy wouldn't have changed much I think. But I'm gonna try scanning out now as an alternative. Great info! ​ **00:28** **You directly stop at the spot where you are going to land** I've said in other replies - I do play this run fast and loose. I'd made this cargo run dozens of times and also dipped out when I saw multiple ships there just to be safe. This time I kinda wanted something to go down so decided to send it :D ​ **00:37** **You said to not land when there are multiple bigger ships around** Yeah this is great info for me (and others) - I've landed when there's empty ships but my spidey senses did go off for this run in the video (still tried anyway as previous answer). Looks like scanning is going to be a valuable asset moving forward. Again, appreciate the info! **00:55** **You landed with the front to the location** I think my intuition was 'gun and run' if the need arose - having weapons face the other ships just seemed like the best way to approach this but have fully taken that advice on board! ​ **01:31** **You stood at the elevator checking for enemies** I think the logic here was - the real danger appears \*once\* I've paid for the cargo. Even though I'm being vigilant + recon at the beginning, I kinda felt nothing major would happen at this point. Fully agree on the advice you give :) ​ **01:49** **You just left your ship** Kinda related to my previous point. Left the ship (kinda wanting something to kick off) but also thinking nothing major would happen until I have the cargo. I totally should have sent the lift back up though haha.. In any normal run, I most likely wouldn't have even landed in the first place. I just wanted to see what would happen if I sent it :D ​ **03:43** **You emoted and holstered your gun** Again, fully agree with your advice here.. In that moment I thought if they do pull something there, all they're getting is an empty ship and my armour. So rightly or wrongly did the emote thing etc knowing it isn't wise ​ **05:54** **Just dont buy any commodities when you arent alone** (Apart from not even landing avoiding the whole thing which I would normally do) Watching it back I think I could have even dummied the purchase, or made a smaller purchase... I think I just wanted to create a huge risk situation and see if it could pull it off if things went sideways haha ​ **06:55** **Nice kill, buddy!** o7 Thanks for the great response man - it's been fascinating to get multiple insights from your post and overall from the community. I really appreciate the time you took!


Hey bud, thanks for your nice feedback! I totally get that this whole scenario you played was just about some quick in and out action with an unlucky turn. And I know that I have tendencies to take this game too serious. And to be fair, even if I am one of those guys punishing mistakes, I'm doing tons of them. Landing in a specific direction for a screenshot with landscape, bullshitting with some mates at outposts and emoting all around and stuff like that.. I guess what I want to say Is that I dont want to take away the fun part of the game with all my "meta relevant" tips. Having fun is the first priority and you will get everything else with the time. SC is hard and not forgiving from time to time but to keep playing pays off, trust me. And I'm sure you will get there. See you in the verse, commander!


Yeah I think overall this post has been a net positive for the majority of people reading it up when it comes to increasing knowledge! If I'd played the scenario perfectly (or completely avoided it in the first place) - there would have been no lessons to learn :D ​ Ggs man. o7


I LOVE how you take criticism. That has to be said. I'm always scared that people think I'm unfriendly because I might sound harsh from time to time without wanting to be. And by god, who tells that all I've said is correct? My experiences could be off by a thousand miles! I just tried to offer a different perspective and again, I LOVE how you deal with that. A small tip that came across my mind: When carrying REAL valuable goods, it might pay off to start a delivery mission and store the deliverable crate in your ship. So once accepted, you have the package tracked and while it is in your ship, it's like a GPS. You always find your ship, no matter where it is. Pirates still need some time to transfer the cargo, that could be your key for revenge. That's actually the first thing we do: hijacking the ship, traveling to a far distant planet and stopping the quantum drive mid-jump (so you end in the area called Deepspace, there aren't any quantum markers to jump to and it's almost impossible to find you (without a tracked delivery box)), then we search the whole ship for such boxes. When we find them, we throw them out of the ship and jump again for a few thousand kilometers and stop again. If this process is done, there's no way you will ever see the cargo again. Another point worth mentioning: We ALWAYS struggle with quantum interdiction. We got 2 Mantis in our orgs fleet but we don't use them because they take away a complete player. The mantis is almost useless beside the interdiction part. The Cutty Blue is a great ship but it's kinda easy to kill it and once it's destroyed, the pirates lose a player, a ship AND the interdiction. We found ourselves more in pure firepower. When we can't board, Softdeath the trader ship as fast as possible. In around half of the times, the traders manage to escape. But to be honest, as far as I can think, I can't remember a trader that tried to fight and left the spot alive... So the piracy weak spots are: - traders that run (and especially jump away, do it while you still can, master modes will change a lot!) - when we can't board you, we have to Softdeath the ship and that means that we are stationary for quite a while - even when we boarded you, we have to transfer cargo somewhere and when you can track us, we might have a problem. Best way for avoiding unwanted action is to get a mate to be honest.. let him fly first and check the situation. If you are alone, there won't be any way to be 100% safe. Thinking about some of the points I've mentioned would at least make it (very) hard for me personally to catch you. I hope that we don't meet us in the verse :p


