• By -


So is that the server swap when entering the wormhole?


Actually, it immediately swaps the moment you get it, but this gives your client a time to stream in Pyro assets and out the staton ones. Im pretty sure the moment you enter the ST->PY gate, you belong to Pyro, and vice-versa. I've seen no noticeable server fps change during the transition, that said it'd be horrible if the gate dumped you straight on a very heavy loaded zone (e.g. Checkmate or the like), so it's good that the vicinities of the gates aren't hugely cluttered.


It is as you drescribe. Even the sky map changes immediately.


Well, I'm hard.


Who's Well and why are you hard for it


Like going down a waterslide backwards. ;)


What a time to be alive! lets remember all those who never got to see this moment, but still believed in its possibility


Bro :( Too many in my opinion, this shit matters to many. o7


True. After so many years...no, even for myself a decade, we probably see real progress.


So much is happening so fast after they started moving people from sq42. Feels good to see this progress


The footage is taken from PIPELINE, and PIPELINE leaked it from the issue council. Though the Citizen didn't brake any NDA, I tried to wipe out the visual data.


They totally did break NDA by sharing video content


If the video content is evidence as part of an issue council report then that's fine. The fact that ppl not bound by the NDA can access those IC reports is an exploit that CIG needs to fix.


This is correct. The problem is that if your video gets leaked, you are the one that gets notified and questioned first.


I thought evocati had their own IC? If not they friggin should.


We do. The problem is that leakers scrape from there to get a lot of their stuff.


Why do non-evocati have access to it? Sounds like that's the real problem.


Because there are evocati that leak other people's videos


Non-evo doesn't have acces, it's Evocati that leaks other Evo reports.




Did you not just witness what the fuck happened today with the PvP and PvE comments with Yogi and the community misrepresenting his words? Yeah lmao




Pretty sure those are the only ones watching the game enough to see leaks these days.


because all the nay-sayers are using every last piece of unfinished content to torpedo the game and thus turn away any backers who might still come?




You end your comment with just a thought even tho you clearly don't have the hardware for one




Well, if you don't understand the depth of this reasoning, I don't know why it is a problem for you that there is an NDA.


“CIG has plenty of money” Do you think that CIG is just sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars?


Well, if you don't understand the depth of this reasoning, I don't know why it is a problem for you that there is an NDA.


There is a good historic reason for the NDA: CIG tried without it, and people ignored them. Specifically, CIG asked people not to stream early (broken) builds, because of the perception it creates about the state of the game (unfairly so, given how broken the initial *unreleased* builds are), and because SC is reliant on public perception for its funding... and streamers ignored them, in the race to be the 'first' to stream each new patch. Likewise, CIG asked anyone playing on the early builds to post any issues found on the issue council... and people ignored that request, and posted them all over the internet... and then complained when e.g. CIG 'ignored the detailed bug report they posted on the PC Gamer forums' (that was an actual post in the old forums, iirc) So, since CIG had tried asking nicely for people to post bug reports in the issue council, and to not stream the broken builds - and everyone ignored them - CIG had no choice but to implement an NDA... because there is no middle ground between 'asking nicely' and 'NDA'. That said, CIG have (afaik) never kicked anyone from Evocatii for e.g. leaking patch notes, and don't seem to mind if e.g. screenshot or short clips of bugs are posted *after* they're logged to the issue council (especially as they're typically posted as 'spoilers' and with 'Leak' flair, etc... unlike when streamers just streamed 'Star Citizen patch x.y.z', etc). In fact, the only time I've heard of someone actually being booted from Evocatii for breaching the NDA was when someone streamed the TOW tests (the ones where the performance was so bad that CIG elected to not release TOW as they intended to).   This is likely why CIG are also experimenting with loosening the NDA slightly (via de-restricting the patch notes, and letting the evo's post about their experience... although images/videos/streaming is still banned) - they don't mind the community knowing more about the patch (generally) - but they don't have a middle ground that will push testers to log in the issue council (and give CIG some leverage to prevent streaming), without the 'overkill' of an NDA.




>That said, CIG have (afaik) never kicked anyone from Evocatii for e.g. leaking patch notes Even if there have been, the rest of us Avocadoes generally don't hear about it. It's strictly between CIG and the alleged NDA violators. As for: >there will always be idiots, but for everyone else: I don't feel like this is anything a watermark can't fix. It doesn't. All a watermark *really* does is point back to the legitimate, non-leaking Evocati that had their IC reports scraped for videos and photos.


Honest answer: because what the Evocati get -is-unpolished content, and doesn't properly represent the team's capabilities. Would -you- like -your- customers to look at an in-progress project and blindly assume that you don't know what you're doing?


No. YouTube videos go unlisted on issue council. People can still rip them and download them.


Maybe we should stop reposting pipeline things and they’ll go away.


I'll try.


Could delete this for starters ?


Shame on you for sharing! Also thank you.


Blame yourself for watching and thank you...had a hard time blanking the user details.


I mean… how can I not watch.


Being unable to watch is a game of forks, spoons or scissors. Choose your tool wisly!


Barely a second of stutter to switch, that is impressive.


Yeah we've had worse in the past. It is the same stutter like pulling out of QT.


This gave me "Beyond the Aquila Rift" vibe from Love Death and Robot. So cool!!!


Have to watch it again.


Starfield lefts the group chat


In Starfield chassis and interior leave the chat in two different directions.


Dunno why you didn't mention there is a bug when you enter the jumpoint your ship will rotate facing bacwards.


I thought OP was doing it for the hell of it lol. Because why not hoon into Pyro in style? Your explanation makes a lot more sense though.


Why should I? Every content creator talked and giggled about the bug, as if we this kind of behavior is untypical for SC(alpha).


What about the people here who don't watch/follow any of the content creators that you're on about? I include myself in that but I did read a different post that mentioned about the bug. I can imagine that a good portion of this sub-reddit don't watch the YouTubers etc


OK that's fine. But why should I describe things you actually can observe yourself?! It is not my footage, no analysis from my side. l just anomynized the content, which already shat on my evening (usually I do not edit videos). At least now I know, that most Evocati described the whole test very accurately.


if youre getting your development news and links solely from reddit... youre missing out on a LOT of the goings on.


The less hopium and copium, the better.


Kinda! I had control of my Spirit the whole time, yaw pitch and roll :P


there are already a plethora of posts mentioning this and reported.


And now I'm more confused why OP should have to call that out. What difference does it make?


Fun thing about this bug is that it can be countered. I'm not sure if my experience was rare, but both times I went through the Stanton gate (let's not talk about the return trips...) I could control my ship, at minimum, the yaw. I can't exclude that I was on a spline the first time and was so gobsmacked and excited that i fooled myself into believing I was fully controlling the ship forward (it was reported by other evocatis though) but I did control the yaw both times. It's also possible to fly back into the tunnel right after exiting, but that won't transport you back.


Dunno why you think you're entitled to being mentally prepared for SC being janky, especially in a very rudimentary testing environment.


[Its Real!](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/2889f465-d22d-49cd-bb64-6d1eb686d6a7)


HOW DARE YOU - showing me that awesome stuff!


I’ve heard about the pyro system but what is it? It it just another system to explore or does it have a different purpose or something?


It's a lawless system with a lot of pirates so no UEE protection and no crime stat at all. The system has new missions type and a lot of new locations really cool to explore. Outposts are really big there. You find also big ruined space stations. It's also a system with longer distances so refuelling and QT drive range/consumption should play a bigger role there.


Interesting. Sounds like somewhere that I should not go to for a while as I’m a relatively new player who has never done combat before. Think I might just stick to my cargo runs for now lol


No worries, by time this is available for everyone to play, you won't be a new player anymore.




You just have to learn how to avoid combat. Don't stay in crowded place, learn which place are used by Pirates, etc. You can also use an Aurora or a Mustang, these ship are known to be used by newbies and have no cargo, Pirates often don't attack them.


I guess that’s good to know. I could always use my aurora


Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to see what the future holds for this game.


fancy loading screen


I just want to add to this discussion, that I just hope, that this transition will be as amazing as Elite's is. Because they just nailed their loading screen.


no gate ?