That GPS/crate idea is genius! :D Fully admire you for relaying the info - I think it can only be a positive for the community as a whole, because if it collectively brings up the standards of defence, it means piracy itself has to evolve. Great stuff o7


You, and the guy you were talking with, are the exact reason I love this community, and why I switched from Elite Dangerous to SC. This game is just so much more comprehensive. I look forward to seeing it in its finished state. Fly dangerously safe, citizen CMDR. o7




Heyo, the more I think about it, the more additional ideas I get :D As a pirate org, we always try to get used to the traders gameloop. Which routes are worth it? Which ships are meta? Which commodities are the best to trade? We check some of the common trading guides and price stats (such as sc-trade, uexcorp and a few others) on a daily basis. The other way around, you could profit from having a look at snareplan.org. There's a plan where the best interdiction spots could be. We use this from time to time. Avoiding those spots might help a lot.


Brilliant. More great info man. In all honesty, I've always been interested in being the perpetrator in this vid (rather than the mark :D) and I love that there's info in this thread for both sides of the interaction. Thanks again for being so open about it! Huge respect o7


Me 2 mate, I started chatting to inform the guy that my reclaimer was empty, than i notice that were npc pirates. Since I play solo and, as a reclaimer driver you do not have any access to weapons, I rammed both Npc's mantis and got away. Took me around 5 min to ram both since the reclaimer is heavy but it is very tanky as well


Btw, thank you so much for sharing your experience and for all your tips which will certainly help others 🤝




That was sick and thank you so much for sharing it with us!


Thanks man! I've really enjoyed reading the insights from the community from posting it :) Hopefully we can all take something from it! o7


I think piracy is as fun as being the victim of real crime. It just sets you back from whatever you are doing and there are no real consequences for the criminals. No on carrying a load of quantanium or diamonds wants to be carjacked.


Well done sir great post and video thanks for sharing. Being shit at this game is really gonna suck but i cant wait.


Thanks man! Lots of great info in this thread from across the community.. cargo runners to pirates. Learn what you can and take that knowledge into the next fuck up :D o7


I just love your happiness! 😀 I wish I could feel that way when I get blown up. Lol


I think a lot of that comes from my time playing Sea of Thieves haha Learned to let go of the loot and the ships if I sank and just enjoyed the fights o7


Not sure I saw it pointed out in the video, but I also noticed you don't have a Comm Array up in that area. If you don't see the Comm Array, best to heed that advice you posted and go log off and try another server. It's a small detail, but pressing charges even if it's up probably doesn't help much against being pirated anyway.


That's a great point. I'll add it to the vid description :)


Other folks have brought up plenty of good points. But since I saw it mentioned in only one response (and somewhat buried), for the noobs: DO NOT leave your elevator or ramp down. Ever. These guys didn’t even need to take you when they did, they could’ve just waited inside the ship. That being said, I totally know what you mean about kind of *hoping* things will pop off. SC’s unpredictably is precisely why it’s fun to play, so I applaud you for going in while in the mood, and giving all parties some emergent gameplay.