If you mean a "stargate"-like gate then i believe that concept was changed sometime after the Pyro/Carrack video.


oh :(


Thank God for that. I hate those


i prefer to take us out not in a fix area like jumpgate if you were out to pyro. if its fix then it is pyro pirate campers and griefers paradise.


well someone might loose their evo access


I don't think so. The user put it on issue council (evo) and someone took it from there. The regular issue council would be bad.


I don't understand the whole amusement park slow line crawl to the gate.


CIG likely haven't implemented the 'proper' Queue mechanics yet :p


Yea fair.


Come on, guys. You'll be able to experience it for yourself early on. Why these damn leaks. Hope he gets hung by the balls


Technically he leaked it to the evocati test forum


weird suggestion, get mental help


When will 4ooi be on sale?


It was on sale for a long time until pretty much today. You literally just missed it. As for next time? Who knows.


Was it? I checked last week and it only said flight ready


Welcome to RSI's store page...it is some kind of mess.


I thought I saw it, but now not sure. On the bright side, it's on sale today :)


'You cannot add this item to your cart'. RSI doesn't want my money do they


Might be back for Stella fortuna (march 13th) but no guarantees




So basicaly a loading screen






I am not aware of pictures made by Evocati. The backer who leaked the Issue Council has the responsibility. I lowered the resolution and put black bars on sensitive informations. For a bit higher resolution and sound: see Discord-PIPELINE. But the quality is still bad. I am eager to see the final result.


Photos break NDA.


Congrats but as the gungans would say yousa in big doo doo now


Nope read the comment(s).


Yeah, clips and streams. The new way to experience Star Citizen progress. If I had known that people would be satisfied with this, I wouldn't have supported the project. It's a slap in the face for anyone who has invested a lot of money and now has to watch someone else experience the first new content for themselves.


Yeah take the Idris for example. But here it is Evocati phase. Let them test this hackery.


> It's a slap in the face for anyone who has invested a lot of money and now has to watch someone else experience the first new content for themselves. And this is likely why CIG haven't invited you to Evocatii, and why they don't open up early tests to everyone (aside from a number of other reasons)... they don't want people in these early tests who just want to 'experience the new content' - they want people who *actually follow testing instructions* (which can involve a lot of sitting around doing nothing), and who don't expect 'new content' to be present or functional.


You seem like the kinda guy who's mad he spent money but doesn't get to be the very first one to try things, but would also get mad if you got access because you paid money only to play internal builds with an huge amount of bugs and issues on any new feature added.


Everyone should have the same access to the new functions. Whether you play this early test access with the many bugs is up to you. But there should be no privileged people who can do this earlier and others can only see it in streams. These events with the streams have occurred more and more frequently and have caused a lot of unrest in the community.


Nice loading screen. Before y'all go "it's not a loading screen" - it's an activity that you have to go do as the server hands you off to the other one. You can see LoD popping in at various points that are likely the load. Yes, I'm aware that some people could break the autopilot early and fly out. It's still just the fanciness that surrounds the handoff.  When will I be impressed? When we have an active battle between two ships as they cross that border and we see just how seamless it really is.  Then we can be impressed.  Until then... Looks pretty and I'm happy we'll have a new system possibly soonish.


Things are loading in, but it's not a loading screen. Do you consider pop-in to be a loading screen? Because this is closer to that


I just think it's over hyped and CIG gave dynamic server balancing a cool name and told everyone it was incredible... Before we've seen literally anything.


You'd have a point if this were the final iteration, rather than a *pre-release* test of the *initial* version. It's almost like CIG want to test various scenarios and edge-cases, and are starting with the simplest first... shock, horror.


That is exactly my point!!! All the hopium infused people are babbling like idiots about how this is a thousand years ahead and do groundbreaking... But what we have is just a basically instant loading screen at a set location.


dude, it's in testing


So we don't know if it's a massive advance or just a loading screen yet, eh?


Yeah, you being obtuse isn't helping your argument. I think you meant to post this on that other reddit, where people can't move on after refunding.


Nope. I like SC. Can't stand the hopium when we should all be a little more realistic.


No, people are talking about how the *architecture* is more advanced, and how good the *final version* should be... not this preliminary test iteration.


there was sayings that when you first go through the portal your actually already in pyro due to some players glitching out of the on rails guide and exiting the tunnel and the pyro skybox being there instead of stanton. The wormhole effect is basically just to mask loading in all of pyro planets and all while connection tot he server is basically instant.


Yep this exactly.


So fancy instant loading screen. Got it


I like ED's fancy loading screen better...and I compare ED's old LS with CIG's rendering.


I will admit that frameshift between systems does hide a loading event. Which is why SC people call it a loading screen, but it's not a blank screen that you stare at, but meant to be a seamless part of the immersion. Functionally, this new test with the jump gate does the same thing.  Maybe some day we'll have some crazy architecture where 100s of people in one spot perceive and interact with each other while being hosted on multiple servers. But... This really isn't that. People need to be realistic with what's being delivered, when it will be delivered (or even if) and just how unique it is.  The SC zealotry is just.... Wow.


There is no loading. You're already on a shard that includes a map system of Pyro. You're instantly placed on that side of the shard. The rectum ride is happening on the Pyro side.


Instantly loaded. Got it.


If you are talking about the demo in the last CitCon where a bullet fired from one instance hit a pico in the neighbor instance, you don't need that to happen across a jump point. Also, "LOD lopping" != loading screen.


I sure do need it. The tech demo showed what... Three devs hopping around in an environment they claim is different servers handling something that could be accomplished peer to peer. Show me this impressive tech across dozens of people doing crazy stuff. Then we can get excited.


Ok sure, increase the scale to 100 people. Still doesn't need to happen at a jump gate.


But there is where we have it, because that's the loading screen


Do you have trouble understanding what is a loading screen or what is server meshing? Because they are completely unrelated.


Clearly not, server meshing is the fancy name they gave to their rapid loading and sold all the zealots on it being life changing.


lmao, please go look up what server meshing actually is.


It's CIG hype name for dynamic load balancing.


Yea but you need to know what type of load they are balancing. And it's definitely not what your typical loading screen is loading.


I like that you have your (valid) point ;) .


i mean the tech demo is just to demonstrate it working and the quality there aiming for. you could do just about everything peer to peer but considering the few smallish desync issues in the tech demo i doubt its that. them getting a working server transition for the hundreds of evos seamlessly inside of many varying ships riding together basically shows that.


By what you're saying, you'd likely describe Quantum as a loading screen. LoD pop in at various points.. like moons/planets as you approach and leave them... thats their object container streaming... The only difference is Ive never seen a game load a player into a server so quickly and seamlessly before, thats why it isn't a loading screen. No Jpeg poped up in pilots face. Loading screens and server hand off requires players to be completely still and not moving (hand offs like in Sea of Thieves demonstrate this). They put the pilot on autopilot because the wormhole textures arent for this test. The only hiccup is for like a brief moment when they just enter the wormhole and I think that had to do with the player turning the ship around 180 degrees to see behind him go away. If you're unimpressed by this you're likely unimpressed by really anything then. No point in going further.


Qauntum spaces everyone out so you don't have to model everything at the same spot, so... Yeah. Also, PlanetSide did this years ago ....


>Qauntum spaces everyone out so you don't have to model everything at the same spot, so... Yeah. So yeahhh... not a loading screen. >Also, PlanetSide did this years ago .... Whatd they do years ago? Oh, Traditional server architecture.. No replication layer. No server meshing.


....these are just fancy words that CIG has applied to their particular take on something MMO designers have been dealing with for decades.