Yeah that's a great point and something I messed up on massively! \+1 for the chaos :D o7


Instead of leaving the area and finding a new server, it would be better to hire an escort. Fighter escort to clarify lol. It's far more fun, immersive and better long term game play strategy for when you won't be able to just switch servers.


I always wanted to be the security for these missions :) 100% agree it is an amazing potential game session.


Eh, it gets boring quick. They don't have enough mechanics in the game for it to be that interesting. It's like sea of thieves when it first launched. It's a nice test of a few mechanics, but there needs to be more. I'm hoping they allow players to request ransom where players enter options or choose from options and the game system carries that out in the UI. It flashes a menu on screen for the victim and lets them choose what to do. Pay up, try to run or fight, etc. that then dictates the engagement. The game mechanics would then guide this along. If the victim pays up, it will put a temporary cease fire and disable any QT jamming etc. allowing the player to get out on a timer. If they don't leave within the time of course it's free game after that. Kinda like at the end of a bunker mission. Otherwise there's absolutely no way to have ransom. People will demand credits, then after getting credits they will still blow the ship up. Which means over time all anyone is going to do is run or try to fight back or really just self destruct because it'll be faster. No one credit grinding wants to waste the time. It's just a rounding error. They'll continue to get back to farming credits as soon as they can so their credits per hour is maintained. So it's one of those things that easily gets destroyed without some sort of guard rails or built in mechanics for it. There's emergent gameplay sure but eventually word gets around and yes, you either find ways to QT around bubbles or everyone just doesn't engage and self destructs which makes it even more boring and even more pointless to do PvP piracy. If they want PvP piracy then they have to make mechanics that support it. You can't just leave it up to the players. Otherwise it's boring and any player events like daymar rally will be ruined constantly. And if there's any sort of GM in the future or reporting system, it'll be flooded with reports of piracy and griefers. Whether legit or not. It'll be a poop show without proper systems.


I thought you were gonna write a story about BMM disappearing from pipeline and devs keeping your money but then i realized it was rp story. Anyway, hope BMM is worth waiting


Fun little video to watch I always enjoy legitimate pirates they make the game a lot funner. I was running a load or cargo to brios the other day in my cat and we were ambushed by rail guns from the ground. If they would have waited another couple minutes until we had committed to the land they probably would have gotten us. All in all they got two of my main thrusters and disabled my bottom turret but we made it out of atmo in time as soon as we dropped out of qt at seraphim to repair we were locked onto and had missles flying at us. We had to make an emergency qt to deep space to make it out. Me and my gunner ended up limping over to arccorp and sold at wala. If they were a bit more patient they could have made off with over 20m in cargo


Dude you're such a good sport. I would honestly love to run some cargo with you when you have the chance. I'm always looking for a counter cargo scenario but I also love pirating when the opportunity arises. Funny how you mentioned see if thieves, when I first started playing I got that vibe as well.


Much like in RL, piracy should be something that happens outside of main shipping lanes. The UEE should have ships patrolling the direct lines between major planets and stations, while Grim Hex, moon bases and smaller stations could have less or no protection. The stations should have much longer range and stronger turrets. I also think the crime stat should generate much more law enforcement response. Piracy should be fun but not everywhere.


Respect for learning and adapting and not crying about it like the other spacedads/carebears




Similar to the point listed below about hiring an escort, you can also look at joining an Org that may also make it easier to find people to provide cover (for a small fee :p) while you mine.


Second vote on falling in with an org of some type, even if it's just you and a few of your friends. If you don't have friends that play, join an org and make some! Your chances are exponentially better the more people you have watching your back, be it legal activity or otherwise. Great video and great attitude, o7




Wish I actually encountered pirates, every combat encounter I've had has just been gankers hanging around popular spots that fire on sight for no reason. Literally just had this happen tonight. I'd understand if they were trying to capture the ship and steal cargo, but they just fired off a missile that one shotted me.


Yeah, it was a treat to be involved in a play by ppl who were actually trying to be creative / deceitful! So much fun. I hope you come across something like that instead of the brain dead stuff. o7


Maybe someday, sorry if I sounded really abrasive in my comment, I had literally just gotten killed and rage quitted lol. I'm hoping at some point I'll see some proper piracy like you did.