MMO designers create worlds in a zero state. Thats why if a WoW server goes down, all loot on the ground is lost. When it spools back up, it goes back to its zero state. Star Citizen is making new strides where a simulation and persistent objects carry on.. Its not just fancy words. You sound like a very dismissive troll here. Not sure what you're doing other than trolling at this point. Cya


Not trolling. I just want people to start being realistic about what is actually being demonstrated and take it in context with everything else that exists. Persistence in online games is nothing new - it's always been a matter of choosing what you want to persist and how to back it up or protect it from crashes/resets. Any game with an inventory system does this. Any game with base building does this. Any game with an economy does this. CIG has basically said, let's have a separate database to track dropped items/ships/wrecks/etc so it is preserved if the server goes offline. Okay, neat. It needs a name - let's call it the "replication later" ... All good. Then the hopiati get to it and worship it as ground breaking. Come on.... The same with server meshing - load balancing across multiple servers in a dynamic way has been done before, handoffs between servers that are barely perceptible to the player has been done before. They are adapting those ideas to their own needs.  If it works will it be cool? Sure will. The demonstration we have now is a handoff at a defined point... Which lowers the wow factor from a diffuse border between servers AND no real evidence that the whole "has to track individual bullets" claim is actually going to function. Right now it's just not that impressive and even if/when it comes about it's still not something earthshatteringly different.


You're saying it has been done before. What game has done it before? What example has it where players are on 1 server interacting with objects in another server in real time? What's being demonstrated here is static connections between servers. What did you expect? This isn't a dynamic server meshing.


The forgelight engine as it's employed in PlanetSide 2. The "server" is actually multiples that are managed to handle different areas of the map and it's one of the reasons the game handles large battles of combined arms as it does. It's actually pretty impressive for something that is free and came out years ago. I've been told there is also a Space Engineers server that hosts different planets on separate servers. Players can see across the border, but not shoot across it and I'm told there is a brief delay in loading. Still pretty impressive considering that solution was programmed by modders in someone's basement. Now... Forgelight let's the clients handle hitreg. If CIG somehow handles that on the server, without lag, rather than just handing that info back and forth it would be an improvement. As would dynamic meshing.  Look, it takes a lot of work and certainly some talent. It's just not like in 2000 BCE someone suddenly built an F22.


Planetside 2 isn't server meshed though. That's not a good example I don't know about space engineers but again you haven't proved any example where you can be on one server and manipulate objects on another server.


Here... [https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxWJ9zgCop4wi-qclTQqfaZmZ4y9WCijKa?si=pCNRhvRXiFuwyOEd](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxWJ9zgCop4wi-qclTQqfaZmZ4y9WCijKa?si=pCNRhvRXiFuwyOEd)


Dude ... CIG did us a favor by letting people talk about Evocati, even if they can't show it. Why are you sharing NDA breaking leaks? Even if you're not the leaker, you're still sharing it. Don't ruin a good thing, please. As for 'nothing special' ... it's an Evocati wormhole stability test. It's not meant to be anything special. It's nothing special by design.


CIG is not doing anyone a favor, everything Evos test is leaked almost instantly, many CIG devs openly admit that they use the leak discord as a method to stay up to date on what is happening at CIG since it's even easier and leaked faster than internal information is shared.


You are partly right. On the other side: go to Discord and see yourself.


It's not news that there are no visuals. And I'm happy that this is working at least like this. But WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK? In 2019 or so CR was like "here we are jumping to Pyro" - The old wisdom used to be that "yeah that was real but it's not ready for players yet" and other arguments like theres no point until pyro is in. So, now that it's in evo, WHY THE FUCK is it not the same visuals as shown at citcon as being ready in 2019??? These are rhetorical questions. I just want to emphasise how much CIG **outright lied** in past citcons.


because this is testing the tech behind it switching servers not the graphics which weren't needed for the test.


So they put in extra work to remove or disable the visuals, and the navigation mechanics, and generally change how it works... all of which don't impede the object of the test... for lols?


no, those visuals were never fully implemented into the public tests in the first place, they were just shown on dev PCs


...yes they were pre-recorded smoke and mirrors


you seem to not understand how development works. 1 team develops the visuals 1 team develops codes the mechanics visuals can be made before the mechanics but not attached to the code, when the mechanics are finished they need to be tested, and you don't need the visuals to test. then you attach the visuals to the working mechanics.


Ironic. You clearly *assume* you know (through osmosis??) but demonstrate you do not, and equally do not know enough about your own knowledge gaps to identify this. The effort to unhook the visuals and replace it with placeholders, and then add in alternate navigation mechanics (if we presume CIG did not lie at CitCon) would require a lot of deliberate work. If it is at the polished point where it can be turned off and on easily then its reasonable to conclude that there's no meaningful issues that would arise from including most of those graphics - at least none that couldn't be isolated for testing. I would be very surprised if they built it in such a way that they can turn the visuals on and off so easily. There's little to no utility in that. Moreover 11 years of development and this is the first time they've done such a thing? Yeah. Right. OK. There's just too much mental gymnastics to perform in order for your scenario to make sense. I don't mean to be aggressive when I saw this, but there's no better term to describe your position - it's simply pure copium.


Isn't the whole point of evo focused testing? Seems logical to me to just test the transition tech without the vfx to limit the scope of feedback


evo is testing the mechanics right now. not the visuals.


And add random vector movements that weren't in the demo? You want to believe, I get that. But listen to the evidence of your own eyes


To me those demos were just that, demos. did not expect anything to come from them for a while. 100% speculation but maybe what we saw was in engine just without all the variables of a live server environment


Yeah I've believed that jump point tests were completely fake since the very first demonstration. This proves that they literally just started working on it.


I think you have a valid point. They seem to change the wormhole's behavior too, and so you kinda see they were actually more like dream building/pipe smoking. But that happens when you develop products...some initial thoughts will never got to fruition.


The $600 million dollar loading screen. Nice.


So also the QT is a loading screen... cool...


No, that all happens on the same server. What you see here with the jump gate is your data being saved and unloaded from one server and then loaded on another server. It is literally the definition of loading. The worlds most expensive load screen.


>What you see here with the jump gate is your data being saved and unloaded from one server and then loaded on another server. What'd you expect? In the Citizen con demonstration he showed that when he got in the vehicle his aggregate became one with the vehicle.. For a new server to accept the handoff, its going to stream the data that was sent from/to the replication layer... >It is literally the definition of loading. You load and unload assets as you approach them.. Thats their object container streaming. >The worlds most expensive load screen. 1. 600m dollars is pale in comparison to many different games that milk their customers over and over.. 2. 600m went for a variety of things, ships being made, SQ42.. etc etc.. Whatd you expect?


And they never spent this amount of money. This "loading screen" is more like 2-5 millions. (if a small but expensive team build this thing in 2-3years)


Honestly this is really underwhelming.  I expected more cig.


Congrats, you're the living embodiment of why CIG has a NDA on evocati content. You see a leaked video from a work in progress build, months, maybe even years in the worst case scenarios, away from being released to the public, and expect to be blown away by amazing polished bug free visuals and quality.


Look, most of us have been around SC for at least 8-10 years now, and these days you play a few hours after each patch and shelf the game until the next patch because there's still no depth of content. When I see little things like this that catch my eye, I expect more. It doesn't help that the OP didn't post anything to the effect of "Oh btw CIG turned off visuals, so this is just a mechanical test", and I'm not about to go digging into the comments wasting my time to find that out.


Yea.. again.. the embodiment of why CIG has a NDA. Don't get me wrong, I feel you and your approach to the game, but you have unrealistic expectations as to what level of polish/visuals evocati builds have, and you're not willing to "waste your time" educating yourself, therefore you see this video and feel underwhelmed and expecting more, which is why we loop back to the fact you would've been better off without seeing this leak, similar to many people who don't use that much of their time following the project, seeing a leak that looks kinda awful without good context, will have negative opinions about it, which is the whole point of the NDA, to protect people from that and serve them a curated, ""polished"" experience in the PU. This is not an insult against you, this is just facts.


I think you have a point and I am sorry for not being able to get you back on track. But yeah Evocati builds are rough and I am in no way an Evocati, but some of the details where shared with the community. (Un)fortunately this IC-post too...(in Discord)


And that's why it's just a preliminary Evo-only test, rather than the released version :p CIG stated explicitly in the pre-test patch notes that all jump visuals etc were disabled for this test... they were wanting to focus on the actual jump process (and transfer of Server Authority) etc.