It's all good man 👌 good luck with finding some proper pirates!




So the deal was, I decided the run in this footage would be my last of the day. I'd done this run dozens of times with no issues and also followed my own rule of dipping out if there was other ships there. But decided I was gonna send it this time just to see what happens :D and then this unfolded. Which was some of the most fun I've had in this game even though I was on the receiving end haha ​ Re. Sea of Thieves: Game is in a rough spot performance-wise right now. But playing it gives you the correct sensibilities to play a sandbox where anything can happen. I know I played this fast and loose but in all honesty, I was secretly \*hoping\* something was gonna kick off :D


I really hope they make it more difficult to just fly a little and avoid being pirated.


What do you mean?


It’s so easy to avoid pirates in space. You only really have issues with them on the ground at certain locations. And that’s because it’s so easy to avoid them. Just fly a minute one way and they won’t be able to pull you out of quantum and intercept you


Pirates create content whether the twinkle sparkle powder players bitch or not


Just watched your footage and saw that it was primarily an FPS interaction. A big takeaway would be that you should be prepared to fight if the comm array is down, which means making sure your aim is as best as it can be (double checking mouse sensitivity in your case haha), and essentially pretend you’re playing an FPS game where your teammates are dead and you now have to fight multiple people alone. The first thing should be trying to limit enemy lines of sight which you did. It wasn’t the best spot since your back was exposed but it was still the best you could do at the time. For me, I found myself in a situation like this while in orbit after a pirate group disabled my constellation andromeda while hauling drugs. I went into third person and noticed a pirate entered through the airlock so I hid in the shadows (my armor had no bright lights so I was able to hide well) and ambushed him as soon as he walked by. They tried sending another one down (not sure why they’re coming one by one, strength lies in numbers obviously) who began by chucking grenades into the hatch which prompted me to retreat back to the cockpit. I noticed they had a ship hovering outside the cockpit window so I made sure to be extra careful and stayed in the shadows to not be spotted. At this point they had no idea where I was so he entered through the hatch. I held a good angle through the doorway which kept me concealed so I was able to take this one out as well. At this point I guess they were done with my shit so they just blew my ship up and used a tractor beam to collect the remains of whatever drugs didn’t get ejected from the impact haha. This was probably one of my top 5 moments of this game, would definitely want to do it again. TLDR; Be prepared to fight like a lone soldier if you encounter people in a zone with no comms and use your environment to your advantage


Also, don't leave your ele/ramp down


Never leave your elevator down. I noticed you had no beginner tip for that and also left yours down.


Make some dangerous friends and have them clear a place before you go. Preemptively murder everything there without a party marker and without asking any questions. Nuke the place and surrounding area before exiting a ship then have an escort kill everything that shows up.




you lucky duck


I would think that in the final iteration (release state) of the game the area will be crawling with NPC's and NPC ships doing their own thing so people will not be as active in trying to be assholes due to immediate consequences. Not to mention reputation hits, called in security and most likely also plenty of NPC's that can perform medical first aid. Currently Stanton is the wild west but that will most likely change. True wild west will be Pyro.


10 mil?! Trading what slaves?


\>\_< Just scrap stuff haha.. but it costs like 7.7mil to fill the ship to get like 9.7-9.9m back depending on rates


Lol you should have bought a bunch of waste


What I noticed is that, unless it goes up automatically, (I don't have a Herc) you left your ship with the elevator down. I think it is a good idea to always close up your ship when you get out. Now that I think about it, it does surprise me that there is no internal lock that someone has to get past in order to take over a ship. I mean cars have had both door locks and ignition locks for a long time. Why don't these much more expensive space ships? :)


New to CS, is push to talk just not a thing? Or is it no one seems to use it?


Yeah there's voip dude.. my headset is busted so it takes time to set an actual mic up which I wasn't prepared for here. Although even with a vocal interaction I don't think it would have changed their intentions?


I meant more Ive never heard anyone talking in game. Ive only played for 40 hours, but coming from Dayz, its soooo quiet lol


I realize that you were probably bored and just wanted to see what they would do, but those were not sneaky pirates. Those were obvious pirates.